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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4086173 No.4086173 [Reply] [Original]

>go on date with girl in her town, 170 miles away, got train
>go out eat, go get drinks, go to club
>go back to her place
>literally say "wanna fuck?"
>she says "no i'm tired"
>I whine and pester a little more
>she literally says "sorry but i don't find you attractive, you're attractive as a friend", these words are forever engraved in my memory
>she threatens to throw me out
>I stfu and agree to sleep on couch, we talk for a while longer, she proceeds to spend the next 3 hours (till 6) bitching about her ex bfs and ex gfs, I'm bored out of my fucking mind
>leave the following morning thinking that at least we're still friends as she was cool, never hear from her again

>> No.4086179

oh she was bi-fag?
still sage

>> No.4086178

Lol you're a fucking moron

Don't know how to brain?

>> No.4086180

man you suck, even if someone managed to stay there after the friendzone, listening to her bitching about her bf? any normal non-pussy would have told her to shut up and leave if she didnt.

>> No.4086181

Bump! I want to talk about how to get girls. specifically where to meet EK type girls. Ek spends most of her time on the internet, so its gonna be difficult to meet girls like that

>> No.4086184

what do you mean by 'EK type girls'?
and i dont spend most of my time on the internet.

>> No.4086185

break into random peoples houses, check their internet history. if she went on places like sci, fuck her. if she didnt, she is smart enough to erase her history, fuck her.

>> No.4086198
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>i dont spend most of my time on the internet.

>> No.4086205

I mean kinda tomboyish science-y smart girls who nevertheless look good in a backless dress.

>> No.4086213
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would if i could, too fucking busy these days.
a couple of hours a day at most is all i can manage now.

>> No.4086214

Brothels, psychiatric hospitals, gay bars, etc.

>> No.4086216

>kinda tomboyish
thats because she is a guy

>smart girls
lol, is that sarcasm?

>look good in a backless dress.
you have weird taste

>> No.4086239

you think im smart? ooh thanks! :D
i dont wear dresses though, cant stand em.

>> No.4086243

Take your pills.

>> No.4086246

im not a guy.
being a bit tomboyish doesnt make me ACTUALLY a guy, dumass.

>> No.4086248

fuck off, spamfag

>> No.4086259
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>> No.4086268

hay, i like tomboys, if i had a girlfriend she would be a tomboy. dont go insulting them you ashole.

>> No.4086278

i wasnt insulting them, why would i? i'd be insulting myself.
wait, you'd specifically prefer a tomboy as a gf? you sure you aint gay?

>> No.4086286

somebody should hire a prostitute for EK

>> No.4086287

no, i like girls, just not very feminine girls. im not killing a spider for her, and she should be able to work on a farm and not complain about getting her hands dirty. if that makes me gay (which it doesn't) then im gay. (im not (i like vaginas))

>> No.4086289

Can I hire EK as a prostitute?

>> No.4086296

>he likes vaginas

You disgusting faggot.

>> No.4086298

I- I used to say you were smart too. So now you're betraying my personality with some other new personality? I'm going to tell Harriet, she'll be so mad.

>> No.4086306

hun hun hun hun hun hun

>> No.4086310

i like spiders, flys piss me off, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
also spiders are just generally fucking cool.
and yeh, thats cool, you like a girl with independence who can do shit for herself and doesnt pester you with irritating pointless shit.

>> No.4086314

>don't go on date with girls, even if they live right next to you
>spend time fapping instead

Looks like I come out on top, OP.

>> No.4086317

knock the mpd shit off, its old and wasnt ever funny anyway.

>> No.4086328

jesus just shut up and go away

>> No.4086331

except it's true you stupid cunt

>> No.4086334
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>> No.4086338

Well, now that I think about it, we played virtual chess against each other through the Internet, so we're either two different people or a neckbear with two laptops to play chess against himself.

On that note, I'm still mad that you edited the image so it seemed like you had won. Cheater.

>> No.4086339

EK is a man

anyone can pretend to be a women on the internet.

i'm a women, too.

>> No.4086340

she was talking to me, fuck of.

>> No.4086344

except you just opened up another browser and played with yourself

>> No.4086347

You don't tell Anonymous to fuck off, show some respect.

>> No.4086356

fuck off tripfag go tripwhore somewhere else

>> No.4086362

if you actually believe that, you are fucking retarded.

we played like, once. and i didnt screencap it. and i cant remember who won.
erm, fancy another game now? post link, i'll join.

>> No.4086364

im sorry, see i knew having you as a friend would be grand, im learning so much!

i am truly sorry, that was really rude of me. i should have worded my response in a more dignified manner.

>> No.4086369

Why did you faggots derail OP's science thread?
Can't you contain your shitposting like I do?

>> No.4086372

this isn't /soc/ or /tg/ faggots

>> No.4086377

Sure, go create one and I'll join. We can invite /sci/ to see the battle.

I don't want you as a friend, I already birthed Pifag.

>> No.4086379
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>> No.4086386


>> No.4086387


>> No.4086394

You eated my horsy

My son!

>> No.4086400

My father! how have you been.

>> No.4086406


>> No.4086408


ITT: Asspies have delusional hope at dating EK, every thread I see EK post in consists of two things.

1) People saying EK your retarded go away
2) Virgins asspies licking EK's ass because she is a girl.

(Also tripfags being fags, but thats three things)

>> No.4086409

I've monitored this game for a short time, and I have to say you're the worst player I've ever seen.

>> No.4086410
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>sacrificing both knights for no reason.

>> No.4086416

teapot, who is this? have you been cheating on me with another son? you bastard!

>> No.4086415

>tripfags being fags

More like Anonymous being jelly of how mature tripfags are.

>> No.4086424

>Blatantly ask for sex
>Get denied
>Procede to beg for sex

Are you people for fucking real?

>> No.4086434


>> No.4086445

I've been well, but some fag wants me to be his friend, lol.

Go away Blackman.

You couldn't do any better.

You are a fucking hacker, you turned the pawn into a Queen AFTER I ate your Queen.

No Pifag, I can explain.

>> No.4086455
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im going to presume you're trolling rather than completely fucking ignorant about the rules of chess...

>> No.4086458


>> No.4086464

you cant cheat lichess...

>> No.4086470

Yet, you did.

>> No.4086472

the rook guards the pawn as it makes its advance, so the king cant take it, or pass the rook line; so its not cheating.

>> No.4086476

this thread is a perfect example of how tripcodes ruin boards.

>> No.4086491

ruin, or make better?

>> No.4086492

if i had to listen to a woman whine about her worthless whore life for more than 5 minutes i´d either kill myself or her

>> No.4086510

a small minority of the time there will be useful contributions. The rest of the time it ends up derailing threads like these with comments that belong on /soc/...mainly because everyone hates tripfags in the first place.

it's a vicious cycle of positive feedback.

>> No.4088379

>derailing threads like these

Would you like us to derail science threads instead?

>> No.4088616
File: 37 KB, 233x186, aa5394adf3a73249685d5c92cad5496e_17913147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda tomboyish science-y smart girls who nevertheless look good in a backless dress.

did somebody say rose ?

>> No.4088618


install /g/entoo

>> No.4088619
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>> No.4088621

He said girl, not trap.

>> No.4088626


Oh okay, sorry

>> No.4088988

this shit is embarrassing.

kill yourself op.
or stop letting people doormat you.
whatever you do keep off /sci/.