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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 500x495, instrument986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3987786 No.3987786 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/...

You are elected leader of the planet earth.

What do you change?

>> No.3987796

Kill off enough Africans to bring their population under control. Then start a major reform of Africa so they're no longer in poverty and in education so one day they can too can start helping towards a Space Program that will be implemented and funded.

Cut all war spending, and put the money into science and space programs.

Bring the world together as one, so research gets done better

>> No.3987794

I ensure that people don't post threads which are nearly identical to threads already posted within the first 5 pages of /sci/.

>> No.3987799

That would be highly dependent on the circumstances of election.

>> No.3987803

I would implement a wordfilter that autobans people for using the words "religion", "christian", "atheist", "agnostic" and "Dawkins".

>> No.3987805

stfu namefag

>> No.3987806

Enslave everyone. If they provide loyal and useful service, they are emancipated, the rest can toil in drudgery until death. Also, 1,000 foot tall golden pyramid, built over my vast underground bunker-palace complex.

>> No.3987808

>Kill off enough Africans to bring their population under control

What has Dawkins done to your mind, son?

>> No.3987812



>> No.3987814

Never even read anything by Richard Dawkins

>> No.3987819

You can already block posts that way with the filter add on.

>> No.3987823

I don't know anything about this fictional future earth where humanity how inexplicably united.

>> No.3987832
File: 74 KB, 493x310, 1286686286388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- LFTRs, LFTRs everywhere.
- Asteroid mining, asteroid mining everywhere.
- Space colonies, space colonies everywhere.
- Terraforming, terraforming everywhere.
- Undersea cities, undersea cities everywhere
- Drugs legal, drugs legal everywhere
- Life extension funding, life extension funding everywhere.
- Science funding, science funding up 1,000%

>> No.3987837

Depends on whether everyone will follow me without question or whether people will oppose proposals I make but in general:

>Reduce poverty by raising taxes on rich people
>Improve education and focus it on science and engineering
>Improve healthcare (combined with improving education, this should decrease people's urge to have babies
>Cease all wars and conflicts
>Spend a shit-ton on clean energy solutions and space travel and also regenerative medicine to make sure i don't die before all of this happens.
>Put a base on the moon

>> No.3987840

>step down and just become leader of america
>annex greenland
>close off america from rest of the world tourist and citizenship wise
>start utilizing nuclear/solar/hydroelectric power
>become energy independent
>sell coal/oil/natural gas to developed nations to ensure we are more advanced
>dominate the final frontier with launch loop/space elevator technology
>start mining asteroids
>Become a solar empire.

>> No.3987841

The first decade would be about avoiding collapse. I would pay my soldiers well, ensuring loyalty. I would impose a large tax on the wealthiest citizens of the world, seeings as they can't move. I divide up governing such a large nation by ceding much power to the local level, a promising to preserve national identities. I gain support from the poor africans by dividing it up to into non colonial borders that aren't apeshit retarded. I build up african infrastructure, and ensure african growth and prosperity. I also would fight overpopulation.

In the western world, I would gain support by not doing full scale wealth redistribution, and not allowing the white western countries to be flooded with immigrants.

The middle east would be a bit more sticky, but giving freedom the muslims would in the long term give me plenty of support.

I would allow more powerful puppet states in asia, though China would be divided.

Some world wide policies include: adopting thorium generators to power the earth for the next 300 years, sitting back and enjoying the prosperity from complete globalization, and loyalty through bribery, free press.

I'll have trouble figuring out how to keep the world intact when I die.

>> No.3987844

i meant space fountain.

>> No.3987852

>sell rights to govern certain region of the worlds
>become wealthy as fuck
>give most money to poor, so people don't get buttmad at me
>be careful to stay out of public eye
>be first inline for life extension
>have genetically engineered sex slave
>live underground for the rest of eternity

>> No.3987854

legalize drugs and force everyone to take them


>> No.3987857

my god, you're a faggot.
do you realize how much more could be achieved and in a shorter period too, if you used the resources of the whole world?
nationalism like that is the reason shit is so fucked in the first place.

>> No.3987873

how am i exactly a faggot? does my patriotism make me gay? i dont think so. yes, you can use the whole world, but then you dont get the benefit of gloating at the other nations that are still on earth, and have collapsing economies. pus, i didnt start this. the Russian/European space programs started it when they excluded america from the mars mission because we dont CURRENTLY have funds for it.

