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File: 19 KB, 330x235, calc grade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4056480 No.4056480 [Reply] [Original]

that feel

>> No.4056490


captcha: college.] ntagery

>> No.4056499

>That feel when collected homework

>> No.4056503

>implying studying would have helped

>> No.4056510

do your homework

>> No.4056515

just sent this to my teacher

Hi. Thanks for updating the grades, but I was wondering.

Is it possible to just exclude homework from the overall grade? My quiz average is a 96 and my test average is sniffing 92, and my attendance is at 100. It's obvious that I know the material. If homework was factored out, I would have an A in the class. Since tests are supposed to be where we show what we know, and homework is only for practicing and refining the material that we'll be tested on, it seems sort of redundant to have my grade brought down because of the homework average. I mean I clearly know the material. So I'm just wondering if that is something that could be taken into account..


she's a 26ish year old girl though, half the time she did example problems she would fuck them up, and she lectured straight out of the book

odds are she's too dumb to see that homework doesnt matter

>> No.4056522

Why didn't you do the homework if it was counted in the grade?

>> No.4056537

because i always waited until the last night to do it right before the midnight it was due

but then i'd usually get distracted by friends and weed or drinking

>> No.4056543
File: 102 KB, 379x374, 1314769546477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You dug your own grave, OP. She might be nice and factor it out (if she even can) but let this be a lesson to take 15 minutes out of your day to do your damn homework.

>> No.4056544

I really hope this isn't for a university/college course.

>> No.4056547

What class was that?

>> No.4056553

>15 minutes

>40 problems, multiple parts to each problem
>its online
>the internet in the dorms is god-awful slow
>need to refresh the entire homework after you do every single problem
>takes like 10 seconds to load every time
>you have to type it exactly how they want it or it marks it wrong, even if its something as meaningless as making a space after a comma or using a bracket instead of a parenthesis

it seriously makes you want to just kill yourself

>> No.4056555

What class is this?

>> No.4056556

calc 2

>> No.4056562

Maybe if you didn't waste your time and mind on destructive substances and put socializing ahead of studying you wouldn't have this problem.

>> No.4056568

Knowing the material is only part of your final grade. You still need to show you're willing to do work, even if it feels unnecessary to you

>> No.4056569
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>> No.4056570

So you deserve a better grade than someone who got the same marks on tests as you, but also did the homework? Piss off. Part of the course was to do the homework retard.

>> No.4056575


Frankly I'm stunned that you have the audacity to ask such a thing. Not only is that e-mail poorly written, it also implies that you think you can diagnose your understanding of the material and that you deserve an 'A' for that reason. If that teacher has any sense she will tell you to eat shit. Do your fucking homework, stop smoking weed, and grow the fuck up. You will never make it through college with this attitude.

>> No.4056600
File: 3 KB, 209x215, fuk u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The sense of entitlement you put off is astounding. You really think you deserve a better grade for NOT doing as much work as everyone else?

Get fucked you lazy shit.

>> No.4056606

Nigger, homework is free marks and you are a fucking idiot for not doing do it.

>> No.4056608

I wouldn't be that harsh...

For example, in my P-Chem class, it's structured so there's homework, 3 Midterms, and a Final. The Final is three problems, each correlating to the one of the midterms. If your score out of 100 for a problem on the final is higher than your midterm score was, you replace the midterm grade.

(ie: Apparently somebody made 3% on a Midterm and made an A in the class 2 years back).

The professor consistently says he doesn't give much of a shit about homework, and it barely factors into our grade at all (then again, it basically means the Final is worth 90% in there anyhow).

>> No.4056619

But that's wrong. I go to college to learn the necessary knowledge so that I can go out in my field and get a job, not to spend hours doing tedious bullshit math problems.

>> No.4056631

Your degree shows discipline, not knowledge
Most of your training will be done on the job. They just don't want someone who's undedicated

>> No.4056650

I'm a grad student who has taught Calc II before and I would never "exclude" homework from the grade. I don't know how your tests and quizzes are, but usually exams are written up the same every year so we have a good number of cheaters. In fact, this is usually how we spot cheaters: they do terrible on the homework, but they are amazing at the quizzes and tests. This forces us to have a "show your work" rule.

