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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4073272 No.4073272 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4073276

den why dont ships outa metal sink cuz their hevy?! xD

>> No.4073283

the vapor in the cloud traps warmer air in the cloud, warmer air is lighter and thus will rise. this causes the clouds to flout in the air. hope this helps:)

>> No.4073287
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Maybe so... sounds like scientific mumbo jumbo to me. But how about THIS? You can't explain that.

>> No.4073290

But my blood does taste pretty sweet.

>> No.4073303

because the red blood cells don't contain any dna

surprsing isnt it

>> No.4073304
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>not realizing there are other kinds of blood cells

>> No.4073318

you must be new here

>> No.4073319

Not noting that red blood cells are the majority of cells in blood yet minority in consistency with abiotic plasma.

>> No.4073324
File: 23 KB, 600x320, god evolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay then, Mr. "Scientist" who thinks he's better than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Bet you can't solve this one! Christians win!

>> No.4073325

God evolved from demigod which evolved from man. We will become god

>> No.4073326
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>mfw a scientist thought he could outsmart god near me

>> No.4073328
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Seems like you've been sucking on hobos again, haven't you?

It's the premium quality blood which tastes good.

>> No.4073335

Why an I feeding the trolls?
Assumption: Let's posit the existence of a benevolent deity.
Corollary: You go to hell for stupidity.

If you want to be an annoying dimwit, at least read decent theological books.

>> No.4073341
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Okay, except...

>> No.4073343

This is actually a good question.

>> No.4073344

>implying ethics = morality
>I hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.4073366

This is actually a good question.

>> No.4073391
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I could answer them, but in all the years of answering questions about reliogion i learnd that these peoples allways have questions.
That's why it's called believing and not knowing.

>> No.4073393
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>> No.4073431
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the same...

>> No.4073433

The sun "burns" becaus of what we call Nuclear Fusion.

>> No.4073437
File: 209 KB, 500x500, tumblr_kq22e2Sro01qzma4ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only he told every single one of you to shut the fuck up and jump under train or something

>> No.4073452
File: 42 KB, 404x483, 1287093465281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are brilliant example of what you'll get when you invent computer that can be operated by someone who has no fucking idea how does it work...

>> No.4073465



>> No.4073517

>fails at an attempt to insult people
>succeeds in creating a sentence that makes you sound retarded when reading it.

>> No.4073521


also posting a troll thread 0/10

>> No.4073524
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>> No.4073539


Not trolling, but I would like to hear an opinion on this subject.

>> No.4073543
File: 233 KB, 415x261, fbastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey atheists, if gravy is real, then why aren't americans affected?

>> No.4073544

humans are apes

>> No.4073546

Most likely the apes weren't all in one big group of several million, one group moved to another area and over time the environment there made them evolve differently than the other apes to survive which didnt need to evolve, thus humans exist today. If you look at it from another perspective, humans are just hairless apes with larger brains, they aren't two different species.

Why the apes moved in a first place is a different question, however.

>> No.4073550



>> No.4073557
File: 45 KB, 795x507, GIMME_A_PEE_GIMME_AN_EN_GIMME_A_GEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liek, for reels

>> No.4073565
File: 333 KB, 561x2043, howtotrollsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4073601

just to comment on that humans are reptiles we are from synapsids you have to think we evolved from the last asteroid which then made all the other species strive to survive making mutants and such

>> No.4073625

If OP is a faggot, why didn't his parents drown him at birth?

>> No.4073630

Because his parents were faggots too. Don't you know anything about genetics?

>> No.4073640
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>> No.4073645

If Hitler2 isn't reading this, his mother saved us from him before his birth.

>> No.4073657

itt atheist teens circle jerking with other atheist teens

>> No.4073664

>implying Hitler did anything bad

>> No.4073666 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 530x458, resized_530x458_atheism.legos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atheism - god tier over 9000 etc
everything else - lick my balls.

>> No.4073669
File: 41 KB, 742x608, ssdfsdfdsfsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073674


>post about atheism that makes no sense

Sup, Satan?

>> No.4073675

>doesn't know what trolling is
I think most people are just bored and feel like answering an easy question

>> No.4073677

>makes no sense

seriously? you're too stupid to see the connection? really?

>> No.4073678
File: 22 KB, 199x329, 213119-resize_20of_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It't thread like this that make me thank god every day i'm an atheist.

>> No.4073684


Is it about the afterlife? What does that have to do with the existence of God?

Unless you're...
>implying Christianity is the only religion

>> No.4073688

For most theists in the west christianity is the only religion.

>> No.4073692

God exists but I don't believe in him.

>> No.4073693

The only thing that piques my curiosity about this thread is whether the trolls are actually religious or just pretending.

>> No.4073695

I don't believe in God but I am not an atheist

>> No.4073699

Dawkins worshipping agnostic-atheist spectrum faggots status = TOLD

>> No.4073702

Godfaggots, you must be right. Gravity isn't real. Jump off some high places and enjoy.

>> No.4073703

That's beautiful.
And subtle.

>> No.4073711

jus to comment god would be the first one with consciousness and what he learned from that consciousness he taught to us , so basically thats why you can't have many gods bc there many first of there kind from there perspective which people follow

>> No.4073713

thats why you CAN*

>> No.4073744

How does that work?