>> No.3987876

1. Redistribute all personal property and control all production processes so that everyone has enough to live through the next 5-10 years.
2. Assign all resources left to a research program on artificial intelligence (including nanobots, DNA research and stuff like that).
3. Start era of Transhumanism and save planet and humanity.
4. ???

>> No.3987885

To be honest, I called you a faggot in a momentary fit of internet rage.
But after that post I'm quite certain you are actually a faggot. Do you know what nations will mean once we start exploring space, let alone find life? Fucking nothing.

>> No.3987903

>1. Redistribute all personal property and control all production processes so that everyone has enough to live through the next 5-10 years.


>> No.3987905

i dont know how you dont get this, faggot. we need someone to compete with. look at the cold war. unless we discover an interstellar nomad race that colonizes a nearby planet, we eill have to start getting nationalistic.

>> No.3987914

>given complete control over world
>initiate idealistic set of policies based on my own beliefs
>expect them to work flawlessly
>shocked when real-world variables ruin my plans
>popular uprising tears me from power
>go down in history as the worst and most ineffectual leader ever

If I were given control over the world, I would draw my first (ridiculous) paycheck, and then retire.

>> No.3987915

ignorance detected
>implying war isnt the way USA makes money and re activates their economy
even the elders admit this

>> No.3987917

Bullshit, if you control the whole earth, no one has to compete with anyone, how do you not see that?
At least not in a destructive manner, 'nations' (whatever that term implies in a situation where earth is governed by one ruler) could still compete in sports or academics but they wouldn't be shitting on each other and disrupting overall progress in the process.

>> No.3987930

someone is mad because they don't understand communism

>> No.3987939

the problem with that is that when there is no motivator, there is less progress than if you were just one unit. look at the colonization of the americas, were they done out of necesity? not really, it was nationalism trying toclaim more land for their empire, so they could compete with the other guy. did the russians really need to put a man into space? not really. did the US really need to put a man on the moon? NOT REALLY. so if i was ruling the entire earth, people would question why i am building a colony on the moon. isnt there plenty of space on earth still, yup. bottom line, nationalism is the only way to justify to your people why you are doing all the crazy shit youre doing.

>> No.3987942

I'm still in the process of decided when the State should regulate service provision and when it should encourage a market approach.

You'll have to come back to me.

>> No.3987946


>> No.3987948


There might not be overt economic competition, but you still have to ship stuff places, and that means that some areas will experience shortages of goods or manpower. The new competition will be on attracting those resources. Consider how American companies are outsourcing everything to China.

Everything is competition.

>> No.3987958

[citation needed]

>> No.3987960


>> No.3987993

Perhaps competition was the wrong word to use there, given the economic connotation. I meant competition between nations, solely for the sake of pride and tradition, leading to wars and so forth. The economy would still operate on a free market basis, for the most part, I would only decrease expenditure on war and channel those resources towards science and research in general instead.

>> No.3988009

find a feasible way of getting into space like air launches, space fountains, space tethers, or a launch loop. then id continue the orion project. before you know it, space is brimming with life/industry. then id send probes to inter stellar destinations that have, or might have planets. id also send out regular powerful radio broadcasts to outer space so there is that much more chance of finding civilization.

>> No.3988014

citation needed on what? Everything I said is common knowledge.

>> No.3988017 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 424x494, imperium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Anthropic Republic is now in command of this Solar System.

>Social Democracy. Education, healthcare, unemployment are covered by the government. Think most of Western Europe
>Science in general and space exploitation (not just exploration, exploitation) are heavily funded and encouraged. All profits from state-run asteroid mining and space solar power are used to offset tax burden on the populace.
>All citizens of sound mind are required to join the militia. One year of training following the completion of secondary education. Two weeks of annual training and exercises for every unit. One weekend every two months. This continues until age 55 when you're discharged. As best as possible, your civilian job will translate into your military job. Ex. Wannabe doctors will be trained as combat medics, spaces provided, once they join at age 18.
>> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)18:41 No.2677054
It has been said that in an ideal society the lowest income would be a fourth of the highest income.
>> Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)18:42 No.2677056
>The deployment of any military forces to actions other than routine patrol of shipping lanes, guard duties at embassies, and training exercises with friendly nations must be decided by popular vote. Shooting EVEN ONE ROUND unless your ship/unit/whatever is directly attacked first, requires a 3/4 majority of the popular vote. Emergency votes for this will be conducted at emergency town hall meetings. The air raid/tornado siren goes off, your cell phone alerts you, ALL TV's broadcast it... you vote by secure connection either at home or from a voting site near you.
>Unicameral legislature. One senator for every million people. Judicial branch operates like the US supreme court. Three executives called Primarchs: vote every 2 years, serve for 6 year terms.

