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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 293x358, rename sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3996118 No.3996118 [Reply] [Original]

out of love and out hate for everyone on here today.

>> No.3996159

EK is a biologist.

I just ignore her.

>> No.3996161
File: 16 KB, 363x391, sananda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

darwin was a biologist

i just ignore him

>> No.3996182

Oh, look what I found...you guys think its her?


>> No.3996184

EK pretends to be a zoologist, which in her case refers to an extremely limited spectrum of biology. She doesn't know shit about human physiology, or plant life, for example, so please don't insult proper biologists by lumping them in with that silly hag.

>> No.3996198

first, that's not what you implied. you implied you ignore biologists. that includes genius ones like darwin.

second, darwin knew fuck all about many things, knowing a lot about botanical classification, beetles, worms and finches. specialisation is not a fault.

but you are just some underaged twat on he internet.

>> No.3996202

Biologists aren't that impressive either, but I do agree that zoology is even less impressive.

>> No.3996208

Every thread on /sci is about /EK, so I agree with OP.

>> No.3996216

Huh? That was a response to both of those guys, you babbling idiot.

>> No.3996218
File: 2 KB, 126x103, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I do agree that zoology is even less impressive.
i dont do it to be impressive, i do it because its a fascinating subject.

>> No.3996224

If you find zoology fascinating, why didn't you pursue biology?

>> No.3996227

becuz your gay thats why, hun, now shhh, hun.

>> No.3996229

too broad
theres all the plant and optics shit that doesnt particularly interest me

>> No.3996231
File: 255 KB, 438x357, 01278434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah, lol

>> No.3996232

Excuse me? Is that what you must resort to to defend zoology? Mentioning my sexuality?

>> No.3996237

I should've checked the tripcode. Seems like we've got a new fake EK.

So only birds and bugs and shit interests you? Nothing else?

>> No.3996240

i cant use caps

>> No.3996244


don't you guys feel just a little guilty about trolling lonely neckbeards on 4chan?

>> No.3996251

Who/What the hell is EK?

>> No.3996252

If you're calling us trolls: Please don't go there.
If you're calling us neckbears: I'm not one, and I doubt EK is one.

>> No.3996253


Not me, is all I know.

>> No.3996258


I didn't call you a troll, per se... I said you were trolling. Which, clearly, if you are who you say you are, you are doing.

>> No.3996261

Love ya, EK!

>> No.3996270

and then should be shot in the head.

>> No.3996298

lol, have you not memorised my tripcode even now?
Cause I'm EK, yes I'm the real EK
All you other EK's are just imitators,
So won't the real EK please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?

and im bi myself, so im unlikely to be a homophobe, hun.

all science interests me, i just much prefer the animal side of biology than anything else
(physics and chem are far more interesting than plant biology IMO)

>> No.3996300

Ek and I would be perfect together but we'll never have the opportunity

>> No.3996304

Who are you and why are people obsessing with you?

>> No.3996308

first of all, most people here arnt lonely neckbeards, thats just an incorrect stereotype.
secondly, we dont troll them. (or i sometimes do, but its unrelated trolling, and just for teh lulz)

>> No.3996310

are birds lizards?

>> No.3996312

EK is the housewife of /sci/

>dozens of pseudo intellectual 15 year olds dressed up in suit and tie and sitting around in a living room circle like elite, highly cultured businessmen
>EK: Honey, would you like some syrup on your-
>/sci/ cries in its own circlejerk
>EK comes back for more

>> No.3996313

lol, they arnt really obsessing, its just sorta like an in-joke,
im just a tripfag
also, im a zoologist.
an i post a lot...

>> No.3996316

obviously not
close-ish related though...

>> No.3996321

is lizards to birds macroevolution?

>> No.3996322
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i cannibalise biology majors

>> No.3996330
File: 19 KB, 480x324, macromicroevolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no lizards to birds evolution

read the wiki on macroevolution, please

>> No.3996328

I can tell.

>> No.3996325

Because they are trolls, and because she always gets trolled.

>> No.3996332

Why the Hell would I memorise your tripcode?
Although I have done so. I corrected myself (>>3996237)

Zoology is barely a field, you should've studied something proper.

