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3975295 No.3975295 [Reply] [Original]

So I've read somewhere that being depressed for a long amount of time changes the chemical pathways of your brain because it is so used to the state of depression. So does that mean that it is biologically almost impossible to stop being depressed if this happens?

>> No.3975309

>So does that mean that it is biologically almost impossible to stop being depressed if this happens?
>has never heard of anti-depressants.

>> No.3975323

The human body can develop a tolerance for anti-depressants, just like for any other drug.

>> No.3975333

No. That's just the depression talking. Take your meds.

>> No.3975334

Nope. Just find the way to happiness and your brain will adapt over time.

PROTIP: Long-term happiness is better achieved by continually finding and exploiting new things that make you happy. This is so you don't plateau out too early.

>> No.3975338

Have you ever tried being "not depressed"?
Not trolling. It's as simple as I say.

>> No.3975347

No, it just means that it becomes harder to recover and that your mind starts to work in a different way.

>> No.3975350

>implying free will
>implying one can consciously change their neurotransmitter concentrations
>implying one can consciously change their synaptic network

>> No.3975354

Nah, you can always snap out of depression.

Hell, I was in a constant state of depression for about 2 years because of the social stresses of highschool and tying to "fit in". After I graduated, I decided to indulge in my nerdy desires (DnD, fantasy literature, math, science, anime, video games...) and through my interests I made tons of friends online and a few friends at uni.

Is it difficult to end long-term depression? Yes. However, you have the option to end the cycle. Do things that you enjoy and tell yourself that you are happy and eventually you will be happy, or at least content with yourself.

I feel like such a fag for writing all of that.

>> No.3975355

is depression even real? isn't it just what we call feeling shitty?

>> No.3975356

Not everyone is easy to delude as yourself.

>> No.3975370

u r dumb

>> No.3975367

Hypothetically, if the depression starts in childhood and continues into adulthood (like after the body stops developing), then yeah, it is possible it could remain permanent.

>> No.3975366

Hmmm... not sure if this is related, but it probably is.

I was depressed for the longest time, like around 5-6 years. Suicide was constantly on my mind and I tried it twice. After the 5-6 years, I was still mildly depressed for the following 2-3 years. Now, I'm not exactly optimistic or upbeat, but I do feel very good about myself and my life, but still, I do feel that I'm different from those who haven't been through depression. Those thoughts that were on my mind when I was depressed still lingers. I don't look at things like loneliness, depression, happiness, death, love, etc the same way as most people.

>> No.3975365


depends.. do you often have thoughts of suicide?

>> No.3975373


Hey bro I used to be depressed and took medication which I'm now off...and everything seems to be working fine.

>> No.3975376


every exam session.

>> No.3975377

Depression is more like a cycle of feeling shitty. First you feel shitty, then something happens that makes you feel even shittier. Suddenly everything feels shitty and everything that you do just feels shitty and like a waste of time.

Somehow you gotta break the shit cycle and find some enjoyment in life. For me, it was nerding out and having fun without worrying about the stigma of being a nerd.

>> No.3975388

don't know why you're talking to me. good for you though?

>> No.3975392

Actually yes you can change both synaptic architecture and connection strength consciously.

>> No.3975394

except that implies freewill, so you can't

>> No.3975403

Actually it in no way implies free will, it only implies that the brain is self modifying.

>> No.3975413

No, that is not what is implied. I originally said that one cannot consciously change their synaptic network. Even leaving freewill aside, when was the last time you went about designing your neural connections? Planning them out? You never did because it's not a conscious decision. It's the same as how you don't decide if your kidneys should be functioning or not today.

>> No.3975434

Actually everytime that you decide to learn something you are both changing architecture and synaptic strength, that's the basis of learning. Whether or not you pose that the original decision was in the realm of free will or not is irrelevant to the fact that the brain has a mechanism for self modification. And yes, in reference to what you originally were implying implications, consciously acting happy does in fact help with depression, as does simply smiling all the time. Do not underestimate the mind-brain interface.

>> No.3975436
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>This thread

Depressed assholes should stop complaining about everything, nothing anybody does will please you fucking people.

>> No.3975918

I agree 100%.

We have infinite potential and can achieve anything we put our mind to.
You cant control the uncontrollable factors but what you can do is choose how you want to react to them.

The brain is very flexible and malleable and you literally can change the way it is structured to a certain degree.

Depression like all other mental illnesses can be managed and it's up to you whether you want to own up to it and cope with it properly.