>> No.3988021

>Unicameral legislature. One senator for every million people. Judicial branch operates like the US supreme court. Three executives called Primarchs: vote every 2 years, serve for 6 year terms.
>ANY discovery of collusion between government officials and private entities engaging in political actions will result in a trial by jury. Guilt results in mandatory minimum punishment of 20 years incarceration, seizure of all assets. Execution for corruption may be used if deemed necessary by the judge involved. Even if a county clerk whose brother owns a paving business is found to have given the contract to his brother as a no-bid contract... he faces potential execution by firing squad.
>Defense spending is not to exceed 1.5% of GDP unless in times of war. R&D is handled by a separate branch of the government that covers both military developments, pure science, and protection/distribution of intellectual property produced by the Republic. Profitable designs/discoveries produced by the Ministry of R&D are patented and licensed with profits being used to relieve tax burden and as bonuses for the research teams involved.
>Any corruption of non-elected officials, if determined in a fair trial by a jury of one's peers, meets the same potential sentence as an elected official. Corrupt police officers, planting evidence, fudging regulatory reports... all could potentially constitute capital crimes.
>All female citizens have their eggs endoscopically harvested at age 8. Eggs are stored in local cryo-vaults. These vaults are hardened against attack and have independent power provided by a small fission reactor. (Think the ones Toshiba is pitching right now) All facilities have an on-site liquid nitrogen production facility to keep the dewar flasks cooled.
>All pregnancies are allowed without question once both parties are 24 years of age. Fertilized embryos are screened for defects and those not meeting standards are discarded.

>> No.3988030
File: 16 KB, 424x494, imperium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Anthropic Republic is now in command of this Solar System.

>Social Democracy. Education, healthcare, unemployment are covered by the government. Think most of Western Europe
>Science in general and space exploitation (not just exploration, exploitation) are heavily funded and encouraged. All profits from state-run asteroid mining and space solar power are used to offset tax burden on the populace.
>All citizens of sound mind are required to join the militia. One year of training following the completion of secondary education. Two weeks of annual training and exercises for every unit. One weekend every two months. This continues until age 55 when you're discharged. As best as possible, your civilian job will translate into your military job. Ex. Wannabe doctors will be trained as combat medics, spaces provided, once they join at age 18.
>The deployment of any military forces to actions other than routine patrol of shipping lanes, guard duties at embassies, and training exercises with friendly nations must be decided by popular vote. Shooting EVEN ONE ROUND unless your ship/unit/whatever is directly attacked first, requires a 3/4 majority of the popular vote. Emergency votes for this will be conducted at emergency town hall meetings. The air raid/tornado siren goes off, your cell phone alerts you, ALL TV's broadcast it... you vote by secure connection either at home or from a voting site near you.
>Unicameral legislature. One senator for every million people. Judicial branch operates like the US supreme court. Three executives called Primarchs: vote every 2 years, serve for 6 year terms.

>> No.3988047

>All military operations must have clearly defined, declared objectives. These objectives must be delivered within 72 hours of "weapons free" authorization by popular vote. Military actions require re-authorization by popular vote every six months. Failure to achieve objectives or failure to receive re-authorization will result in a 3 month timetable for withdrawal of all forces and equipment.
>Occupation of enemy territory is not allowed under the constitution, as military forces in a hostile country constitutes war and requires a vote. We destroy our enemies because we are attacked first, we do not offer aid or comfort following their defeat.
>It will be standard policy to produce and procure small numbers of highly advanced military equipment... the best possible. Materials necessary for production of 5x the initial order will be stockpiled and set aside to ensure rapid production of military equipment in times of crisis.
>Production of ALL components of any military equipment must be entirely domestic. Resources that cannot be acquired within our own territory due to environmental concerns or sheer lack will be stockpiled and kept as a strategic reserve.

