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4011287 No.4011287 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you need to make a month to survive?

How much money do you need to make a month to live very comfortably?

How much money do you need to make a month to be able to go out and eat at a restaurant every day?

>> No.4011292

depends on what you already have.
depends what restaurants, and what you order.

>> No.4011294 [DELETED] 

Does McDonald's count as a restaurant?

>> No.4011295


Yeah that's the answer I was looking for dumb ass, fuck off and reported.

>> No.4011302
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lol, fuck you!
if you arnt gonna be more fucking specific in your question then obviously a range of answers are gonna be correct!
i mean what, you'd prefer i spout off some random figures to your shitty-assed fucking question rather than admit its vague?

saged, because you are a fucking arsehole!

>> No.4011306

1. 30 US dollars
2. 500 US dollars
3. 1000 US dollars

I live in Costa Rica

>> No.4011309

>"A restaurant is an establishment which prepares and serves food and drink to customers in return for money."
if you can sit inside, it counts as a restaurant
(so a burger van is not a restaurant, but burger king, mcdonalds etc, are)

saging, because OP still needs to die in a fire

>> No.4011312

>eating at a restaurant everyday

stay fat my american friends

>> No.4011323

>How much money do you need to make a month to be able to go out and eat at a restaurant every day?

Upwards of $100,000. Otherwise you are likely too stupid and wasteful a spender to retain a sizable portion of your income.

>> No.4011330


what leads you to believe that restaurant food is perforce unhealthier? are you unacquainted at all with haute cuisine or the raw foods movement?

>> No.4011335




This is what I was looking for, EK you're a fucking retard, just die and fuck off.

>> No.4011339 [DELETED] 

That reminds me of an interesting discussion I had with pascal yesterday.
Where he lives, a burger meal costs 9 to 10 dollars.
Isn't that fucking expensive?

>> No.4011340

>implying OP doesn't want to stuff his fat face at some feeding trough like Golden Corral

>> No.4011350

Rent and utilities is $900 / month. I used to rent out my den for $500, but now I've got enough money I don't need to. Student loan repayments are $150 / month. I spend around $500/ month on food. I eat out a lot because I can't cook. Probably another $100 for miscellaneous things.

So: $1650 / month for my present lifestyle, but I could do with a lot less.

>> No.4011370
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i realise, but thats just some random person on the internet guessing at what is a very vague question, like i said.
in some situations, that could be correct, but i could say
and these are still arguably correct.
The span of prices you could pay at a restaurant varies by a huge amount, and to someone who already has a house and a payed off mortgage, living comfortably is substantially cheaper than someone who has nothing, other than their monthly wage, because obviously paying rent will be an extra cost that the other guy doesnt have.

anyway, fuck you, no 'to the exact dollar' specific information will help you in any way when the question is so fucking vague, all you will have is a long list of anon replies, all saying different figures, none of which are helpful.
fuck you for even asking such a stupid fucking qestion, this isnt even /sci/ related you stupid bastard.

>> No.4011362


No, I'm talking legitimate restaurants.

>> No.4011374

1. I make about $800 from my part time job on campus. My 1 bedroom condo is $700 per month and I dip into financial aid money for utilities and food. Altogether I spend about $900 on necessities. Thankfully my electric bill runs only about $60 per month.

2. Fuck if I know.

3. I can actually cook so I don't care.

>> No.4011377

at the current exchange rate, thats around 6 quid...yeh, its slightly more expensive than we'd pay, but not by a huge amount.
burger meals are like 3 or 4 quid?

>> No.4011382

where do you live?
surviving in New York costs vastly more than surviving in an African villiage.

>> No.4011384 [DELETED] 

No idea how much a quid is.
Here a burger meal is about 5 euros.

>> No.4011385
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>> No.4011386



>> No.4011389

$10 is just over 7 euro's
so yeh, like i say, it is more expensive, but not by much

>> No.4011393


Typical fast food meals can range from $6-7 to $15-20 in the US depending on location and restaurant.

There are some chains with cheaper meals but I'm speaking of McDonalds etc

>> No.4011394

btw, 'quid' is slang for 'brittish pound'

fuck you, harriets a moron

>> No.4011401


On average, a meal at a real restaurant (not a fast food place)

is around 12$.

>> No.4011411

applebees and buffalo wild wings are not real restaurants

>> No.4011416
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And you're schizo.

And I find it funny


>> No.4011420


But IHOP, sushi resturants, TGIF and Denny's are.

>> No.4011424

bipolar =/= schizo

lrn2psychiatry (yes, that's hard science)

>> No.4011444

We don't know what's wrong with her. In the absence of this knowledge, I was using schizo as synonym for crazy

>> No.4011507
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my family's the 1%

also not science.