Oh, oh, and who am I and Harriet and Josef and Mad Scientist!!!???

>> No.3996334

you can be the butlers who clean up after the shit that /sci/ spews

>> No.3996335

you dont have to memorise it, its just easy enough to look out for an all capital letters tripcode, except for a single lower case 'n'

>> No.3996340
File: 25 KB, 304x195, 1302261827861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessing over a pubescent boy faking to be a female biologist and showing his lack of understanding in almost every scientific field

>> No.3996341

I'm no fucking butler.

>A biologist

I said I memorised it...

>> No.3996345

im not faking, and its ZOOLOGIST

>> No.3996350


>darwin genius
>darwin's IQ: Charles Darwin (135)

Sorry pal

He just had a lucky break, there were 2 other scientists at the time who had formed similar theories and there were many scientists before him that gave him his ideas

>> No.3996356
File: 30 KB, 550x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3996360

1st - 135 is "genius" IQ
2nd - IQ doesn't mean anything

>> No.3996365

Personally, /sci/ attitude towards biology/psychology/zoology is kind of annoying, but hey, I'm not in the mood to argue with people.

>> No.3996370


hey EK didnt dinosaurs become birds

>> No.3996372


>implying it's not a branch of biology and you don't have to study supplementary basic fields if you're deciding to become skilled in this section

>> No.3996373

so how dinosaurs become birds?

>> No.3996377


sorry pal

on the test he sat for, the minimum quotient for genius IQ was 142

basically he was just high above average for his population, but not within the top percentile for genius

>> No.3996382

that pic is so wrong. macroevolution is not just a collection of microevolution examples

>> No.3996387

EKs ego is swelling with every post.
tonight he or she will be franticly masturbating to the memory of this thread.

>> No.3996388

IQ DOES mean something, but i cant be bothered getting into it at the moment. If you honestly think there is no correlation between your ability to do well in an IQ test, and actual everyday intelligence and success, you arn't paying enough attention.

they are trolling
the whole
>hard science
is just a troll/meme started by one guy.

the ancestors of modern day birds are what you might call dinosaurs, so yes.

didnt imply that at all.

heard of archaeopteryx?

to be pedantic, no.
but it is true that enough micro-evolution over a long enough time will eventually have been macro evolution.

>> No.3996394

>IQ DOES mean something, but i cant be bothered getting into it at the moment. If you honestly think there is no correlation between your ability to do well in an IQ test, and actual everyday intelligence and success, you arn't paying enough attention.

Ma- Ma- Maximum overtrolling

>> No.3996398

Dinosaurs and lizards are two different things. And it wasn't dinosaurs to birds anyways.

Geeze, I feel sorry for EK. Idiots attempting to troll her.

>> No.3996402
File: 25 KB, 712x377, STANDARDEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996403
File: 213 KB, 393x349, 126550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the entire thread in the archives please.


>> No.3996407

so some weird feathery dinosaur thing had kids, 1 of them was a dinosaur and the other was a bird?

>> No.3996409

No EK, no. It's not worth my time. If you actually think IQ measures anything but the length of your imaginary penis, then I think I'm done talking about this.

>> No.3996412

I know it is. There are troll/meme thing that belongs to every board almost.

Though I do wish I could have a conversation with a few fellow psychology/neuroscience people without an influx of "hurrdurr >biology >hard science"

>> No.3996416
File: 41 KB, 498x376, lalalala_ottercanthearyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats disapointing for a tripfag...

>> No.3996424

Awwwww, Teacup is so CUTE!

>> No.3996433

i secretly enjoy when EK is online

cure me please

>> No.3996438

IQ measures your mental abilities.
Abilities such as:
-Spatial abilities
-Processing skills
-Perception abilities
-Complex reasoning abilities
-Digital span/Arithmetic
-General information obtained in everyday life

It is correlated with your ability to do well academically, and moderately correlated with your job performance/career.

However it doesn't measure other types of 'intelligence' such as emotional intelligence, artistic/musical abilities and such.

