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3965903 No.3965903 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ask an intern in a stem cell research lab anything.

Pic related, it is my environment. And a coworker.

>> No.3965906

Might want to trip this one.

>> No.3965909

tapped that yet?

gotten any abuse from christfags yet?

>> No.3965914

How are we supposed to take your "science" serious, if your coworker is female?

>> No.3965921

No stem-cell treatments for you, faggot.

>> No.3965943 [DELETED] 

Teach me about c-myc gene relation to stem cells

>> No.3965952
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Try again.

>> No.3965980

hey, have you seen the south park?

>> No.3965993 [DELETED] 

op has died

>> No.3965996


>> No.3966003

Where are you from?

>> No.3966007
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>implying biology is a science

>> No.3966048

OP departed due to all the bio abuse.

>> No.3966054

... and nothing of value was lost

>> No.3966071

I work in one of the biggest pharmacuetical companies in the world as R&D for their pharmacogenetics department.

If OP is even remotely implying that ESCR is worth a damn thing then he's clearly a moron and should seek a different feild. Embryonic stem cell research is a retarded, incredibly expensive, dead end.

Find cures with adult stem cell research, tell partisan politics to fuck off.

>> No.3966082

Oddly enough, Christfags being against embryonic stem cell research are in the right. ESCR is a fucking waste of money that would require no less than the entire rewiring of the human immune system to get them to work.

Adult stem cell research is working now, has provided over 5000 cures, and is producing results.

But its being ignored because HERPDERP ABORTION RIGHTS and HERPDERP Obama is a fucking retard.

Seriously, Obama has the worst scientific policies in history. At least Bush's policies lead to induced pluripotent stem cells and serious fighting of AIDS in Africa. But apparently rightwing fags are the ones against science, despite the leftards trying to put down groundbreaking, lifesaving research because HERPDERP WOMANS RIGHT TO CHOOSE even if fucking abortion has nothing to do with science.

>> No.3966089



>> No.3966092 [DELETED] 

h/mESCs vs iPS cells... Which is more efficient?

>> No.3966091


I'll give you a 2/10. It's the best I can do.

>> No.3966093

what degrees do you have i want to do stuff like this

>> No.3966094

inb4 /pol/ shitstorm

>> No.3966098

Which isn't going to have half the country protesting you because you're murdering children to get them?

Oh, and which isn't going to rightfully have its government funding cut once a president who knows his shit gets in office?

>> No.3966099

What happens to the cell when you completely unwind Heterochromatin?

>> No.3966101 [DELETED] 

Implying I care about any of that

>> No.3966102

I want to eat some stem cells so I can get out of this damn wheelchair.

>> No.3966103

it enters myosis, dipshit

>> No.3966110

Adult Stem cell have cure paraplegia in over 10 individuals.

Embryonic stem cells, when tried using the same treatment, caused the growth of 30-75 tumors that killed the affected individual within 2 months.

Which would you like to try?

>> No.3966111

Wow, what the fuck is your problem? I ask you a question and you call me a dipshit? Go fuck yourself asshole.

>> No.3966119 [DELETED] 

iPS cells are also absurdly difficult for researchers to work with..

>> No.3966121

Christfag detected

>> No.3966123 [DELETED] 

In comparison to h/mESCs

>> No.3966122

You don't "murder children" to get embryonic stem cells. They can come from things like the placenta or even foreskins left over from circumcisions.

>> No.3966128

Those are adult stem cells you colossal fucking retard

>> No.3966135

If I cut off my arm and bathe the stump in stem cells, will it turn into a new arm?

>> No.3966136

Placental and foreskin stem cells are classified as adult stem cells.

>> No.3966140

There is currently research going on using adult stem cells to regrow organs, and it already works to regrow skin in a matter of days. Soon the research will allow for the regrowing of entire body parts.

The same technique, when they used embryonic stem cells, cause tumors, dozens of tumors. Then death.

>> No.3966148

I died because I had some RNA to isolate, bitches.
We use MDSCs
Our muscle-derived stem cells come from cadavers; our fat-derived ones from liposuction or gastric bypass patients. Fat people aren't completely useless.
I've only worked with muscle- and adipose-derived cells. Of those? Pericytes, FTW.
It goes boom.
Shitstorm ahead

>> No.3966155

1. Can any non-christians confirm that embryonic stem cell research is inferior to adult stem cell research?
2. Please explain why a politician would oppose adult stem cell research.

>> No.3966154


>> No.3966158

embryonic stem cell research is retarded

>> No.3966161

If I cut off my penis and dip the stump in a vat of stem cells, will I regrow it? If so, will it regrow as an erection or would it be flaccid when I get it back? Would that depend on the state it was in when it was severed? If so, then it was erect.

>> No.3966165 [DELETED] 

Good stuff man.
There isn't enough clinical evidence. I was hoping OP would some personal experience with that to let me know what he thought.. But yeah, we don't know.