>The Ministry of Art and Culture will take 40% of all ad revenue generated by any reality television. If it's deemed as reality television in just ONE other country... then it is for us, so no loopholes. Money collected from Jersey Shore ad revenue will go into funding local symphonies, art conservatories, instruments for music students, and materials for art departments at universities.

>> No.3988057

>Any private business venture not breaking environmental or city planning regulations is allowed without question. One caveat though: you are liable if you break the law. If you sell CDS or other debt commodities and illegally rate them as low risk... you are liable. If you play the "shuffle around the losses and show profits" game like Enron did... you are liable. Who's liable? The top 10% of earners (pay, stock options, bonuses, any compensation) within a guilty corporation or business venture will be stripped of all assets by the state. Seized assets are used as restitution for the defrauded customers or investors.
>If your business plan just failed and you didn't mislead or conduct any "shady" dealings, you aren't liable, nothing about which to worry. We don't punish failure and understand that not all investments or business do well... just don't mislead the state, investors, or customers.
>Anyone wishing to opt out of military service, the reproduction programs, or any aspect of the Republic may do so with few consequences.
>Opt-outers will have to purchase private weapons, they will not be given militia weapons. Opt-outers are protected in the workplace by strict anti-discrimination laws, you won't be passed over for promotion because you opted out.
>Opt-outers have no voting franchise, sorry. Healthcare, fire services, police, courts, etc are all still open to and required to service those that opt-out.
>Opt outers don't pay taxes to the State. They pay a healthcare and services fee annually for their healthcare and police/fire/road/etc services, if they're capable of paying. They are assessed a mandatory charitable contribution to be made to the approved charity of their choice equal to what they would otherwise pay in taxes.

>> No.3988069

Last bit.

>Me, the Primarch of the Anthropic Republic, will have this song


played upon my entrance and at all state events. Similar to how "Hail to the Chief" is done for the US President.

>> No.3988093
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>> No.3988103

I didn't read anything you said, but I'm voting for you anyway just because of the music.

>> No.3988106

Only at first. The initial investments, uncertainties, and capital costs are too high to be borne (reasonably) by private industry.

Remember that government financed expeditions paved the way for the Dutch East India Company. The government won't be running it for forever, just long enough to establish safety, techniques, and adequate infrastructure for the private sector to take over.

>> No.3988142
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1. Initiate an international effort to sustainably industrialize the ocean floor for energy, aquaculture and metals. This employs millions and unlocks tremendous wealth.

2. Initiate research program to make automated factories self sufficient (makes it's own replacement parts and parts for the repair robots, recycles waste, etc.) and to automate all aspects of industry not yet automated in an identically self sufficient fashion. This will employ millions and create tremendous wealth.

3. When it becomes possible to automate all industries and the expansion thereof, seize ownership of the machinery and robots from the corporations that built them and make the fruits of their labor available to everyone.

4. Dome over existing cities that are on high enough ground and all new cities (on land) are to be indoor or underground to insulate us against the worst case scenarios of climate change.

5. Build mining, manufacturing and launch facilities on the moon. Initiate settlement of Mars. Make contact with life in Europa's ocean. Build Orion generational starships and send them to promising exoplanets.

>> No.3988162

>"This employs millions"
>conveniently neglects the fact that these millions needed to be taught the necessary skills for such research first

>> No.3988164
File: 42 KB, 719x404, scuba2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Primarch of the Anthropic Republic understands your goals and wishes to absorb them into our polity's policies. Join us.

>> No.3988181
File: 34 KB, 485x323, green419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if this new civilization is to have an anthem, let it be this one. I can think of nothing more fitting.


>> No.3988184

/tg/ is that way --->

>> No.3988190

Are you me?
Except that my pyramid reach the ionosphere and can send thunders to the rebel's bases.

>> No.3988205
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>Perpetuum Mobile

>> No.3988226


>I can think of nothing more fitting.


>> No.3988236
File: 27 KB, 499x273, blade879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your empire appears unacceptably warlike. Ours is a society of peace and plenty, of scientific discovery for the sake of it and advancement motivated by the desire to better provide for ones fellow man.