Regardless of how well you know Calculus II, doing homework is required. This is said on the first day of class. If you can't manage your time to do the homework, do not take the class. If you already know the material, take a harder class. If it is the case that you can somehow figure out this material when you get to the exam without practice, then the exams are too easy or you are in too low of a class.

Any way you slice this, the problem rests squarely on you.

>> No.4056656


It's not wrong in any way shape or form. By A) actively choosing to not do homework, B) asking the teacher to give you special treatment and C) stating that homework is redundant, you have essentially demonstrated A) a lack of motivation/ambition (HURR I WAS TO BUSY GETTING BAKED LOL), B) a pretentious and self-serving attitude (HURR I KNOW I'M SMART TRUST ME LOL), and C) a lack of understanding of the learning process, problem solving, and the nature of the job you hope to acquire. Homework is extremely important. Do you honestly think you know better than a teacher with a high level degree? You really crammed quite a bit of fail into one e-mail. Take it from a guy who is nearly through with a mechanical engineering degree. You will not make it through college (or if you do, you will have shitty grades) with your attitude. Grow the fuck up or get the fuck out.

>> No.4056660

Somebody who gets the same grade while doing less work is probably more intelligent, and therefore absolutely does deserve the same mark, if not a better one. Efficiency is laudable, not contemptible.

People who make up for their lack of intellect by working very hard will eventually be culled anyway once they hit their skill cap partway through the major, and it should be done sooner rather than later to save them from wasting time.

>> No.4056662

"Enforcing a 'show your work' rule"

....What? Do people actually try to put the answer without writing out the steps in between?
What's the fucking point of that. That shouldn't have to be made a "rule", that's just part of math...

>> No.4056664

Stop being such a lazy cunt. Everyone has to do shit they don't like. That's life. Get over it and grow up if you want a decent grade.

>> No.4056665

>that feel when A's are always out of reach

>> No.4056675

Once again, wrong.

The fact that I can perform far and away better on the quizzes and exams than anyone else in my class(9 of the 40 in my class are passing) by spending less time preparing and using that time to do other(possibly productive things for all she knows) things, proves that I am more intelligent and a more efficient learner.

Sorry, but I'm not sorry that I don't need to spend hours cramming my brain to understand Calculus.

>> No.4056676

Not really, I can definitely say that had I been forced to show my work through every level of high school math and calc, I would be no better off now and have had several thousand hours less free time, obviously higher level math is not the same thing as calc though.

>> No.4056684

Why? Ask a question, give the answer.

When I tell a mechanic to fix my car, I don't expect him to break down with me about every screw that he had to remove.

When a question tells me to take the derivative of a function, why should I have to write down every step? I'll save you the extra reading and just give you the final answer.

>> No.4056686


Ahh to be a deluded freshman. That is untrue in every sense of the term. You think you're a special little snowflake don't you? Reality will hit you like a freight train when you realize that intelligence will only carry you so far. Work ethic and dedication gets results. Intelligence is merely helpful. Get over yourself. I've taught plenty of classes with little shits like you. They all think they can get through on intelligence alone. Then the fail and switch to business.

>> No.4056687

I still can't imagine not showing your work in calc...

It's right along with the thought process you're making to arrive at the answer-- and more importantly it's your argument for why your answer is correct.

>> No.4056688

By less/more work I simply meant everyone else had completed all the coursework, but he did not.

It doesn't matter if he really is smarter than everyone else in that class, mandatory means mandatory.

>> No.4056692

>Somebody who gets the same grade while doing less work is probably more intelligent, and therefore absolutely does deserve the same mark, if not a better one
so you claim
>smarter people deserve better grades for being smart
you're wrong.
smart people don't run the world
stupid people who put the time in do.

>> No.4056696


My class had 120 students, and 16 of them failed. Of these 16, the majority of them would literally re-write the question, then scribble some nonsense, and then "somehow" get the same answer as was required. For 4 of them, we constructed four different exams to
catch them cheating, and this was taken to the Honor Board. For the rest, they got lucky that they only failed my course.


Consider those who either (a) cheat, (b) take the same course twice [common with calculus and statistics], (c) have test-taking anxieties, (d) are taking the course as an affirmative action student. In each of these cases (and (d) depending on the college) two students can get the same grade while one is not necessarily any "smarter" than the other.