>> No.3966163


Are you retarded? Noone is conspiring against adult stem cell research, certainly not democrats. Its ESC research that is threatened. If scientists choose ASC because its more promising, then fine, but politicians should not decide such matters.

>> No.3966170

>Please explain why a politician would oppose adult stem cell research.

Alot of conservative christians oppose any kind of stem cell research because they say it is tantamount to "playing god"

Same for my field of molecular biology and genetic engineering.

>> No.3966171

Probably not. The primary advantage of adult over embryonic is that it's a lot cheaper.
Someone has not been reading the thread.
I'm not sure. Why don't you try?

>> No.3966174

1.Embryonic stem cell research has the massive hurdle of tissue rejection as well as accelerated tissue growth to deal with. Essentially, it grows into malignant tumors immediately, sucking up nutrients, as your body tries to reject it, killing you twice as fast.

2. ESCR has been linked (by the media, NOT SCIENTISTS) to the abortion debate, so politicians seen opposing ESCR are seen as pro-life, which many don't want to be. Not only that but ASC techniques involve getting the cells from donors, while ESCR can be cloned on assembly lines, so the profit potential for ESCR is much higher, even though they have almost no chance of actually coming out with a cure.

>> No.3966178

Why don't you give me some stem cells first?

>> No.3966185

That and adult stem cells have produced results.


You cant.

>> No.3966186

I know for a fact that's not true. Labs are generally cheap as fuck and don't want to use ESCs when they're not necessary. ASCs are usually donated.

The cloning part is also not true. The DNA is definitely clonable in about an afternoon, but it's impractical to clone whole cells over and over.

>> No.3966193

I can produce THOUSANDS of scientific papers documenting the success of adult stem cell research.

You, OP, give me one paper that shows a successful treatment in a human using ESCR.

And considering you work with adult stem cells, I'm surprised you're as retarded as you are.

>> No.3966194

ESCR was only legalized in 2009. That's nowhere near enough time to ethically determine a cure for a condition. My lab has been working on one major project since 2006, the other since 2007, and we JUST got around to a human model.

>> No.3966200

You still haven't given a single example of ESCR producing jack shit.

ASCR has cured AIDS and sickle cell anemia.

Point: ASCR

>> No.3966203

Wrong again. ESCR has been in use and studied in labs around the world since the mid 1980s and hasn't produced shit. Try harder.

>> No.3966210

I wasn't aware that there was a cure for AIDs and Sickle-cell...Why aren't afflicted people dancing around in the streets?

>> No.3966215


Is it just me or is this thread full of samefag.

>> No.3966218


>That and adult stem cells have produced results.

Not arguing for ESCR here but almost every stem cell paper I've read says "Success!" but it's more like "Hurray, it sort of worked!"

I just recently looked over one stating that they prolonged the life of mice with human-like gliomas. It was about a week or more extension and it required an invasive surgery to be effective.

That doesn't sound like a success to me.

I guess I shouldn't talk though. I'm for gene therapy and am probably going to do my postdoc revolving around it.

>> No.3966223

What kind of genetherapy? What vector are you using?

>> No.3966235


I'm not sure as of yet. Just started on my Ph.D which I'm aiming at aging research.

My undergrad institution has a good center for gene therapy mostly using AAV vector.

They recently "cured" some human-like blindness in dogs. Was a pretty good paper.

>> No.3966250

An Adeno-associated virus huh? Very nice. Personally I like retroviruses but AAVs are more predictable.

Have you thought about what you're going to do once you get your Doctorate?

>> No.3966261

Its not an instant cure all.

The procedure, boiled down the simplest possible terms, uses a bone marrow transplant from a donor with a delta-32 mutation on their macrophages so that they don't produce the CCR5 receptor that the HIV virus uses to bind to. Changing their blood type makes it impossible for the virus to bind, and it eventually gets processed out of their system. Its a bone-marrow transplant, essentially, so its not a shot you can just run around giving people, and its success rate at fully removing all traces of the virus from people is only around 80%

>> No.3966268

one postdoc after the next, i.e. total enslavement to the academic circus

>> No.3966269 [DELETED] 

According to someone I know, working towards a PhD in gene therapy is an utter waste of time.

>> No.3966281

whats the incidence of GvHD in the treated persons?

>> No.3966283

Why does your pic suck? Can't afford a decent camera? That's why you should have gotten a degree in mathematics and been someone.

>> No.3966275

Sounds better than nothing.

>> No.3966285

They offer PhDs in gene therapy? I thought that most people who did genetic engineering or gene therapy majored in Molecular Biology?

>> No.3966290

>my field of study is superior to your's hurpadurpa
>also >300k starting etc

>> No.3966292

I don't have the papers in front of me, so I won't bother making up statistics, however I feel like I would recall if they were high enough to make the treatment unsuitable.