It also does not mean you are going to do better then a person with a lesser IQ score. IQ does not measure eminence. It just measures mental abilities and puts it in a quotient form, an plots them all on a bell-curve which is a fairly accurate representation of the population, so that people can compare.

>> No.3996439



There's your problem. There's neither a necessity for macro-evolution to derive from several micro-evolutionary processes nor for micro-evolution to result in a macro-evolution.

But it really strikes me that you think there's a correlation between IQ and research success in a setting of average to above-average IQ. (protip: not every scientist has an above-average IQ, let alone intelligence)

>> No.3996441

i do too. its only because i have no real friends. i wish it was cool for anyone besides to admin to arrange a 4chan meetups

>> No.3996448

Hi I just want to say how hot i thank your EK, i spank it to your lovely ePersona, my ultimate fantasy being to rip you're pants off and give you a night of pasionate love making and convert you to loving me as much as i love you.


>> No.3996449


Turns out being a furry and watching animal porn doesn't make you a zoologist

Isn't life a bitch sometimes eh?

>> No.3996452

lol, would be pretty wierd. i'd probably be punched in the face by one of you, and harriet probably wouldn't even want to turn up.

>> No.3996468

I'd white knight for you, EK, but harriet would be crushed underfoot. I seriously can't stand her here.

>> No.3996470

I'd offer Harriet a place to live, away from EK and her lovers.

>> No.3996475

EK, I think people only hate you because you don't totally agree with them. Everyone says stupid shit occasionally, but if you say it under your name, people hate you for it, and if you say something they disagree with, they hate all the other shit you say.

>> No.3996477


have you actually seen EK's pics?

shes not pretty

not hideous, but wont go higher than a 5/10

>> No.3996480

I'd just want to talk, and I'd kinda wish you'd all just fucking behave so it could be civil and interesting. Instead, I'd sit there, watching this /sci/ civil war.

>> No.3996481

lol, i dont blame you, she is pretty annoying sometimes, and thats coming from ME, lol.

lol, what makes you think she'd want to go?
i look after her, she likes living with me, i dont think she'd be comfortable going anywhere else. and she gets on ok with my guys, they;re sort of friends (not that harriets ever been particularly talkative, but whatever)

>> No.3996487

Harriet must be crushed.

She is stealing our precious EK away from /sci/.

The stupid fat bitch must be eliminated.

>> No.3996488

Then I'd just give her money and tell her to leave you. You shouldn't be dragging her down.

>> No.3996492

i was once part of a forum with a more local community. they arranged and meet and shortly after the website disbanded after all their petty arguments. this was middle aged men predominantly and a namefag website so i still have high hopes for a /sci/ meet

>> No.3996494

yes i know, but being hated here is fine, it just might be bad in person...
(like the 'being punched in the face' i alluded to earlier')

have you?
so shut up!
(stupid fucking 7/7/11-fag...)

erm, she isnt fat....

wtf? i dont drag her down, and did you not read my post? she wouldnt WANT to leave me.

>> No.3996495
File: 15 KB, 293x358, scivs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996496


hahaha, oh wow

has anyone actually seen any proof of EK studying anything at all? all her posts seem so dumb and "lulz I troll yoo". I don't think I've seen her post anything constructive ever.

>> No.3996507

i bet harriet is cuter than you

>> No.3996510


Wrong. It's because the vast majority of the stuff coming out of its mouth is deliberate bullshit with no basis whatsoever.

But not even browsing via Anonymize helps nowadays, you can easily spot it by its comments and the shitstorm following.

>> No.3996527

No, she doesn't. You're just the best thing she has, the only life she's ever known...

>> No.3996530

if EK is a girl then she must be ugly.
because otherwise she be too busy sucking her boyfriends cock or girl friends clit to play of 4chan.

>> No.3996533

>anonymous image board
there is no proof of any of us studying anything at all.
there would be no reason to lie about my major.

no she fucking isnt!

>> No.3996540


why wont you let us see what you look like?

>> No.3996548

>implying she had no life before university
obviously she's known far more than just me, and she does actually have other friends.

lol, you think i'd be sexual 24/7 and have no time to come here?
lol, there are plenty of hours in the day, hun.

because it doesnt fucking matter, and i dont particularly want loads of random internet guys oggling me.

