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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 430 KB, 3000x1600, George Biddell Airy M.A...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4063585 No.4063585 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4063596

That is all.

>> No.4063604
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>> No.4063609
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>> No.4063610

On the left side of your keyboard is a button called 'Caps Lock'. If you notice that everything you type is uppercase you might consider to press this so-called 'Caps Lock' because it will make your wall of text a lot easier, and more fun, to read.

>> No.4063613
File: 45 KB, 800x600, 1314062526004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4063625


>> No.4063643

i have my own personal style and reason for presenting this as i do
do you presume to advise an artist, or writer, on their work?
i understand your point.. but i have my reasons..
the only post i ever made about this on a more permant message board was in all caps as well
one of the few people who responded was able to correctly discern that i had some manner of military background
an irrelevant point of course.. but no more so that this discussion of the exclusive use of capitol letters
almost no one ever discusses the subject matter at hand
however; you might be supprised by the comments of those who do have the educatorial background to speak with more than the reliance on dogma

>> No.4063648

>do you presume to advise an artist, or writer, on their work

not him, but yes, it's called critique

>> No.4063657
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>> No.4063670

it was because he responded with a critique that i responded to him
his or her manner of response left an opening for a conversation, albiet not on subject of my post
as if perhaps he has the insight to not declare something nonexistant on the basis of absence of knowledge or unsupported misinformation

>> No.4063674

Fuck off. back to /b/ you underaged pile of rotten horse shit.

>> No.4063682
File: 17 KB, 442x305, 2004-9-3-buddha_with_swastika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4063689
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>> No.4063704
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>> No.4063706

what do you want
what is your question

>> No.4063719
File: 1.01 MB, 1600x1200, 1319911226078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4063732

So to summarize that picture:

"If the machine does not do work then perpetual motion is possible."

Herp derp.

>> No.4063741

OP is a fag uploading pics without even understanding what they represent

>> No.4063767

mostly, im just stunned that no one else can see how it is done
to give the background on how i discovered it;
was surfing the web hunting through googleimages
i woud type in some random bit and look for things i was intrested in - very broad range of intrests
typed the number 9..
about 1400 images into the list i see a bit of historical intrest
i spent many years in gerrmany - most of my childhood - military brat
i had been through more museums than even the average german
i had a real good understanding of the development of many of the things we take for granted
like clocks
and measurement weights
and understanding that their efforts to document turth of scientific and mechanical developements were on par with modern designs and throughness
so the many records that were to be found lead me to the truth
being able to read the latin and german in the book he published helped
a long system of canceling out methods that they could not be describing led me close but it was an obscure obsevation in a biography of someone who had seen inside that gave me the final insight
read the text of the immage
before airy goes off on a tangent (however relevant) describing airflow he clearly states the basic nature of the physical function
and i have the solution
look at responces.. given the benifit of the doubt the first the apparant should be that people have been conditioned to presume they already know this matter although they have nothing other than direct dogmatic instruction to maintain this point of view

>> No.4063774

given the benifit of the doubt, the first thing that should be apparant..

>> No.4063785

to what are you refering?
i am the one who made the pic in tehhoriginal post

>> No.4063791

>the original post..

>> No.4063814

on very rare occasion there have been persons respond who have adequate math education to discuss this
i can describe it with mathimatical terms that might be used in obtaining a pattant
for one thing when you see the clever 'trick' you will first declare that this is something very different from what what newton was describing
i even presented it to a person who works as a govenrment employed physicist who stated i really needed to do something with it
i have no reason to consider the input of the random persons who dislike the notion that they dont already know how everything works

>> No.4063832

we wait for your description of "it" with mathimatical term

>> No.4063852

Didn't we debunk this exact thing in a thread some /x/-phile started about perpetual motion?

IIRC there were several points of losses in the scenario even in a frictionless vacuum.

>> No.4063864

I want to see the Lagrange formulation of your system.
> Don't forget to include the nonconservative generalised forces in your discription.

