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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 323x301, fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4092612 No.4092612 [Reply] [Original]


Will they enslave us or pass judgment on us? Will they exterminate failures like me? Will we be able to fight them?

If you had less than a year to live, what would you do? What are your regrets?

>> No.4092622

>Will they [...] pass judgment on us?

I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the Last Judgment. It takes place every day.

>> No.4092629

I don't believe the world will end but I've been saving for 2012 since 2008. I'll be travelling, sir, travelling like there's no tommorrow

>> No.4092638
File: 27 KB, 500x406, anchint muffins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4092660
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What if they come back to pick us up... for a breeding program?

>> No.4092662 [DELETED] 

girl : Am I pretty?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
Boy : NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away,
tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm.
Boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to
be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever.
And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would DIE.
(Boy whispers) : Please? Stay with me.
(Girl whispers) : I will.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they
love you. Something good will happen to you
between 1-4 pm. Tomorrow it could be anywhere.
Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't post this to 5 other pages. You will have relationship problems for the next 10 years

>> No.4092666 [DELETED] 

girl : Am I pretty?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
Boy : NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away,
tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm.
Boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to
be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever.
And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would DIE.
(Boy whispers) : Please? Stay with me.
(Girl whispers) : I will.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they
love you. Something good will happen to you
between 1-4 pm. Tomorrow it could be anywhere.
Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't post this to 5 other pages. You will have relationship problems for the next 10 years

>> No.4092675 [DELETED] 

girl : Am I pretty?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
Boy : NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away,
tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm.
Boy : You're not pretty, you're cute. I don't want to
be with you forever, I want to be with you tonight.
And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would burst into treats.
(Boy whispers) : Please, stay with me.
(Girl whispers) : I will.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they
want in your pants. Something good will happen to you
between 1-4 pm, unless you're a pessimist and refuse to see the good in the world. No fuck something good will happen. Good things are always happening. Shut the hell up and enjoy your astrologically predicted fuck.

>> No.4092706 [DELETED] 

EK: Am I pretty?
/sci/: NO.
EK: Do you want me to be here forever?
/sci/: NO.
EK: Would you cry if I left you?
/sci/: NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away,
treats ran down her face. /sci/ grabbed her arm.
/sci/: Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to
be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever.
And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would whither and DIE because I am not /sci/ without you.
(/sci/ whispers) : Please? Post on me.
(EK whispers) : I will.
Tonight at midnight the board you most love will realize they love you. Something good will happen to you between 1-4 pm. Tomorrow it could be anywhere.
Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't post this to 5 other threads. You will have relationship problems with your board for the next 10 years

>> No.4092713

more like:
/sci/: ?
/sci/: go away you autismal cunt
(EK: oh wow they must hate be, better samefag to improve the situation)

>> No.4092714
File: 22 KB, 279x407, lolwutdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, dude?

>> No.4092719
File: 193 KB, 830x959, grammarnaziyouryoure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4092720

AL and GL aren't EK, AL is a faggot, GL is Blackman's lustful lover.

/bursts into treats, spaghetti comes out of his teacup

>> No.4092722
File: 22 KB, 848x555, but_thats_wrong_u_fucking_retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i have enough time and patience to samefag 6 different trips

>> No.4092724
File: 45 KB, 499x308, herp_derp_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you and harriet are still me

>> No.4092725

I go make picture of substract of brain,
EK will be OK

>> No.4092727
File: 3 KB, 729x180, 2011-12-02_161942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4092730

you screencapped that?
i dont seee why, i AM correct, using o's instead of 0's in numbers is fucking stupid.

>> No.4092731

im in the same personality cluster as Teacup? happy day! that's even better than being best friends like now!

>> No.4092732

pretty much this

>> No.4092736

You don't even see your error there? Man, you're dumber than expected.

>> No.4092739

i wrote 2o11 on purpose to make the point.

>> No.4092741
File: 1.44 MB, 275x206, 1322164659530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4092742

EK post pics.

