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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 267x200, smart dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3975264 No.3975264 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/. Just took an IQ test and it says my score was 127, and I'm 18. That good or bad?

>> No.3975267

obviously that means you're mentally retarded

>> No.3975275

was it online, or an actual IQ test admitted by a psychologist?

>> No.3975277

127? The average is 16,129! Even a fetus is smarter than you, OP. Wow.

>> No.3975282
File: 225 KB, 468x355, 0127639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its obviously good, seeing as anyone who has even a basic understanding of IQ knows the average is 100, and it forms a standard bell curve.

...so feel free to knock off another dozen points or so for not realising the fucking obvious!

>> No.3975284

>quantifying multifaceted phenomena with a single methodology

>> No.3975292

Congratulations, it will probably shift considerably between now and an undetermined time in the future. You are also to e commended for wasting your time in such an efficient manner!

>> No.3975298

At a 127 you're roughly 3 standard deviations higher than EK, almost 4.

Not far enough away IMO, but it's a good start.

>> No.3975299

fuck off namefag

>> No.3975301

Link to website? If it wasn't iqtest.dk, it was probably crap.

>> No.3975325

you dont even know my IQ, asshat

>> No.3975330

bad. IQ's are prorrated with AGE.

It'll only go down, as you get older.

>> No.3975341

then please tell us. my guess is 83

>> No.3975346

please tell me why you aren't banned

>> No.3975349

the whole idea of the IQ test is to measure your inteligence and it factors in age so you should be getting the same score when ever you take it. Unless you think inteligence is something that can change, then why bother with the test?

>> No.3975351

that's generous.

She borders on 80, which I believe is the line between functionally retarded and just niggerish.

>> No.3975360

In reality, an IQ score only shows how well you scored on an IQ test.

>> No.3975371

>implying it isnt related to intelligence.
high IQ-fags think creatively, and can spot patterns and shit.
it correlates to being intelligent in all aspects of life
IQ-haterfags are usually just asspained luddites who are fucking retarded and butthurt that they failed the IQ test, so they try to imply that it doesnt actually mean intelligence it does!

>> No.3975378

don't sell the test short, it asks questions of a broad range and it does have correlations to mental ability. But is it 100% accurate? Of course not.

>> No.3975379
File: 143 KB, 399x352, 1231482430552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it correlates to being intelligent in all aspects of life

>> No.3975381

No sorry.

It factors in age because a 4 year old knowing 2+2 is fucking brilliant, but a 18 year old who knows that is an idiot (comparatively).

It has nothing else to do with it. It's magic. If you have a low IQ as a child, it's not going up.

But if you have a high IQ when you're young, it'll do nothing but drop.

Sorry, 12 yo boy wonder.

>> No.3975386

did you just pull that out of your fucking ass?

about 90% of that is bullshit.

>> No.3975401

>IQ-haterfags are usually just asspained luddites who are fucking retarded and butthurt that they failed the IQ test, so they try to imply that it doesnt actually mean intelligence
Even (and especially) recognizably intelligent people have strong criticisms of IQ as a measure of intelligence.

>> No.3975415
File: 127 KB, 401x354, 1310039258589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck? you cant even partition it down to 90% false and 10% true, i just said IQ tests do correlate with intelligence (which they do) and those who doubt usually do it for asspained failure reasons (also mainly true)

so shut the fuck up, you should know better than to criticise me by now.

>> No.3975419
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 1319861806324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh hey, im just gonna be posting on /sci/ without any citations, links, references etc."

>> No.3975432
File: 640 KB, 250x170, 1273423075057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I was busy looking through the evidence you presented.

>> No.3975433

>so shut the fuck up, you should know better than to criticise me by now.

>you cant even partition it down to 90% false and 10% true
you clearly have an IQ below 60.

>i just said IQ tests do correlate with intelligence (which they do)
i'm not even bothering with this one. a simple search on google should resolve this issue for you. you are obviously clueless on how g-loaded most IQ tests are, and how 'intelligence quotient' obtained from 'tests' in general is of extremely high debate throughout the cognitive sciences.

