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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 120 KB, 400x930, sex or breadsticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4016403 No.4016403 [Reply] [Original]

I got a B.A. in Chemistry from a liberal arts university. Now I'm at a top 25 medical school. Am I /sci/?

>> No.4016411

haha... what?

>> No.4016415
File: 3 KB, 168x141, 1320175984899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do you think OP? You're a candy-ass for even wondering.

>absolute submission vs bread
Hard choice durr

>> No.4016427


>48 hours of pleasure vs. never going hungry

Plus I would try my damndest to stress the limits of "can't give to other people". What if they stole it from me?

>> No.4016435


If other people touch them they disappear

>> No.4016436

I would def pick the bread sticks

>> No.4016438


and they're WARM and FRESH OUT THE OVEN. god damn clearly this is the right choice

>> No.4016444

>48 hours aren't stated to be limited to one person
>HD video camera in a studio
>96 beautiful, wealthy celebrity women, half an hour of explicit, despicable sex acts each
>blackmail each of them for a modest sum of money and sex whenever I want it

>> No.4016454

Have sex for 48 hours, or the most incredible discovery of reproducible unknown laws of the universe in recent history? Also infinite energy source.

>> No.4016477


>> No.4016491

ba in chemistry...?

>> No.4016502

Let's face it guys, we'll neither get the breadsticks nor will we be able to make love with a person for 48 hours. Feels bad, man.

>> No.4016505

Before I chose, I clearly need to know how the bread thing works. If it's something like, calculate how much bread someone can eat in a single day, multiply by an upper bound on my life expectancy, and give me that amount of bread of a magic bread that only me can eat, that no one can steal from me, and that tastes super nice forever, then I still have one question: where the fuck do I store all that bread?

If however it's some sort of bread generator that works for free and takes a small amount of space, that sounds like a legit offer.

But I agree with anon that absolute submission means you can get pretty much anything you want from the person in question. If you choose to have sex with some actress and ask tell her that you'd love her to do some bank transfer, you can pretty much get enough money for infinite bread served to you every day.

So the question is: can you exploit the bread a similar way? I think the best you can do is /x/ material TV shows on an infinite source of magic bread...

>> No.4016506

many unis offer ba's in chem and other sciences

they are typically for those going into an applied field, like medicine

>> No.4016507

but we are /sci/. lets get to work on this shit.

>> No.4016519

It's well known that in this hypothetical situation, the "absolute submission" is only in regards to sexual acts.

>> No.4016522


OP here. My school only offers B.A.s. The guy who graduated top of my class was a physics major (obviously getting his B.A.) who is now studying for his PhD at Harvard.

The school offers PhDs in chem and maybe physics/math though, so I don't know. But the graduate programs are obviously not that great.

>> No.4016537

>Sex half a dozen times
>Infinite Bread Works
Your an idiot if you don't pick the bread.

>> No.4016545

If the bread comes with an unlimited supply of butter I'm sold.

>> No.4016557

Yeah but what if this bank transfer has some sexual meaning that turns you on?

>> No.4016559

I hate breadsticks, they taste like shit. But people are pretty disgusting too. Help me /sci/! If I can't sell the bread, what will I do?

>> No.4016566


>> No.4016569

a legal 48 hours with a four year old should do me

>> No.4016572

>Use hypnosis and CBT to get a money fetish
>Get money
>Cum furiously
sounds like a plan

>> No.4016573

If the supply is infinite, I guess you could build a generator that works on burning bread and sell the electricity.
Also, time to be chauvinist: american breadsticks taste like shit, but baguette is awesome.

>> No.4016581

I would take the bread. Even though I couldn't sell them, I figure someone would give me my own reality show because of it and I could make my fortune that way. "Unlimited Bread Man" or something.

>> No.4016585

No need for hypnosis, really. If the bank transfer is of an amount that, converted to ascii, spells its digits in a fractal manner, I'll come buckets for sure, even with no money fetish.

>> No.4016587


>Also, time to be chauvinist: american breadsticks taste like shit, but baguette is awesome.

