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File: 63 KB, 1000x750, neurons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3979153 No.3979153 [Reply] [Original]


i have a voice in my head that talks to me. it isn't several voices, it's just one. the voice is distinct from me, as i can have my own train of thought yet the voice can engage in discussion with my consciousness. the conversation is always intelligent, and on topic with whatever would be on my mind at the time. is this normal?

>> No.3979154

Schizophrenia general discussion.

>> No.3979157

I have the same as you, OP. So I'd say it's rather normal, but not sure...

>> No.3979179

really? it's schizo? fuck....

>> No.3979185


How exactly can you know what your voice is like?

>> No.3979188

it talks with/to me. how else could i possibly describe it?

>> No.3979197

Schizo isn't that bad
Just don't use a lot of drugs at once
I mean you can still do shrooms or acid just don't trippin balls, just take it easy

>> No.3979204


Voices have different tones.
Which tone is that voice that communicates to you?
And which tone is your voice?

>> No.3979206
File: 905 KB, 617x654, schizophrenicneuralconnectivity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't/don't want to do drugs.

can anything help this/make it go away?

i don't want my neural network to look/act like this...

>> No.3979211

i personally can't describe the tone of my own voice, but the "voice in my head" sounds different - slightly deeper with an older-sounding tone.

>> No.3979212

I would imagine it would be pretty hard to diagnose something like schizophrenia over the internet, especially just going off of hallucinations. You're looking for things that aren't real but look/sound real to the sufferer. But you only have his account of what's real and what isn't. Unless he believes something impossible happened, it's going to be hard to tell. But I don't have any expertise on this field.

>> No.3979213

inb4 teacunt/ek/harriet

>> No.3979217

Lololol you ARE on drugs
Schizo is caused by DMT
Well that hasn't been proven but they think it's true
Why don't you wanna do drugs? It really gives an interesting new perspective to the world
No extracts or designer drugs, just good stuff

>> No.3979222

>Schizo is caused by DMT
>Well that hasn't been proven but they think it's true
Stop saying stupid things.

>> No.3979224


>i personally can't describe the tone of my own voice, but the "voice in my head" sounds different - slightly deeper with an older-sounding tone.

Then how can you assert that the voice that communicates to you, isnt your own voice, when you dont even know the tone of your own voice?

>> No.3979226

OP this just means various parts of your brain can't work synchronized you will obviously die with this problem.

>> No.3979225 [DELETED] 

Hearling a voice in you head as the only syptom does not make you schizophrenic. If you're seriously worried about it, go see a psychiatrist.

>> No.3979229

Hearing a voice in you head as the only symptom does not make you schizophrenic. If you're seriously worried about it, go see a psychiatrist.

>> No.3979230

You absorbed your Twin and it wants revenge

>> No.3979231

If you're concerned, see an actual psychiatrist in person and talk about the treatment options. Nobody's going to force you to stay in a mental hospital unless you're a danger to yourself or others.

>> No.3979237

buy it
>implying I'm stupid for reading books

>> No.3979239

christ, again, i cannot make a frame of reference to my own voice as it's my own. can you describe your own voice? i come to the conclusion that it isn't my own as i can't control it or modify what it says.

>> No.3979247

When does it happen?

>> No.3979249

A single article showing a correlation (!) does not a theory make. There is a whole body of literature purposing a myriad of different causes for schizophrenia.

More importantly:
>those patients with acute psychosis, female patients and patients with suspiciousness scores on the BPRS of 4 or over, the differences were not statistically significant.

>> No.3979251

all the time. there isn't a specific trigger from what i can analyze.

>> No.3979253

Don't listen to this guy
Go see a real-deal non-profit shaman in the bush-bush or some kind of voodoomaster

>> No.3979258

Go to >>>/x/ and let them convince you that you have special powers that enable you to communicate with spirits.

>> No.3979260


>i come to the conclusion that it isn't my own as i can't control it or modify what it says.

How exactly did you deduce that you cant control it?

>> No.3979262

>Start up business as a for-profit shaman in the bush-bush or some kind of voodoomaster

>> No.3979268

because i can talk along side of it, talk with it, and i literally cannot control what it says. i can modulate and control my own internal voice in my head (like talking aloud), but not this one. it's like another person, but internally.

>> No.3979275

try to have sex with it and post results

>> No.3979281

If I told you that the government was developing tech to make people hear voices, how plausible, on a scale of 1-10, would you rate the hypothesis that you're a human guinea pig?

>> No.3979278

i don't think i can stick my penis in my frontal lobes...

>> No.3979285

During waking dreams I can generate people and have discussions with them. The dream people appear to have their own conciousness independant of my own. It doesn't feal like I'm thinking for them. I can even create more than one and watch them argue with eachother.

It would be really scary if people started talking to me in my head outside of dreams without my control.

>> No.3979287

Have phone sex with it.

>> No.3979291

Well, simulate or something.

>> No.3979293


>because i can talk along side of it, talk with it, and i literally cannot control what it says

What does it discuss that is so difficult for you to control?
What are the recurrent details in those conversations?

>> No.3979294

ask it where it comes from

>> No.3979296

Auditory hallucinations.

>> No.3979300

1, or if zero/a negative number is possible, i'll choose that.

the voice has yet to speak during this entire discussion, just an fyi.

>> No.3979302


What a brilliantly tardy conclusion, Tardstein.

>> No.3979393