>> No.4063897

if you want the solution solve it yourself
i am clearly claiming i have it
there is nothing preventing you from discovering it for yourself
for me, the solution is a 'given'
i am working on another problem now
how to get legal control over it?
it is not by accident that the world is being taught dogmatic falsehood on this matter

>> No.4063941

If you are actually referring to applying the idea in the paper, you have gone full retard.
I only see this as a very early attempt at what we now know as micro-energy harvesting.

>> No.4063949

if you ask the right questions i might respond in a manner that guides to the esential function
look at the statements available to you if you dig

like children jumping over a log..

a pin releases at the 12 o'clock position

a spring was in use

boards were slightly warped

the thing was rigoursly tested
people staked their good name on what they witnessed
honestly if he had been a fraud it would have been an even bigger deal as the materials he would have had to been using would have defied properties of known materials available at the time

and agian i will state; i know how it is done

>> No.4063956

im only throwing a partial list of comments from the persons who viewed the device
do your own historical research if you care

>> No.4063963

how simple a task to claim your insight is complete
saves the trouble of going to the trouble of making sure it actually is

>> No.4064000

so to continue..
after finding the historical image i was intrigued..
at first i thought it was storing a tension on a coil spring
so i began to read
i find that it is a system of weights
and moreover
with just two weights the system will function
but with a pulse of almost stoping before moving quickly in decent
look to the writing of airy to comprehend
it existed
look to that
even if i was a fraud or wrong
the historical data should stand on its own

>> No.4064022

OP it doesn't make any sense what you say

>> No.4064026

if you want to be taken serriously in the scientific world you cant just leave it to the reader to prove it true.. that's not their job. Text books get away with it because its the point to learn how to do proofs...

so unless you actually post some proofs that your thingamejig will work.. we all assume it wont given current conservation laws

>> No.4064030

bessler made the device available for purchase
he wanted too much for any non sovern to purchase it
in his effort to sell it to peter the great he offered his severed head if he was found to be deceptive
but peter the great died of old age before the transaction was complete
familiar with how and when the illuminati gained their un-up-rootable position? or where from they managed this?
there were representatives from england looking into the purchase who had no desire to buy it, but instead to steal it or at least verify that it was real and i will suggest their reason would have been to not lend the notion credibility through the act of exchanging currency to obtain it

>> No.4064034

Hey man if you have a perpetual motion device it would be cool if you could tell me how it works or what it is. Other wise what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.4064036

this guy is as mad as tesla, but without electroengeneering talent

>> No.4064045

OP this might help you

>> No.4064049

"This statement cannot be proved in Peano arithmetic in less than a googolplex symbols"

>> No.4064056
File: 43 KB, 480x290, BuzzSaw_Gravity_Wheel_-_Main_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4064057

this is better

>> No.4064067

on a side note..
i also know a family that has had several of these since the time they were manufactored and sold
severral models were produced up into the 1920's
the one in this picture is pretty crude in compareson
the fact that they were so effectivly removed from society is indication enough that methods such as these will not be tollerated by the more covert powers that be..
to be clear.. they still have them
its really something that people so quickly jump to the conclusion that the lie they believe already must prevent them from looking deeper

>> No.4064097

Sounds like me before I started getting hammered.

>> No.4064114

Why is this thread still here?

You claim to have something that violates essential, proven laws of thermodynamics and physics, you stole fizzy lifting drink, and you sold everlasting gobbstoppers to slugworth, goodday sir

>> No.4064117

one of them was in use until the 1980's sawing lumber in a remote location
its owner was very disapointed when he had to replace it with a gas powered motor
the comressed gas pistons did not press nearly as hard as the directly transfered mechanical energy
after 60 years of use the main spring had gradually extended its shape so that it would not hold the full load without jamming
why would i care if you are able to verify this?
all you can do to defend your position of ignorance is suggest that i am somehow defective
it is the same point i am making about those who suggest they know beyond doubt that the law of conservation a complete description of the matter
refer to my comment above.. when you see what is being done you will say it is a simple trick to bypass the limitation that you presumed was absolute
some of you might be smart enough to discern this on your own but you stop yourself from trying
its complicated enough that if you are not trying you will not see it
a system of 'nests' and gateways
and again airy was describing the process without even knowing it himself

