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File: 36 KB, 393x475, 1294437660718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4049494 No.4049494 [Reply] [Original]


To all who hope for seeing science and technology develop fully, as I do myself, this should be good news. Low skilled, uneducated, poor people, ridding the world of the burden they put on it by staying alive, and not only that, breeding.

The question is, what can we do to encourage such people to stop breeding, and to kill themselves?

And how can we encourage the smart one to breed more?

This is the most important thing for our future.
Developing advanced technology and science is worthless if there are no great minds to use it. and having advanced technology and science in a world overrun with ignorant people.

>> No.4049498
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>dat pic
oh my fucking god!
kill it with fire!
what the fuck!

>> No.4049504

Why is this board so obsessed about helping/improving/advancing humanity? Can't you learn to fucking do/research/make things for your own selfish reasons already?

>> No.4049505

op's pic is hot. 10/10 would cum again

>> No.4049511

shopped but what if...

how did he even survive until this age?

>> No.4049512


>> No.4049523

HOX genes, you niggers. they control the orientation and organization of body part assembly. interesting shit. they manipulated them to grow a fly's legs on its face. hilarious.

>> No.4049533
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not necessarily shopped...

>> No.4049537

>More than a quarter of a million farmers have killed themselves in the last 16 years in what is the largest recorded wave of suicides in history.

>> No.4049543
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>> No.4049558
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>OP doesn't know the difference between Education/Cleverness.

>> No.4049559
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If you think that is shopped you are an ignorant, delusional fool. Learn to tineye.


>how did he even survive until this age
Advance science and technology! This is what I mean, we are wasting so much resources on things like this.
Let's spend our money and resources on space travel, and extending lifespan to 1,000 years, and creating lifelike Virtual Worlds,
not on some poor third world brat that will most likely never even achieve a college education.

>> No.4049570
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The problem with this thread is that everyone whose smart enough to explain why you're a dumbass, just assumes that you're trolling, because they can't imagine anyone being this retarded/naive.

no, I'm not kidding. No one objects to this garbage because they don't want to get trolled.

10/10, have some ponies for your shitty thread.

>> No.4049578

the best thing would be to glorify suicide as an honorable option
it easily backfires though if somebody takes a disliking to you

>> No.4049586
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>No one objects to this garbage because they don't want to get trolled.

No, actually, no one objects because OP is right.
It's kind of sad, but it's true.

>> No.4049587

Get Pakistan to nuke them.

>> No.4049604

>implying honour matters among the uneducated
>implying educated couples will ever have more kids than uneducated ones
it is said that the world requires "useful idiots" and if you're among the gifted and fortunate it does make life easier

>> No.4049613


Ugh, really? You're really gonna make me spend my next 15 minutes on this? Alright, here we go. I'm doing this instant message style. If I don't get a reply within 5 minutes, I'm out. Captcha related: slandA you

Is it correct to say that theistic religion is considered backward because it devalues the life of a human being in favour of a higher power, and restricts them for an abstract system of morality that is somewhat irrelevant?

>> No.4049616
File: 18 KB, 500x500, aldous-huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course the world's problems are far more often cause by sociopathic freaks like OP than by simple farmers.

Empathically subnormal people with advanced technology are going to have far more problems than normal humans with only simple tools.

>> No.4049625
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>it is said that the world requires "useful idiots"
Of course we need useful idiots, like the pencil pushers and factory workers and such. The key word is USEFUL.

And technology has made us need much less useful idiots.

the number for idiots is increasing while the need is going down.

>> No.4049629


tick tock tick tock tick tock

>> No.4049639

A complete rejection of morals and ethics would doom our race to extinction.

People, like you, OP need to be exterminated, as they present a very real danger to the human race. Only then we would advance, as with a moral and ethical backing, we would invent technology that would propel us into a utopia-like existence.

>> No.4049640


pretty much this.

>> No.4049641


whoa, I see you picked the post that was easier for you to relate to. Well, I'll give you a few more minutes. Captcha related- comply enchio

>> No.4049644
File: 40 KB, 450x340, YOUROP~1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4049652


and this.

The freaks on sociopathworld say "But getting rid of all of us would be like the holocaust!!!"

except: without people like you shit like the holocaust could never happen.

>> No.4049654

12 of my 15 minutes are up, OP.

>> No.4049663


I do wish people would stop using the word sociopath and save it for people that actually have big dreams, no work ethic, are selfish, uninhibited, prone to harming self and others...

Okay, point.

>> No.4049669
File: 13 KB, 346x219, jb..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one. Would lol again.

>> No.4049672

>A complete rejection of morals and ethics would doom our race to extinction.

It's not a complete rejection of morals and ethics!

Tell me, do you feel it morally wrong to exterminate cockroches that have infested your house? Probably not right? Because they do not help, but hinder you in living the life you want.

Same with people who live like cockroaches. They have no motives other than to eat, sleep and breed. Quit being a speciesist. People are not special just because they are people.

>> No.4049690
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And your comparison of humans to cockroaches is a complete rejection of morals and ethics.

I am thankful that you will never amount to anything, but I am also sorrowful that people like you exist, and people like you are in positions of power to abuse it. And they do.

You truly are a horrible waste of the precious gift of life that was bestowed upon you. It is also reassuring that you probably will never procreate, as your kind are slowly dying, making way for the more thoughtful of our species to dominate.

I long for the day your kind are finally rid of this earth. Only then we will live in harmony with each other, and focus on the serious issues that really matter. It will truly be a glorious dawn.