>> No.3975438
File: 254 KB, 458x358, 0126394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your time, make sure you dont skim over anything important. =p

>> No.3975465

>it correlates to being intelligent in all aspects of life

thats too extreme, and you probably made that statement because you feel like you are defending a side of an argument. The iq test can't measure inteligence in all aspects of life when it takes the form of a very specific medium

>> No.3975470

fuck off

>> No.3975471
File: 907 KB, 884x684, gigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ doesn't correlate to anything.

pic related - it's mine.

IQ measures your ability to solve RPM's, not intellectual capacity.

>> No.3975480

What was the website, OP?

>> No.3975489

>pic related
>thinks evidence is sufficient for the internet to believe he's not a basement dweller

>> No.3975490

If the IQ test was only RPMs, then it wasn't entirely accurate. It only measured fluid intelligence, wholly neglecting crystallized intelligence. But with RPMs alone, you can still get an estimation of actual IQ to some degree.

>> No.3975491

Ill just leave this archived thread with EK's facebook here.


>> No.3975503

itt people are polarized by the players arguing and not giving fair assessments of the content

>> No.3975515
File: 195 KB, 365x330, 1236565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, i was exaggerating, but to say there is absolutely no correlation is just plain wrong, and demonstrably wrong. if i get a random nigger, a retard, and a 5 year old, and have them do the test, and then have a doctor, a scientist, and me to do it as well, i can fucking guarantee the 3 of us will score MUCH higher than the 3 of them.
it isnt coincidence, but yeh, fuck it, i dont care much about IQ tests, intelligence should be put to better use.


dumb cunt, no1 fucking cares, and everyone already knows it isnt me by now, so you can fuck off with your shit posting and spamming.
also, reported.
eat shit and die

>> No.3975528

get a life EK. no one likes you

>> No.3975530


y u mad bro?

oh yeah

zoology isn't a hard science

>> No.3975532
File: 536 KB, 1600x1200, dexter-morgan-1574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Motion passed. EK DIAF.

>> No.3975533

>dumb cunt, no1 fucking cares, and everyone already knows it isnt me by now, so you can fuck off with your shit posting and spamming.
I dunno, your rage makes a compelling argument to the contrary.

>but to say there is absolutely no correlation is just plain wrong
>if i get a random nigger, a retard, and a 5 year old, and have them do the test, and then have a doctor, a scientist, and me to do it as well, i can fucking guarantee the 3 of us will score MUCH higher than the 3 of them.

>theCula INDEX
The vampire reference from Aacula to Zzcula.

>> No.3975535


You're right. The scientist, doctor, and the nigger would do better than you.

>> No.3975536

Why hasn't EK been banned by now? If only I could be a mod for a day.

Actually I would just set an auto ban for anybody who posts EK anywhere in the name field. Once EK changes his/her trip set an auto ban on that too.

>> No.3975538

why is it, that every thread, EK posts in turns to shit?
couldn't you just fuck off or don't post with a trip anymore, you colossal attention whore?

>> No.3975541

You will all die one day.
That's the only thing you can be 100% sure of.
Everything else is doubtful.


>> No.3975544

EK has ban banned numerous times. However, due to the fact that he is an obese Scottish neckbeard hacker, he can get out of any ban

>> No.3975549

where does the scottish come from?

>> No.3975550
File: 50 KB, 420x420, imout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any more madfags wanna shitpost? feel free,
i'm out

>> No.3975551
File: 73 KB, 428x510, 1319937841627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3975552

thank god. Good riddance.

>> No.3975554

>Someone posts my facebook.
>Report post

>> No.3975556

thank god. don't come back, dumb bitch

>> No.3975559


>IQ tests work because people who score high are intelligent

>> No.3975560
File: 39 KB, 554x548, evanescencetroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they come from scotland, retard

(lol, couldnt resist...now im out)

>> No.3975583

You also cannot forget Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

>> No.3975593

who comes from scotland? that poster? why would he assume that just because he comes from scotland, then you do to. You're reasoning is faulty. Must be why you're a devout atheist

>> No.3975596
File: 37 KB, 399x525, couldntresist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where does the scottish come from
>the scottish come from scotland.
...was a troll

>> No.3975614

it's obvious I meant the word "scottish" in the post.

