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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3968766 No.3968766 [Reply] [Original]

>high school
>do pretty well academically, but socially withdrawn
>try out for lacrosse team to make friends, look good on college apps
>dickhead on team constantly makes fun of me, makes me feel like shit
>"fuck him, that dumb jock is going to be grilling burgers for the rest of his life"

>fast forward to college
>physics major, do decent, get social life, relatively happy
>go to MIT for guest lecture with some other students
>find out lax dickhead is going to MIT
>he's studying physics to, only he's got a 5.0 GPA and doing graduate level work
>he ends up fucking the only hot female physics student in my school. she friendzoned me a few weeks before

>> No.3968772
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>> No.3968781

friendzone... feels bad man

>> No.3968783

This thread is better: >>>/g/20835696

>> No.3968785

>dumb jock
At my high school there were two kinds of jocks. There were the dumb ones who more or less adhered to every negative stereotype of the dumb jock you can think of.
Then there were the overachievers. Close to a 4.0 gpa. Lots of extra-curricular activities. Spend a lot of time on the field and a lot of time studying. Still find time to make friends and be social. Sounds like OP wandered across one of those. Who wants to bet that this story is fake or OP was being a dick and the jock responded appropriately?

>> No.3968798
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>> No.3968802

this copypasta seem differnt

>> No.3968812

Original said "4.0 GPA" instead of "5.0," since MIT uses a 5.0 grading system.