>> No.3996551
File: 158 KB, 312x274, 1320249034381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not even familiar with this tard except her continually trying to hijack my triangulate-rose threads a few months back but either way how about you chumps stop being fucktards and install 4chan filter

>> No.3996553
File: 5 KB, 168x219, ekj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3996556

why don't you give us you bank account number and pin number.

>> No.3996564


id just like to know EK

do you honestly consider yourself worth oogling

would you oogle at yourself

>> No.3996565

But you're the one who brings the money home.

>because it doesnt fucking matter, and i dont particularly want loads of random internet guys oggling me.
Translation: Post pictures of your muscles and talk to me like I'm a brainless idiot, then I'll send you videos and pictures of me because I'm only attracted to alpha males. Also, be black.

>> No.3996566

coicidentally has the same name as the 7/7/11-tards facebook, so i accidently interupted your thread because i got the wrong idea. sorry about that.
who is the other rose?

>> No.3996571

You say Harriet isnt cuter then you, however you offer no proof, therefore we can only assume you are the uglier one.

>> No.3996572

hun, are you flirting with me?

>> No.3996576

lol yes hun im flirting with u LOL
hun hun hun hun

>> No.3996584

well i am bisexual, so i honestly dont know.
if i wasnt me, but had the same brain as me, and saw another me, then possibly. i dunno (lol did that make sense? .. probably not)

besides, ive seen the 7/7/11 tards photoshopping that other girl, and generally being absolute dicks to her, which is pretty harsh seeing as none of us know who the fuck she is, i definitely wouldnt put myself under the same spotlight.

wat? we study, neither of us supports the other (we both have part time jobs, but still)

>Also, be black.

shut the fuck up! i dont have to prove im cuter than her! i just am!
anyway, being cute isnt even necesarily a good thing, its just condecending, cute = childlike, fine, maybe she is cute, im still more attractive obviously!

>> No.3996585


What's next, the bible is true because it has no reason to lie to us?

I don't understand the need for a tripcode in the first place if you aren't going to use it for anything.

>> No.3996588

>I don't understand the need for a tripcode in the first place if you aren't going to use it for anything.
lol wtf? you dont use a tripcode for uploading pics of yourself, certainly
and i dont see you pestering all other tripfags for fucking photo albums...

>> No.3996590


>Doesn't like black people

*shock and horror while the room gasps*

Confirmed for racist bigot

>> No.3996594

Lol you seem to be pretty jealous of Harriet. It is amusing actually. I'm definitely going to say she is the cuter one.

>> No.3996602

"if i wasnt me, but had the same brain as me, and saw another me, then possibly. i dunno (lol did that make sense? .. probably not)
shut the fuck up! i dont have to prove im cuter than her! i just am!
anyway, being cute isnt even necesarily a good thing, its just condecending, cute = childlike, fine, maybe she is cute, im still more attractive obviously!"

Don't you get tired of posting?

>> No.3996604

lol, im not like a massive 'hurr durr, we should kill all black people!' type racist, i just dont find them attractive, none of my guys are black, and so what? thats my choice.

well fine! i dont even care, like i say, being cute just means shes fucking childish!, and why would i be jealous of her?

>> No.3996606


Why would I want your photo albums? Why should I care about you in the first place?

Do you not get enough attention in real life? You seem to be online here for at least 8 hours a day.

I just honestly don't see why you feel the need to trip up for every single thread. You know it's going to ruin the thread because desperate idiots want to see your mammaries exposed.

I don't particularly hate or like you, I'm just wondering why you feel the need to act like you do.

>> No.3996607


so compared to the 7/7/11 girl, are you better or worse looking?

just on your own judgement

>> No.3996609
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't you get tired of posting?
dont you ever get tired of being my alterior personality?

>> No.3996615

At least I'm the dominant, smart, not-a-zoologist one.