>> No.4092745
File: 39 KB, 1199x582, family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is approved chart of EK do not steal

>> No.4092747 [DELETED] 

PrettyGurlXD : am i pretty? :D
XXX_badBoy69_XXX : NO
PrettyGurlXD : D: do u want 2b with me 4ever? :/
XXX_badBoy69_XXX : NO
PrettyGurlXD : will u cry if i walk away? *sniffle* :(
XXX_badBoy69_XXX : NO
PrettyGurlXD: *walks away in tears* :'(((((((
XXX_badBoy69_XXX: *grabs her arm*
XXX_badBoy69_XXX : ur not pretty, ur HOT. i dont want 2b with u 4ever, i NEED 2b with u 5ever. i wont cry if u walk away, imma DIE
XXX_badBoy69_XXX (whispers): stay with me, babe *flexes muscles*
PrettyGurlXD (whispers) : KK~ :D XD XOXO <333333333

2nite @ midnite ur true <3 will realize they <3 u. something gud will happen 2 u between 1-4 pm. 2marrow it could be anywhere. get ready 4 da biggest shock of ur life! if u dont post dis to 5 other pages, u will hav relationship problems 4 da next 1o years!!! :O

>> No.4092751

Look harder, you dumb cunt.

>> No.4092761

why is harriet on there twice?

but i think i made those corrections at the time, and i still dont see what you're getting at.

>> No.4092763

Post pics.

>> No.4092769

Because Harriet split into bane for a while, but then she absorved his essence again and became just Harriet.

>> No.4092775
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1272141482688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to think of it, i havent seen bane in ages...

>> No.4092778

Harriet eated bane's essence
bane is Harriet now, she growed dick now

>> No.4092789

I cant believe you made that! you followed my suggestion!

>> No.4092791

You have no right to correct the spelling or grammar of another when your own is so atrocious itself.

>> No.4092792

Gay fuck faggot fuck AL fucking faggot hate
EK send him away

>> No.4092795
File: 78 KB, 1199x582, 1322839614609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do not steal

claimed in the name of my queen!

>> No.4092797
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i WAS correcting myself you fucking tard.
pay attention!

>> No.4092801

RIP Queen Aeris I, long live Queen EK I

>> No.4092809

In that post, EK was correcting its own atrocious spelling.

>> No.4092810
File: 163 KB, 894x894, 1322786297308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be namefag
>call another retard

>> No.4092811
File: 12 KB, 426x304, 1266784055809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never know when you're kidding.

>> No.4092816

Rose is it med time already?

>> No.4092819


EK, is actually a dude.


>> No.4092822

EK tried to grow another personality in her brain, but Harriet was jealous because EK was taking away part of her region of the brain, so she eated bane and became the bane, she became the dick

>> No.4092833 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 349x330, 1319290308274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on 4chan
>using 'gay' as an insult

>> No.4092835
File: 213 KB, 393x349, 126550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, are we abreviating that now?

>> No.4092838
File: 6 KB, 400x400, 1318802043001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't know if you're being genuine

>> No.4092840
File: 3 KB, 203x210, 1267796775529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course he isnt you fucking moron.

>> No.4092841

what is this?

>> No.4092844
File: 13 KB, 483x358, 13678345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'I dont think so tim'

>> No.4092848


Why do you hate me mother?

>> No.4092853

Hey, you know what would be sweet? If you took your pills.

>> No.4092846
File: 30 KB, 493x402, 1317602479001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He believes in curses

>> No.4092856

maybe so, but he still actually knows he isnt actually me or harriet, so he KNOWS he's lying/joking

>> No.4092857
File: 491 KB, 586x439, lolharriet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say It's time for medication?!!?

>> No.4092859

I am not you. I am just a creation of yours. Since you didn't create yourself, I am not you.

>> No.4092863

wait, does this mean EK is my grandmother?

>> No.4092864

I meant the bane harriet essence thing

>> No.4092865


>> No.4092869

>rose isnt me
>wrong harriet
>you arnt trolling me, i just dont care
>i already took my medication, and harriet is lurking at the moment and is probably reporting your posts as spam

>> No.4092871

why lie?
Get over it rose no one cares about your fat ugly disgusting cunt of a face.

>> No.4092873

Yes son, she birthed your father asexually, as well as his brothers (except Blackman, Blackman came from the sperm that a lover of your Grandmother lodged in her frontal lobe).

No there was 0% rake and 20% rake is more rake, not less

>> No.4092876


>> No.4092879
File: 3 KB, 109x147, 7_7_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat ugly disgusting cunt of a face.

(she isnt me, but i dont think shes ugly)

>> No.4092880


>> No.4092882

>"Isn't me!"
>"But shes pretty yeah dont make fun of her!"

>> No.4092883

Harriet is bane, bane is lurking, hello bane!

>> No.4092886

But how much less few is it?