>> No.4012519




>> No.4012537

Enjoy your shitty Ameripoor restaurants.

>> No.4012548

why are you still here? isn't it like midnight in the UK?

>> No.4012630

Yes, what of it?

>> No.4012712

0$ I can easily eat out of dumpsters to "survive"

750$ I have an apartment that comes with everything included for 430$ a month ,+ 100$ for internet and phone +150 for food rest for entertainment.

Let's assume I'm not just going to eat out at burger king everyday. To eat at a restaurant you don't need anything else but a bench to sleep on. Assuming 1 meal a day, 30$ meal that's about 930$ a month.

>> No.4014725

There's no way you can live comfortably for 750$/month.
I pay 1350 euro (1800$) rent per month, and have a comfortable place (but not very comfortable). And internet, tv, electricity, heating, maintainance. And food, drinks, transportation, saving for holidays.
It's comfortable, but very comfortable would mean I have a car with a value that exceeds 500 bucks, I go on a holiday twice, one of them to an exotic locations, I go out for dinner regularly, etc.

>> No.4014732

I pay, split with the person living with me, $610/mo, with gas and electric at about $60/mo, internet at $40/mo, water probably something fairly trivial (and my landlord will probably end up paying it anyway, as he's been doing for quite some time). All told, that's about $405 for utilities and rent. Since we both cook, we spend a little less than that on groceries. I'm personally living off about $1600/mo. She's living off of a little less, I think, but maybe about the same, all things considered, and we have more than we need. I bought this laptop, furniture for the apartment, all the kitchen supplies, etc. in the past few months on budget. She has some debts, too (hospital bills, and yes, eurofags, I jelly), but we have about half a house.

>> No.4014747


>1350 euro rent

What the fuck

and you say its not very comfortable?

My brain has been severely confounded. I live in east europe and I could live like a king for that

I thought you people have steeper prices but this is very surprising.

>> No.4014771

where the fuck do you live? the eiffel tower?

>> No.4014788

For urban area in western europe, it seems like a normal price. I've lived in several western european cities, in different countries. The city I live now is on the expensive side.

>> No.4014840

I live outside of Boston and pay $1600/mo for a two bedroom apartment. But I make about $4700/mo after taxes and don't have any real obligations other than insurance and utilities, so I'd say I'm pretty comfortable.

>> No.4014901

ITT:EK was actually responding appropriately.

where you live:variable
What constitutes comfortable:variable
Price of restaurants: variable
Unedefined survival:variable

Where is the control? As has been stated, the what is barely adequate in western Europe goes for luxury in eastern Europe. The same could be said for state to state cost of living: You could be middle class in Alabama for with the same income as poverty in California or Hawaii.

There are other factors. What bills do you have? Do you own your house, mortgage, or rent? My grandfather lives very comfortable in the same area i live in on a wage i could not live comfortably, simply because he owns his land. Give more information, get a batter answer.

>> No.4014955

>ITT:EK was actually responding appropriately.

Still no reason to tripfag.

>> No.4014980

1) around 100 USD
2) billions and billions
3) can't tell. prices in restaurants vary greatly.

>> No.4015739


You took off your trip and went bipolar?

Just get out.

Any variable has a mean.

Owned scrub, get fucked and reported.

>> No.4015761
File: 224 KB, 353x335, zb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so as soon as anyone supports me, they MUST be samefag, rite?
fuck you, cunt!

>> No.4015778

Calm down, dear.

>> No.4015781

2. I'd say I have fairly comfortable lifestyle and converted to dollars I'm making around ~25-30k a month. But then again, I have no interest in cars/boats/parties/bling etc. so if you need that to be comfortable you would need a whole lot more.
3. Not a lot.

>> No.4015794


>every variable has a mean

If they are numbers. Whats the mean of countries? Add up all countries and average them? That's good advice, next psych study i do ill be sure to add up variables like age group, sex and race. That takes a load off my shoulders. Could you help me figure out how to divide African plus Korean divided by two?

Also, if i was EK why would i use the derogatory tone towards her? I pointed out the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.4015812

0 live in a box fish for food of dig through garbage. Youd be amazed at the stuff people throw out.

$500 random guess

$2000 probably less, I ate out every day during college. I just was smart enough to find places that offered decent food at cheap prices.

>> No.4015892
File: 377 KB, 493x348, za1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GL was in this thread before, and now isnt.
deleted his posts?

>> No.4015904

what derogotary tone? you basically said i was correct, and the question IS too vague to be properly answered.

>> No.4016018

I live in a 16m² in paris and I have to pay 850€ per month.
I can survive with approx 1200€ per month... thank god my studies are for free.

>> No.4016033

so are you saging this post or not?