Enjoy the life you were given, and the precious little time you spend on this earth, for you will not make a lasting impression upon it. You will fade away and be nothing but a bad memory of the times when the human race resorted to barbarism to solve its problems.

>> No.4049699

>morals and ethics

>> No.4049708

The task is to make honor matter.

>> No.4049710
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your lack of a retort only confirms what I say.

>> No.4049716

Your non sequitur only blahs what I blahed. Now go back to /x/.

>> No.4049717
File: 66 KB, 299x288, goofy-jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying most sociopaths aren't jews

>> No.4049721
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It seems I silenced your poorly thought out arguments.

>> No.4049735
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Man, come on, just answer the fucking question.

Is it correct to say that theistic religion is considered backward because it devalues the life of a human being in favour of a higher power, and restricts them for an abstract system of morality that is somewhat irrelevant?

Yes, or no? Because if you can't argue no, then your entire ideology is comparable to that of your average fundie christian.

>> No.4049739

I didn't make any. I just told you to go back to /x/, seeing as how you're more interested in metaphysics than in science.

>> No.4049738
File: 47 KB, 180x145, 180px-Arguecat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submitted for your consideration:

First, the evolution of “ethics”
At first your own offspring don’t smell like food.
Eventually, you other relatives and even your whole species are not considered eatable. This puts your species way ahead of others.
Later your species discovers the advantages of cooperation; herding/flocking to dissuade predators, hunting in a group to take down larger game and so on.
From here things like patriotism and loyalty naturally follow.
However, like everything else in nature, this sometimes does not work. A few individuals are wired up wrong. Normally they are shunned, ostracized and exposed to predation keeping their numbers low.
Then again during a time of extreme famine that one lone fucked up cannibal who has no internal prohibition against self-predation is more likely to survive.
So it is actually an advantage to have these disgusting things around, even for humans today.
Your thoughts?

>> No.4049755

Your fat, ignorant first world ass is a much larger strain on the world's resources than a hundred poor third world farmers, not even exaggerating.
You should kill yourself.

>> No.4049766

OP is a faggot for killing people. On the other hand, sterilisation of the poor should have been done long ago, right after WW2. No ethical issues there.

>> No.4049772

mass sterilization leads to mass starvation if you sterilize a significant number

>> No.4049774
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>> No.4049775


How so?

>> No.4050139

religion has no relevance to what I said.

and based on what you said, you have no fucking clue whatsoever what religion is.

Just because retarded humans, such as yourself, commit heinous acts of cruelty in the name of religion, doesn't mean every religious person is capable to committing said acts.

and just for the record, I am not religious and I wouldn't shed a tear if every church on this planet was burned to the ground.

>> No.4050247
File: 85 KB, 245x400, Vortigaunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"If you are truly the Freeman, we salute you."

>> No.4050325


>religion has no relevance to what I said.

If you can't see such obvious connections than it's no wonder you think the way you do.

>and based on what you said, you have no fucking clue whatsoever what religion is.

Man, I even go through the effort to say "theistic" and he still doesn't care about the distinction.

>Just because retarded humans, such as yourself, commit heinous acts of cruelty in the name of religion, doesn't mean every religious person is capable to committing said acts.

Well done. you successfully dodged the original question because you think that being a futurist makes you above the flaws of religious fanatics, you failed to notice the subtle connections in my question(although frankly, it was rude of me for thinking that you would notice subtlety to begin with.) because you think that I'm referring to theistic acts in history, rather than its effect on people's minds in general, AND you accused me of projection!

God, I never thought I'd have to add futurists/transhumanists to my list of people with aggressively stupid ideologies. But since you have such contempt for churches (while using the word "churches" and "religion" in the same sentence after having chewed me out for not being clear enough about MY anti religious sentiment), I may now proceed with my original line of questioning as if you had given me a legitimate answer. In fact, I believe that I can express your side of the argument better than you can, but I have some episodes of Samurai Jack to catch up on, so I'll let that hopeless waste of time go to you, after I'm done with this next paragraph.

>> No.4050330

No, you have no sympathy for theistic religions because they have a deteriorating effect on the human mind. They reduce the world around us to hierarchical concepts where one group is in control, they give people untrue and patently false hopes for the future, or they give arbitrary restrictions on people's lives.

I may retort to any of these by saying that by disregarding these farmers for their rotten circumstances, you are passively encouraging a hierarchy develop by not stopping the corrupt few, that your idea of transhumanism is given without any indication that you yourself are doing anything to speed up transhumanism other than by telling people to ignore the problems of developing countries, which means that you yourself have no ways of verifying your own unrealistic hopes, and that the restrictions that these people live under are less than arbitrary- they're tangible, which means there's an even greater obligation to halt the situation, because they can't just wake up from a delusion like a theist can.

>> No.4050362
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we are not talking about religion, we are talking about ethics and morality as it pertains to killing off humans just because they are poor.

quit changing the fucking subject you autistic child. Yes go watch your cartoons. It suits you.

>> No.4050377


Do I need to spell it out to you?

Your reasons for disliking religion should keep you from even considering this worthy of thought. Damn, I try to save myself 15 minutes and the guy on the other end still refuses to get it. It's like you formed your ideology based on your personal feelings.

>> No.4050914


morals and ethics change per person

I for one being nihilistic and indifferent to the living can't find a problem in lots of people dying.

until there is some sort of equation to find out how useful each and every person will be to understanding the universe a little better, and being an efficient workhorse.. we can only enjoy the vast number of idiots walking our earth