If you are content to rule the land, we are content with the sea. It contains everything we need in abundance. There is room on the moon and mars for both of us. Let us coexist amiably in the spirit of altruism and humanity.

>> No.3988251

Slough off half the population of the world, deciding using functionality, intelligence, etc.

Essentially turn it into a technocracy.

>> No.3988289
File: 56 KB, 719x404, scuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mankind is not a peaceful people. We can be, but our anthem must reflect our martial nature.
Space, and even the ocean, is a cold and unforgiving bitch. We conquer. We conquer with technology, curiosity, and pure will. We have an innate desire explore and exploit environments that are alien to us and in which we most certainly did not evolve. This implies not only curiosity and an instinct to explore, but also to conquer.

Mankind is a race of explorers, scientists, artists, merchants, and conquerors. We do nothing by half-measures, we are excellent at all of them. The Antrhopic Republic's Government expresses all of those traits and encourages them.

The land, the seas, the heavens, indeed all that man surveys is his. The Republic knows this and seeks merely to make it official. We are not warlike, we are human, as are you. We are beings of reason, but we are also masters. Realize your destiny as a master of this universe. Join us! The Republic serves the species and the species is unstoppable!

>> No.3988301

Get rid of humans, let the animals of Earth live happily for the rest of the Earth's years.

>> No.3988328
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1292935369957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I would change is that the first offense of police officers planting evidence or whatever be first punished with 7 years in prison, as a 'second chance' gesture.
Though the society is quite militaristic, I would choose it over the current one in a heartbeat.

>> No.3988334
File: 33 KB, 500x500, window466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you say is true of mankind on average, but innately altruistic, constructive individuals do exist. As my proposed society exists in the ocean and does not include the bulk of humanity (which remains on land and subject to your rule) we can afford to selectively accept immigrants on the basis of intellect, psychological profile and temperament. Additionally a few generations of genetic tampering will remove latent predispositions toward aggression and enhance intellect and altruistic tendencies.

It should be enough that you rule every landmass. Let us have the blue frontier. We wish to avoid conflict if at all possible but if you are determined to foist it upon us you will find us masters of naval combat technology. You will also find that ocean water frustrates any effort at targeting us froM orbit, absorbs all forms of directed energy and deflects or slows to the point of impotence any kinetic kill vehicles. To visit violence upon us you will need to enter a domain we have mastered in submarines an order of magnitude less advanced, where you will discover that the ai commanding our auv fleets is not as gentle and agreeable as we are.

>> No.3988397

Start writing sci-fi already, you faggot. You sound like a not-so-great-but-still-okay-for-4chan Clarke.

>> No.3988404

So long as our militaries are jointly operated with an integrated command structure, I see no problem.

Mankind deserves to live in productive peace, But we must retain our strength.
It seems militaristic but prison is more of a rehabilitative than penal affair. We keep the militia, even in times of peace, in order to impart structure and stability to society.

Mandatory service in a peacetime militia means all strata of society bond in an egalitarian environment. Your civilian boss may well be your militia subordinate. The idea is to impress upon every citizen that we ALL serve mankind.

Not to mention the fringe health benefits and pure fun of being able to go unload stress and ammunition in large scale wargames once every couple of months.

The State benefits from this in that we maintain a pool of capable warrior and our people are mindful of a higher dedication than to themselves. Not that people are subordinate to the Republic, quite the opposite.

>> No.3988437
File: 32 KB, 450x338, low049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That suits me. A deeply pacifistic society may eventually need protectors if we are not alone in the universe. And I imagine you'll need oceanic exports to fuel your more ambitious expansion projects.

>> No.3988444

I have a book in the works. :3c

>> No.3988478

Cool. My opinion of you just dropped thanks to that emoticon though.

>> No.3988490

We're far from Sparta, but we appreciate the sentiment.

I think we can all agree that Earth is to be kept as a garden world and spiritual (if not political) capital of the species. Minimizing and reversing environmental damage is a priority.

As a particular fan of ocean life, I have a personal interest in seeing that the seas remain pristine ecosystems.

You'd be surprised exactly how "liberal" my ideal society really is, despite its outward militarism.

