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4012747 No.4012747 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4012752

>Implying you need a god to have morals

>> No.4012756

Prove you don't.

>> No.4012761

occam's razor dude

go play in a sandbox or something

>> No.4012766

Your point being...?

>> No.4012774
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>> No.4012780

The "No consequences" bit is crap because getting arrested or killed is a real posibility. You's trollan.

2/10 because I replied.

>> No.4012781

Umm. Their is the law and the police to punish/stop that kinda thing. They are much more of a deterrent then the wrath of an some imaginary being

>> No.4012777

We have the Government elected by the people to dictate laws put in place to keep order in society, religion didn't do this at all, Murder Rape Theft Pedophilia are all common in most religions.
Tax Evasion i'm not sure about.

>> No.4012789

But what about when you die? Like suppose you commit suicide to avoid being arrested for raping and murdering pplz. If atheism is correct, you avoid any sort of consequences.

>> No.4012806

We should work to better the world in understanding that none of us chose this life, none of us are singularly better than any other, and therefore none should receive punishment/reward for choices they never make.

>> No.4012809

Who cares? They're dead. If they want to escape prosecution by offing themselves in a purely self-destructive manner then the living are all better off for it.

>> No.4012812
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>> No.4012815

Yeah, death by suicide totally rocks at avoiding consequences. I can't understand why all atheists don't just commit suicide right now. Bim, no hell or whatever!

I think you're retarded.

>> No.4012824

See, if atheism is correct, you can essentially cheat your way out of justice by suicide. Which means that the wrongs you did will never be punished. And that's just plain silly.

>> No.4012836

Fail logic is fail.

>> No.4012839

>replying to troll threads


>> No.4012853

Ah see now, if atheism is correct, people who committed bloodshed in the name of their religion will never be punished either.

>> No.4012863

>See, if atheism is correct, you can essentially cheat your way out of justice by suicide
Considering death is one of the harshest penalties we have, I'm not seeing a problem if they impose it on themselves. They won't have an afterlife to gloat in, so that particular problem solved itself.

>> No.4012880

>They won't have an afterlife to gloat in, so that particular problem solved itself
Exactly. No justice; just sitting there staring at a black void, scratching your head, and wondering "Hey, there's no god. I beat the system."

>> No.4012887

> just sitting there staring at a black void, scratching your head, and wondering "Hey, there's no god. I beat the system."
Actually, nothing.
Just Nothing, no senses, no thought, nothing.
They can't gloat in the afterlife, because they don't exist.

>> No.4012899


...I don't think you understand the concept of NO AFTERLIFE.

Let me sum it up for you: "You" will not exist, in ANY sense, after death. Your corpse will, but it will slowly rot away. You, the spark of consciousness that can conceive of God, will be GONE. Completely and utterly destroyed. You will not say "Oh, hey, I beat morality!". You will not be capable of saying, or thinking, ANYTHING because YOU WILL NOT BE.

>> No.4012916

WTF do you think happens if atheism is correct and there's no God, Heaven, Hell, or Satan?

You'd float around in a black void smoking a cigarette and wondering "This is it?"

The atheist afterlife sure is boring. At least in Hell, you'd meet interesting people.

>> No.4012923

>You'd float around in a black void smoking a cigarette and wondering "This is it?"
No, i think that there is nothing.
It's like when your asleep, but you don't dream or feel or think or having any emotion, and you never wake up.
It's just, nothing at all. You can't see, you can't smell, you can't hear you can't do anything or feel anything.
If Christianity is right, I go to hell, If Athiesm is right, nothing happens, if any of the other religions is right, then it does whatever they do.
You aren't getting this whole, no senses at all thing are you?

>> No.4012933

Not same guy, but we have no idea what happens when you die. Anyone who makes definite claims is lying.

>> No.4012935
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>implying there's an afterlife
Nothing happens after death except in your case. In your case, the baseline IQ would rise a few points above 100.

>> No.4012942

Afterlife=whatever happens to you when you die, amirite?

>> No.4012959

science has nothing to say on the issue of morals

it only is there to disprove lies

and most of your "morals" are founded on lies

>> No.4012961

So it's a lie to not rape/murder pplz?

>> No.4012964

>Government elected by the people
What? Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.4012968

nope, just a lie to say it's immoral because it was written down in the koran by Allah.

because we've shown everything they claim about the universe to be false

>> No.4012975

People aren't really this stupid are they?

>> No.4012980

Are things immoral because religious texts say they are, or do religious texts say things are immoral because they are?

That seems to be what you're asking.

>> No.4012990

>can't even get pi right to the second decimal place
>thinks religious texts got morals correct