Otherwise I would have said: where do the scottish come from

lol u fail

>> No.3975619
File: 59 KB, 755x308, grammarnaziyouryoure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people on this board can into grammar
>implying I havent posted the accompanying image over 9000 times

>> No.3975631
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow, i really do post it a lot!

>> No.3975635

hard evidence that your boring and you're priorities are in the wrong place

>implying just because people make mistakes, it's right to assume a mistake is being made every time

>> No.3975636

>I'm going to leave, everyone mad at me.
>nvm, I'm still going to seek attention.

>> No.3975641

>the hell out of dodge, you idiot

wtf does this mean.

is this an english expression?

im scottish btw

>> No.3975644

just fuck off allready

>> No.3975651

hahah! u funny guy, i kill you last

oh yeh, i was gonna leave...

dodge: evade, avoid, etc.

>> No.3975654

>EK posint in a thread
>not saging, ignoring, warning and hiding


>> No.3975657
File: 975 KB, 2560x1920, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just took an IQ test and it says my score was 127
>Not atleast 140

>> No.3975658

>>hahah! u funny guy, i kill you last
Just admit your misinterpreted the post


>dodge: evade, avoid, etc.

"letters you took the hell out of [evade]"

"letters you took the hell out of [avoid]"

nope. still makes no sense

>> No.3975663
File: 79 KB, 350x218, 1308251122433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed the IQ test

>> No.3975672

should be 'took the hell out TO dodge'
...im kinda pissed off that a post mocking grammar has a typo in it...

with 'failed' meaning 'didnt do very well'
obviously there is no passing grade...

>> No.3975673


>> No.3975681

>EK in thread

Activate Delta Ignore pattern.

>> No.3975685

>should be 'took the hell out TO dodge'

"...Standing in for the fucking letters you took the hell out to dodge"

to dodge what?? is it common for english people not to finish you're sentences?

>> No.3975686
File: 257 KB, 456x346, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, that is so annoying, im gonna modify the picture.

>> No.3975691

yeh, i might change it to "standing in for the letters you removed, you lazy cunt!"
staying with the angry theme of the pic, but isnt written retardedly...

>> No.3975693

Why can't it make sense like:

>The fucking apostrophe is standing in for the fucking letters you took the hell out [FULL FUCKING STOP]

>> No.3975696


This is why furriners shouldn't speak English. ESPECIALLY brits.

>> No.3975700

whats a furriner?

>> No.3975706


you're a fucking idiot

to get the fuck out of Dodge is an expression

Dodge in this case is a proper noun

of course a woman doesn't get basic shit

>> No.3975721
File: 46 KB, 720x540, ek_being_attractive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK is pretty hot you guys, pic related it's her

>> No.3975728

Okay I've familiarised myself with the american expression. It still doesn't make any sense since neither removing letters from "you are", nor mixing up "your" and "you're" is an evasive manoeuvre.

As always amerifags fuck up our language and have the arrogance to call it theirs

>> No.3975737


Dodge is a proper noun, it is referring to the popular western gunsmoke.

it has nothing to do with evasive maneuvers.

>> No.3975750

yeah it stands for the city as in escaping the city. it has no relevance here.

arrogant amerifag status = told

>> No.3975760

How does fail congregate around EK like flies?

>> No.3975765

>implying the phrase 'get out of dodge' has any relevance in that picture

>> No.3975810
File: 2.91 MB, 845x4376, grammar_rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it. heres the full pic. i also split it up and saved it as seperate ones, to use for specific fails.

>> No.3975813

and yeh, 'get out of dodge' makes no sense in this context...

>> No.3975817

>dat resolution

>> No.3975820

dat noise compression.

Man, I wonder what the actual file res was.

>> No.3975834

I remember when i and EK had a debate on IQ she was being a total faggot that intelligence is magic and no one can ever know what intelligence is and IQ is fake, glad to see that retarded cunt being able to use her basic logical functions.

>> No.3975843

IQ IS a very limited measure of intelligence. there is no denying this

>> No.3975847
File: 13 KB, 483x358, 13678345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...yeah, that never happened, faggot.

