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3996459 No.3996459 [Reply] [Original]

What is needed for a population to evolve as fast as possible, other than fast reproduction rate?

>> No.3996464

environmental changes

>> No.3996471

very strong selective pressures: it to be difficult as fuck to survive, without making the population extinct
disease and predators and parasites fucking everywhere, you all having to fight to survive
food shortages, water shortages, contaminated water.

also, migrating to a new environment, or if an environmental barrier is formed hat divides the population.

>> No.3996473
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>> No.3996476

the love of jesus christ

>> No.3996478

fast mutation rate.

>> No.3996483

But I tried that in a cellular automaton and it just results one species taking over the entire space, reproducing exact copies of itself.
I meant how to generate biodiversity as fast as possible.

Not true, otherwise bogosort would be the best search method and sexual reproduction wouldn't exist.

>> No.3996489

I would guess radiation and environmental conditions. If you live in a building most of the time for example you are more likely to become pale-skinned and become plumper. If you live outside more and be active you'll be brown but more prone to cancer. It's about finding a balance between sun, diet and overall health (mental and physical)

>> No.3996497


Sorry you'll be browner, maybe a little more fit...and more prone to Cancer due to the Radiation. Unless you wish to workout inside...then you'd have a better chance at staying paler. (More than likely)

>> No.3996506


That and keep in mind the chemicals you ingest into your body on a daily basis some of that shit can be very detrimental to a persons overall health and gene-pool.

>> No.3996508

oh, biodiversity?
then the opposite i suppose...life is easy as fuck, everyone lives, breeds, the population rises quickly.
if there is a high mutation rate, suddenly new forms will start appearing, and all will survive, even though they are significantly different from each other.

>> No.3996512

Came in here to say radiation, damn you. But yeah enough radiation such that it alters the genetic genome but not enough to have carcinogenic effects and cause cancer.

>> No.3996513

what the fuck is raditation?

>> No.3996516


Although there are those rare cases of Albino births. Those are strange. Mixed genes I'm guessing.

>> No.3996522
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my aspie sense is tingling

>> No.3996524


What is retardation for 1500? Please. Thanks Alex.

>> No.3996529

tons of death and disease....extreme adversity basically... Or God if you are religious?