Some of my best students get B+'s on the final because they'll second-guess themselves. Some of my terrible students get B's on the finals because they guess lucky on the multiple choice.

>> No.4056699

My fucking calc teacher doesn't approve of my educated guessing technique for integrating with substitution. I see a pattern, guess, take the derivative of the guess and modify the answer.

This works 99% of the time but no fucking credit.

>> No.4056700

No, I'm saying
>smart people who got better grades on EXAMS
deserve a better grade, despite whether or not they practiced it at home.

>> No.4056705

Oh where oh where is my alexander grothendieck quote....

Here it is:
I've had the chance, in the world of mathematics, to meet quite a number of people, both among my elders and among young people in my general age group, who were much more brilliant, much more "gifted" than I was. I admired the facility with which they picked up, as if at play, new ideas, juggling them as if familiar with them from the cradle -- while for myself I felt clumsy, even oafish, wandering painfully up an arduous track, like a dumb ox faced with an amorphous mountain of things I had to learn (so I was assured), things I felt incapable of understanding the essentials or following through to the end. Indeed, there was little about me that identified the kind of bright student who wins at prestigious competitions or assimilates, almost by sleight of hand, the most forbidding subjects. In fact, most of these comrades who I gauged to be more brilliant than I have gone on to become distinguished mathematicians. Still, from the perspective of thirty or thirty-five years, I can state that their imprint upon the mathematics of our time has not been very profound. They've all done things, often beautiful things, in a context that was already set out before them, which they had no inclination to disturb. Without being aware of it, they've remained prisoners of those invisible and despotic circles which delimit the universe of a certain milieu in a given era. To have broken these bounds they would have had to rediscover in themselves that capability which was their birthright, as it was mine: the capacity to be alone.

Granted, the faggot you guys are responding too doesn't even fit into that "talented" category, he's just some kid that got through highschool easy and thinks he's hot shit for it.

>> No.4056706

OP, for the record, incase it wasn't obvious, pretty much all the people who seriously believe you deserve to have your grade go down for not doing busywork are stupid and small-minded and are incapable of excellence and can only achieve satisfactory results through a lot of hard work and effort. They're basically just jealous and butthurt.

>> No.4056709
File: 19 KB, 230x250, GIL3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure have some shitty grammar for somebody so purportedly intelligent.

>thinking hard work will actually get you anywhere without being backed by aptitude

All men are not created equal. You can't be everything you want to be. Deal with it.

>> No.4056717

I'm a Professor and I teach several math courses, including Calc 1 and 2. I agree with this statement.

Homework in my class can be used as a crutch for those who don't perform well on the test. I hate passing students who failed exams but their homework average kept them passing, but I do.

But if there's a smart kid who clearly should be in a higher class but needs Calc 1 or 2 for a requirement, and he just bangs out 90s on exams and never does homework, then I'll exclude homework since he obviously knows enough to move on to the next class.

Nobody cares how many rockets the soviets sent up, or how much extra time they spent on it, they're all meaningless since they never made it to the moon.

^analogy for homework. moon = high exam grades, failed blown up rockets = homework.

>> No.4056724


>Resort to attacking me over minor typos

>Has clearly ran out of arguments


>Confirmed for wrong and butt-mad

>> No.4056726

>teaches math
>has to explain terrible analogy

Nice autism fella.

>> No.4056728

>implying i didn't do my homework in high school

They all told me it wouldn't be needed in college. They fucking lied.

Too bad some people can't see that exams are all that matter, and homework is only for extra practice if you can't pick it up while you're in class.

>> No.4056732

>thinking I don't need to explain that analogy

This is 4chan. Look at the reader base.

Then again, the fact that I need to explain the analogy explanation to you sort of makes my point, doesn't it?

>> No.4056736

honestly I've never seen someone pass calc 2 without doing the homework/decent amount of studying
let alone get such high grades

I think its the same for most of the other people in this thread

if we were talking about a basic algebra class instead of calc 2 I think most of these people would agree that if you get 90s on tests and don't do the homework, then the hw shouldn't be dragging you down
because algebra is so basic

>> No.4056739

I take it you're a sparkling exception to the fallings of the reader base, then?

>> No.4056741

A typo is a spelling mistake, not a grammar error. 'Grammar' refers to concepts like sentence structure, correct usage, and proper inclusion of referents.

