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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 81 KB, 370x370, 500full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4091642 No.4091642 [Reply] [Original]

So are you science nerds really like this?

>> No.4091648

I wouldn't know.
I don't watch shitty shows.

>> No.4091658

'Like' is a broad term anon. Please specify?
I do not play the keyboard.

>> No.4091664

I drink my cocktails without a straw.

>> No.4091669

I dont wear silly shirts

>> No.4091672

I bet you don't even use a knife and fork to eat candy bars.

>> No.4091675

I don't even use a bathing cap when washing my hair.

>> No.4091690

same fag. take your pills

>> No.4091692

I don't even take my pills before posting on 4chan.

>> No.4091696

You're a fucking pleb.

You probably think science and engineering majors study a lot. Ha, well that's true for most of them. That is, the pleb masses. Junior undergrad here in mathematical sciences. Never had to study more than an hour a day on average. 3.75 GPA come at me.

>> No.4091708
File: 129 KB, 600x518, twilight_sparkle_pony_math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not on 4chan.
but some people are really aspies

If you want a good description of how most nerdy science people are:
> pic related

>> No.4091752

The sad thing in my opinion is the nerdiest people typically aren't the smartest ones.

Most of /sci/ thinks they're so smart talking about high powered math, but I know for a fact none of them could really use that math, nor realize there's usually no need to because there's always a way around the math.

>> No.4092091
File: 231 KB, 500x378, police_resist-copy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So are you science nerds really like this?


Are you mouth-breathers really like this?

>> No.4092117

I never understood the whole nerdy stereotype...I really think it comes from movies in the 80's. I grew up in the 70's and my father was a scientist as were all his co-workers. They all had families and seemed to have social lives...my father was involved in all sorts've sports and had a whole trunk FULL of trophies from the teams he was on in highschool and university.
I knew most of his co-workers from sports that they either went to together to watch, or played at.

There wasnt one of them that even looked like a "nerd". I never saw them in pocket protectors and suspenders, but it was not uncommon to see them in tailored suits, which my father had a closet of. I dont think he even owned any corduroy.

Of course my dad and his co-workers were r&d for a petrolium company so maybe they wree somehow different then most scientists, I guess I cant say for sure.

>> No.4092123

I went to a special school for gifted children and there are parallels that can be drawn between it and the environment of BBT.

>> No.4092135
File: 2 KB, 107x126, iserio11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of /sci/ thinks they're so smart talking about high powered math, but I know for a fact none of them could really use that math, nor realize there's usually no need to because there's always a way around the math.

>> No.4092152

>nor realize there's usually no need to because there's always a way around the math.

You've obviously never worked a day in any technical industry.

>inb4 computers do the math for you
It's not that simple faggot

>> No.4092202

Pff .. I wish. The characters on BBT have social life I could only dream of. Even Sheldon has a girlfriend now, and I have been dumped. Feels bad man.

But then again, I chose to study physics out of free will, there is no one to blame but myself.

>> No.4092246

i usually enjoy the sci fi references

>> No.4092252
File: 7 KB, 187x251, 1300321201624s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4092262


Agreed. There are similarities, but they're greatly exaggerated, for the most part.

>> No.4092269

The BBT is the shittiest show I have ever seen on tv before. It's like the writers were thinking, "If we have Sheldon make some nerdy reference then the pseudo-intellectuals will identify with it which reinforces their self-proclaimed nerd status which will cause them to continue thinking they are smart in an infinite loop of pseudo-intellectual masturbation."

>> No.4092276


wow, you've been dumped. i'm jealous, nigga.

computer engineering. never had a girl.

>> No.4092290

.. as opposed to grand TV productions like MTV reality shitfest or the fantastic sitcom "Friends" which really made me laugh every episode?