>> No.3975848

Hey EK, astro physics major here, can I get some pics of you to jerk off to while I'm doing math?

>> No.3975849

no way. do not believe.

>> No.3975851

ek wuts ur iq. u stil havnt tlod us

>> No.3975852

Is this EK guy stalking that girl on the photos?

>> No.3975855

>Thinks that just because IQ loosely correlates with intelligence means it's accurate
>Says going to leave
>Continues to post like madWoman(Man?)
> EK IQ <= 80

>> No.3975860

EK, if that's you, post some more. Christ you fine.

>> No.3975870

>their dumbshit fucking asses

Anyone else find this tone unfunny, unclever and generally unappealing?

>> No.3975881

That's a girl in those photos? Holy fuck I just thought it was some really ugly dude this whole time
Now I find out it's an even uglier girl

>> No.3975883

It's called 'taking it too far' or 'trying too hard'. It doesn't really matter since it's only an angry retort towards the grammatically challenged It doesn't need to be judged as a stand up.comedy performance

>> No.3975884

Why did EK leave :(

>> No.3975893

I feels ya

>> No.3975902

Heres a thread with her facebook and plenty of material to masturbate to.


>> No.3975906



How did that make you feel?

>> No.3975920
File: 133 KB, 500x649, wasprant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a particular style of rantpic, its made to be over the top on purpose. theres one thats like "HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SONS OF BITCHES! LOOK AT THIS TOAST! THIS BREADY MOTHERFUCKER WILL MAKE ONE FINE-ASSED FUCKING BREAKFAST!" or something like that...
not particularly funny, but w/e, i didnt make it

>> No.3975927

pretty funny, tbh.

>> No.3975956

because the language is excessive it loses it's vernacular connotations of anger and frustration and becomes funny.

There was a nice little documentary on about this a few weeks ago


>> No.3975961

EK, I'm not trolling here; you're fine girl.

>> No.3975973

thanks, i guess.

>> No.3975981

>not saying hun

>> No.3976002

>being complimented
>"um ok I guess"

Virgin detected.

>> No.3976039

lol, im not a virgin, im just not used to compliments here, dont exactly know how i'm sposed to react.

>> No.3976050

>im not a virgin

clarifying like anyone cares. egotist detected

>> No.3976051

They're trolling you. Nobody here likes you.

>> No.3976054

a cute girl on /sci/ deserves a compliment from me.

>> No.3976056

>not used to compliments here

Really? That is quite perplexing.

>> No.3976059

yes, probably

>> No.3976077

I'm not trolling her. She's hella cute. I'd hit on her if she was in my area.

>also is the guy complimenting her earlier

>> No.3976082

I'm seriously not though :-/

>> No.3976086

its probable you'll encounter more haters than lovers or ambivalent-ers(?) but don't give up hope for instance, i support you, madam. :)

>> No.3976094

soooo, me saying that the girl in the pics isnt me, is falling on deaf ears then? good to know.

>> No.3976095

The question is why is she acknowledging complements if nobody knows what she looks like unless this is her


>> No.3976101

Wh-wha? Then who is that in the chan archive? Those are the pictures I'm referring to.

>> No.3976102

I wouldn't hit on her. But I would stare at her from the other side of the room and get really nervous if she walked in my general direction

>> No.3976105

Whoah are you a wizard?

>> No.3976114

EK is the biggest slut on /sci/. She thinks she's been with over 20 guys and thinks that's only a small amount.

>> No.3976128

I bet she's always repressing /sci/ responses mid-coitus (ISHYGDDT etc). I know I would.

>> No.3976132

the archive is incorrect, they got the wrong facebook.

no i'm not, i havent been with anywhere near that many. its LESS THAN 20, and im pretty sure you are the guy with the fucking screenshot of my post...

>> No.3976139

I'm a fan of her responses first and foremost, but if that's not her from that chanarchive, then I'm very curious as to what she looks like.

>> No.3976144

EK, y u break my heart.

Gib pictures plz?

>> No.3976145


Well, I'm pretty sure she told us she had black hair and blue eyes. But I don't know about anything else.

