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4074186 No.4074186 [Reply] [Original]

Why is America so sciencephobic?

We hate facts when it comes to evolution, stem cell research, global warming, genetically modified food, etc. Sure, there's all these statistics about how we're falling behind in test scores.. I think that it's our overwhelming illiteracy when it comes to thinking logically and using the scientific method in everyday life.

>> No.4074201


yeah - so do something about it.

>> No.4074198

America still encourages students to get arts degrees, the rest of the world is investing heavily in STEM.

>> No.4074204

in my experience its impossible to be logical and methodical or use the scientific method in everyday life, if you did you would soon find out what everyday life is.

better to be eyes closed feet forward.. you'l get further

>> No.4074226

Because facts are unpatriotic.

>> No.4074239

Because Christians.

>> No.4074244

It's not, but many stupid Americans are.

>> No.4074261

I don't really think Americans are stupid. They are, however, afraid of being smart. Afraid of using logic because it may contradict their fundamental beliefs and they are unopen to rethinking the universe. Afraid of unarguable facts, therefore they turn to entertainment and the media for information. America turns to psuedoscience and faith to explain phenomena which is a very dangerous behavior.

>> No.4074287

Not allowed to teach evolution or human anatomy, stem cell research is condemned by religious people, people don't do enough research on shit before they denounce it.

>> No.4074291

Because American policy makers and politicians don't know shit about what is going on in the scientific community

>> No.4074293

There's not as much communication between scientists and the public as there should be. A lot of people in this country believe some seriously retarded shit, but just because no one's ever told them how things actually work. It also seems like it's just hard to get the word out in the first place (which is ironic, given the vast amount of media-space dedicated to less valuable pursuits). It's a shame, too; scientists are trusted more than most other professions.

>> No.4074300

Without getting too political about this, I think this is kind of the end result of political correctness. It's impossible to create a universal standard for what is and isn't acceptable behaviour from the top-down, administrative level with which schools operate.

Not to get all Bill O'Reilly on the point, but maybe if we had stronger mores as a society and felt more obliged as individuals to call out objectionable activity, we wouldn't have to trust in lawyers and dipshit school conduct codes that make things like kissing, hugging and holding hands into sexual harassment.

>> No.4074444

because horoscopes and sports > actual scientific journalism

>> No.4074767
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>> No.4074784

This might be the most ridiculous shit I've ever read.
Stick to getting high and watch Carl Sagan documentaries, you're in over your head.

>> No.4074830
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Because they're fucking stupid, that's why.

Their educational system is failing, mainstream media is basically corporate propaganda and almost half the population believes that the world if 6000 years old.

Does America being the asshole of the world come as a surprise to you?

>> No.4074839

Because in America, faith is replacing reason.

>> No.4074842

I'ma say the population density of america makes it dumber.

>> No.4074851

Because Americans would rather worship celebrities and athletes than praise Nobel Prize winners.

>> No.4074861

last i checked universities no longer required students to be versed in latin and ancient greek.

>best universities
>dead and gone

>> No.4074875

Three things:

1. Corporations lobby for more money for them and less for schools, libraries and other things of intellect. That way their propaganda remains effective and another generation will be full of unthinking, unquestioning workers and consumers. Why else are schools the first thing on the chopping block anytime there's a budget crisis?

2. Religion. This country was founded by puritans so afraid of being wrong they traveled to another continent just to get away from differing opinions. Not that the religious in Europe were any more right. And you can't reason with religious people, especially ones holed up in their own backwoods communities of like-minded psychos.

3. This anti-ever-tell-me-I'm-wrong-about-anything attitude was capitalized and radicalized when politicians realized it suit their own needs. Sadly enough a big part of our population would rather have a politician say everything they want to hear instead of the truth. For winning elections that politician can't seem too smart or critical because his dipshit constituents aren't. So the average scumbag in a suit would rather fund pork barrel projects instead of scientific ones for a goal larger than his own re-election.

>> No.4074915

>dead languages

>> No.4074936

They aren't sciencephobic, they are just lazy and don't give a fuck about anything that is not immediately useful to themselves. They also have a strong sense of pride and hate being told different about anything they think they know.

>> No.4074940

is america the only country worth talking about these days

>> No.4074956

>is america the only country worth talking

At least until China takes over and then we all talk about what a shit and ignorant country China is.

>> No.4075630


What makes you think that America is sciencephobic? The US is at the forefront of technological innovation and has many of the brightest minds in science and related fields.

We don't need another thinly veiled theist-bashing thread. America has much bigger problems than people who believe in God.

>> No.4075644
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>that feel when you have a fiery passion for science and understanding the universe but you live in america and nobody seems to give a shit, even your science classmates

>> No.4075650


You should try actually talking to people instead of walking by them quietly with your head pointed at your toes. You'll find many people with a similar burning passion.

>> No.4075690
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what this guy said.

if you're really into science, go do science, don't worry about people who are religious. they'll come around eventually, these things take a lot of time (on the order of centuries).