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File: 170 KB, 1192x1636, EuropaOCEAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3957311 No.3957311 [Reply] [Original]

What type of life exists in Europa if it has water under the icy crust?

>> No.3957325

Well aquatic for one?
fuck I want to go investigate that shit so bad

>> No.3957330

The hypothetical kind.

But seriously, if there is some, it'll most probably be akin to the life we've found here on earth around the black smokers.

>> No.3957349 [DELETED] 

I highly recommend reading the book "The science of astrobiology"


very very interesting, gives reasonable scientific explanations to what might be living in Europa

>> No.3957366

Regardless if the ocean below the ice surface is liquid or not, there would be little reason to seek the surface since all it would provide is risk of pressure loss in a crack. The Europan world would be totally dark.

>> No.3957369

Find a spectroanalysis of Europa's surface ice.

If water, expect tentacles.

>> No.3957395

Easier said than done,
but a lot of evidence is pointing towards a liquid interior

>> No.3957431


>> No.3958466

So, what if we go there and there are a shit ton of fish and such, basically a copy of our ocean life, what then?

>> No.3958483


>> No.3958487

>The intense gravity from Jupiter causes "tidal flexing" which prevents all liquid accept the surface to freeze
>accept the surface

>> No.3958489

they can be our new fuel

>> No.3958490

wtfbbq convergent evolution is what.

>> No.3958492

>What type of life exists in Europa if it has water under the icy crust?
The not there type.

>> No.3958505

I bet there's huge whale like creatures without eyes who use sonar.

They obviously speak whale.

>> No.3958510

> What type of life exists in Europa if it has water under the icy crust?

Why, it would be Europaen life, anon

>> No.3958526

There is no life on Europa, you silly romantics.

>> No.3958535


Why do you think that?

>> No.3958540

That's not a very nice thing to say about life on Europa.

>> No.3958552

People used to think there was life on Venus and Mars. Mars turned out to be a vacuous desert instead of a inhabitated planet covered in canale. Venus turned out to be a hellish place of lava flows, acid rain, ridiculously high temperature, and crushing pressure instead of a planet covered in a hot, foggy rain forest. Europa will turn out to be a cold rocky sea instead of a cornucopia of undersea flora and fauna.

>> No.3958571

Europa has no life because it works too hard. Give it some time off and a chance to socialize and I'm sure it will come out of its shell...

>> No.3958576

First off, life on Mars isn't entirely ruled out yet.
Secondly: Yeah, you're probably right. But not *certainly* right.

>> No.3958590

If there is non-microbial life it's most likely completely blind.

>> No.3958591

There isn't life there... yet. Once we're fairly sure that there isn't life there, we'll drop terraforming fungi, bacteria, and plants.

>.0007 bar be damned!

>> No.3958633


Are you that angry simian guy? Get the fuck off the website reported.

You think it will just be an empty sea? really, SO FAR every single planet we've found that has water oceans will develop life.

>> No.3958667

We should send some bacteria there to jump start things then. Maybe in a couple thousand years there will be fish or something.

>> No.3958687

>dat dere sample size of ONE
>dat lack of evidence of life on mars

You're reporting people for what now?

>> No.3958696

For bacteria to fish, we're looking at hundreds of millions of years... provided said oceans are homologous to our oceans, which they aren't.

>> No.3958703

It'll be a bad fish with one eye

>> No.3958710



>> No.3958789


Are you saying there are liquid oceans on Mars?

>> No.3960539


The intense gravity from Jupiter causes "tidal flexing" which prevents all liquid accept the surface to freeze

>prevents to freeze all liquid accept the surface

Keep reading chap.

>> No.3960728

There was. Water vanished from the surface of mars after losing is magnetic field, because mars was too small, and too far away the Sun.

>> No.3960743
File: 68 KB, 576x561, 1313549075288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partially right. Mars was too small to retain its heat, and its magnetic field died as a result of the core cooling. However, it was this magnetic field loss COMBINED with the decline in volcanism and CO2 renewal from them that lead to an eventual blowing away and freezing out of the atmosphere and water.
There are still entire continent-sized regions of Mars that are 60% water ice by mass.

>> No.3960762

we might have better idea if we compromised Lake Vostok in Antarctica. (drilled down to see what's in this super-oxygenated liquid water lake thats been buried under miles of ice for 20 million years.)

>> No.3961429


Aren't the Russians sending a probe down in that lake later this year?

>> No.3963497

>dat feel when there's an intelligent species of fish that are just starting to craft weapons and tools out of rocks and ice.

>> No.3964357


feelin it

>> No.3964369

if there's life then it's just microbial

>> No.3964399
File: 15 KB, 423x237, aotd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3964441
File: 340 KB, 1070x707, Cham.makara.side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gods... and demons.

>> Chthulu

>> No.3964458

Communists, mostly.

>> No.3964556


And you would know this, wouldn't you?

>> No.3964603
File: 49 KB, 633x470, Princess_Ruto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their women will look a lot like ours but also entirely different. they will be sane, rational, funny, and not prone to drama or pointless arguments. the blue lightly glowing skin will be slimey but in a sexy warm lube kinda way. they will prefer human males who have fur on their necks. their vaginas are, like, totally amazing with all kinds of wild muscle contractions and super ribbed for his pleasure, super tight but also easy to get into. our human male penis's, even the smallest of them, will seem huge in comparison to europan males. their sexy voices oh damn. gill jobs like blowjobs but wilder. and they're so nice, they're just... really great you guys i'm going to marry one.

>> No.3964638
File: 16 KB, 360x270, kirks-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my body is ready

>> No.3964645

I like you.

>> No.3965619
File: 10 KB, 228x231, 123456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>gill jobs