>> No.4064129
File: 81 KB, 451x599, ris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP try these

>> No.4064188
File: 844 KB, 1383x1383, 1315851003481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is your stance different from the topic of this pic?
your faith in what you have been told is preventing you from looking into this for yourself
either that, or your efforts truly are inadequate
pointless i know.. to bring this to your attention
just as those who are mentaly ill lack the ability to comprehend or observe their condition with the objectivity needed to modify it ;
those who refuse to observe or realize that the limitation being described by the law of conservation is a single physical condition that can be bypassed by mechanical structure

>> No.4064208

forget perpetual motion dude, your true talent is hastily typing the same thing over and over. perpetuum trolling

>> No.4064223

you touch on a significant point
i think more than most people do
more verbose..
more specific
average people seek simplifications of communicative matters
look at the average post
few words
simple points
simple concepts
in fact it might be accurate to say they are revealing their limitations of thought

time to do a bit of research into water floridation?

again, throughness causes one to arrive at the truth.. but only after filtering through much, much misinformation and outright deception

but who has time to be through?..
(make the time or know you are poorly informed)

>> No.4064233

WTF am i reading

>> No.4064242

i'd like to discuss this with you, is there somewhere where we can talk about making this public?
i'd like to discuss the legal implications of making people aware of this, as this effort is truly for the benefit of mankind.

i've always been aware these things are suppressed, all of academia is corrupt, so people adamantly arguing that the 1st law has no workarounds are just not thinking properly.

scientific revolutions have happened and will continue to happen, let's not limit ourselves to what the "officials" feed us on a regular basis.

>> No.4064265


how is water floridation and perpetual motion related?

>> No.4064272

sure, i made a post two years after i discovered it
on overunity.com
under the title BESSLER WHEEL SOLVED
i dont check on it often at all
but you can see an aspect of my character in that i opened the thread and then did not post again.. only responding to the few persons who sent private messages
made the exact identical post on the german version of the site then was locked out of my account there for several years
when requesting that passsword information be sent to the email on record i received nothing
then a few years ago it became available again.. kinda weird
on rare occasion i do check on them
very rare occasion
working too much lately to do anything with this
but here i am on one of my ten paid vacation days out of the year and i thought i might bother to see who is out there
mostly nobody i know but you never know
i know a lot of odd stuff
those who persistantly dig and observe often do

>> No.4064275

both have aspects and charateristics that are not supported in public media sources
so you have to dig deeper to find data on them that is not being prepared for general consumption

>> No.4064277

i may be overgeneralizing the passing years but you can see for yourself the date of the post

>> No.4064284

hahaha that pic is hilarious! do they not realize the earth is (basically) a sphere????

>> No.4064305

OP is too stupid to know why he is wrong. He masks his ignorance in his poor attempt to appear poetic with his words. Truly pathetic.

>> No.4064328
File: 305 KB, 1783x1177, mecca-centred-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not, try to weight the continental mass around it, its balanced

>> No.4064332

Make it faggot.

Nobody believes talk, make a working model and prove everyone else 'wrong'.

>> No.4064337

airy was not a nobody
he was a major figure in establishing Greenwich Mean Time and a person of note in many scientific circles
your comment makes no mention of attempting to comprehend his paper
no need for poetics
if it is beyond you to comprehend and comment on
perhapse you could at least be comforted by rash accusations of stupidity

>> No.4064338

Upload the specs to megaupload and post the link here.

Millions of people will have it within the week.

>> No.4064344

might work
though i get not much other than the use of it out of the deal
if that much..

>> No.4064351

Why do people who do this shit always type like crazy people?

