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3966547 No.3966547 [Reply] [Original]

Cold fusion just happened, reportedly

"The Rossi one megawatt Energy Catalyzer test has started and reports 470 kW maintained continuously during self-sustained operation with customer satisfied"

Assuming this is just the beginning, and cold fusion is really here...


Here's some more info/sources on it:

Amount of fuel required to run a 1 MW plant for 180 days:

Grams/Power for a 180 days charge
Hydrogen: 18000 g
Nickel: 10000 g


>> No.3966555

There is already a thread on this shit topic in /g/.

>> No.3966554

>1 MW plant
>output 470 kW

>> No.3966561

Should be in /x/.

>> No.3966581

Brian Wang (nextbigfuture) should just stop posting about this. He's just losing credibility (Gained through otherwise awesome articles).

>> No.3966585

not applying any scientific controls
thinks we should care

>> No.3966596

>Some one claims to have cold fusion
>No on beleives him, says we need proof.
>They give proof to someone in order to sell it to them, they buy it after seeing it

Sorry that hes not giving you the fucking schematics for something that would make him billions.

>> No.3966605

He is a futurism cultist. Anything which promises to satisfy his desire for a nerdtopia is automatically legitimate science.

>> No.3966631


>>Sorry that hes not giving you the fucking schematics for something that would make him billions.

If he won't give us the power to build our own instead of going through him, then any hope for cold fusion to change the world is lost.

>> No.3966641

Regardless of what he tries, eventually we will end up with the information needed to make one ourselves.

>> No.3966648

>patent rejected
>everything about the alleged "proof" is kept secret
>hey guise he managed to scam this one guy, it must be true!

And that's even assuming the mysterious buyer isn't in league with him.

Also, this is not how science works. Hence, not science. Sage.

>> No.3966649

at least let the man enjoy a few years of using his patents

what are you? a communist?

>> No.3966659

>Also, this is not how science works. Hence, not science. Sage.
Science: The act of giving everyone the information that can make you billions if you keep it to yourself

Yup, Science.

>> No.3966670

Yes, that is exactly what science is. When you make a discovery you publish a paper explaining it in detail so that everyone can reproduce your result.

You can take your piece of shit engineer attitude and shove it up your ass.

>> No.3966730

This isn't a theory, just simply showing that it produces X amount of power by putting in X amount of materials is enough for someone to buy it.

And that exactly what happened. You don't need to know every step taken for something like this.

>> No.3966751

>You don't need to know every step taken for something like this.

Not science.

>> No.3966757

You seem to be upset that this guy has done thousands of times more for humanity then you ever will, AND make billions off of it.

>> No.3966765

You seem to be upset that this whole thing is a scam. But go ahead, give your money to him, since you believe in him so much.

We'll see who has the last laugh.

>> No.3966775


Oh god, lol.

Some people when they try to argue are just hilarious. Yes, i'm certain he hates him just because he's popular now. That make you happy, champ?

>> No.3966793

> And that's even assuming the mysterious buyer isn't in league with him.

Exactly. Every other contract this man was involved in just crashed and burned. He must have found a good shill this time.

This guy's alleged fusion process happens to make the element copper as a product, but by some miracle the isotopic profile of that copper matches what's in the natural environment. Obviously that means he salted the samples with natural copper to con the testers.

>> No.3966798

someone can tell me what is the full application of this technology?

'endless' energy produced from a small sized device?

>> No.3966805


Screwing investors out of their money is the only application.

>> No.3966807

>Cold fusion just happened, reportedly


>> No.3966837

Fuck, didn't we just have some aids squirted all over us due to this earlier today? Then some faggot has to come here with even more fail and aids.


>> No.3966840


>> No.3966846

Rossi has done scams like this before....

>> No.3966870
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>> No.3966906


>> No.3966914

>PESN not involved in other frauds
>fusion occurring with no gamma rays
>won't allow other detectors

Yeah, totally seems legit.