>doesn't even know the difference

>implying your post wasn't extremely antagonistic itself

>> No.4056744
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>Once again, wrong.
>Sorry, but I'm not sorry that I don't need to spend hours cramming my brain to understand Calculus.

then dont bitch about your grade

>> No.4056753


>Refuses to address the topic at hand
>Still butt-mad

My post may have been antagonistic but it addressed the topic. You refuse to do so, instead resorting to pointing out grammar errors (you have yet to specify said errors, as if anyone cares). You are a tool. Deal with it. I'm right and you're wrong.

>> No.4056757

Dunno about you but my experience with higher level math has been that as soon as the problem is simply differentiable or integrable the professor stops because "the calculus is trivial".

>> No.4056758

I'm not, I'm bitching that people still factor homework into the grade when it's only purpose is to help you practice what you did in class IF you don't already understand it all.

It should never be graded, that's like basing your review of a movie based off deleted scenes.

>> No.4056769

fucking this. I don't do homework either, but I do so knowing I won't get 100% in the class. You've got some balls. If you had 100% on tests an quizzes, I could see bumping up the homework grades, but you're just an asinine faggot.

>> No.4056775

Or maybe you dont understand any of your homework and your pulling this bullshit out of your ass while you cheat off of asians during the test

>> No.4056776


Depending on the curriculum, Calc II could simply be an extension of Calc I with minor things like trig + some sequences and series stuff. It could even be that OP learned everything in Calculus already, or goes to some shitty college. Regardless, he deserves the grade he got. There's a thing called a syllabus given out on the first day of class detailing what you need to do to get a good grade. Homework is one of them.

This is not to say that the kid isn't a genius or whatever. He may very well be. But part of the coursework is homework, and the grade is dependent on the coursework.

>> No.4056777

that makes perfect sense in the setting of a lecture though
the professor is only interested in teaching what he/she is required to teach
once the problem has been reduced to something you should already know, his/her job is done

>> No.4056782


This is different. If you took algebra [regular, not abstract] and said, "this is trivial" for everything, then you'd fail. If you take calculus, you can assume most algebra except the more complicated parts. If you take multivariable, you can assume most single-variable except for the complicated parts. If you take analysis, complex, etc., you can assume most of the previous classes, except the complicated parts.

>> No.4056793

>you have yet to specify said errors, as if anyone cares
It sounds like you care enough to assure everybody that you don't!

>> No.4056795
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Damn right I have balls.

You should see this teacher though. It's shameful. Me and the kid I sit next to could teach this shit 100x better. We spend most of the class laughing at her inability to actually teach the material and perform it at the same time. I'm not saying that she isn't smart enough to do it, but she has no business actually teaching Calc 2 at a college/university. If there is a kid that (1) came into this class not already knowing of most of the concepts and (2) is passing based solely off her teaching, then he deserves a medal.

>> No.4056803

Hahaha I can't fucking believe that e-mail OP.

You are in highschool right?, that or your university must be amazingly shitty.

>> No.4056816
File: 564 KB, 1280x800, llama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this thread because it really brings out the "hard work will get you everywhere", "intelligence is nothing", and "college isn't about learning" (wtf) tools.
You guys are really what's killing contemporary society.

>> No.4056817
File: 29 KB, 276x276, haha no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that e-mail

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.4056819

I don't see your reasoning here, but thanks, and it's a decent university.

>> No.4056824

I'm starting to think it's just /lit/ coming back for more trolling.

>> No.4056832


I am supremely unconcerned regarding your lack of pointing out errors. I was merely highlighting your utter refusal to address the issue at hand, namely the niggarity of OP.

>> No.4056833

Are people here really insisting that homework should count in a grade?

Most teachers/profs that I know see it as a crutch for people who suck at the class, ESPECIALLY math.

>> No.4056843

I don't understand why you don't want to do your homework. Sure it's easy for you, but isn't it fun?

I remember taking a logic class for my GE and while I regularly finished my exams in 15 minutes or less, I still liked doing the homework. It was cool to fuck around with Tarski's world and write out and translate the wffs.

>> No.4056856

waiting for it to load after each problem is like eating glass

>> No.4056857


Discipline is important in life. Even if the problems in the HW are easy that doesn't make them redundant. They sharpen your skills.