>> No.4064358

magna inginia sin dementiam non fuit...

>> No.4064368

I see OP keeps posting or something, and none of those posts have anything to do with explaining how his thing there works.

>you will see the light
>this has notihng to do
>with now
>it will be in HISTORY
>you are all sheep

>> No.4064370

That's because they have less to do with science and inventions, and more to do with paranoid delusions and conspiracy theories.

>> No.4064371

neither does he say what he wants from us
i guess he wants to be confirmed a genius

>> No.4064374

we have to react to those who are traped in their missinformation
we have to react to or ignore those who attack as a result of feeling threatened by anything that makes them feel the world they so desperatly want to belive in might somehow not be as they have been led to believe
the upsetting nature of the truth would leave you in shock; in a catatonic stupor, if you were to be immersed in the depths of an eye opening inteligence briefing
you are safe from that
you will not find yourself invited to such circles
you will not find yourself involentairly immersed in such matters
but there is a knowledge base not available to the general public that would have that effect

>> No.4064378

Who's we?

>> No.4064382

>on the contrary it might...
>for this idea i am indebted to the account of the organs of voice given by Mr. Willis...

Thats not proof...

>bla bla plates, no diagram

Thats not proof...

>bla bla maths, wont go this far, wont go that far, wont be rigarous, wont show experiment...

Sure... if theories were horses i'd ride to the moon...

>> No.4064399

Hey, if you yourself cannot make this machine, what hope does the ignorant suppressed masses have of making it?

>> No.4064402

i would rather see someone guess the nature of the device
or attempt to cancel out by catagory the many methods that have so patheticaly been presented by mentaly deficient hopefulls
ballaced systems will not work
but to state it imposible without taking the measure of the many many describable methods that might be considered is to stop short without starting in ernest
i dont claim genius status.. it is through persistance and throughness that i find what i do when looking
sometimes i have to quietly keep my eyes open for years to find some small bit of data to complete an insight
having a long term attentionspan plays a part
knowing that a matter is not resolved when veiwing it is essential
even if all you do is manage to keep an open view on a matter it can put you in a frame of mind to receive usefully some odd bit of data that does bring completeness to an issue
then too, in matters of deception or misinformation by whatever cause the truth can have many many layers

>> No.4064405
File: 55 KB, 611x611, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4064412

Confirmed retard.

>> No.4064418

(possibly samefag)

Umm. Actually, op pic is very concise and clear explanation of how work can be done in non-potential field. Together with real life example of a system that appears to exhibit such non-potential properties.

Also, op: yeah, upload it to mega-shit-upload and post link here.

>> No.4064419

So...troll or genuine nutjob?

>> No.4064436

but it took me five days to resolve this matter from the time i first found an image of the old prints showing besslers invention
at first i was really off target then i spent a few days attempting to resolve if i had enough data avialiable to me to discern the inner workings
i had most of it worked out by looking into the available information when i turned to obsure biographical entries
but in his book titled das triumpherende perpetuum mobil he clearly was living in fear of the reaction of the catholic church
or at least thats my intrepertation of it as he describes it usefully up to the point of clarity over and over and suddenly turns to praises of that god has trusted him with this information
he also described how he first found it and that was a great help in undestanding that he did not know it would work untill testing and then was releived to see that he had chosen correctly

>> No.4064504
File: 5 KB, 300x300, 1321936446918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4065762

it took me quite a while to locate the work of airy
long after solving the thing
but from knowing how the particular design of bessler functions i recognized that airy was clearly describing it
like i said before; by the time he is describing his observed example he is no longer describing the nature of a solid physical system, but instead is focused on the mathimatical aspects of that this phenomenon exists
interesting to see how many people here responded without either the aptitude to comprehend or the inclination to read it at all

>> No.4065881
File: 213 KB, 2766x1364, 1313718785330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4065925
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>> No.4065941

if its real then make a torrent of it and upload it
then tell some fellow crackpots (i suggest /x/ and /b/) to also host it for a while
then go public with it

thats basically what wikileaks did
they cant stop you when its available to everyone

of course, you are full of shit so this wont actually help

>> No.4066064

So, are you saying you discovered system consisting of weights and springs where forces on its elements depend not just on current positions of the elements, but also on history of how it get there?

