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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3973985 No.3973985 [Reply] [Original]

You will never leave this galaxy.

>> No.3973990

Good. I do not ever want to even leave this planet.

>> No.3973995
File: 11 KB, 384x253, fuckoffekyouannoyingbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never live in a world without EK.

>> No.3974002

Why the fuck are you still here?
You're unanimously hated like your fat friend.

>> No.3974006

see: >>3973990

>> No.3974008

Good, I like her.

I like this board. I do not think I am unanimously hated. Why would I be?
EK is not fat.

>> No.3974014



she is. and you must be too, lets find your facebook...

>> No.3974029

The Earth is cosy. It's unbelievably beautiful. It's fantastic. We're designed to inhabit it perfectly.

All the life that exists here is fantastic. The oceans, the green grass, the rainforests, the rain, the colors.

I don't want to be anywhere else - I don't want to go out into that harsh, unforgiving, desolate place.

>> No.3974040
File: 122 KB, 683x683, terraformed_mars_2_0_by_77mynameislol77-d30m9ng.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early life created this atmosphere, and the soil. It could be said that life is destined to make inhospitable places into garden worlds.

>> No.3974046


Mars' atmosphere, if it ever gained one, would be slowly but surely swept away by cosmic rays, since it has no molten core, no magnetic field, to protect it.

>> No.3974063
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That's true of Earth's atmosphere, but it's actively being replenished by volcanism and is greatly slowed by greater gravity and a magnetic field. If Mars had a thick 750 millibar atmosphere, it would withhold it for millions upon millions of years. That's more than enough time for us to devise a way to construct an artificial magnetic field for the planet.

>> No.3974068

score one for science!

>> No.3974078


Maybe. Mars is too cold, also, though. It also gets hit by a lot of meteors. It also spins very slowly, making it hard for life to adapt - long periods of darkness and sunlight.

It's not in the commonly-defined "habitable zone," either, and has a minimal amount of water on it. It also has no plate-tectonics, i.e no volcanism or anything else that helps the earth.

In other words, mars is a terrible, shitty, wasteland that will never be colonised.

>> No.3974089

Eh, you never know - till nearly the end of the dark ages people thought the earth to be flat. How are we to say that it's impossible to leave this galaxy?

Pretty improbable? Sure. Inconceivable? Certainly. But impossible? I dunno about that.

>> No.3974101

>Mars is too cold,
Earth would be much colder with no greenhouse effect, which Mars lacks. There's a whole lot of CO2 in the ice caps and frozen throughout the permafrost around those areas. Heat up Mars a little bit with perhaps 10% extra solar radiation on the poles and you'd have mass outgassing, raising the temperature of Mars further, causing more outgassing and the possibility of liquid water of existing throughout much of the surface.

>It also gets hit by a lot of meteors.
Not significantly more than Earth anymore, the craters you see are relics of the Late Heavy Bombardment period, as Mars doesn't seem to have ever had plate tectonics and hasn't smoothed over the imperfections. Not to mention very little erosion in the last 3 billion years.

>It also spins very slowly, making it hard for life to adapt - long periods of darkness and sunlight.
I call bullshit. Mars has a 39 minute longer day than Earth. Yup, nearly 24 hours long.
>Sidereal rotation period 1.025 957 day - 24.622 9 h[4]

>> No.3974104
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>It's not in the commonly-defined "habitable zone,"
The habitable zone is still hazy as we don't truly know yet.
And with sufficient greenhouse effect a planet previously just out of the realm of the goldilocks zone can slip inside and have a vibrant hydrosphere.

>and has a minimal amount of water on it
Bullshit, HEAPS of water ice.
>The two polar ice caps appear to be made largely of water.[47][48] The volume of water ice in the south polar ice cap, if melted, would be sufficient to cover the entire planetary surface to a depth of 11 meters.[49] A permafrost mantle stretches from the pole to latitudes of about 60°.[47]

>It also has no plate-tectonics, i.e no volcanism or anything else that helps the earth.
I already yielded that point, but that doesn't mean Mars is useless, it just means it can support less than Earth, and tolerates less abuse of taking minerals from this place and so on. Eventually some engineering will have to be done to install drain pipes in the deep parts of Martian oceans to replenish minerals on other mountain ranges, but that's far off.

>> No.3974107


>> No.3974111

Wow, you know a lot about this. What do you study?

>> No.3974116


>The habitable zone is still hazy as we don't truly know yet.

