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4059205 No.4059205 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I'm not looking for a baww thread, it's just that I've been hurt once more by a girl I cared about. EVERY relationship is bound to fail at one point or another and I'm tired of feeling depressed about it; Additionally, I'm wasting valuable time with those emotions which could be spent in my education.

So my plan is to gradually numb/suppress certain feelings, so that, for instance, my sexual drive would still be intact but I wouldn't develop any form of love or dependancy towards another person.

Is there any way to do that? Are there maybe even known cases of people who developed such an attitude? (An obvious fictional reference would be Patrick Bateman)
I'd even consider medication in case this is possible.

I tried watching all kinds of sick stuff on the internet for a couple of months, but the only thing that seems to accomplish is a lower empathy.

tl;dr - I want to stop falling in love

pic semi-related

>> No.4059230


We all have Schizoid pd so we have no fucking idea what you mean by "emotion" and "feelings" etc.

>> No.4059246


thanks man, I've been lurking /sci/ and /b/ for ages, I didn't even know /adv/ existed. I'll check there.

>> No.4059249

I recommend you stop being a faggot.
emotions are part of everybodys life, aside from the mentally disturbed, learn to deal with it.

>> No.4059384
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>So my plan is to gradually numb/suppress certain feelings, so that, for instance, my sexual drive would still be intact but I wouldn't develop any form of love or dependancy towards another person. Is there any way to do that? Are there maybe even known cases of people who developed such an attitude?
Aren't you just describing an asshole dude who loves fucking around? Is that too far fetched?

Anyway, could you elaborate that pic?
What is this? Cohomology theory of...Some topological space plus some projective bundle?

>> No.4059417
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look up Kähler-de Rham Cohomology

Well no, this is not far fetched I guess. You could describe my ambitions like that, although I believe that this "asshole"-mentality comes with more behavioral patterns (like being a person who's generally unpleasant). I'd just like to selectively kill emotions, but leave my good nature unchanged.

>> No.4059425

>EVERY relationship is bound to fail at one point or another
nah, theres loads of old couples who stay happily married until they die.

and if you have feelings/emotion etc you dont want, i find that meditation helps.

>> No.4059433

Did it help you dry your tears when you ragequit /sci/, because people were posting your Facebook profile?

>> No.4059437


Yes, I should've made that distinction, you're right.
And I'll actually try meditating. Maybe this will help me get rid of the emotional mess in my head that is impeding me so much right now.

>> No.4059438

i like your thoughts, op, i, too, would like to get rid of my feelings towards people, but what i've experienced in the past 3-4 months is, you can't... i fuck that one girl that i dont even like in any other way but physically. however, i've developed serious feelings to her. up to now i think i can control them, but it sucks anyway

>> No.4059450

nah, wasnt my profile

cool. it takes practise, but stick at it and you'll find it worthwhile

>> No.4059451
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>nah, theres loads of old couples who stay happily married until they die.
Mhm, I actually don't know one. Do you know examples of married stay forever together couples without kids?

the "kill emotions" plan will not work, of course. I mean seriously.
On the other hand I wouldn't say that the typical "asshole" person is a bad person. A player can have that mentality and be a nice person anyway. I mean you can't be liked by everybody and these people are just as liked as you are.

Also what does Kähler add to the picture? The need for a complex structure restrcticts the spaces, imho, but how does, for example, the metric it influence the cohomology? Does the metric play any role? I actually don't know if the space and the dual space are identified without metric, but it's probably possible in any case. And what is P? This is why I guessed projective spaces/bundles added to X, but "Kähler de Rham" doesn't expain this for me.

>> No.4059455

you've just become understandably bitter after being hurt. i think the best thing you can do is to throw yourself into work which will benefit you academically (and generally as a person; knowledge is power). this will also help you not think about this girl and move on. when you're ready you will feel the urge to meet people again. don't lose faith in people, i assume youre reasonably young and most people need to mature through experience

>> No.4059457

without kids? erm, no i dont know any examples, but there probably are somewhere.

>> No.4059470
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I think that people start to not like each other in any case. You know, when you have friends for 7 years and then you start seeing them less and less and the next time you meet you kinda like the person still, you want to be friends etc., but you just have nothing to talk anymore. Different interests, different friend circles. This happened to me a couple of times the last years (I'm in my mid 20's) and this made me think that it's unlikely that people stay together forever. It's not somebodies fault, it's just a matter of interest and possibilities. Therefore, and from observation, I'd say that people only stay together more that 10 years because they made kids and can't really split up anymore. Sounds sad, but I'm afraid that how it is.

>> No.4059485

theres always new interests and new things to talk about, ive been with some of my friends since primary school, and we're still great friends, they dont get boring.

>> No.4059488

how long have you been fucking them for? do they get boring there?

>> No.4059496

why do you want to maintain your sex drive? this will make it harder

basically just totally ignore girls & you'll get there soon enough.

>> No.4059497

i wasnt fucking them, they were just long time friends from primary that im still in contact with (all girls, and all straight, so no fucking)

>> No.4059502

So they fucked you then?

>> No.4059517

wat? no
they're all girls (my oldest friends i mean), we're just friends

>> No.4059545

so they fucked you with strap-ons?

>> No.4059549

shut the fuck up, creep

>> No.4059551

life is about more than following your reward system.
If you truly love a person in the rational sense enough to make your emotional love for them not be purely meaningless hedonism, you will stay with them even though you could get greater reward release in another relationship.

Long-term relationships may take work, but at least you can look back and say that when you said all those things, you really meant them.

If you're looking for a purely hedonic life of reward-system activation you should start doing heroin.

>> No.4059552

OP, so you want to become a psychopath???

>> No.4059560

nah, psychopaths just dont sow any sympathy/empathy and dont give a fuck about anyone, OP just wants to repress a few unhelpful emotions, that's not the same thing.

>> No.4059886

I just wanted to say that I tried meditating for the first time in my life, and it actually seemed to calm me down and make me feel better. I don't know if it's a placebo effect given my limited experience with such things, but I don't care, whatever helps me is a good thing in my book. So thanks for that particular advice.

>> No.4059917

OP, I am that way. Partly naturally and partly through treatment I received for anxiety.

It is awesome and also sucks.

I managed to cut off an entire half of my family, my step-dad, made a LOVELY girl fall in love with me so I could have sex with her and then moved on.

I also feel empty all the time. And will have months where I feel a violent rage to people (which has occasionally had me in the middle of the shitty part of my town at night looking to stop crime, luckily people prefer to run and I avoided getting myself killed like a retard).

Don't do it, OP.

>> No.4060075


>> No.4060096
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>mfw my parents have enjoyed over 30 years of relationship, ~25 of which have been marriage

>> No.4060112

I couldn't be near my parents after my 6 year relationship failed. I was simply disgusted by how happy they are together, despite the occasional shit-flinging.