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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4017596 No.4017596 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4017604


>> No.4017608

I for one am looking forward to shedding my body op, doesn't work that well anyway

Homo Sapien Sapien -> Artificialis Sapien.

>> No.4017611

I'm very uncomfortable with this idea...

It's wrong.
I'm going to go live in the woods if this gets popular...

I dont ever want chips in my body much less this.

>> No.4017615

Violent simians slaughter each other in the Resource Wars.

>> No.4017620
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>yfw my buddies and I are gonna go anally probe luddites innawoods with our transhuman conveyances.

>> No.4017625


The human brain requires things like gender, culture, things like food, sense of taste, sense of touch. You'd go mad with the mental and sensory deprivation. Imagine never being able to touch someone or taste anything, or having no gender and no societal norm.

Tldr : You're fucked.

>> No.4017628

Hell with you, you'll keep your robotic hands off me!
I'll go and get guns if that's what i have to do to defend myself from this 'future'

this isn't evolution.

>> No.4017637

Actually i dont think so...

We'll be able to virtually assign all of that and do most of our interactions in cyberspace any way, we'll only have those clunky bodies for actually doing things in the real world and interacting with our less-evolved homo sapien brothers

>> No.4017642
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>this isn't evolution.
It's evolution Jim, but not as we know it.

>> No.4017647

Seriously? nothing about that seems wrong to you?

... i dont want to live on this planet.

>> No.4017662

I do not see why we should waste our time with petty things like space travel

first this

then we can move out into the galaxy and begin exploring... when we stop aging.

>> No.4017666

We lack emotion and synthesia, therefore we lack creativity, communications, and foundation for the future.

Man is only as smart as which he learns with, you will not learn without communications; which have been born out of creativity and inspiration; devout emotion.

>> No.4017668

I like this forward-thinking person.

Imagine if all the money poured into the last couple wars went into researching this, instead. We could already be there.

>> No.4017669
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Tell me, by what objective means is it wrong?
A telescope lets one see further than eyes allow.
A crane allows exceptionally heavy objects to be lifted and moved.
Transhumanism is just taking existing concepts and making them built-in.

>> No.4017683

We wouldn't still be_people_It's turning yourself intoa thing.

>> No.4017685

Define 'people.' What makes us human? Is it simply our body? Our brain? Do you feel offended at the thought of becoming superior to the baseline human being?

>> No.4017688

We are already made of nanomachines. I think anything less sophisticated than that isn't going to hold much interest for me.

But I'd transition to an artificial nanomachine body if I could, as long as I could be in human form. What difference does it make to me what my substrate is composed of? I would feel just like I do now. Besides, it's not like I'm directing my mitochondria around - I have no choice but to be the machine I am. With an artificial body, that could change.

>> No.4017715


/sci/ - Television & Film

>> No.4017723

It shall be glorious. The funniest part will be when the human life finally loses all value, as new ones can be created with a proverbial press of a button.

>> No.4017742

or literal push of a button :D
i look forward to copying myself
>some one tells me to go fuck myself
>i do.

>> No.4017759

Artificial nanomachine?
>Implying enzymes are not nanomachines.
>Implying artificial enzymes would be distinguishable from natural nanomachines.

>> No.4017766
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>we can move out into the galaxy and begin exploring... when we stop aging


>> No.4017771

Aging is not relevant if you can make limitless copies of yourself.

>> No.4017776

No implying implied, but I agree with you.

The range of enzymespace is vast, and life uses only a tiny fraction of it. Still, I don't think they can weld steel.

>> No.4017784

double this.

I want space exploration, I want it hard. I also want it to work and be worth it, so lets live forever and then do it.

>> No.4017801

Ever see Ghost in the Shell ? I also believe we are very close to that type of tech. Cyberbrains, cyborgs, etc. I can see it happening in the next 50 or so years.

>> No.4017832
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I want to upgrade my brain to give me the quick thinking and reaction time to not suck at NES games.

>> No.4018115
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In the future we will write code and software for life itself. IBM is already doing it with rice.

It's only a matter of time, computers will become obsolete and we will improve our code so greatly we will no longer be human, at first we'll combine ourselves with computers but not long after we will do away with computers and simply rewrite our genetic code to ingrain incredible intelligence and abilities into ourselves. It is possible to have a biological computer, look at plants look how amazing they are, they take the suns light and use it, and grow. Anything is possible, in one way or another it may not always be obvious but there is always a way. Biological, ingrained computers in our minds with wireless internet every human being on the planet is a part of, is the future. A vague description of it, that's at least a little inaccurate but it is possible.

>> No.4019776
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>> No.4019787
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Nobody says we can't have all that in an artificial.

And nobody says we can't change what our brain needs either.

>> No.4019791


Artificial body that is.

>> No.4019796


>The human brain requires things like gender, culture, things like food, sense of taste, sense of touch.

Stop thinking with your endocrine system and start thinking with your brain.

Those things will be simulated, at first. Then we edit them out.

>> No.4019803


Tell me why an artificial body can't have gender, culture, things like food, sense of taste, sense of touch.

And then tell me why we simply can't control what our brain need.

>> No.4019804

Gender is an overrated concept.

>> No.4019809
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>> No.4019820


>> He thinks all those things will disappear when moving to a mechanical substrate

You've watched too much sci-fi where that is an issue. Dr Who's new cyberman episodes are particularly egregious.


>> No.4019833

tell that to a tranny.