> without either the aptitude to comprehend or the inclination to read it at all
It is a good heuristic -- if someone claims that he discovered perpetual motion, he is either fraud or honestly mistaken.
The validity of this heuristic based both in theoretical models (Lagrange mechanics, etc) and by empirical data (every time someone made a claim like that he was later discovered being a fraud or simple mistake was found somewhere in his reasoning). Most people are just being naturally reluctant to keep chewing on something that has been chewed on and spat out before.

>> No.4066289

it was more a matter of reverse engineering
i doubt i could have designed it on my own even if my life depended on it
here is a list of persons involved in the testing of the device
it is well documented
enough data exists that any person of adequate insight can discern the inner workings for themself

>> No.4066329
File: 100 KB, 473x569, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is pic

>> No.4066333
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>> No.4066335
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>> No.4066337

The picture's right. If you were able to cause a delay in the application of the force in an oscillating system, it's amplitude would increase without bound (in theory). However, the principle behind this is not unlike any other system of 'perpetual motion'. Most systems use misunderstandings of pressure, weight, torque, magnetic fields, etc. to create the illusion of perpetual motion. This system relies on the manipulation of time, which, I'm guessing, is not possible mechanically.

>> No.4066351

Hey /sci/!
Tonight I present you with a special guest - dr. gene ray!

>> No.4066361

You are greatness and everyone else is the suck, therefor you refuse to do anything other than say that you could do something if you wanted to but you don't want to because nobody believes you?

>> No.4066362
File: 22 KB, 542x344, seriously_chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4066373

thank you for your comment
it is the closest thing to an effort to discern the interior workings that i have seen in this thread
manipulation of time? the position of the wheel changes with the passing of time
then other than stored energy on a spring there is one thing that repeatedly appears to interupt the mechanical flow
a directional latch
it prevents the structure from returning to the position that would be the path of least resistance
the law of conservation is cleverly bypassed
another law.. the one being alluded to by airy is in effect here
my argument is that this is being supressed
that several forms of this have existed and now only appear in fragmented form in records available on the web
build it and likely all i will get for my effort is a visit from nsa explaining that i cant distribute the knowledge based on national security issues

>> No.4066379

Post a video of yourself explaining this, upload it to Youtube and share the link to your video.

That is all.

>> No.4066389

So...if you post the device, THEY will see the post, and you will be prevented from posting the info. The info you would have already posted. Retroactively. Does the NSA have a time machine now?

>> No.4066396
File: 63 KB, 227x300, DerpyPortal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pony scientists are working round the clock on this right meow.

An object dropped within a gravity field in a vacuum tube using portals at either end would theoretically attain almost light speed!

>> No.4066635

yea i am well aware there is a window of opportunity
i also know of an individual who was well paid for information pertaining to a much improved carburetor back in the 1960s
his family is still sitting comfortable from the deal he made'
i would not mind being in that position
would prefer to be paid off rather than shut down
you underestimate the powers that be if you think that they can not derail a ligitimate presentation of truth and turn it into another fragmented report of a failed effort
even recently, a kid was on television with a box in which he turned solar cells on their side and reflected the light within the box
the effect was to generate electricity in less space
with his design everyone would be generating more than they personally use
what became of him?

