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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3987693 No.3987693 [Reply] [Original]

And reciting pi from memory is for the general population.

/sci/ hipsters obviously memorize e.

I can do 20 digits now: 2.71828182845904523536
I've virtually practiced for 2 minutes (no joke)

Here's how you memorize stuff:


2.7 -- everyone can remember that e starts with 2.7
1828 = Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian playwright) born this year
1828 = I memorize "Henrik Ibsen x 2"
459045 = <span class="math">90/2~90/1~90/2[/spoiler]
23536 = 235 and 235+1

It's simple

Share your tricks memorizing awesome shit.

>> No.3987701
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>> No.3987699

<span class="math">Ooooh~that~be~great~and~fabulous[/spoiler]

>> No.3987702


No one should ever need more than that.

>> No.3987704

exactly, memorizing pi is for wannabe "scientists".

Real scientists memorize e.

>> No.3987706

if i need to memorize numbers (which i rarely do) i do it in 4 digit blocks and keep repeating them until i can recall it all (which isnt long)

>> No.3987720


Sure is soft science in here.

>> No.3987728
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>not memorizing the golden ratio to its most key digit (the 9th)

No dilettante at a non-top 5 university should ever need more than what you listed though, very true.

>> No.3987729

3.1415926535 and 2.7182818284 are enough for me.

>> No.3987736

I like remembering the continued fraction for e, though it isn't really a feat
2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 ... 1 2n+1 1 ...
Actually in general it is
1 0 1 1 2 1 ... but when there is a zero you can collapse terms

>> No.3987761

I have pi memorized up to 200 places.
e-2.718281828459045 (never used)
phi-1.618033 (never used)
Log_10 of the integers less than 10 (to 3 places)
Ln(10) = 2.3025 (for converting the above so I can use natural log too)
And all the irreducible fractions up to 11 (in the denominator) = (VERY useful)
This, combined with about 1 1/2 years of practicing mental arithmetic, is plenty enough to mindfuck the entire classroom, and is pretty much the only thing it's good for.

>> No.3987763

How to memorize for durable memory:
Given, 2.7182818284590

First, find out how many you can do from memory. For simplicity, say you only know 2.7
Use flashcard system like this:
"Which is correct? 2.71 or 2.72?"
"Which is correct? 2.7182 or 2.7181?"
You must answer within 5 seconds. Do this until you reach your goal for the day.
Next day, use harder questions, "What is the 9th digit after the decimal?"
and you have 10 seconds to respond. Mix these up with your initial flashcards.
Final day, respond to all flashcards within 2 seconds and all digit-place questions within 5 s.

This isn't that quick because it's for longer term memory.
(You have to sleep between sessions in order for the memory to be stored efficiently)

>> No.3987773

>>MFW I can do <span class="math"> \frac{log_10 (25)}{7} [/spoiler] in my head, while half these kids still use lattice-fucking-shit multiplication

>> No.3987774

>(You have to sleep between sessions in order for the memory to be stored efficiently)

>mfw real life is designed like a game

>> No.3987776
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<span class="math"> \frac {log_{10}}{7} [/spoiler]

>> No.3987779

whatever, you get the point

>> No.3987894

Interruptions of dreaming tend to reduce retention. One theory is that the neural connections are strengthened because your brain repeatedly simulates the day's events during dreams.
> real life is designed like a game

>> No.3987913

I have photographic memory.
Shits wonderful and a curse at the same time.

But a tip I have is to do this;
Say you're memorizing this -
If you can do it in your head fast enough, practice will help you but I'm not sure how other people might use this;
Tally up all the digits in numerical order;
Then rearrange them to fit the slots of the original memory.

Though, I don't know if other people do this, or people with photographic memory in any case.

>> No.3987916

>not using your photographic memory for porn

>> No.3987921

Hehe, I actually do this when I need to fap, say in the shower.

sidenote; Your trip is unfamiliar, are you new?

>> No.3987923

>photographic memory

>> No.3987927

>are you new?

Have been posting here for a long time anonymously, just started tripfagging some days ago.

>> No.3987952

How do I master mental arithmetic?

>> No.3987985

>>lrn2 factor, add, subtract
>>Memorize exponential tables and multiplication tables.
>>Find shortcuts, usually by factoring (ie. x*5 = 10x /2)
>>Practice in sessions daily, but not for more than 30-45 minutes in one session or you'll feel burned out.
>>Gradually challenge yourself more and more.
>>Profit! You are now god of multiplication

>> No.3987988


I don't have photographic memory, but am extremely good at math, and your math just makes things more complicated.

>> No.3988010

>throwing a pie

>> No.3988015

group the digitis into phone numbers and memorize them