>> No.4092888

What if we screwed up the calender and they come back in 10 days? Fucking Gregory..

>> No.4092889

she honestly isnt me. i just dont really want her confused as being me because 7/7/11-fags probably spam her and piss her off, and shes just some innocent girl with nothing to do with me, or /sci/.
why not go back to just thinking im a fat male scottish neckbeard? at least he's completely fictional whereas rose is actually a real person, somewhere.

>> No.4092891


>> No.4092893


>> No.4092895

Why not take your pills?

>> No.4092896

Why not just admit your Rose, you're that ugly cunt just admit it. Why do you always get so upset?

>> No.4092899 [DELETED] 

Take your pills.

>> No.4092901

GL, if EK take pills, then everyone gradually gets weaker, you are weakest, you and Pifag die if EK take pills.

>> No.4092905

no, were playing highlander, last sane person gets control of the body.

>> No.4092906 [DELETED] 

I are not weakest, faggot.
I'm alpha as fuck.

Check this out:

>> No.4092909

Do not participate in the spamming.
It is not funny.

>> No.4092911


You are the weakest personality, beep beep, along with Pifag, 4th order personalities, I am 3rd. You die first because EK cannot support Blackman supporting you.

>> No.4092912

Take EK's pills.

>> No.4092913

Why make a problem for your friend and talk shit about her behind her back and then pretend you didn't?

>> No.4092914

erm, if i was her then i probably would admit it, but seeing as im not, then i aught to mention it every time you guys spout your bullshit and pretend i am her.

>> No.4092917

90% of your posts are troll or necro-bump ones.

>> No.4092918
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>> No.4092921

You clearly are her the evidence adds up get over it.

>> No.4092922


>> No.4092923

Take your pills.

>> No.4092924 [DELETED] 

That's because 90% of /sci/ is troll threads.
I'll take whatever is there.

I was addressing Teapot, not EK.

>implying I'm not far superior to you
>implying I'm not at least 2nd order personality

>> No.4092927
File: 95 KB, 400x349, 11858563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4092928

calm down, how about if i marry pifag, then ll be your son in law. that will wrk right?

>> No.4092931
File: 233 KB, 474x356, 01298436110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you reported GL??
he didnt even reply to me, you big meanie

>> No.4092934

Someone needs to get me some pills, pronto.

>> No.4092936

this is my first marriage proposal, i dont know what to say.

>> No.4092939

I hope you get reported and fuck off forever that would be the best day in /sci/ history rose.

>> No.4092942



>> No.4092945

You are not the spawn of Aeris, you are not 2nd order.

>Marry my son
Oh no she didn't! Gurrls, did dis skank just ask to take my poor son? U listen to me u homofag, my son is very busy making internet friends and watching "ponees", so he don' need no white skank to be marryin' him

>> No.4092946
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1320232825445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you miss the part about rose not being me, you deluded shit-for-brains tosser?

>> No.4092948 [DELETED] 

>implying you aren't already married to MLP - FIM

Who reported me?

>> No.4092950


She ate bane (weakest at the time), so now she's going for you.

>> No.4092954

must of been haz, i clicked the report button just to bring up the screen to see if it was available.
>"You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it."
i wasnt going to report you, obviously.

>> No.4092955 [DELETED] 

>implying aether wasn't a better troll than Aeris

>> No.4092958 [DELETED] 

Pifag is bane, you homofag.

Go on, add some fuel to the fire.
multiple personalities ...

>> No.4092959

Eris, Aeris, Aether, different trips, same person. Gave birth to the original trips by being crazy.

>> No.4092960
File: 148 KB, 400x278, 131687050511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but MLP didn't propose to me, i was the one who approached, drugged and bound MLP.

I appreciate you looking out for me, but i can make my own choices, its my life! and i want to learn more about AL.

So, AL. how do you feel about twilight? pic related.

>> No.4092961

What meds do you take just curious.

>> No.4092962

No, Pifag I created from my sperm, bane is what Harriet eated.

Don' cum runnin' back to momma when dat skank dumps u

>> No.4092967

She is OK, rarity is my favorite so when twilight had rarity hair she moved up to 3rd best pony.

>> No.4092969 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 472x350, 5672778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not gonna tell hun

>> No.4092973 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 491x993, ponytier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying rarity isn't the most dull and insignificant of the ponies

>> No.4092976


Am I getting close?

>> No.4092978

I only seen the first couple episodes but I think i like the flying one best.

