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File: 67 KB, 1296x728, H2JW6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4057812 No.4057812 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is wrong with textbook publishers

>> No.4057821
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They are on crack.
That is what.

>> No.4057826

>that long strand of hair

I vomited

>> No.4057830


Fundamentals of Physics, yessss

>> No.4057832
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that's some serious fucking drugs, dawg

>> No.4057836


They have a sense of humor.

>> No.4057837
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>> No.4057844


Some would argue that is the same thing....

>> No.4057851

Sheared sheep. I fucking laughed. Lighten up, op.

At least it's not incorrect. There are bad text books. Read Feynman's account of being on a committee to select text books for a school. It's the writers that are insane. The publishers, like the people on feynman's committee, probably don't even read the books before shipping them out.

>> No.4057856
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>> No.4057859



>> No.4057860
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Oh no a pun.

>> No.4057863

old chemistry textbook by nityananda shetty

forgot version, etc.

>> No.4057864

what book?

>> No.4057865
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Want to hear a potassium joke?

>> No.4057869

omg yes

>> No.4057871
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>> No.4057877



>> No.4057878
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introduction to finance

>> No.4057884


That was the joke.

>> No.4057885

Fuckin' love it! Wish half the mathematics I read was this funny. ^O^

>> No.4057887
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>> No.4057889

this is now a science/math joke thread
inb4 neutrino walks into a bar

>> No.4057893
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not mine, but...

>> No.4057897
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>> No.4057913

the only thing that bothers me is i remember seeing that same sheep in my linear algebra textbook and I never noticed the pun

>> No.4057914
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 5191IzCpuRL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a textbook I'm currently reading....look carefully at the picture.

>> No.4057925
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Not a textbook, but what the fuck..?

>> No.4057937
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>nano technology
>really just nano boobs and booty

>> No.4057940
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>> No.4057945

HAHAHAHAHA, that's going in my textbook folder.

Was that made with microstereolithography?

>> No.4057948

Crazy, right? The lab manager told me that she was surprised they published something like this. At the time, I never looked at it closely and didn't know what she meant. I took a plane to Boston today and on the plane began reading the book. I noticed the cover and shat brix

>> No.4057956

My body was not ready.

>> No.4057955

I just opened the book again, and I can't find anything that descirbes what it is! On close inspection of the cover, it looks to me like a human hair or something. I'll skim the pages and tell you if I find anything.

>> No.4057959

is that shit real?

like, it's not actually shooped?

>> No.4057962


I think it's meant to be Venus. It's just a pretty poor job.

>But but Anon! It's nanoscopic! Give them some credit, right?

No, it looks terrible.

>> No.4057978

I went through 600 pages, finally found it. It's "Venus Micromodels on Human Hair", (laser-zentrum-hannover.de)

3-D Two-Photon Lithography

>> No.4057984
File: 218 KB, 600x600, micro-stereolithography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically microstereolithography

>> No.4057985
File: 50 KB, 803x629, nano-venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not shooped. Now that I know the name, I could search for it properly and here's a much better resolution pic

>> No.4057990

No clue. I'm on page 17 of the book. I'm taking the class next semester, although I'll try to have my first microfluidic device assembled by the end of winter. I'm an environmental engineer.

>> No.4058014
File: 38 KB, 800x754, SA-Fluidics-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microfluidic devices as in elastomer based ones, solid ones, or droplet ones? And what do you want to build in microfluidics?

Presumably you're making some sort of sensor?

You can do some pretty cool stuff with elastomer based microfluidics, just check out anything from Quake lab(as in the big one).

Or if you want to kick it back old-school you might consider making a microfluidic amplifier(pic related), the microfluidic analog of a transistor and make a pure fluid signal processor.

Looks shooped. I doubt they were able to fabricate or place said microtorsos on a human hair. Micromanipulation is hard.

>> No.4058043

I can't say whether or not it's fake, but it is on the cover of my textbook and it comes from a reputable source so I do believe it's real.

I'm short, I'm doing reactive transport modeling of uranium in microfluidic pore networks, and developing models that incorporate how microbial communities can enhance uranium reduction beyond what's possible by physical mixing alone. We think that bacteria use conductive nanowires and lay down grids of these wires on biofilms to transport electrons.