>> No.3966308

cool reference brah
however Im inclined to think the same, at least the way it looks at the moment
giving enough time and progress in the field however the initial pitfalls and errors that were made may get overcome or at least the media will forget about them

>> No.3966316

Someone answer this^

What degree is best to pursue if I want to get into genetic engineering or stemcells?

>> No.3966327

molecular/cellular biology + some genetics
also some computational science stuff would help

>> No.3966328

I got a bachelor's in science, nothing special, but because of that and my lab experience I was hired by the pharmacogenetics department of a major pharma company. I mostly do DNA extraction and then analysis searching for SNPs in around 200 clinical trials.

>> No.3966331

Thanks. My current major is molecular biology.

>> No.3966337 [DELETED] 

Atta boy

>> No.3966350

so principally ur doing a TA's job
hows the pay?

>> No.3966358

Good shit.

Make sure you get a LOT of lab experience. For your senior year, go to all your professors and ask if you can be a lab assistant for one of their grad students. It will probably get you course credit and you can put it on your resume as lab experience which will help IMMENSELY in getting a job in the field. Plus it will be the easiest A you will get in all your years at college.

>> No.3966371

No, I'm not doing a TA's job. I mean, a TA or a grad student could do this easily, but I work in industry, so 75% of my job is paperwork and FDA bullshit. The pay is also pretty good for a starting position, but not great, roughly 40k a year. If I didn't love my job and the people I work with I might not be happy.

>> No.3966376

maybe unrelated but: how long do u need to study for ur PhD in the USA?

>> No.3966383

I heard about a military study where adult stem cells were being used to cure noise-induced tinnitus by coaxing them to repair and replace damaged cilia inside the cochlea.

Have you heard anything about it? The article I read said it might hit the civilian market in 3-5 years. I've only had tinnitus for a little over one year, and goddam is it ever annoying.

>> No.3966389

Its classified in class hours, and changes based on field, but its usually 4 more years after your original 4 undergrad. Masters is 2 years post-grad, but can take longer if you don't publish anything or aren't good at it.

>> No.3966396


>> No.3966402

Got tinnitus too, since like forever
Man up and deal with it, listening to noice/math rock may help

>> No.3966407

Sounds good. Would probably help alot of soldiers who have hearing loss caused by explosions and gunshots.

>> No.3966428
File: 166 KB, 900x900, 1311898402911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a problem
>man up and deal with it

You know what? No. Fuck you. I won't live with an aggravating physical disease. I want to cure it.

"Dealing with" (letting it progress) isn't manly at all. It's stupid.

>> No.3966449

Question for the OP or someone in the field:
Does the population of stem cells shrink with age? I know that most (all?) of them can undergo asymmetric cell divisions, principally replenishing the pool again, but what really happens over the course of a whole life span?

>> No.3966465

Stem cells replace and repair damaged tissue.

When we run out of stem cells, damaged tissue builds up, causing wrinkles, diabeetus, dementia, and all manner of aging symptoms. Then the damage is too much to continue functioning and we die.

Using our adult stem cells in a treatment is curing a disease in exchange for years of your life.

>> No.3966491

well I dont know the full story of the progression of ur tinnitus
the very beginning is very critical, especially when it all started after an acute hearing loss
seeing as u already have it for 1 year probably leaves u with no instant way to get rid of it
However I read that in some cases music therapy or biofeedback therapy can have some success, at least subjectively for the person to not experience it as irritating anymore or even to reduce the 'volume' of it

>> No.3966498

That's not at all how stem cells or aging works.

>> No.3966505

ok so the SC population does shrink.
How so? Is there a mechanism that makes them only do asymmetrical cell divisions in 99.9%? Or does accumulation of mutations play the major role?

>> No.3966512

all I learned from this thread is that babies are literal tumours.

>> No.3966813

My tinnitus is from chemical damage to my auditory nerve. I used Zyrtec as a daily anti-histamine, and apparently it's ototoxic (poisonous to the auditory nerves). I made the connection when within about half an hour of taking a pill, my tinnitus flared up to intolerable levels.

Stem cells are the only hope to repair nerve damage.

>> No.3966849

The latter.

Since the transcription of DNA is not perfect, every new generation of cells is slightly more dysfunctional. Eventually, the cells can't function, and death occurs.

>> No.3966858

How can one get an internship in research lab?

>> No.3967205

>adult stem cells
>heal skins, regrow organs

>embryonic stem cells
Isn't that because embryonic cells are the same as having your unborn twin merged with your own body, attempting to grow?

>> No.3967210

I have a question:
Why don't rich people store stem cells of their kids body parts, so that when the kid gets older they can be unfrozen and used to regrow and heal shit?

>> No.3967243
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It sounds to me that when they say
>You don't know what you are doing! Stop playing god!
they actually mean
>I have no idea what you are doing! Stop being smarter than me!

pic unrelated, but humerus.

>> No.3967247

What do you think "cord blood" really is?