>> No.4066660

link to said program please

>> No.4066716

was on discovery channel
and my idea of 'recently' might be a bit more long term that most
still was within the last year or two
i will look to see if i can be more specific

>> No.4067684
File: 86 KB, 442x527, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1712 Johann Ernst Elias Bessler AKA Orffyreus displays his first perpetually moving machine at Gera/Germany.
1717 Bessler succeeds in making business with his PMM.
1718 Johann Georg Borlach writes fly-leaves entitled Sophistische Strickzüge in order to discredit Bessler's wheel
1719 Bessler publishes his book Perpetuum Mobile Triumphans.
1721 Willem Jacobus 's Gravesande inspects Bessler's machines and writes an expert's statement about it. Later he sends a letter containing a detailled description to Isaac Newton. It seems that the letter had never been answered.
1727 Bessler is uncovered as fraud by the confession of a maid-servant.

this is a nice example of bias in historical documentation
the maid also later confessed that she had been paid by the same guy that wrote up the flyers
but he was arrested based on her testimony and harrased into submission
pic related; its a copy of the flyer that appeared in the book


>> No.4067688

besides, the maid had been fired presumably for stealing
to be clear she later recanted everything she had been paid to set as accusation against bessler

>> No.4067711

1775 The French academy of sciences publishes in their annals a text starting with the words "La construction d'un mouvement perpetuel est absolument impossible". From this time on, inspection of machines which are said to be perpetual is refused.

1900 The German patent office refuses 320 suggestions for perpetual motion machine patents.

>> No.4067729

This threads still alive from one nutjob?

Perpetual motion violates the most established of physical laws, 0/10, move on

>> No.4069548

thanks for the bump

>> No.4069568

It's because they're using classical mechanics instead of.
Fucking entropy. How does it work?

>> No.4069571



>> No.4069573

1000bc a man develops a perpetum mobile but the evil jews proclaim him mad and destroy their plan, because they are evil.

My small penis has nothing to do with my interests in conspiracy theories.

>> No.4069574

You know what OP? If it's easy to make perpetual motion machines, you go ahead and do that. You go ahead and get any scientist that has made - however slight - a discovery to join you. You should be able to convince them.

In the meantime, take this back to >>>/x/

It does not belong here. It is pseudoscience. It is nonsense.

>> No.4069579

Is this pic for real? I mean, it sounds like a joke but knowing religious nuts...

>> No.4069583

The problem with this whole subject is that the laws of mechanic and thermodynamics in one word physics clearly show that the perpetum mobile isn't possible, and people say huuurrrr it's not possible durrrrr let's abandon the idea totally.

But you are forgeting that a 99% perpetum mobile is possible in theory. Imagine a generator that is turned on and produces electricity for 10 years on the principe of perpetual motion and then stops. Sure it is not a perpetum mobile, but it would be god damn revolution to have such a generator.

>> No.4069584



>> No.4069607
File: 162 KB, 1024x600, feware use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha seems to be psychic at times
maybe its a good thing
at least a feware use this information
most are too dumb to so they must comfort themselves with accusations of insanity or suggest that op (me) is subject to chemicaly rectifiable psychological condition or disorder

i have posted additional information that may be of interest in >>4065497

>> No.4069617


Your question has been answered numerously in that thread.

But here i will give to ya again here:

It is hard to show on a ms paint sketch why it wouldn't work.

If u would simply put together an energy equation for your whole system you will see the value of the exit energy is lower than the input energy.

>> No.4069631

the thing will run until its part wear out
if you wanted to be specific about where the power is coming from you would site the spring
otherwise it is nearly ballanced
it stores a bit of energy to release at a time when its ballance finalizes in stoping to change the structure in a manner that is restricted from returning down the path of least resistance but has another path available to it
the charge on the spring is dual function here
it is the same force that causes the weight to follow the other path available to it
i am no bullshitter
i am quite simply the real deal
it really is not being described by newton in any way that is complete due to its mechanical structure

>> No.4069635
File: 85 KB, 500x475, 1319294429247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP You are asking us to do a shit tone of "research" into this based off of this

>like omg guys i found it but i cant tell you you must find it

You really think anyone is going to spend a shit tone of time on that when they know most likely it will be along the lines of

>"well 2 weeks of digging to find out he was full of shit"

Either post how it is possible or post the maths behind it.