>> No.3996620


EK there is alter, as in alter ego. and there is ulterior, as in ulterior motive

i know how his holiness the pope stephen fry says we have to be understanding about pedantic errors, but this is just ugly

>> No.3996622


Wait, I'm confused. I generally just don't pay attention to you because it's always about cirklejerking with you, but since I entered this cirklejerk thread and we are all enjoying ourselves I have to ask

>who the hell is in the pictures if it isn't you and why do you use them

>> No.3996625

ironic that i had to look up pseudo intellectual.... lol i knew it meant fake essentially in my defense..

>> No.3996628

EK also might mean


oh how i wish it were true. Everyone smart as a genius. Not having to ask questions about science. Just studying....

can a man dream?

>> No.3996629

As much as I find EK annoying, she does post alot of sciency-stuff and I have to respect that.

>> No.3996632
File: 3 KB, 109x147, 7_7_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, i dunno. she doesnt really look that bad if im honest. maybe about the same?
i mean ive heard all you guys saying shes really fat and ugly, but i dont really see it, and shes only slightly fatter than me.

TBH i probably am hotter, but that could just be my own arrogance, so maybe its a closer call than i think.

thats her, if i remember correctly

>> No.3996636


that was the decoy EK used when people discovered her facebook page

but after people found out that her decoy was actually a girl from youtube, she has since been forced to use pics of her in an attempt to stubbornly convince us that she wasnt trying to cover her tracks

>> No.3996640

You are obviously jealous of her and the attention she gets, why else would you be so adamant that you are better looking.

But you see, I think you are uglier, and that is why you don't show a picture of yourself. Because you KNOW that guys would stop paying attention to you, and that would make EK very sad.

>> No.3996641

..im a big fan :D

thanks hun :)

>> No.3996643
File: 25 KB, 450x300, wtf_guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is going on ITT?

>> No.3996646

FvR reaction images predate 7/7/1 by a long way

im not jealous of her! and fucking WHAT attention? she barely posts here, clearly i get far more attention than she does, and even if she did get more attention i wouldnt be jealous!

>> No.3996652

Sage will cleanse this thread.

>> No.3996659

ITT EK is going nuts over people saying Harriet is hotter then her (yet refuses to show proof, so is deemed to be ugly and fat)

>> No.3996660

I am OP and i will happily delete this thread if the majority request it.

>> No.3996661


Sorry EK, ive never once heard a girl say that she looks "about the same" as another girl.

Im all for believing that the 7/7/11 girl isnt you, but as an aspiring scientist you must understand the weight of evidence is largely against you.

If you could provide any reasonable doubt as to why this isnt the case, then surely we would change our opinion.

Meh. You can only fool the newfags, but we were there when it happened, EK.

>> No.3996662
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1297596231406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no proof harriets hotter than me either!
so nobody knows either way, except me, necause i actually know her IRL, so i know what she looks like, so my words the FUCKINg word we'll be trsuting in this!

>> No.3996664
File: 13 KB, 483x358, 13678345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, i request it

>> No.3996665

>judging people by their physical appearence

Is this some reverse psychology trick?
You want to force a bump by saging?

>> No.3996666


Teacup im actually curious to know what you look like you beastly hunk

>> No.3996669

>see EK thread
>117 replies

If you had dozens of anons posting their opinions about you, wouldn't you enjoy it. We need to just ignore her for the sake of this board and for the sake of our dignity.

>> No.3996670


No, I just think this thread is shit and in no way contributes to the scientific pool of knowledge, comrade.

>> No.3996671
File: 91 KB, 800x600, teacup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to his name he sure looks like pic related.

inb4 /b/tards commenting on dubs followed by trips

>> No.3996674

Isn't it funny how this is the only active thread on /sci/ right now?

>> No.3996676

"Alterior" isn't a word.

>> No.3996678

The need for proof falls on you sweetie. You could prove us all wrong but just showing one photo, but you won't, so I'm sure all of us here are thinking that you are the uglier one but just doesn't want to admit it.

But then again, who would want to admit they are the uglier one.