Everything has criticism, dipshit. Even gravity. It is more accepted than not. And nice work linking to Wikipedia.

>Not significantly more than Earth anymore

Yes it does. It is right near the meteor-belt.

>Heat up Mars a little bit with perhaps 10% extra solar radiation on the poles and you'd have mass outgassing, raising the temperature of Mars further, causing more outgassing and the possibility of liquid water of existing throughout much of the surface.

Not buying it without facts and figures.

>> No.3974136

if you don't know about space engine, check it out.

skip to 5:20 for the intergalactic stuff

>> No.3974138
File: 30 KB, 380x500, BlueMarsIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing yet, I want to go to uni for aerospace engineering/nuclear engineering/mechatronics though. Also Mars is my 'thing' on /sci/.

>Everything has criticism, dipshit. Even gravity. It is more accepted than not. And nice work linking to Wikipedia.
The habitable zone defines where liquid water is sustained on the planet, usually from enough solar radiation. If that solar radiation can be absorbed effectively with less heat radiating into space, either by lowering albedo, making a thick, greenhouse gas atmosphere or reflecting more sunlight onto the planet in question, then you can change the status of whether a planet is in the habitable zone or not. Our limits of a habitable zone is largely defined by Mars being in its current state. What if Jupiter swept up less mass in the early days of the solar system, and where Mars is there was a planet that still maintained its magnetic field from a long time ago, a thick atmosphere and the ability to maintain water as a liquid over much of its surface. Then it would likely redefine the habitable zone.

>Yes it does. It is right near the meteor-belt.
You have to start giving me sources that state Mars' negligible gravity will majorly affect the asteroid belt. It's not in a shooting gallery as you might think, and terraforming Mars will HELP against asteroid impacts as Mars' scale height of the atmosphere will be 2.5 times greater, giving a longer time for the asteroid to disintegrate.

>Not buying it without facts and figures.

>> No.3974164

Fuck, I think I killed the thread.

>> No.3974173

Eh, it was a good way to kill one. Smart thingies here.

>> No.3974178

crushed the ignorance out of it... Which in the case of an entity composed of ignorance (this thread), means you'll kill it.

>> No.3974179

You mean the thread is completed.
Silencing all who oppose you with good arguments and wit is a good way to end a thread.

>> No.3974185
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>> No.3974186

>no qualifications at all, still not in higher education
>erm well obviously I know more than you, I can prove it by posting wikipedia links thats how clever I am

Ignore forever

>> No.3974193

> Oct 30, 2011
>A Russian cargo space ship is on its way to the International Space Station.

>> No.3974197


So, you consider wikipedia to be bullshit, and that's your argument that you're right? And it's your ONLY argument?


>> No.3974198
File: 8 KB, 202x276, 1294796758578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty, so you didn't find anything in particular wrong with the information I supplied besides being on Wikipedia where it linked to outside sources? That is what those [number] marks mean.

>> No.3974204

No, I didn't actually read any of the thread and I haven't contributed to it at all. I just saw you admitting you're under-age with no proper education so I thought I'd bust your balls about it. You could be completely, 100% right, but I don't give a shit because you're still a child.

>> No.3974209
File: 64 KB, 561x437, 1318570385582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a logical position you hold.

>> No.3974217

He is young, but clearly is extraordinarily intelligent. Age is not a good factor to judge people by. Listen to what he says and judge it by its own merits.

>> No.3974221

Why don't you cut the crap and suck his cock if you love him so much. Stop white knighting you fat bitch, it's pathetic.

>> No.3974227
File: 53 KB, 266x264, graficsbrushie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, I appreciate the kind words, but I'm not that intelligent. Perhaps I'm not average, but I just have different interests and appear knowledgeable when they come up..

>> No.3974238

>2. If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.3974240

I am not sure what white knighting is, but I am not fat.
Almost all the science in this thread was posted by him.
If you read his posts carefully, as well as the links he provides, you might learn a lot.
You should follow his example rather than trying to attack his character when clearly you have no intellectual arguments against him.

>> No.3974247

You do not know his age, and even if he posted it, you have no proof if it is correct.
Attempting to enforce an age restriction on the internet is futile and foolish.

>> No.3974253
File: 2 KB, 124x126, 1319373435000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do not know his age, and even if he posted it, you have no proof if it is correct.
Fifty links and screencaps relating to my post over a year ago on thesocialrev incoming

>> No.3974254

Modesty is a good character trait.
It is no coincidence that those who are most intelligent also have other personality traits that are superior to the norm.