I would like to compare the OP to the OP that actually does his homework. I wonder how much more he would be excelling. It doesn't matter what his test grade is BTW. I'm looking for a barometer that would indicate if he would be a brighter person because of doing his homework.

>> No.4056866

I'm not going to try and judge OP too deeply (I think that e-mail was ballsy and sort of dumb) but imagine if you will the possibility that there are people who don't do their homework because the realization that the homework is worthless for them makes them too impatient and consequently uncomfortable.

>> No.4056872

If OP is actually smart enough that he can complete Calc II by just laughing at his teacher all class and get As on exams and not doing homework, then he might just be one of those smart assholes with balls the size of watermelons that doesn't care about potentially pissing off his professor.

>> No.4056874

But that's wrong. A college's job is to educate, not to enforce a strict definition of what education is. As long as you show that you know what you are doing, there is no reason that you should be penalized for it. Homework should never count sorry, the only reason it does is because everyone hates homework (forced studying is what it should be called), but SOME people need it, so what do they do, the obvious, enforce something for all so that the 'some' don't fall behind.

If tests are meant to be tests they should be your only grade, attendance shouldn't even matter, being there isn't a prerequisite for knowing something.

I know that feel, it's not a good feel. My teacher is making us use some homework thing he swears by, it is shit.
>Free marks
What is this shit, people actually believe that because something is free it automatically makes it good. What's next 'visit my blog for 10 points'. What's that, didn't do it? It was free marks, your fault.

Sorry but homework is not necessary in the slightest to show your understanding or mastery of a subject.

>> No.4056876

>hurr I did nothing for a semester and got an A in test, F in homework, i am god, i want A
>durr, I did my homework, got an A in both tests and hw, i deserve my A

Does it say on the syllabus that problem sets are a requirement for a grade? Yes? Then do them you giant faggot. If you are sayian that you deserve a higher grade because you think you are smart, then get lost. That other faggot that is just as smart as you, but two times more diligent is the one that truly deserves that A.

>> No.4056877

You want discipline? Take a class on it.

This is math not projecting life lessons I think you need 101.

>> No.4056879

OP what is your degree?

>> No.4056892

so much truth up in this motherfucking thread

>> No.4056894

Computer Science with an option in Software Engineering

though its only 1st semester freshman year so i could probably change it if it sucks

>> No.4056898


Since you clearly know better than everyone else, why don't you call the US Department of Education, ABET, and other agencies and tell them they're wrong.

Let's play a game called "which is more likely".

Option 1: OP is around the age of 19, but he is enlightened in a way that everyone else in the world is not. He alone understands the intricacies of education and should therefore be treated like the unrequited genius that he is. People should know better than to question his infinite wisdom (including the endless hordes of better-qualified and more-experienced people who design the curriculum).

Option 2: OP is a lazy nigger and is butthurt that someone questions his self-perceived intelligence. OP is a freshman who cruised through high school and thinks college will be the same. OP will gain no meaningful knowledge. In the unlikely event that he graduates, OP will never find a job. OP will realize that "intelligence" doesn't mean dick to employers or anyone in the real world.

I'm goona go with Option 2.

>> No.4056906

This. This everywhere.

>Get A on every test
>Get A on every assignment
>0 in participation
>B for semester

All of my rage

>> No.4056908

Is this highschool?

All my university classes only mark assignments/quizzes/exams. Assignments are not exactly homework, it's something you complete specifically for marks. No marks are given for simply reviewing and doing homework questions, that is up to the student to complete.....

Also that email, sounds like highschool or some really really bad cc. Sounds like a really horrid school if they don't have at least Phd's (every university has this) lecturing.

>> No.4056910

>US Department of Education, ABET, and other agencies
>the endless hordes of better-qualified and more-experienced people who design the curriculum
double lol

also, you seem anal-pained.
I'm sorry you're too untalented to make it outside the confines of the system. Must be a hollow life.

>> No.4056925

>I'm sorry you're too untalented to make it outside the confines of the system

Yeah, I'm totally jealous of you breaking the shackles of the gubbimint oppression. Poor, poor genius.

>> No.4056928


I guarantee my grades far exceed your own. A 92% is not the least bit impressive on a calculus exam. Additionally, I'm a senior in Mechanical engineering. I have industry experience, teaching experience, and research in addition to my schooling. You have fuck all.