>> No.4069767

maybe i am torn between the posibility of owning the concept and the posibility of it falling into the hands of the general population
there is a long historical path that has led us to our condition of restricted energy distribution and i can see the reason behind it
people become complacent
perhapse it was my intensive conditioning in matters of mechanical apititude at an early age that played a part in this sitting so obviously in front of me after only five days
i will remind your of a story
of a man who sought answers to the depths of meaning by seeking out a wize enlightened master
the wize one took him to the ocean and held him under for an extended time
upon letting him up he asked 'what now do you want?'
the seeker responded ' I WANT TO BREATHE! '
to which the wize one responded "when you want to know more than you want to breathe, then you will know."
apply yourself and the truth is sitting before you in data previously unabsorbed through apathy, misinformation and conditioned indifference
this condition of 'knowing' is a measureable neruological reality
here is a nice little school not far from langley itself
purely coincidental to be sure; close as they are the largest lottery payout (that i am aware of) to a single individual in the good old usa goes to a businessman living between the two locations
on a seperate note;
look to history..
how smoothly did any officially opposed data reach accepted status?

>> No.4069834
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1200, minecraft ubertree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THis thread is most likely a troll thread, but just in case my optimism is right for once...

OP, post the information. Not just here, but in every science and engineering forum you can find. This is the internet. SOMEONE will build it, test it, and prove it works. Not just one person, but several persons, and from there it will only grow.

You are too focused on trying to get massive public acceptance, or possibly massive amounts of money. YOU should not care for either of those things where they do not pertain to your own survival.
If you have knowledge and understanding that could be useful to humanity at large, it is your duty to spread the knowledge and teach others, lest it die with you.

>> No.4069838

>the wize one


>> No.4069844

op, if you are hoping to get rich from whatever you found, don't. YOU ARE NOT GETTING RICH FROM YOUR "INVENTION", get over it.
So you either say what you have to say, no more fucking riddles. Or gtfo.
(sage because I am getting tired of this thread)

>> No.4069918
File: 344 KB, 1197x754, bessler01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between two threads i have been giving descriptive data that any person sincere in this matter can add to the historical recorded data in their effort to comprehend what was inside bessers wheel
in essence i feel that if you cant conceive of it why do you deserve its benifit?
althought it produces not much energy ( besslers tested at about 1/10 horsepower when built 14 ft aprox diameter with 8 weights aprox 4 pounds each)
i have brought this to the attention of people through this post
if they are able to solve it then they may do as they please and it will be no concern of my own
no trouble to me
as far as small scale personal profit is concerned;
if i so pleased a simple grid tie invertor and an array of solar cells coupled with some wind generators could conceal the means and method of production
i am doing what i feel comfortable with, with what i know
from the vantage of those who respond differently than yourself you are just a naysayer, a detractor


>> No.4070173

>in essence i feel that if you cant conceive of it why do you deserve its benifit?

Did you make computers or the internet? Did you conceive of water systems or anything like that?

NO but you enjoy there benefit.

What you just said is bassicly no one deserves to use anything they didnt conceive.

You are either trolling or have a massive ego.

And if you do have the knowledge to make such a device but wont share it with the world then you are no better than those you preach against that are trying to "suppress it"

>> No.4070180
File: 22 KB, 640x423, parenting-fails30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4070217

take a close look at the two threads in question
every time a comment has been made that even somewhat pertains to the interior workings i have responded
there are several examples where i have ignored statements made directed at matters of psychological nature be they based on ego concerns or otherwise
if your interest were in the interior of the device perhaps it would make sence for your post to also reflect this?
i am planting seeds so that if this tree should die before it sees life it may begin again
as a matter of critical thinking it should be obvious that this as a posibility was ruled out long before substantial pretext stood in place to support such a position
if you must; relax and tell yourself that this is all the work of a master troll who had no better use for his holiday time.. and as politely as you are able return to whatever pastime is consuming your life

>> No.4071241

thanks for pointing that out
if i use that image again i will be sure to spell correctly