Human beings are the masters of avoiding responsibility, blaming external things and seem to constantly be gripped by fear and insecurity. That's why you get so many 'depressed people' claiming that depression is 100% immutable, actually akin to a naturalistic fallacy. They do not want to cope with reality and use it as a crutch to justify their failings. Drugs is a similar scenario, 'It's not my fault, I am addicted, I cant stop, it's impossible'.

We have total freedom to shape our future and reality yet ironically most people are afraid of that freedom, and would rather have a crutch and live a sheltered life full of excuses.

I cannot imagine myself getting depression or anxiety disorders, my mind just will not allow it. I am the master of my own mind and reality, I choose what my behaviour is and how I react to my environment.

>> No.3975969

>We have infinite potential and can achieve anything we put our mind to.

I hate this phrase. I can't take someone seriously when they say that.

>> No.3975979

So do you think you limited potential?
Do you have handicaps on what you can and cant achieve?

By whom? Yourself?
Are you content with being mediocre?

I cant take someone seriously when they imply they are content with mediocrity.

>> No.3975985

It just means they understand that most people are easy to delude, and can be easily placated with such platitudes.

>> No.3976045

I'm the guy who wrote

Please don't agree with me. Your pseudo-scientific over zealous interpretation of my post only detracts people from I actually wrote and makes me look stupid in the process, leave rational thought the grown ups.

>> No.3976067


I do have limited potential.

All I need to do is provide one contradictory case to your rule to void your statement, and I think I will go with a 5'4'' person wishing he could play pro basketball.

The fact is that there are limiting factors outside of your control, and mental ones exist too not just physical so get the fuck out of here with your spirit science bullshit

>> No.3976075
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Actually, never respond to someone who prefaces a retort as 'Actually'.

>> No.3976079
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My friends born in Canada can't be President of the United States.

>> No.3976092

people mistake feeling sad with actual depression

>> No.3976107

Don't ask whats wrong, and you won't get complaints. It's not worth talking about anyways.

>> No.3976108

>Please don't agree with me.
I can do what I want. Just because I agree with you doesnt mean my post was following on from yours. Different individual have different individual thoughts believe it or not.

>Your pseudo-scientific over zealous interpretation of my post
My post had nothing to do with your post directly.
I wasnt trying to be scientific nor was it an interpretation of your post.

>only detracts people from I actually wrote and makes me look stupid in the process
1. Implying you arent already stupid
2. Im pretty sure others understand my post was 100% separate from yours (only mildly related at best)

>leave rational thought the grown ups.
You should go do some reading comprehension classes.

>> No.3976138

You cant change your facticity or uncontrollable factors.
Im not implying you can change the laws of physics, I'm saying that any problem can be solved.

For the record a 5'4" basketball player could exist if they had enough skill. There are plenty of short basketball players that have a lot of skill.

>I do have limited potential.
That's what you think, in reality you can achieve anything.

Enjoy being average.

>> No.3976158

We are the human race making impossible shit possible is our business.

>> No.3976176


no one can be skilled enough to make up for that height disadvantage.

You spirit science types are the worst, we shouldn't be teaching kids that everyone can be the next Einstein or Joe Montana when they are physically and mentally ill fitted for that role

>> No.3976182


What do you do for a living?

>> No.3976209

Im currently a student.

>no one can be skilled enough to make up for that height disadvantage.
It's possible though. Either way, there's nothing you can do if you are confined by your physicality. The point is you should be reaching your full potential whatever that might be, for all intents and purposes it's infinite, because we have a finite amount of time on this earth.

You could study for 1000 years and still not know that much in the grand scheme of things.

Nothing is impossible, just some things are harder than others.

>teaching kids that everyone can be the next Einstein or Joe Montana
They could be though? How do you know their potential?

If anything your type of thinking is impeding them. Just because you arent Einstein or Joe Montana doesnt mean others cant strive to be.


>> No.3976225


Where/what do you study?

>> No.3976231

Business/IT specialising in business process modelling BPMN 2.0 mainly.
Best university in my state for this degree.

>> No.3976238


Why did you turn down the full ride offers you got to Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Penn/Wharton? Surely this was offered to you since anything is possible.

>> No.3976244

I dont live in america btw.

>> No.3976253


Doesn't matter. Anything is possible. Plenty of foreign kids get scholarships here.

>> No.3976274

I went to the university I wanted to go to. I achieved my goal.
I dont see your point?

If you are trying to prove im a hypocrite who breaks their own rules, you need to try harder than that, a lot harder.

>> No.3976564

Holy fuck this guy is an idiot.
Is anyone else paying attention to this guy?
Holy fuck.

Go fly without the aid of an airplane.
Make someone's head explode with the power of your mind.
Directly modify logic! Turn 2+2=4 into 2+2=5



>> No.3976711