>> No.4092980


>must of been

fuck off and die.

>> No.4092986 [DELETED] 

>more than a placebo


>> No.4092990

Rarity? Im afraid this relationship isnt going to work out. in order to be with me you must have twilight as your number one pony.

i shouldn't have given AL a chance, you were right about him.

>> No.4092991 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 277x243, 132280733543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the flying one

You mean pic related?

>> No.4092997 [DELETED] 

>not aspie as fuck

>> No.4092999

the blue one? thats dash. she is great. but no one likes her after the last 2 episodes because she was a little egocentric. but she learns at the end not to be. or do you mean the yelo one?

>> No.4093001

Dere dere u didn't know, ur momma still luvs u
give momma a hug
das a fine booty u got dere son

>> No.4093002

Impling EK doesn't use placebos cause her psychological frailty is of her own manifestation.

She's just a headcase with no real problems cry baby bitch.

>> No.4093008 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 1280x1024, fail_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4093010
File: 207 KB, 860x484, 132232612693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling most powerful being in equestria an aspie
you should be more careful

>> No.4093012

Momma just got sex crazy is all

>> No.4093014 [DELETED] 

>most powerful being


>> No.4093015

im always here for when that happens, dont worry!

>> No.4093016
File: 4 KB, 480x387, pinkie_pie (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinkie pie is better than you

>> No.4093022
File: 322 KB, 922x866, 132274954092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything pinky can do twilight can do better. (look at the neat stitching on this, did pinky have such a lovely trophy pelt, i dont think so)

>> No.4093027 [DELETED] 

What the fuck happened in this pic?
Has twilight killed the other ponies and is wearing their skins?

>> No.4093034

yes, yes she is. its very loosely related to a reference in the fanfic "Cupcakes". you should read it, its not long and its worth it for the WTF factor. I was laughing the whole time. someone read it on youtube too, that was funny!

>> No.4093046

youtube link:

in description of video.

>> No.4093054

They are not placebos.
The change in her mood is rather obvious after she has taken them.
The effect would not be so clear if it was just a placebo.

>> No.4093059 [DELETED] 

You do realize that a lot of anons screencapped your post as proof that you confirmed her taking benzos, don't you?

>> No.4093068 [DELETED] 
File: 794 KB, 180x220, didn't read.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not long

>mfw 6 pages

>> No.4093077

common, it contains such memorable quotes like:
>Without any flair, Pinkie placed the blade an inch above Dash’s cutie mark and began a circular cut around it. Dash shouted in pain and tried desperately to pull away, but the braces held her still.
>Pinkie giggled and danced in place, then reached down and turned up the juice. Dash convulsed uncontrollably, and her bladder emptied once more.

>> No.4093083

I do not know what it is, it may not be benzos.

>> No.4093096

I guess you don't know how placebos work.

>> No.4093100

The only ancient aliens were the pilgrims. Modern aliens are Mexicans, or sand niggers if you live in Europe.

>Will they enslave us or pass judgment on us?
Doubtful, we have most of the economic and political power

>Will they exterminate failures like me?
we can only hope

>Will we be able to fight them?
Well we are already constantly sending them back to their home country.

>If you had less than a year to live, what would you do?
Probably the same things I've been doing.

>What are your regrets?
That I never punched a couple of people that really deserved it.

>> No.4093103

There are billions of planets in the universe. The only reason aliens would have to come to this shit hole is resources. I'm sure they could find many other planets with far greater amounts of natural resources than earth has to offer. You shouldn't be worrying about aliens, what should concern you is the world's gradually increasing resistance to antibiotics and the development of super diseases in hospitals. You should also probably worry about living long enough to benefit from age lengthening treatments such that each treatment will allow you to live until the next treatment is available.

>> No.4093106
File: 11 KB, 392x284, youthinkdotcom_27571_137177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw another stoner has psychological problems

>> No.4093137

Are you suggesting that it is caused by the weed?

>> No.4093143

I'm not suggesting anything. Just noting the pattern

>> No.4093144 [DELETED] 

Why do your posts always raise serous doubt about you studying psychology?

>> No.4093147

I too have noticed this

>> No.4093162


>> No.4093215

Long term effects of marijuana were not covered in our course.

>> No.4093225 [DELETED] 

Common sense is obviously also not covered in your course.

>> No.4093258

I think she was like that before she started smoking weed.
Presuming that marijuana causes that is not common sense.