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3985832 No.3985832 [Reply] [Original]

So most of you probably know that nasa's planetary exploration program is cancelled after the curiosity rover and maven orbiter. However this only means an end to robotic probes visiting planets and moons. Sls is still secure and it's being built specifically for missions to an asteroid and mars. Ostensibly this means those missions are also secure and the probe program was cut to preserve the manned program. How do you feel about this? Is putting men on an asteroid and mars worth never sending a robot sub to Europa? And will we really get our asteroid and mars missions or will those be cut too while sls hangs on solely as a jobs program? Reassure me, sci.

>> No.3985846
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It's all a waste of money.

>> No.3985853

I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords.

>> No.3985854
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>> No.3985856

this guy is a yuro troll, don't listen

if you are basing this on robert zubrin's article in the wall street journal then I hope that this is one time that he is wrong. Hopefully talk of cutting NASA funds will slowly die down as the economy recovers

>> No.3985857
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>2 threads at once
>3 am

>> No.3985861
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>> No.3985863


>> No.3985865
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>> No.3985876

This sounds very reasonable. NASA is experienced at putting people into space and focusing on that is fine.
I think the statement never sending a probe to Europa is a little silly. It may be done by NASA in 30 years or it may be done by the Europeans or Russians before then.

>> No.3985878

I would like to argue that our planetary exploration program isn't being cancelled. I presume you're referring to the article written by Robert Zubrin, correct? While I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Zubrin, I believe that he tends to make exaggerated claims on occasion, and this is one of those claims. The exploration program's budget is not going to be cancelled, and NASA has confirmed this (see http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45078123/ns/technology_and_science-space/#.TrDwunLSiCA).). Instead, its budget is merely shrinking. While this is a travesty (in my opinion, NASA's programs should be getting MORE funding, not less), it is not the end of the world. NASA will have to decide carefully which missions it's going to launch, so there is a degree of uncertainty about what its future unmanned manifest is. I know that they are at least launching Curiosity, MAVEN (another Mars orbiter), and a probe to a Near Earth Asteroid to serve as a precursor for manned missions. We'll have to wait and see what else they choose to launch.

>> No.3985940
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Hahahaha, oh that's so true.

>> No.3985959

Which ever is more likely to be interesting for private enterprises should be left to private enterprises in order to not burden tax payers. Unmanned probes are so very cost efficient in gathering information that it from an ideological standpoint would be easier to justify then huge costs for manned trips to Mars. I for one absolutely love the thought of having men sent to Mars or elsewhere but my stomach turns when it comes to forcing other people to pay for it.

>> No.3986045

Meh. Free Market will fix everything.

>> No.3986050
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>> No.3986052
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>Poll after poll shows that citizens understand the need for environmental rules and safeguards. Mercury is never put into the bloodstreams of nursing mothers by consensus, nor are watersheds fracked until they are flammable by popular demand. But the free market ideologues of the Republican Party are united in opposition to any rule or standard that impedes the “magic” of the marketplace and unchecked capital.

>The same bottom-line quarterly-report fixation on profitability that accepts oil spills as inevitable also accepts unemployment as inevitable. Tearing apart wildlife habitat to make a profit and doing the same at a workplace are just considered the price of doing business. Clearcutting a forest and clearcutting a labor force are two sides of the same coin.