>> No.3976149


newfag detected

>> No.3976153

Today, we discover how shallow /sci/ really is

Really, you shouldn't have to put up with EK's bullshit just because you find her attractive.

>> No.3976160

heaven forbid someone disagree with you on her posts.

>> No.3976161

no, black hair and green eyes

>> No.3976163

> its LESS THAN 20

Top X problem

One says they're in the top 50
If they were in the top 25/30/40, they'd say that instead.

My guess is between 15/20, or you'd have made a better upper bound.

>> No.3976168


Like hazel, because pure green eyes are like super rare?

>> No.3976169

fine, ignore my posts ;_;

>> No.3976172

look i dont actually know, i dont count, it was just a guess, and i came up with that number pretty quickly, without even thinking, so it could be way off.

>> No.3976173

probably 18. that's my guess. i dont think it'll increase for a while because from what i remember things were getting pretty srs with her last fuck buddy.

>> No.3976175

> dont actually know
slut detected

>> No.3976185


Holy shit, you're reaching twenty guys already, I hope to god you're over 18, or else you're the most disgusting slut in the universe.

>> No.3976188

erm, sorry

nah, no pics. sorry

>> No.3976190


>mfw I just read the archive
>mfw no face

>> No.3976195

no! that isnt it, i just dont bother counting! its certainly not a very big number.

>> No.3976199

I haven't masturbated a lot today. Surely less than 10 times.

>> No.3976200


I guess enjoy all the hate you normally get.

>> No.3976203

yeh, it doesnt bother me

>> No.3976208

properly green, not grey. i wonder how rare it is.

>> No.3976210

her pics are on her facebook page....

>> No.3976211

How old are you?

>> No.3976213

the page which none of you have...just the page of a different girl harriet trolled the 7/7/11-fags with.

>> No.3976215

she's 23

>> No.3976217


>> No.3976221

no, the other girl might be, but seeing as i'm not her, chances are my age is different, and it is.

>> No.3976224


Fuck, EK's caught on to my game. Giving out misinformatioin to confuse us.


>> No.3976235

lol worst cover-up lie in history.

>> No.3976237

Stop subverting the truth. You're 21 in the next 2 months.

>> No.3976242

what the fuck? how do you know that?

>> No.3976249

Because of where in education. and because I remember from previous conversations that I'm not 3 years older than you and I don't want to feel older than I am :P

>> No.3976252


>> No.3976258


Don't listen to EK's lies, anyone.

>> No.3976266

EK your birthday is november 9th.

>> No.3976273

im in my 3rd year, that means i turn 21 anytime during the year, im suprised you know it even closer than that. when is your birthday?
(for all 7/7/11-fags, if i really were 23 i would have left university about 2 years ago)

no. i take it that is the date it says on that other girls facebook?

>> No.3976277

>if i really were 23 i would have left university about 2 years ago
no one has ever taken a gap year, or entered college late in the history of human education.

>> No.3976286

some have. i havent. i'd need 2 gap years to account for it, if i were 23.
even before 7/7/11 i said i was 20. why would i lie?
the facebook doesnt fit, therefore its wrong

>> No.3976289
File: 58 KB, 224x243, jewstica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you took a gap year and also repeated somewhere along the way. Or else you repeated twice :O. Or you were a year too old for school and also repeated at some stage (probs in college).

Either way you lied about your age on 4choganoogo to make you seem less unusal. Maybe you thought it would pin you down or something. Or maybe you're just ashamed of it idk.

>> No.3976292

sure is tripfaggot general in here.

EK, for fuck's sake, can you please post relevant material if you insist posting whatsoever?

You're ridiculously annoying with shit like this. Every thread with a brief argument relating to you turns into a 300+ post thread filled with GARBAGE NOT EVEN REMOTELY RELATED TO SCIENCE OR MATH.

>> No.3976298

>im suprised you know it even closer than that.
its simple. i know what age you should be and you told me you were 1 year younger and there's only 2 months of the year left. So your birthday must fall in those months. I thought you were smart?

i was your age a year ago in september.

>> No.3976308

i never took gap years or repeats.

yeh, sorry. just trying to clear up the whole 7/7/11 thing, but ive said my part, so i'll shut up now. saging. bye bye