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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4091713 No.4091713 [Reply] [Original]

Wikipedia says INTJs make up 1% - 4% of the population.

Apparently we're meant to be hardcore at computing n stuffs.

Get in here, and post occupation/degree currently studying.

>> No.4091729

going for med interviews in a week's time. dunno if i'll get in though.

>> No.4091728

you're only good at computers because you use them so much

why do you use them?

because you're a loser with no friends.

enjoy your unhappy and lonely life.

INTP here, btw.

>> No.4091734

not master race INTJ, do not post please. or else we'll have ourselves a nice gassing.

>> No.4091735


>> No.4091738
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Studying real psychology
That feel when people who think they're smart bring up pop psych to prove things

>> No.4091739

INTJs are not as smart as INTPs.
I have researched this thoroughly.
Please feel free to try to come up with any evidence against this.

>> No.4091760

ITT: everybody gets trolled.

>> No.4091890


Apparently only 1-4% make up the population, yet 100% of the posts relating to the MBJTI or whatever the fuck it's called, report INTJ as their type.

>> No.4091904

ENTP is the best personality type

Economics specialized in econometrics

>> No.4091910
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You're a joke of a person, and you should feel horrible about yourself and your life.

>> No.4091914

econometrics is smalltime

godtier quant finance major here

>> No.4091926


Software engineer intern.

>> No.4091931

First time I took it I got INTJ
Then I got ISTJ
Final time was ENTJ (Bullshit because I'm not extroverted in any way, shape or form)

The results vary from test to test and mean nothing.

>> No.4091938

Enjoy being a technician lol

>> No.4091946

>implying i don't work on wallstreet
>implying i do
>implying i'm not a waiter
>implying i have a job
>implying i'm not rich

I am.

>> No.4091953

>implying I don't partly own a startup
>implying its expected future value isnt in the millions by investors
enjoy working your ass off to get scraps from the owner

>> No.4091958

Stuck in my home town as a mental health/case worker for severely fucked up kids. Worst position for an INTJ, but it's the only job available. I get them into minecraft.

>> No.4091963

I took the official myers briggs personality test, cost like 70 bucks or something but w/e school payed for it. I am definitely a INTJ, intuitive being my highest score. I'm at a university right now, breezing through class. at this point in time I feel like I can go through any educational program I want. I've chosen Environmental Resource Engineer and mapped out each semester I'm going to spend here. Future thinking career, High job growth, good pay. Looking at internships at EPA 14$/hour for undergrad work, and NASA engineer internship because it would look good on a resume.
Thats where I'm at. Master Mind Personality FTW

>> No.4091965

I actually just took the test a few days ago and got INTJ, but I think I've gotten something else in the past.

Physics major.

>> No.4091969 [DELETED] 

INTJ here.

Studying chemistry.

>> No.4091996
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Out of all the MB tests I take I usually get either INTP/INTJ/INFJ

Mathematics Major

40 credits away from graduating, then going to grad school for Applied Math

>> No.4092007
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> take test

> mfw Einstein was INTP

>> No.4092012

Power rankings:
all other ones are shit

>> No.4092031

Oh look another group of self righteous people attempting to segment themselves from society in order to express their self proclaimed superiority.
>same boat as religion and cults

>> No.4092040

INTJ master race reporting

>> No.4092072


>> No.4092076

I took the test and got INTJ, but I think it's full of shit. If one really wanted to be a "mastermind", I'm sure they could do it. But hey, I don't mind participating in this circle jerk.

>> No.4092085


it is an exclusive group, of people who have similar personalities. However saying that this group is better than the others is your own conclusion, and not of anyone else except the trolls in this thread.
I find some very interesting commonalities between other people with my same personality type, but it is not much more than that.

>implying that you don't use the /sci/ board to find like minded people

>> No.4092150

Online tests are wrong and subjective.

Just took two different tests and got INFJ and ISTP. Asides from I, both very different types of personality. Both which I am in a way. I've also gotten INTP before.