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3982177 No.3982177 [Reply] [Original]

Just thinking:

The bible talks about nephelim, half human half angel creatures, much larger and stronger than normal humans.

The history of our planet tells us that at one point out race had 6 branches from neanderthal to homo erectus.

Doesnt it make sense that the bible, essentially the oldest record of human history would have been based on some stories that went right back millions of years to when humans first spread across africa.

I mean we know that the bible is loosly based on events that actually happened, so it makes sense that if we start comparing what we know from fosil records would match up to some of the things said in the bible.

The other humanoid species that died out would have been a large part of early human culture, especially if they were stronger.

It also suggest that humans mated with these other species which is confirmed by genetics.

TLDR part of the bible maybe based on folk tales passed down millions of years.

>> No.3982184

It was aliens, bro.

>> No.3982183

I agree witchu OP, uncovering the truth behind the bible is interesting as fuck

>> No.3982186

Haha, oh wow. The bible totally ripped off the diablo lore with that one

>> No.3982187

It took 2 replies for ancient aliens to be brought up?
Get it together /sci/

>> No.3982189

>passed down millions of years

fucking retarded OP

>> No.3982193

>>3982177 bible, essentially the oldest record of human history

You just derped really hard.

>> No.3982197

>Doesnt it make sense that the bible, essentially the oldest record of human history would have been based on some stories that went right back millions of years to when humans first spread across africa.
No have you ever played Chinese whispers. Peoples memory is shit and a story will change over only a few tellings. Why do you think Aboriginal legends are not the same.

>> No.3982198

millions of years
the book you call bible is only about 400 years old

>> No.3982199

how would humans pass down storys for millions of years if they cant write, or talk worth a shit, or anything.

>> No.3982201

Nah, you're just a retarded trip-fag. OPs over-simplifications are still somewhat accurate. But, hey, continue to be a faggot on multiple fronts.

>> No.3982202

>half human half angel
maybe neither nor

>> No.3982204

Yes but the folk tales would have been told since the beginning.
As soon as humans began passing knowledge to each other they would have began telling stories about important shit.

A giant powerful enemy/fuckslave running around would probably be something worth mentioning.

Ergo look in our culture for sources of legends and stories of powerful, giant beings.

the list comprises of : chewbacce, nephelim, bill clinton.

>> No.3982205

>hurr I want to troll post on /sci/ by starting a religion thread
>to make it more sublte I'll add some trivial knowledge about the bible
>derp derp derp

>> No.3982212

Fucking 12 year old.
How old do you think the bible is? Egypt had been writing for thousands of years before the bible was written.

>> No.3982214

Why so tripfag /sci/, you used to be cool, then r9k came back and all that was left was attention whores being retarded.

>> No.3982215

And is based on the sameish stories as the bible and refers to giants, in fact pharohs delibratly made their statues larger than scale because it set them apart as gods.

Like the guy earlier said, in each culture there are references, in the bible its nephelim, and since i was christian raised its what I find easiest to describe.

But sure I like a little herp with my derp, doesnt everyone?

>> No.3982216

>Implying you aren't new here.

>> No.3982218

The modern bible has been edited as recently as 400 years ago. The Hebru bible has existed since a few centuries BCE. Neither works is a "record of human history" any more than the works of Brothers Grim. There are much older books such as the Hindu Vedas, some of which existed in 2000 BCE.

>> No.3982219

>implying the bible isn't just a collection of oral stories from multiple cultures and previous religions
You so mad.

>> No.3982221


>> No.3982222

>implying that each culture doesnt have a similar reference to giant half human half god creatures
>implying that each religion doesnt tell very similar stories in a slightly different way
>implying implications implicitly implicated
>religion is the chinease whisper effect on oral history from the beginning of man
>derpity derp

>> No.3982223


>> No.3982226

Nice quads and nice evidence for ancient aliums.

>> No.3982227

Just keep lookin' like a retard. Are you even an engineer? No, you're most likely a wannabe neck-beard who lives in their parent's basement and works at Walmart.

>> No.3982229

>having a job

>> No.3982230

but he's right and OP is a retard

>> No.3982231

2222 = truth.
When people create fantasy beings with awesome powers for their gods it is no surprise they make them literally big.

>> No.3982235

>implying that adam and even in the garden of eden isnt the story of how apes found their forests dieing and began to walk on two legs across the plains rather than swinging in trees.
I sure you guys dont go so far to do this.

>> No.3982241

whats that game where you cant speak and you have to draw pictures to convey a message.

Yeh that.

>> No.3982242

you have youtube, use it


>> No.3982243

Oh fuck, I thought I was /x/ for a second...

>> No.3982244

religion uses myths to explain facts, this is pretty obvious, eg. thor and lightning, but the conclusion you've drawn from it is completely illogical.

stories of giants is not because giants existed it's because being big is important to humans. look at our closest relatives, chimps and gorillas, and it's usually the biggest male that is the alpha male. if gorillas and chimps suddenly had the ability to tell each other stories, it seems reasonable they'd include stories of giants. and in our regular lives people create stories of giants all the time, have you never heard someone tell a story about how they got into a fight and say "the guy must have been 7 foot tall" etc?

>> No.3982246

lold hard 7/10

>> No.3982249

yes, but no.

The nephelim wernt just giant humans, they were half human creatures.

Which we know would have existed in the period when neaderthals and homosapiens coexisted and fucked.

Ergo you got it wrong.

>> No.3982251
File: 61 KB, 750x600, motivator4f57aea6d3e77b17b438fbcce09ef4872c44cfa7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every /x/ thread is gay.
This thread isnt gay, there isnt even any cocks.

>> No.3982263

i think you're just connecting dots that don't need to be connected.

>> No.3982268

lold hard about your lol 888 is your lucky number

>> No.3982813
File: 340 KB, 351x440, 5star_post_RE_When_i_see_one_of_castlewarsisawsomes_posts-s351x440-130693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3982818
File: 3 KB, 126x95, 1319105067293s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck back to /x/

>> No.3982831

>Doesnt it make sense that the bible, essentially the oldest record of human history
>oldest record of human history

Even fucking Avesta (Iran) and Vedas (India) are older than Bible.

>> No.3982848

the old testament matches what was found in the dead sea scrolls, dating back ~2000 years

learn your shit, nigger

>> No.3982849
File: 35 KB, 500x271, citation needed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of the bible maybe based on folk tales passed down millions of years
>It also suggest that humans mated with these other species which is confirmed by genetics.

The interbreeding between other species were sparce. It could not greatly affect our culture. Also [citation needed] on the Bible somehow talking about interbreeding with prehistoric hominids.

Occam's razor: Some guys sat down and wrote it one day and conjured myths surrounding a street preacher named Jesus.

>> No.3982859

No, the only correlate is that some guy named "Jesus" was a man who lived in Israel at the time. Since it was written before the OT, this suggests Jesus did exist. Christians reject the Dead Sea Scrolls, anyway.

>> No.3982873

i dont think you know what the dead sea scrolls are