I love bread in general, but fucking breadsticks man. Jesus it's like they shit on them or something.

Also, if we get extreme life extension technologies, does that mean that the supply of bread is infinite? Or that it increases linearly until its own gravity forces it inwards and through its Schwarzschild radius? I'm scared now, I think I'll just take the whore. Or burn the bread.

>> No.4016597

Any control over your target ends when your allotted time is over, you'd better believe any 'bank transfer' or any other traceable means of wealth transference would be reversed either through the financial institution or law enforcement.

The only reasonable means of acquiring money from that choice has already been stated: blackmailing them with identifiable pornographic recordings.

>> No.4016599

My whole life was Unlimited Bread Works

>> No.4016610

Ok, here's what you do. You can't sell the breadsticks, but you can eat them yourself. Bread makes you fat, so what you will want to do is eat more and more breadsticks until you develop a nice fat reserve, then cut from your body the flesh that develops from them.

You can sell that flesh (protein/lipid combo) as a food or as a fuel source. If you really have infinite breadsticks, you should be able to digest them and then give the resultant synthesized flesh to others for profit. The only downside is that you will have to harvest the material from your body itself, so at least localized anesthesia will be required to minimize suffering as you begin to build your breadborne empire.

>> No.4016613

Not sure where to begin with this one.

>> No.4016631
File: 28 KB, 500x375, 1296158485919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4016633


It's actually really clever.

Alternatively, you could use those copious amounts of shit as compost, selling organic fertilizer to the whole world.

>> No.4016642

I am the carbohydrate of my meal
Flour is my body, and water is my blood.
I have baked over a thousand breadsticks.
Unknown to croutons.
Nor known to steak.
Have withstood burns to bake many loaves.
Yet this mouth will never eat anything.
So as I pray, Unlimited Bread Works!

>> No.4016667
File: 26 KB, 267x247, einsteinandabbaeban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4016701

You know, /sci/, I think I'd actually choose the bread. There must be something different about us if we'd all go for the bread?

>> No.4016713

Bread, of course.

Yeah the sex is tempting, but...bread is just more practical than pussy.

>> No.4016718

I think we realise that a singular sexual encounter, while amaxing, would just leave us wanting more. Ironically someone who gets regular sex woild be more likely to choose the first option

>> No.4016724

I'd take the sex for several reasons...
1) It is not specified what happens after the 48 hours, so it's conceivable that there would be more sex or a relationship (if I was so inclined)
2) You'd be tired of eating breadsticks in less than 48 hours
3) Anyone you want... I mean, come on... Keeley Hazel, Gemma Atkinson, Shay Laren... ANYONE you want. Even if it was only 48 hours, just living with the memory of the experience would be pretty excellent.

Besides, all the other shit you do in life basically has the end goal of satisfying your sex drive, so why not cut to the chase?

>> No.4016728

>1.) Cut hole in hot, fluffy bread stick.
>2.) Insert penis.
>3.) Fuck vigorously.
>4.) Climax.
>5.) Sex, AND lunch with a creamy center.

>Disregard women.
>Acquire breadsticks.

>> No.4016730

the goddamn breadsticks, what are you crazy

>> No.4016743


Well there needs to be a "ceiling" set of rules on how far you can take either aspect.

Can you design your dream girl/boy/horse to be everything you want, extending their use beyond the 48h sexcapade, ensuring their continued value?

(I.e I want a 7' blue bitch from a galaxy far far away who just happens to be a member of the most advanced space faring race to ever exist, who happens to adore me.)

Or are you restricted to a fuck 'n go with one "real" person?

>> No.4016745

I would choose the sex.

>> No.4016750

I have a girlfriend with whom I cannot imagine breaking up. She is very hot, and likes to have lots of sex.
Bread all the way.

>> No.4016751

What type of bread are we talking about on here? Is it just white grain bread? Does it have yeast? What about eggs or butter? Any of that in it?