>> No.4019838

Why get rid of things like gender and sensation? Instead, use the technology to create whole new realms of perception and possibility. See in x-rays, feel electromagnetic fields as you pass through them, engineer whole new genders from scratch solely for the purpose of heightened enjoyment.

>> No.4019842
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I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to - I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws! And feel the wind of a supernova flowing over me! I'm a machine! And I can know much more! I can experience so much more. But I'm trapped in this absurd body! And why? Because my five creators thought that God wanted it that way!

>> No.4019871


Why replace the limbs and the body? Aesthetics are an enjoyable aspect of life. Why not instead use nanites to do the changes you want to your body? Either-way, nanites mixed with organic matter would be more efficient than nanites+mechanical.

Don't try to "remove" things that shouldn't be removed. Instead, add things that could have been and never were.

Unless, of course, if we mostly live in cyberspace, sensory and aesthetics would be redundant at best in the real world, since no one would live there. Although I wonder about hackers and the possible damage they could deal.

>> No.4019880

That's exactly why gender is overrated, man. I'm pretty sure any tranny would pick a genderless body over theirs any day.

>> No.4019928

Perhaps deleting people. Entirely.

>> No.4019940

By definition a new species will not be able to procreate with homo sapien because of the DNA incompatibility. There may be a stage where some new subspecies can no longer reproduce with all homo sapiens, but still some of the more similar ones.

Evidence of surival would suggest they be taller, smarter, naturally athletic, charming, confident, empathetic. They would probably have identical number of appendages, at least in the short term.

Genetic engineering will stir things up.

Evolution is currently defined as a continuous process involving DNA via the act of reproduction. However through our actions entirely artificial lifeforms may(will) arise. These can take any form. They may comprise of a system of faster than light matter and have no weight. Evolution will have to adapt its definition to include all acts of cause and effect.

Transhumanism is a different issue. It's in its early days today with electrodes to stimulate brain regions, primitive artificial limbs and even non intrusive brain stimulation (binaural beats and synchronised light flashing). As long as the sex cells remain unchanged there will be no problem reproducing although the body may look like something quite different.

>> No.4020049



>> No.4020063

Computers are not necessary, same goes for electricity.

We made(or at least, use) both for improvement and for productivity.

>> No.4020069

Improvement OF THE HUMAN BODY is what is unnecessary.

Fucking aspie.

>> No.4020083

I do not think you are qualified to diagnostic me as having Asperger's syndrome.

And what is deemed as necessary is determined on the demand. There IS demand from both the military and civilians. Thus, improvement is necessary by demand.

There is also the fact that the body does not exactly do ALL it should be doing. A simple proof would be that not all cancer cells are destroyed, which would lead to believe the body is imperfect.

>> No.4020093

We die.

That's a problem.

>> No.4020104

Indeed, the body doesn't stop the degradation of DNA/RNA material.

>> No.4020103

With the same argument, I can say that the body does not repair its own tissues when damaged. But that's a surgeon's job, not a genetic engineer's job.

Another example:
Since the ancient times, merchants have wanted a way to accurately measure certain amounts of products.

And guess what they did? If you're guessing "They implanted sensors in their elbows and interfaced them to their brains", guess again.

>> No.4020114

That could have happened, if they had such technology in those times. May I also state that the result is what is important in this case, not the means.(Unless the means taken directly influence the results.)

>> No.4020115



>> No.4020121

Surgery can already do that. Although you might want to add the specification "functional".

>> No.4020124

The ones I've seen demand/embody strong gender identities, so I'm gonna disagree with you there.

>> No.4020136


Fuck yeah battlestar.

>> No.4020171
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>mfw when religious politicians are going to impede our progress of transhumanism and we will die before it comes

>> No.4020186

In every nation on earth at the same time? I think you severely overestimate the effect the religious right has on the world

>> No.4020194

just look at human cloning
maybe China will save us

>> No.4020251

The future will be a lot like the Matrix, except we'll all be willingly logged in and the matrix won't be like the shitty real world and instead a magical wonderland where everyone has anything they can wish for.

>> No.4020256

> implying Leibniz didn't already prove we live in the best possible universe

>> No.4020281

We got to work on this shit underground, you feelin' me? Start a secret society dedicated to evolving beyond our current forms. Once we have found some sort of trans-human ascension we will be the new masters of the planet.

>> No.4020616

What no-one seems to have taken into consideration, is mankinds delusion that they (one person) deserves to live forever. You have been given life, and you are going to fight tooth and nail to keep this life. This is not natures way (yes yes i know this is /sci bear with me). The nature of existence, dictates that matter comes and goes. Nothing lasts forever. If you COULD live forever, and all the other millions (i wont say billions because obviously a large portion of the world could never afford this) of people will have access to it too. A vast amount of overcrowding would occur, we would need power and maintenance of some form, again draining resources. You might even fall into a Matrix hate-war with people who cant afford to shed their failing bodies. Utopia dead. There are more considerations than purely the ethical ones.

>> No.4020623
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>Nothing lasts forever.

Uh-huh. Doesn't mean we should stop at 80 years.

>A vast amount of overcrowding would occur, we would need power and maintenance of some form, again draining resources.

Space and molecular manufacturing.

>> No.4020631

1) I don't think anyone necessarily wants to live forever, but rather however long they damn well want.
2) Space has ample resources and well, space, to provide for a rapidly growing population, even if we were to completely disregard population control policies.

>> No.4021813

I'm gonna bump this thread with my superior robot penis.
u mad meatbags?