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File: 50 KB, 556x320, suck it right-handfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4010366 No.4010366 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4010374

But 80% are right handed.

>> No.4010380

Sorry I can't hear you over how much more likely it is that I'm a genius than you.

>> No.4010388

inb4 more butthurt

>> No.4010390

Just jealous because you're not left handed master race.

>> No.4010399


>> No.4010403
File: 53 KB, 729x650, 1290567289303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..but i am a right handed mensan, art thou mad?

>> No.4010409

>no proof
Sure buddy.
You can enjoy your pretend geniusness and I'll be over here anjoying my superior left-handed pens and other such products.

>> No.4010424

So you get paid or something for being mensa or is it just a circlejerking club? yes i am a jelly averagefag

>> No.4010427
File: 136 KB, 550x413, a9115_Sloth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha oh wow, there is so much wrong with that statement, i just...


>> No.4010431

non mensafags have a better chance of being productive in science, maths or engineering, since 99% of those people think mensa is for faggots

>> No.4010445


you have to pay a fee to be in mensa, and have an IQ of ~130

>> No.4010463

but only 10% of world population is left handed.

>> No.4010469

40% of left handed people masturbate with their right hand.
and 35% of right handed people masturbate with their left.
What that about, huh?

>> No.4010473

It's amazing that those criteria don't create an empty set.

>> No.4010492 [DELETED] 

>not ambidextrous master race


>> No.4010496

I went to this twitter page. I want to beat the fuck out of whoever runs it.

>> No.4010525

well i'm using the mouse with my right

>> No.4010575

I don't get it, shouldn't paying a fee for a circlejerk make you automaticaly under 130 IQ?

>> No.4010583

It does, but the problem is that you can only do this after you've had an IQ test. So you see the problem.

>> No.4010590

left handed master race reporting in

our right lobes are dominant, so we're more logical/mathematically oriented than you faggots.


>> No.4010601

Left-handed people have been brought up as being slightly different from the rest, in school.
They are therefore more likely to use the fact that they are different in school as part of their (self) identity.
Smart people that are also left handed are, therefore, more likely to see their intelligence as a part of their identity, rather than just an attribute of themselves. Hence, they are more likely to pay the fee for mensa.

>> No.4011461


>> No.4011481
File: 870 KB, 1660x1176, the brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our right lobes are dominant, so we're more logical/mathematically oriented

nice try.

>> No.4011486

> right/left brain new age bullshit
please get out

>> No.4012845


>> No.4012855

you actually *pay* to be in mensa

>> No.4012857
File: 510 KB, 1684x1191, leftright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4012864

left hand god race reportin in

>> No.4012924


You pay to have a chance to pay to be in Mensa. I took a few IQ tests my freshman year of college for a Psych course; I could probably get into Mensa, but I don't know if it's worth the money considering I'm not even 21. I get the feeling everyone in there does religious readings of "Atlas Shrugged".

Also, simply being left handed doesn't make you more right brain inclined. Our society is so left brain biased that the possibly increased density or w/e you get from having the right hemisphere control fine motor functions is probably negligible. I really doubt there's a large disparity between right/left handed artists.

>> No.4013314

That's what I was gonna write.
You have to use your primary hand to operate the jerk off material, whether it be computer, tv/dvd, magazine.
Though I use both.
Left for the most part while using the computer, then I switch to the right hand when I finish off.

>> No.4013340

>A variety of studies suggest that 10% of the world population is left-handed.[1]
>90% of the world is right handed
>only 80% of mensa is right handed
>Approx 10% of the world is Left Handed
>Approx 20% of Mensa is left handed
>Therefore you have a higher chance of being a genius if you are left handed

>> No.4013344

left handed fag here

check the famous actors, famous people in sports, famous musicians, people famous for intelligence, and pretty much any group of people that are really good at anything will be disproportionately left handed. because left-handed people are just plain better than you.