>> No.4016752

yah, the woman

you guys are retarded or homosexual otherwise

just go fucking buy some breadsticks if you want them so bad. you can't buy the former


>> No.4016761

>Every single night conjure up a house of breadsticks with a bed of breadsticks with a girlfriend made of breadsticks
>Better than option 1 since instead of 48 hours of submission from some whore i get a lifetime of sexual submission from my bread waifu

>> No.4016762

shame it wasn't an infinite supply. If that were the case I would use it as fuel for hyperluminescent travel.

>> No.4016763
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>> No.4016767

Good point, but I took it to mean a "real" person. And I still chose the sex... I'm >>4016724

>> No.4016769


"with anyone you want"

not all women are (explicit) prostitutes

>> No.4016777

And not all breadsticks are warm and soft

>> No.4016783

>Take breadsticks
>Get bitches

>> No.4016791
File: 24 KB, 337x400, EKjosefTN5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4016792


I can buy bread but that is money out of my pocket. A good basket of bread cost around $17.99. which will last me around 2 weeks.

This around $467.74 plus your state tax(a year). This is also fresh bread! To get some pussy all you need to do is go to a local club/bar and pay the entrance fee and in about 1hr you get some pussy to take home. For me there isn't a special someone I want. If they a A- I'd fuck them.

>> No.4016794
File: 9 KB, 400x300, 6a01156faa621f970c01347feb77f4970c-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread sticks, I will never go hungry again!

>> No.4016795


nice trips but most places that sell breadsticks sell them warm and soft

and regardless, if not, find a place that does

>> No.4016799

breadsticks for sure, women are a net cost but that is pure win

>> No.4016800


money comes and goes

now, priceless? that's on another level

like i said; y'all fucking retarded

>> No.4016804

I'd take the sex so I can stop being a virgin and don't worry about sex for the rest of my life.

>> No.4016805

There are many women in the world. I'm quite capable of getting at least one by myself.
There are currently zero known sources of infinite bread sticks. I could not otherwise get this.

It's all about scarcity. Well, that and never going hungry. Saving money doesn't hurt either. Fuck, bread sticks are just so damn good. You also now realize that everyone is imagining their favorite bread sticks and not necessarily the ones you'd get an infinite amount of.

>> No.4016806

If you're paying someone $18 for bread, then you're too stupid to live anyway, so you should go with the sex and just die of starvation.

>> No.4016807

right, i'm being trolled

which proves, yet again,
you are all fucking retarded :p

>> No.4016813

You can't get 48 hours of sex with anyone you want, either. You have probably 1000X higher odds of acquiring enough breadsticks to live on for the rest of your life than you do of having sex for 48 hours with... say... Scarlett Johansson.

>> No.4016814


well not all women are available either, and the choice specifies any women you want

You also now realize that everyone is imagining their favorite unattainable woman

>> No.4016825
File: 786 KB, 1281x723, cgijack3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4016827

>eat breadsticks for the first time at age 8
>hate them
>never eat them again

i guess i'll go with the women, of course i'll use my time pause device to pause time around us as we fuck for the rest of our life

>> No.4016844

48 hours of sex only lasts you 48 hours. Infinite bread sticks lasts for the rest of your life (and possibly beyond).

However, now that I think about it, could you present a vague target for the 48 hours of sex option? If so, you could potentially find your "soul mate" by designating "my soul mate" as the target of the wish. It does say "any woman". If no one shows up then either it doesn't work that way or you're gay.

>> No.4016847

Cook your own bread and take the sex.

>> No.4016863

>Take women
>have sex for 48 hours straight
>while having sex make her make bread for me

>> No.4016940

>Seal all bread sticks in heat retaining container
>Use inexhaustible heat from bread to power generator
>Publicize my unique generator to gain fame
>Use fame to acquire women

>> No.4016951


And I'd prefer bread rolls.

>> No.4016959

>Pick Infinite Break Works
>Reveal my amazing physical-law defying discovery.
>Government and military tries to steal it. They touch it and it disappears. They wut.
>Everyone thinks I am fucking jesus. Get infinite moneys.
>Fuck any woman I want.

Problem 48 hour fags??

>> No.4016972

I don't really run a risk of going hungry, and I would probably just eat too many breadsticks than is healthy. Sex has been lacking in my life however, so I'm pretty sure I'd choose that.