>> No.3996679

well im not completely sure what guys judge on, maybe what bi-fems consider a hot other woman, guys might think is fucking ugly, so im really not sure.
still, i'd say im probably hotter.

if i remember correctky the 7/7/11 facebook said that girl was 23, and therefore past uni age, which is enough evidence as far as im concerned IMO

delete thread plz, OP

>> No.3996680


> contributes to the scientific pool of knowledge

holy shit are you wildly optimistic


i mean just wow

do you seriously believe that /sci/ is in any way contributing to anything in any field of science?

>> No.3996681

EK, this is bullshit. I can tell because I wrote my psychiatry post-doc on you and you're a morbidly obese 27 year old italian man with a heroin problem. Why would I lie?

>subtext: Of course there's a reason to claim credibility you don't have, it lends credibility to what you say

>> No.3996685

I look like EK but I have a dick.
Don't hit on me, silly boys~

That's not EK.

>> No.3996688


oh shit peppermint

that gets me hot

show us your cock

>> No.3996689

implying EK is female

>> No.3996695

credibility for being a zoologist? its not exactly rocket science, and a lot of you guys consider it soft, or perhaps mid tier, or there-abouts.
if i were lying for credibility, i have fucking 3 PhD's and 300K starting.

>> No.3996696

128 replies /sci. 128 and counting. this is why i don't browse /sci/ anymore.

>> No.3996698

>That's not EK.

No, it's you.

>> No.3996702
File: 18 KB, 293x318, glans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my glans.

>> No.3996705

You are too right! EK could be a guy! Or look like one. Im sure that is why she refuses to post a picture.

EK do you have a mono-brow?

>> No.3996708

nobody considers it mid-tier here
it's shit tier and no matter what you say will change that

>> No.3996712



how is 23 past uni age?

according to your report card you had a D grade in AS history and had to spent 4 years training in the whore houses of cairo to get enough extra curricular points to qualify for university

>> No.3996718
File: 9 KB, 254x279, 1319227666333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you guys could post science and math threads instead

>> No.3996719


Teacup have you seen EK irl?

What does she look like?

>> No.3996720

you fucker, we found her on facebook months ago, and she's quite hot actually. harriet even more.

>> No.3996722

erm, no
is certainly above social sciences and political sciences, as well as virtually all none sci/math majors.

i do like zoology, but im hardly likely to get trolled over it.

>> No.3996724

Have you ever seen a regular female?
That's what she looks like.

>> No.3996727

You want realism as well. I was obviously lying there, but if I said "I have a masters in criminal psychology, you appear to be sociopathic to some degree" after keeping up appearances for a few weeks it would definitely be plausible.

>> No.3996728


man teacup, i dont mean to look at you like you were a piece of meat, but hot damn

>> No.3996732

OP here again.
I made this thread with the intention that it would free up the real sci related threads from the EK argument. Allowing for more science discussion with out a silly debate over something as trivial as a pritcode.

And it worked, but I never for once imaged that the thread would become the only active thread!
All you Anonymous's are a embarrassment, you'd rather argue than discus science.

Its like you actually like being trolled.

I'm going to leave this thread up as a reminder to stupidity.

>> No.3996734

keep telling yourself that

>> No.3996735

GL, you must go. Go and post science threads, I'll keep the cancer contained. Go and don't look back.

I know, hot right?

>> No.3996736

no, the 'we are samefag' thing is just a lie/troll started by blackman

>wrong EK
>wrong harriet
>you;re a stupid 7/7/11-fag

there has been a few zoology threads here, they are fairly rare, but i always post in them if i see them.
it's usually detailed enough for you to be able to tell its a zoology major, or at least somebody who knows a lot about it.

>> No.3996737


Rate her upon 10?

What do other guys have to say about her looks?

>> No.3996740

I don't talk to other guys about vaginas and the things that have vaginas.

>> No.3996743

Hold on, why the shit are we even rating sciences with tiers? Obviously, physics is more fundamental than chemistry, which is more so than biology/zoology, which is more so than medicine and psychology, which is more so than social sciences. None of them are shit tier, they just have areas of effect.

>> No.3996745

>believing teacup actually knows me IRL
>believing a fucking stupid /x/fag over me

>> No.3996749


hey EK whats your IQ

>> No.3996754

Like you're any better.

>> No.3996757

There are really more than 150 posts here, just to talk about EK? Do you not have anything better to do?