You're wrong and you know it. I've made it "outside the confines of the system" (something you have yet to do). What have you achieved that would confirm your "amazing" intellectual abilities? Not a damn thing.

>> No.4056938

Your sarcasm and put-on tone of superiority in this issue must be indicative of underlying emotional maturity issues.
It's ok, not everyone can be a genius. I'm sure your life will work out ok and you'll be content in your delusions.

>> No.4056939

Fuck this entire thread

The point is, grades should reflect your knowledge of the subject material of the course, his grades aren't due to the bullshit homework requirement and are therefore failing to adhere to the central point of the grading system

All of your arguments against it are on the base that grades are not about mastery of the material, which they in fact are, regardless of your interpretations

>> No.4056942

>also, you seem anal-pained.
that feel

>> No.4056945
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>demands good grades

>won't develop good work habits

Also, can anyone tell me where this is from?

>> No.4056947

/sci/ - a place for those with superiority complexes

The fact is, the system is fucked, if you know the course material, you should get credit, I think it's as simple as that, and that argument is rather hard to disagree with

>> No.4056955

I need to show my teachers this

Also /thread

>> No.4056956


I agree. The only issue is how to confirm that someone understands the material. If only there were a system in place that allows teachers to award credit based on the student's demonstrated ability to grasp and apply material in a relatively repeatable and quantifiable fashion! Oh wait, it's called exams, homework, and grades.

>> No.4056964

>"Oh wait! It's called exams and grades!"

Also, exams alone are sufficient to show mastery, as they are literally tests of mastery

Give me a counterpoint, I fucking dare you

>> No.4056967

>put-on tone of superiority
How's that reading comprehension treating you?

>> No.4056970


I could refute this with high school sociology.

Secondary curriculum is when students are taught the ability to work efficiently at a task through course work, and being able to stay focused on that given task.

>> No.4056973

argue the point to your teacher you lazy fuck, we're not the one who came up with the syllabus

If they don't change it or won't listen, tough shit. You'll deal with worse professors in your college career, and most likely they'll be the only ones offering a course you need. learn to live with it

>> No.4056975

Stop being little bitches and do your work.

If the homework is so easy you will fly through it, if you have to actually stop and think for a minute then you didn't know the material as much as you thought.

My experience are that home assignments are much more in depth and complicated than any exam.

You're lazy, you suck, have fun with your shitty grades.

>> No.4056979

Rather than demand the world cater to your strengths and shortcomings perhaps you should try to reason what is practical from the perspective of an employer.
An employer requires discipline and the ability to carry out orders, and a degree is more valuable when it reflects the full range of traits necessary for success.
It doesn't matter what you want out of an education, the point of the degree is it reflects what employers want because that's what's necessary for the economy of the nation.

>> No.4056984


Here's one: Homework measures one's ability to work through highly involved problems where the nature and difficulty of the problem exceed that of something that could be on an exam (due to time constraints, etc.). Furthermore, homework gives a better indication of understanding due to the fact that it's spread over the term. If one is sick or having a bad day on an exam, then homework can allow the teacher to judge the ability of the person over the course of the term instead of one bad day.

>> No.4056989

This, homework is usually harder than exams, that's why you get so much time.

>> No.4056997

>If one is sick or having a bad day on an exam, then homework can allow the teacher to judge the ability of the person over the course of the term instead of one bad day.
God that's bullshit, might as well have test-taking anxiety while you're at it

>> No.4057005


Homework is equivalent to class work.


One can always learn from homework, and review, and the work itself, can promote understand and stengthen comprehension. Questions can always be invented in different morphologies that require different methodologies of thinking.

-We cannot fix problems with the same thinking we used to create them.

Doing it = Ensured education.
Not Doing it = Not everyone socialistically gets it, and you can always cheat on exams.

In this case, it is better for the system to administer it than to not.

Also, homework can be used for students without oratory skills and those who do not participate often in class to validate their skills.

Homework = Work.

Work is malleable.

>> No.4057011


Ah, this test is still up? Grad student from before. Real mathematics is not done in a test environment. So, why should exams even count? They should just give everyone A's, right?

The facts are as follows: you don't understand calculus [or any branch of mathematics] if you don't practice. There are very few exceptions to this rule. Calculus is very easy, so it may not seem obvious to you right now. Homework is practice.