>> No.3974296

Like I said, we have no proof if those screencapped posts are fact or falsehood.

>> No.3974297
File: 49 KB, 519x648, 1315537739180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, they're fact. I stopped denying it a long time ago, as the hilarious thing is the guys that attack me for it usually end up shitting the thread with the accusations while i'm still trying to post relatively constructively.

Saging for non-science

>> No.3974306

Oh, should we sage? ok

Why did you even tell them? It is not their business, and did you not forsee they might use it against you because of the stupid rules?

>> No.3974314

Excuse me, but when did this thread turn into a KILL-ALL-THE-UNDERAGED-thread? Please, let us keep it to the subject.
>You will never leave this galaxy.
Well, probably not OP, but - really - I like this place called earth.
I think that inhabiting Mars is in the nearest future (maybe 100 years?), and I sure hope that it will be in my living. Imagine the red deserts, the earth-shine & the craters - just outside of your window! I'm fine with this.
Inurdaes, how long do you think it would take before we begin to colonize Mars?

>> No.3974316
File: 17 KB, 429x410, 1258733191026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not their business, and did you not forsee they might use it against you because of the stupid rules?
It honestly doesn't bother me enough. It's not like it limits my capability to understand the material.

>> No.3974321
File: 3 KB, 207x208, 1292499676987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inurdaes, how long do you think it would take before we begin to colonize Mars?
Well it depends. Automated asteroid mining technologies might be developed as early as 2025, and if build on a little more to it you can manufacture entire ships, colonies, and propulsion systems for nothing. We might see en masse colonization of the solar system as early as 2050, but it's more realistic to think of the first 5,000 colonists on Mars by about 2075.

>and I sure hope that it will be in my living.
It will.

>> No.3974325

The guy who stalks Inurdaes and automatically tries to troll him for being underage is one of /sci/'s many metastatic cancers.

>> No.3974329

You give them ammunition against you. They can report your posts and attempt to get you banned if they disagree with you.

>> No.3974328

But as far as I know, America has stopped the space programs. Who would pay for the research necessary to colonize Mars? Will it be profitable?

>> No.3974334

Inurdaes, /r/ sci comic image

>> No.3974340

Not short term, no. Long term? Fuck yeah.

>> No.3974342

Getting banned doesn't concern me too much.

China is looking quite hungrily at Mars, and it's possible they might do business with the European Space Agency and SpaceX, which would lower costs and make them even more ambitious. Mite b cool.

As for profitable? I don't know. Probably not immediately, Mars would have to develop its own economy. Using Mars as a mine is unlikely unless we find a lot of some uncommon element on Earth that isn't that abundant in asteroids. It'll have to be supported by governments and have made advances in robotic technologies before a large colony could be economically sustained.


>> No.3974344
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>> No.3974365

Why are you not concerned?
You remain underage until your 18th birthday. You can be repeatedly banned or even permanently banned. Would this not bother you?

As soon as an age related ban expires, as soon as you post again you would be breaking the same rule.

>> No.3974369
File: 82 KB, 720x479, 1265092062140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more important things to life than posting on 4chan. If I don't have access to 4chan I usually do more constructive things like draw pictures or try to learn programming or something.

>> No.3974373


Stop talking about it, nobody really cares about his age

>> No.3974383

But you are a good poster. It would be a shame to lose you over such an unimportant detail such as age.

Clearly some trolls do. Moderators may also care.

>> No.3974388


>Moderators may also care.

If there are moderators on /sci/ then they are honestly doing a terrible 'job'.

>> No.3974391

You're correct about the trolls. Mods don't give a fuck, if they did he'd be banned long, long ago

>> No.3974392
File: 91 KB, 640x427, 1262534754912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, I've been banned for either a day or a week over age, but it really doesn't bother me and I'd prefer the topic steer back to something sciency and OP-related.

>> No.3974396
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I wonder how the Chinese Space Program is fairing these days?

>> No.3974404
File: 118 KB, 477x500, 1288607124097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, didn't notice that.
Well let me change to 'They seem like they'd take up a Mars mission not too far into the future because they're already interested in making a moon base by 2030.'
It's a delay, but it's definitely not a fatal one and may easily change.

>> No.3974406

There are moderators. My housemate has been banned a few times. She probably deserved it.

>> No.3974412
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