>> No.3996760

Fuck off EK, we're having a meta-discussion confined to a single thread.

>> No.3996762

it would be better to making out with EK, but that's not possible over the internet

>> No.3996763

133, but i did the test quite a while ago, and im not sure hoe legit it was. i'll go and do the real MENSA test at some point, just out of curiosity.

erm, im the one who didnt lie about pretending to know another user IRL, so yeh, i think so.

>> No.3996764

Fuck you Teacup, you gay /x/fag

>> No.3996772


I wonder if I should start a BOINC project to crack EK's trip? would anyone be down for that?

>> No.3996777


!Elizabeth Kelly- FQ Off Bitch, U Fat nagger Qunt

>> No.3996778

fucking great danes does not make you a "zoologist"

>> No.3996782

I thought we were all going to start insulting who we are/pretend we are.

>> No.3996789


no dont ruin /sci/

some of us actually enjoy having EK and Harriet around

>> No.3996791
File: 37 KB, 500x312, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't allow you to do that.

>> No.3996794

>implying something of value exists on /sci/

>> No.3996797

even harriet? nearly everyone seems to get pissed off by her, which is really quite something seeing as she hardly posts

>> No.3996799

Oh God, do you guys not know EK's tripcode? It's so very easy.

>> No.3996807
File: 40 KB, 451x500, zXGUO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and by the way, ive got a bone to pick with you!
yes, i stalk you in the archives, problem?
and wtf was that about 'a million dicks'?
how about you shut the fuck up!

>> No.3996810

I meant that you're very sexually active.

>> No.3996813


>> No.3996815


!Eating Ketamine From Queensland, Offering Blowjobs Under False names. Quebec.

>> No.3996819


>> No.3996821

this thread should become permanent

>> No.3996831

she is oversensitive to being called a whore

EK must have some regrets in her life

>> No.3996832

like herpes

>> No.3996835

probably regrets being a whore

>> No.3996840
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes thank you captain obvious! i got that bit, but what the fuck do you know about it!?

>> No.3996845


!Escherichia Koli Forms Qolony Of Bacteria Under Fresh natural Qonditions

>> No.3996848

I meant that you can feel those dicks, and that if you and I shared the same body I wouldn't be able to feel dicks in me while having my own dick.

>> No.3996849

Coli is spelled with a C, you Qunt

>> No.3996852

Oh, alright.
I don't mind them, I mind the fact they persistently use trips without having any particular reason to.
It's already done
well, I'm getting closer. Sadly it takes about 50* longer for each char.

>> No.3996853

Biologist detected

>> No.3996854 [DELETED] 

fine whatever, but keep the sit talking to a minimum! i'm watching you, remember.

>> No.3996855

Qolony and Qonditions were spelled correctly.

>> No.3996857

fine whatever, but keep the shit talking to a minimum! i'm watching you, remember.

>> No.3996858


!Extradite Kaddafi From Quebec! Otherwise Brepare Urself For noodles! Quack!

>> No.3996866

I think anyone that ever uses a tripcode is a complete faggot.

>> No.3996870


i like this one the best

>> No.3996894


!EKsercising FreQuently Often Burns Up Fat (not Quite!)

>> No.3996913


!Every Ketamine Feels Quite Overbearing. Bring Ur FunQ!

>> No.3996935

I dislike this entire fad. It will fad in a few months, and /sci will be back to debating religion with trolls, and wannabe believers.

Tripfags abound will replace EK in the future.

>> No.3996943

replace? what makes you think i wont still be here as well?

>> No.3996945


!Electro-Kardio Frequencies QOme Bouncing Up Faster n Quicker

>> No.3996977


man this is is harder than it looks i cant come up with anything

>> No.3998650

ITT: People who don't know EK is just a lonely bitch, who values her life by trolling /sci/ and who ALSO don't know that the best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them COMPLETELY

>> No.3998651

ITT: people who post 6 hours late

>> No.3998662

haha, good one sir

>> No.3998687


Electric Kid Fucking Queen's Opening Because Unity Fucking noble Queers

>> No.3999267

what is going on in here

>> No.4000725