That's it. That's why we have homework.

So, why do we count homework? Because you need to practice and if we didn't, you wouldn't. Calculus class is for teaching you calculus. Period. You will not learn calculus if you do not practice calculus. Period.

I'm really surprised no one has asked OP any calculus questions to test his superior knowledge. I would ask the following if I cared more: does the series (from 1 to infinity) of e^n / n! converge or diverge? Which test can you use to show this?

This might be easy because of Wolfram Alpha, but, you know, something along these lines.

>> No.4057021

There is absolutely no reason for homework not to be your best grade. In my worst subject, math, I routinely get 60s in the tests and 90s in the homework. In all other subjects, it's 80s/90s/sometimes 100 for the tests and routinely 100 percent on the homework.

>> No.4057035


Do you honestly think you will have a job where your boss will say "do this problem in 90 minutes closed book open notes"? Hell no. Exams don't mean a damn thing. Homework is important and a good indicator of understanding.

>> No.4057090
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>Not retarded

>> No.4057099
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OP's posted grades are in calc?

you are joking me

OP confirmed for moron, the homework takes ten seconds and anything below a 100% on a babby calc test equates to full mental retardation

>> No.4057120

Not OP, but u mad that I suck at finding volume via washer method but got a 5 on my AB AP test?

>> No.4057129

why are you guys so nasty about grades
chill out - it is the internet
i hope i don't run into people like you in college

>> No.4057131

if you don't get a five you are required to wipe yourself off of the gene pool

if you don't get a five you should /really/ consider wiping yourself off the gene pool to save oxygen and other resources for those more capable

>> No.4057138
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>a hard mathematics

>> No.4057146
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Taking BC right now, only problem is because there are only two of us in BC we are stuck copying the teacher's notes while she teaches the AB kids
>mfw I don't really care about sharing a class with them because I genuinely enjoy teaching my friends (I'm a year ahead of them) how to do calculus

>> No.4057163

Nobody gets 100 on calc 2 tests. I've never seen it.
I've graded at least 2,000 of them from the students of 5 different professors.

>> No.4057171

Some people take easy calculus courses.

>> No.4057170
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You got a B for having a shitty work ethic. Deal with it, son. I hope she drops you to a C just for asking.

>> No.4057220

As a math grad let me propose a solution:
Grades should be a determined from a combination of the following (in science, math courses):
(i) Timed in-class exams. Consisting of relatively routine problems, but these are guaranteed to be the students own work and knowledge in play.
(ii) "take-home quizzes" which feature in-depth, non-routine problems. Fosters critical problem solving skills and in-depth knowledge of the subject material. Drawback is that the student might copy someone else's work. But this happens with h.w. too. These take-home quizzes shouldn't be terribly frequent as the point is not to put work-load on the students, just encourage understanding.

Anyone agree with this general scheme?

>> No.4057273


I agree with you, homework has never been apart of the course mark throughout high school and university. However, I would label the take home quizzes as assignments, so retards like the OP would know that they are doing it explicitly for the marks.

>> No.4057283

High School or College

If college, wtf

>> No.4057352

You realize most math grad classes grade solely based on hw right?

>> No.4057359

>mfw I didn't even take calc 2, I just took the BC calc test in high school after studying a bit and skipped to linear algebra in junior year

feels good man

>> No.4057364

Even though it's stilled called "h.w." in grad classes, it's more like a series of small take-home exams. Not so much routine drilling of problems you learned to solve in class. The principle is completely different.

>> No.4057389

This. Let's test the genius OP. I'm actually taking calc II at the moment also, I'll post some questions from my past tests.

Integrate [ xe^3x dx ]

>> No.4057419

Math hw at any decent school is like this at the undergrad level as well

>> No.4057428

lolintegration by parts

I'll be trying to help a guy with that tomorrow for business calc, wish me luck, I've never done it.

>> No.4057429

Actually the homework from Calculus II should be numerical in matlab, with the Riemann integrals it's easy to make some decent questions that would take some time from the student.

>> No.4057432

Not in calc, it's not.

>> No.4057438

Not op but I could use some practice, since he obviously isn't gonna answer. that would be integration by parts, right?
so it would be (1/3)xe^3x-(1/3)itgl(e^3x)
which would be (1/3)xe^3x-(1/9)e^3x?
or (e^3x)/3(x-1/3)?