>> No.3988505
File: 12 KB, 313x168, 1270132809859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What? Why haven't I been informed of this?

>> No.3988512

>gain control of world
>your claim to the world is very weak
>say first thing we need to do is colonize the ocean floor
>say military is no longer needed
>"oh this is working perfec-"
>everyone revolts, wants to gain independence, world government collapses, you are hanged publicly and paraded through the streets

goddamn retards on this thread not knowing how things would actually turn out

>> No.3988530
File: 31 KB, 500x375, canvas958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, it should be inside out; we should be an outwardly benign and enlightened society with tremendous hidden military capacity should first contact go badly. "walk quietly, but carry a big stick".

That means being prepared for total war (waged by machines that have undergone rapid simulated darwinian selection for strategic genius) while maintaining the ideal, gentle society on top of that. A fighting force needs something worth protecting, and at the same time the first face we show visitors must be the friendliest and most harmless we can muster. Only if they decide to take advantage of that kindness will they see the face beneath.

>> No.3988556
File: 31 KB, 1180x676, Culture_GSV_and_escorts_by_ex_pacifist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything, it should be inside out; we should be an outwardly benign and enlightened society with tremendous hidden military capacity should first contact go badly. "walk quietly, but carry a big stick".

>> No.3988563
File: 10 KB, 246x360, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking pure altruism is possible without a dead ego

>> No.3988557

I never said I'd abolish the military, and the premise is that we are given rulership by the peoples' consent.

>> No.3988574
File: 26 KB, 604x453, Nuclearpenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, all secondary schools are boarding, military affairs. Though they aren't officially tied to the government, they work along military lines.

It's good for people of that age to get military-style discipline and to learn leadership skills.
It worked for me, so maybe that's why I adore the military model, though I'm not in the military myself.
It's a process. Mankind has already been forged by the forces of natural selection, we merely need to be honed to reach our true potential.

Sure, most humans would be part-time soldiers, but that doesn't define them. To any potential first contact, we're merely a species with a robust sense/system of civil service, not a potential enemy.

It would be something of an open secret that our merchants can, at the drop of a hat, become logistics experts. That our executives can become tacticians. That our scientists become demi-gods of destruction.

Stay on our good side and we won't smile with teeth. Otherwise, you face the full brunt of mankind's oh-so-calculating vicious side.
The Culture's a great example of what I'd like, but if every culture citizen were trained and ready for mobilization.

We speak softy but our big stick is highly visible and always carried in hand, not just within reach.

>> No.3988628


1.Have as many as Natural/Technical/Social Scientists as i can to develop Internet connection and world access and human dependency on it.
2.Coincidentally i would have the Scientists and Engineers to work on a machine that would render me Immortal and in complete control of the Internets.
3.Additionally i would have the Social Scientists developing much more efficient methods on population control that would be implemented in all areas of life, including the Internet.

While these three endeavors are in the process of completion, i would do All(Literally) needed to maintain my domination of the Planet.
When those three endeavors are complete i would become the Supreme Hive-Mind and everyone on the planet would be under my direct unresistant control.

>> No.3988636

build three entirely self-sustaining cities (except for source of power) with a capacity of 10,000 on 100 kilometers from each other. (triangle grid)
connect each to and from with a fiber optics network and high speed rail.
have thorium reactor in center of triangle grid in order to force a sense of unity.
cull population down to 30,000; no religion or niggers of course.

go from there.

>> No.3988661
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I would implement this mission statement: Humanity phases out most involuntary physical agony on this planet by the end of this century.

Physical pain can be limited to unpleasant but not unbearable levels. Any pain intensity beyond that level can become voluntary for humans, to switch off or dim down like an electrical light. The necessary biotech or neurotech is feasible this century.

Non-human animals that are domesticated can be changed so that their pain is capped to a threshold of low intensity. They never need to bear unbearable agony. Livestock becomes unnecessary as humanity learns to produce food and other products without creating complete animals with brains. Natural ecosystems will mostly be destroyed or extremely reduced by humans.

>> No.3988735

>Get rid of humans, let the animals of Earth live happily for the rest of the Earth's years.
>live happily
This is what you get when you teach city kids that humans are evil and nature is a loving mother. There is *far* more suffering in nature than all of live will ever be worth.