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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3966224 No.3966224 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3966227


Prove it.

>> No.3966234

According to the rules this thread is totally legit.
It's not "religion vs science". There's no science in here.

>> No.3966237
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>> No.3966240

you do realize christians would make the same statement right

>> No.3966249
File: 14 KB, 217x294, that_fucking_agnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3966263

saging with a pic

doesnt sage

>> No.3966278

Bullshit. While I can't prove there's no god, I can easily disprove most major gods of most major religions.

>> No.3966294

see: 3966291

>> No.3966296

see: >>3966291

>> No.3966301

Oh god, not another moron describing themselves only as "Agnostic" and mistaking Atheists for Gnostic Atheists (when in reality, most Atheists are Agnostic Atheists).

Seriously OP, you and your ilk are poison.

>> No.3966303

>saging a troll thread


>> No.3966309

belief and knowledge are two different things

you can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist

"agnostics" are pussy faggot bitch niggas who are too scared to say what they believe

>> No.3966319

Advantage of being an agnostic is that you get to play devil's advocate in religion threads.

>> No.3966329

>EK tripcancer posting again

>> No.3966345

agnosticfags are basically the same as regular atheists (agnostic atheists, btw...but w/e) except they call themselves agnostics because they are a little less confident than the standard atheist-(i'm 99.999% sure theres no fcking god, and the whole ideea is fucking ridiculous and stupid"
and are hippy faggots wo are like 'oooh! believe whatever you want man, its cool"

...if religion is right, they burn in hell with the rest of us for not believing either, os fuck em.

>> No.3966348

I'm an atheist. I don't say it is "proven" that "God doesn't exist." That's a straw man. I say that the most reasonable opinion is that there is nothing that exists which it would be appropriate to call God.

>> No.3966351

You fail to realize OP that God can and often does prove his own existence. Many individuals over the centuries have witnessed God, Angels, and miracles. Many of those individuals have written about their experiences.

You are confused because you have never seen God, angels, or miracles therefore you conclude that nobody has seen God, angels, or miracles when that is simply not the case.

It is possible to gain a witness of God through the power of God by exercising faith. Miracles follow faith. Does that make sense? You do not sit on your ass and say 'ok God, show me a miracle and I'll believe' you say 'ok God, I'm going to do everything in my power to have faith in you, I will continue to have faith in you even when it's hard. In exchange I ask that after I have proven myself worthy that you give me a sign of your existence'. Then and only then will you see God, Angels, or miracles. This is an often confusing thing for atheists and agnostics (I'm not going to get into an argument concerning semantics).

Have I seen miracles? Yes. Have I met others who have seen miracles? According to them, yes. Do I believe them? Yes. Why? Because I have seen miracles.

Make sense? Good. Will you believe me? Nope. Why? Because before this discussion started you already believed that I and anyone like me is wrong. See above.

>> No.3966365

Perhaps you did witness God/angels/miracles (I'm not going to call you a liar), but you cannot convince me without objective scientific proof of them.

>> No.3966368


I think all of the /sci/ mods are dead.

>> No.3966372

In science the "maybe" is implicit. Of course object X MAY exist, but there are more than a trillion trillion trillion things that MAY exist. The existence of object X is just as likely as any one of the infinite number of objects that may exist. thus for all practical purposes object X is nonexistent until evidence suggests otherwise.

sage because this isn't /rel/

>> No.3966374


Explain why everyone isn't a Muslim like you, then. Why do most people disagree about what god is and what god wants.

>> No.3966442



These miracles, visions of excellent clarity you're talking about. I'm pretty sure it's your mind playing tricks on you. Few examples how you can see 'miracles'.

You know about lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis? You wake up, can't move your body but your brain is still procuding chemicals active in dreaming which give you hallucinations.

Schizophrenic people see things which are not there with excellent clarity and indistinguishable from reality.

Same if you do psychedelic drugs, you see things that are not there. The brain activates these chemicals.

Even with meditation and sensory deprivation you can see hallucinations. You can reach altered states of consciousness. You can see the "God"

Now the worst thing you can do is label it as an act of a God described in the most common relgion for you. If you'd be in a muslim country and you see God, you become a muslim, you see the miracle in Texas, you become christian.

10/10 responded

>> No.3966477


Cannot be disproven, but the fact you think it "might" exist should be the default position just show how deeply ingrained the idea of god is.

>> No.3966506


has anyone in your family been diagnosed as bipolar or schizoid or psychotic?

>> No.3966545

Discount everyone who has seen God, Angels, or miracles as insane or stupid. Typical. It is your only argument and it's patently ridiculous.

You believe there is no God because nobody has seen him. You believe nobody has seen him because he doesn't exist.

Can you explain why the logic you've shown might be wrong?

Do this step:
>'ok God, I'm going to do everything in my power to have faith in you, I will continue to have faith in you even when it's hard. In exchange I ask that after I have proven myself worthy that you give me a sign of your existence'.

Then come back and talk to me again.

>> No.3966610

I would believe if someone could only provide objective evidence.

>> No.3966992 [DELETED] 

I don't care if you're a troll, I know your opinion is shared by a lot of people, some of whom may even be reading this, and I like talking about cognitive biases anyway.

People look for evidence that confirms what they already believe. This is possibly an evolved trait that helps us win arguments and get our way. This is called confirmation bias and It is, in my opinion, the greatest in human psychology. It is the reason there is such a strong correlation between people's political affiliations and their parents'. The scientific method has a built in resistance method to this, requiring experimenters to attempt to disprove their own theories.

Confirmation bias can convince people of many things, from ghosts to cold-reading. The cliché "you've just got to believe" is used to try to convince people many things that we know to be false.

So tell me this: Why would god, in all his perfection, choose to give people the exact same type of evidence that convinces people of things that are demonstrably false?

>> No.3967007

I don't care if you're a troll, I know your opinion is shared by a lot of people, some of whom may even be reading this, and I like talking about cognitive biases anyway.

People look for evidence that confirms what they already believe. This is possibly an evolved trait that helps us win arguments and get our way. This is called confirmation bias and It is, in my opinion, the greatest flaw in human psychology. It is the reason there is such a strong correlation between people's political affiliations and their parents'. The scientific method has a built in resistance method to this, requiring experimenters to attempt to disprove their own theories.

Confirmation bias can convince people of many things, from ghosts to cold-reading. The cliché "you've just got to believe" is used to try to convince people many things that we know to be false.

So tell me this: Why would god, in all his perfection, choose to give people the exact same type of evidence that convinces people of things that are demonstrably false?

>> No.3967305

>You believe there is no God

Statement does not make logical sense.

"You do not believe in God" is what you meant to say.

>> No.3967309

Agnostics are the true scientists