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4086014 No.4086014 [Reply] [Original]

you still waiting for woman to become attracted to intelligence, /sci/?

>> No.4086020

I've got a boyfriend thanks

>> No.4086024

Engineering is a sin and a disease.

>> No.4086030
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>> No.4086049

actually im waiting for all my money sothat the woman to become attracted to me.

>> No.4086062

If their dad was intelligent, then they will be attracted by it

That's also why I wear Old Spice

>> No.4086058

erm, women who are attracted to your just because of your money dont actually like you, ya know? they just want your money.
if thats good enough for you, then you may as well just go whoring, its basically the same fucking thing, just a different time-frame

>> No.4086065


not really, if you're whoring you are sucking dick for money

the other one is when you are paying to get your dick sucked

not only are they not the same, they are opposites

>> No.4086070


also, pills - take them

>> No.4086074

no one here cares what a mentally ill slut like you thinks.

>> No.4086083


it doesn't work like that. why should women pay for something they can get for free or even paid for it.

>> No.4086084

and your point is? i like them for their looks, they like me for my money, its a fair exchange. and as long as they keep it a secret from me and dont rub my face in it I will feel like they like me for me, that way im happy, even if its not real. but when is happiness real anyway? its all just dopamine and serotonin anyway. ill just make sure she doesn't decide to leave me or stab me in the back for the money by getting her pregnant , waiting 2 years and then murdering her baby in from of her so that she sees not to mess with me.

>> No.4086086
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can be either
i would say working as a whore would just be called 'being a whore' or 'whoring yourself out'
whereas for a guy to 'go out whoring' is to go out looking to hook up with prostitutes.

>> No.4086090

Shut up and take your pills, freak.

>> No.4086097

Women are entirely disgusting selfish monsters not capable of love. They want everything to be sacrificed for them without ever being grateful and without having anything to offer in return. Due to their weak physical and lower intellectual condition the only things they can do is giving birth to children and providing a good look. The latter decays quickly in time and once they passed the age of 30, their exterior appearence starts to resemble their inner ugliness.

>> No.4086099
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Even IF I get a girlfriend...
What are we supposed to do when she comes over? I just want to play video games.

>> No.4086102
File: 11 KB, 251x226, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

score one for the feminists!

>> No.4086104


What's so bad about whores?

>> No.4086107

is that really good enough for you? if she doesnt actually like you or find you genuinely attractive, she will probably cheat on you, and are you really ok being treated as a living piggy-bank just for a bit of sex as reciprocation?
you'd probably end up with her fucking you over in a divorce settlement, or she can get a kid out of you, and drain you for child support.

>> No.4086114

play multilayer with her. and let her make food for you. when I get one im going to leave all my laundry and shes to pile up until she comes over to show her how much I miss her when she isnt there. then shell make me some ribs that i can eat and play skyrim while she blows me. god my gf will be lucky.

>> No.4086111

take your goddamn pills and leave us alone.

>> No.4086113

stop spamming, fucktard

>> No.4086118

here here!

the moment you enter a relationship, you lose your freedom. im a stringent individualist. i hate compromising with others whenever its unavoidable. i couldn't imagine bringing that kind of shit on willingly.

>> No.4086122

i didnt say they were bad, in fact its probably preferable to gold-diggers, at least they're honest about whats going on.

>> No.4086125

>implying im the same person as >>4086090

>> No.4086126

as long as i dont find out, or she is to scared to do it, everything ok, isnt it? i dont know ive never been in a relationship but i assume thats how it goes.

>> No.4086129

EK, where do i meet girls like you? you are my ideal woman

>> No.4086130

>implying you're not

>> No.4086134

How is that "sex" thing?

>> No.4086135


>> No.4086141


>> No.4086147


>> No.4086151


What's so bad about gold-diggers?

>> No.4086157


its dishonest, pretending to like someone just to get at their money? thats so fucking skanky.

>> No.4086160

Who am I kidding, no-one in here has ever had sex...

>> No.4086164


What's so bad about dishonesty and skankyness?

>> No.4086165

lol, do you really have to ask?

>> No.4086166

bad is an opinion. You don't agree. So be it.

>> No.4086176
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sweet posts bro

>> No.4086183

being kind is equally justifiable as being horrible or indifferent.

>> No.4086188


Yes. Dishonesty and skankyness rely on very individual opinions and understandings of the term. The situation of the dishonest or skanky event also plays a role in this. MW defines dishonest as a lack of truth, honesty or trustworthiness. A skank is defined ultimately as a person (woman) of low quality/which lacks firmness (in character). Neither of these need to imply that the core of the person, or the intentions of the person, applies to this in all situations. So, what's so bad about dishonesty and skankyness - in your opinion?