>> No.4016985

>professional school
Do you even science?

>> No.4016987
File: 104 KB, 280x350, grissini-280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people mistaking bread sticks for french baguettes

pic related, its bread sticks

>> No.4017003

If you think that whatever is in OP's picture is French baguette, you've never been in France.

>> No.4017011

Breadsticks. No question.

>> No.4017022

If it was a baguette I'd be 100% in.

Baguettes <3

>> No.4017032

but I like my bread to be tough and chewy, not soft.
soft tastes terrible.
I'd still pick the bread though; you'd have to be a fool to choose the sex.

>> No.4017042

Fucking hell.

I'll take the breadsticks.

>> No.4017045

I use the breadsticks to construct a ladder to the moon, or a bread castle, then charge people to climb it / view it.

>> No.4017062

>Ignore OP
>discuss breadsticks

Thread turned out nice.

>> No.4017064

It is. granted I can't tell how long they are in Op's pic.

Why what does a french baguette look like to you?

>> No.4017077

Hmm... not tryan to derail thread, but what wuld you do if you could produce bars of chocolate from thin air/pull infinite bars of chocolate from hammerspace?

>> No.4017082

It's not all about the size. It's about quality. The crust should be crusty.

Google image "baguette tradition" for pictures about what decent baguettes look like. They are slightly darker, and with some nice crusty asperities, and the inside ("mie") is less dense than in the kind of bread of OP's pic.

>> No.4017096

Also, damn you and damn this thread. I won't be back to France before two more weeks and now I want some good bread and I have to wait...

>> No.4017108

Barely had to think about it.

>> No.4017112

I know what a baguette looks like. why are you even trying to argue over this shit? The point is, what Op is referring to is not breadsticks, breadsticks are crunchy and thin. quality is irrelevant. I don't know why you feel the need to bring it up. the brad in that pic is closer to a baguette than to a breadstick

>> No.4017140

>ITT: people mistaking bread sticks for french baguettes
>If you think that whatever is in OP's picture is French baguette, you've never been in France.

Possibly different anon:
>It is. granted I can't tell how long they are in Op's pic.
>Why what does a french baguette look like to you?

>I know what a baguette looks like. why are you even trying to argue over this shit? The point is, what Op is referring to is not breadsticks, breadsticks are crunchy and thin. quality is irrelevant. I don't know why you feel the need to bring it up. the brad in that pic is closer to a baguette than to a breadstick

It's still not baguette, and I don't think you can blame me for arguing that what is in OP's pics isn't baguette when YOU started arguing that it was not breadsticks... I never said it was closer to breadsticks than to baguette or whatever, I just said it's definitely far from a baguette.

>> No.4017147

I made an observation. I didn't start an argument. Your response started the argument

oh and

>it's definitely far from a baguette.

its not. seriously. i don't care if you're connoisseur of bread

>> No.4017172

mfw someone that is clearly not French thinks he knows more about baguette than I do.
Maybe this is sold in your country as baguette. It's still far from baguette. It's not as long, it's not the same thing inside, it's not the same thing outside. I mean "It is distinguishable by its length (65 cm (24 in)) and crisp crust." is what wikipedia says. Also I'm not even sure whether the bread in OP's pic has baker's yeast or sourdough in it, how can you call this a baguette, seriously? ...

And I seriously still can't see a different in the nature between our first two post: both are an observation that some other people are wrong, so either you judge both as an argument or neither but I doubt you can categorize them differently.

>> No.4017199
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>> No.4017219

What is your guys' opinions on University of Nebraska? Thinking about them for engineering/CS

>> No.4017222

Looks pretty baguette'ish to me. The only big difference (other than size) is that baguettes classically have cross cuts added during the second proofing. Also a baguette is cooked on a rounded pan, so that it isn't as flat bottomed.

>> No.4017224

/sci/: baguette experts, thorium, and "how come there still be monkeys?"

>> No.4017234
File: 48 KB, 600x397, is you serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was a baguette it'd say "lifetime supply of baguettes"


>> No.4017438

bump :3