>> No.4057439

lol, no. Not in any uni I've ever experienced. Granted I'm not talking about MIT or stanford. But perfectly respectable schools. H.W. doesn't get like that until abstract algebra, analysis, topology etc. And math is the only subject where this ever happens in undergrad course work. I've taken senior level chem, physics and engineering courses and the homework is always just rote computation using methods covered in class. No thought involved.

>> No.4057442

+c, of course

>> No.4057447

There has to be subtraction in there somewhere, I'd assume the former answer, but I'm just going by tricks.

>> No.4057458

I looked at my school's calc2 hw. While not as challenging as say analysis, the questions look like they at least some kind of thinking. Giving rote hw at the university level would just be fucking stupid.
Here's an example
Show that if Sum(an) is a convergent series of nonnegative terms, then Sum(an^2)

>> No.4057475

I suppose I remember getting a question like that every once in a while, but the vast majority of h.w. is rote at that level.

>> No.4057517

OP, you are right. You deserve an A in that class. Same shit happened to me ... passing every quiz and test with an "A" and the highest scores in class and still got brought down by the lame HW.

Lots of people are taking this very serious for some reason but if you can pass quizzes and tests while still going out and having fun then more power to you! I'm sure you'd do your HW if you thought it'd help you perfrom better on tests but for this course it obviously doesn't.

keep doing what you're doing but for your GPA's sake just make sure HW doesn't count as too many points for the future.

>> No.4057525

>tutoring in math
>people age 18-almost 50 come in
>primary method they use in lower math classes is the "Hawkes Lab" or some shit software
>It's basically the problems section of a textbook, except it tells you when you're wrong
>they fucking force this method on adults

>> No.4057694


Your Face When


>> No.4057720
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>that feel when almost end of semester
>that feel when one month left
>that feel when you have to haul ass on finals
>that feel when you're probably going to have to stay up all night tonight

>> No.4057725

I hope you get it, OP. Homework is retarded.

Update us.

>> No.4057740
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that feel when you don't have to haul ass on the finals but you still have work up the ass

that feel when night classes tomorrow before thanksgiving

>> No.4057768

>final exam
>write your final answer in answer booklet, no working
>that feel when you thinking about small mistakes you made on questions for days after the exam
>results released in a few days time from now

I don't mind exams, but at least have short response or multiple choice. With short response, at least you have working there. With multiple choice, if your answer isn't listed you know you fucked up.

I'm still angry about that test. Reckon I could argue a case with the course coordinator when I get my grades?

>> No.4058525

I'm 21, and option 2 would be more correct than option 1, simply because option 1 is ridiculous.

When I bother to do homework I can do it in 5minutes, the fact that I can do it in 5 minutes and it doesn't help me at all simply lends to how pointless it is. Not everyone needs it, I don't need it. I do good on the tests, is that not enough? I guess one would simply argue that if I did the homework I would do 'better' as I don't get 'straight 100s', but I don't think I frankly neeed to do better, I get an A by their standards don't I? (Short of their 'suggested practice').

Most of my reasonable highschool teachers I talked with told me this when I approached them with the question: If you can do at least 2 things in each category to prove you know it (pick the hardest ones) you don't have to do the rest. They gave me 5 minutes at the end of class, I did them, I didn't have to do homework. Saved time from doing 2 pages worth of math questions which were pointless tedium and plugging things into a calculator.

>> No.4058536

I find homework short of 1-2 questions is usually tedious questions, and then you get those 1-2 'shockers'. Then again I rarely get 'homework' these days, but that's how it usually was when I got it for me anyway.

If the homework is actually challenging, there's no problem in honestly doing it, but tedious homework (what I've usually seen personally) is pointless, no one could back this up, except:

Modern tests are their own problem aren't they, so many teachers defaulting to 'multiple guess' just to have children play the test instead of making sure they are right. Tests should be harder, they shouldn't be so standardized, and if they were, despite being called 'tests' they should attempt to replicate something you'd find in the field. This however is a problem with tests and how they currently work not with homework. Despite what some think not everyone needs to do that homework to be good in that subject. Calculus might be an exception, but in most subjects, you don't need to study to be good, and if you do have study, shouldn't that be your problem?