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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4090692 No.4090692 [Reply] [Original]

Help me guys! Ive got a new job working as a chemical compounder on Monday and I know shit all about chemistry. Teach me basics? I love you

>> No.4090702

here is the Lagrangian, its everything you need to know about chemistry, good luck.

<div class="math"> \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{QED}} = \frac{i\hbar c}{2} \left(\bar \psi \not\!\! D \psi - \psi \overline {\not\!\! D \psi} \right) - mc^2 \bar\psi \psi - {1 \over 4\mu_0} F_{\mu \nu} F^{\mu \nu}</div>

>> No.4090701

Don't get high on your own supply.

>> No.4090707


>> No.4090718

I just became religious, op.
I don't know why.

>> No.4090720
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>posts QED lagrangian

>> No.4090726

you can derive everything from it, you don't even need a calculator, you just need to memorize this and the mass of electrons and protons and you know everything about chemistry, i don't even know why they still have it as a separate subject in universities.

>> No.4090732

no fooling?

>> No.4090733
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>he thinks you can derive nucleon interaction and decay products from QED

include the QCD lagrangian and then we're set.

>> No.4090741

where do you do decay products in chemistry? but if you do, then take QCD too.

>> No.4090742


Guys what is all this? I'm a noob I skipped school and took my own A levels. Where do I start? :(

>> No.4090757

beta/alpha decay? electron capture? nucleon strong interaction? quantum chemistry?

>> No.4090761

its quantum field theory, if you really want to learn it i can tell you the requirements.

>> No.4090763

i hardly think thats what OP had in mind.

>> No.4090765


>implying computational chemistry is accurate.

>> No.4090806

what the fuck is a chemical compounder?

>> No.4090850

Something a chemical technician calls himself to make him feel better.

>> No.4091620
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>work as a "chemical compounder" (whatever the fuck that means)

>know shit all about chemistry


>> No.4091707

loling at this thread. best ive seen in a while

>> No.4091740

<span class="math">\hbar\;c\;\mu_0[/spoiler] - In a Lagrangian? Seriously, shame on you!

>> No.4091748


OP is really stupid if he actual got a job in chemistry and doesn't know anything about chemistry... ಠ_ಠ
why would you ever even be given a job like that?

probably is some sort of high schooler who usually goes on /b/ and doesn't pay attention at school well (or reading textbook)

about to have a big quiz test, wants /sci/ to help him.
Makes up a story, makes up career "chemical compound-er"
Because he believes that /sci/ is more likely to help him if he says something like that, than if he says "oh I need help because I didn't pay attention and I don't want to fail a test".

probably a `test about chemical compounds'

OP is free to defend himself...
but please explain how you got this job anywyas, if you don't know anything about chemistry. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.4091750

remember that atoms lose electron due to rotational velocidensity.