Basically, I have a reactor design with a pore network that resembles sandy soil (a bunch of cylinders and pores, as well as nanoporous aggregates, or small holes inside the cylinders), and will use flow rates and uranium concentrations close to those at contaminated sites. The reason I'm using these devices is because it creates a highly controlled 2-D environment (I'll do 3-D experiments later, but 2-D is easier to understand initially) and allows me to isolate different transport mechanisms by changing the design of the reactor. Later, I'll vary temperature and pressure to create different forms of iron oxide present in soil, and see how iron oxides affect diffusion, transport, uranium transformation...etc.

Other students in the environmental engineering program ARE making sensors, and doing work with things called "aptamers" that I don't quite understand.

>> No.4058058

Right now I'm learning the machines. I had cleanroom and preproom training, and yesterday learned how to use the spinner to put on photoresist, and the mask aligner to transfer my image. The professor of the class recommended I buy the textbook and read it while I learn all the machines I need to use. Next I'll be using ICP-DRIE, anodic bonding, the furnace, sputterer, and a few other machines.

>> No.4058078

The book in OP is Linear Algebra and Its Applications by David C. Lay. It is the fourth edition. I have it right now next to me.

>> No.4058083

Btw, it is actually a clever representation of linear transformations.

>> No.4058101

I would SO do it.

>> No.4058123


sh!t, fellow enviro here, where are you guy going to school, undergrad or grad. I didn't get any course this interesting in school.

Oh, btw, the writers didn't count on the fact that people would read/follow every single line in the book. So like the map makers, they insert trap streets, in-joke, weird lines, just to fill in the pages. Well, publishers don't care, thicker books means higher price (usually). When you have shit load to worry about, writer on crack is the last thing on their list.

>> No.4058144
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Let's just hope your bacteria don't enrich said uranium. There are rumors every now and then of biological based uranium enrichment, but fortunately, they always turn out to be false....

Aptamers are basically RNA based enzymes that bind to stuff. Sort of like the kind of things you'd find in an RNA world. They're really neat because you can quickly evolve them to bind specifically to pretty much anything really quickly.

Add some dyes(or something) to em' and you can tell if they've bound to something.

Also don't spill the HF. And remember pyrophoric mean catches fire upon exposure to oxygen.

>> No.4058931


I fucking lol'd

>> No.4058964

OP I fucking love that text. It's a great intro to linear.

>> No.4058981


so what, it's venus de milo

>> No.4058984

O god I fucking lost it.

>> No.4059015

lol wtf

>> No.4059030

but it has boobies XD

>> No.4059052

kill me

>> No.4059055

That's fucking hilarious
Is that, like some ethics textbook?

>> No.4059098

Science joke time.

One day, Helium walks into a bar.
The bartender says :"sorry, we don't serve inert gas"
Helium does not react.

>> No.4059238

I'm in grad school right now, but I don't want to give away my university because that would easily give me away as well. However, I'm probably not that hard to find.

In environmental engineering, undergrad teaches you water quality, wastewater systems, air quality, and fate and transport of contaminants in groundwater. Most people also take courses in solid mechanics, geotechnical engineering, dynamics, and fluid mechanics. If you go for a more chemistry-related concentration, you'll also take 1 or 2 years of thermodynamics and physical chemistry. If you're more into soils, you'll take soil physics, biogeochemistry, and surface chemistry (I say this more for people who aren't in the field).

At the grad level, you tend to overlap with other disciplines. Research is being done in catalysis, electrochemistry, biosensor development, microfluidics, mathematical modeling using quantum mechanics, biofuels, membrane fabrication at a molecular level, explosives design, genetic engineering (on microbes)...etc. Therefore, there is overlap in chemistry, biology, chemical engineering, material science, mechanical engineering, mathematics, geochemistry, and so on. When you're researching any one of these topics, you'll need to take courses that are much different than what you'd take as an undergraduate. The big thing today is "interdisciplinary work" and all the engineering fields blend together in some way for many new projects.

>> No.4059242

Enjoy helium while you can. It'll be gone in a few decades.

>> No.4059266

Thanks for the information on aptamers. I'm also pretty worried about using HF, and will start probably soon after I get back from Thanksgiving break. I tend to respect dangerous chemicals, but have been poisoned several times in the past.

What the bacteria are doing is reducing uranium from a (VI) oxidation state to a (IV) oxidation state either on their own (Dissimilatory Metal Reducing Bacteria, DMRB) or as part of a system involving syntrophs, in cases where electron donors are too complex for the DMRB to use. Uranium (IV) is solid, and therefore immobile in the soil. No fear of enriching uranium, although even if it did, we use such low concentrations and flow rates that it would be incredibly inefficient to do.

>> No.4059324

All of us, beginner /sci/entists, do.