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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3962724 No.3962724 [Reply] [Original]

>/sci/ in school

>> No.3962734
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>> No.3962737

yeah, pretty sure the wall hits in 3rd or 4th year.

>> No.3962798


Bullshit, if you don't study (independent learning) and just rely on lectures your bound to fail.

In my first year for my business management course the lectures were just absolutely balls, they were well done but you did learn much from them(relative to the necessary content of the course). They couldn't even get you a borderline pass. Too get an A in that test(it counted towards the overall mark, but it was about 150-200 tick box questions, so not an exam, an objective test) I had to learn 5 chapters, about 150 pages of a big ass text book on organizational behavior. A month later I had another exam on the next 5 chapters.

During the first test I had this weird Indian/English guy in front of me who I had seen at all the lectures but the mutherfucker didn't know jack shit because he tried to cheat the whole time, too the point where he was slapping my desk and giving me a thumbs up during the test; I assume to indicate for me to move my paper into his visible range.

Either way his ass got booted out the door for not studying, so the fact that you think you can get away with not studying AT ALL and still get a decent grade and not kicked is str8 up bullshit.

>> No.3962803

>In my first year for my business management course
opinion invalid.

>> No.3962820

For me it's more like
>don't study
>don't study

>> No.3962831

Man, my motivation really fell off as university went on.

>that feel when you have a shit third year and marks consequently aren't good enough to get into postgrad

Chemfag, btw.

>> No.3962834
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shouldn't you be ironing your tie right now?

>> No.3962842

>Bullshit, if you don't study (independent learning) and just rely on lectures your bound to fail.
>your bound to fail


>business management

Everything makes sense now.

>> No.3962855


Go fuck yourself you opinionated common fag, 2nd year Joint honors in economics and mathematics. Doing optional course in bizness man(1st n 2nd year) because its a very broad multidisciplinary subject which covers a lot of useful knowledge which will help me when I become a manager. I'm also leaving open the possibility of doing an MBA program which has some very lucrative prospects.

Suck it.

>> No.3962871

>struggling with first year business class
>confirmed for retard

>> No.3962874

>grade school
>high school
Fuck this shit.

>> No.3962887 [DELETED] 

chemfag here also

fucking 3rd and 4th years hit a serious wall and become extra dumb

>real degree

>> No.3962880


Story of my life

>> No.3962899

>common fag

>honors in economics and mathematics



>> No.3962904

MBA is for technical people to learn the things one learns in an undergrad business degree. if you already have an undergrad business degree, every hiring manager will automatically think you are a moron if you also have an MBA

>> No.3962911

>highschool grades
N/A dropped out
>reading college books in the 3 years I'm out of education
>externally sat highschool exam grades
>college 1st year exams
>college 2nd year - get put forward into 3rd and 4th year classes - grades
>college 3rd year, 4th year and grad classes
>college 4th year, all grad classes

you jelly that I've been constantly ahead of the game because I took three years out to study non stop

>> No.3962918


We're all incredibly jelly that you're three years behind.

>> No.3962925

i actually dont study that much in the tests of highschool and i get not-so-good-marks but passable. then i study with time, and at my rythm and errything is okay.

>> No.3962926


Got an A, although secondary band wasn't that good cause I never finished anything in time, at least during the first module, played the dyslexia card and now I have all day for some tests LOL.

Either way I bet half of you guys don't even go to university, boards like /sci/ and /fit/ if viewed from afar are seen as dick measuring competitions. Instead of actually talking about the subject of the board the majority of the posters talks about the social implications of demonstrating adeptness of what the boards subject is about. This is why /fit/ spend all their evenings laughing at stories about fat people and /sci/ spend all their time laughing at sociologists.

Personally I have always believed that people who spend their time bringing down other people are doing so because they don't have the ability to prove themselves to be impressive human beings so they just try and cut everyone else down so they look a bit better.

Enjoy reality.

>> No.3962927

First year engineering. Got 10-15 percent above class average on my first two midterms doing just assignments and a bit of studying before tests. If I were to hit a wall like uni-troll-face, would it have happened by now?

>> No.3962932

I got a masters degree at the end with good reccomendations from my whole school
I wouldn't say I'm behind, I'd guess it would take more than 2 years to build up that reputation

>> No.3962933

I'm taking two years out to study.
The first few months were devoted to deciding what I want to do, the rest has been full on mathematics and physics.

>> No.3962944
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>Personally I have always believed that people who spend their time bringing down other people are doing so because they don't have the ability to prove themselves to be impressive human beings so they just try and cut everyone else down so they look a bit better.
Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.3962951


I hardly believe the poofy little undergrad business management course I'm doing will compare to a post grad mba and I want to get into a really good school. I'm in a top 100 university right now but its not comparable to an ivy league university or a foreign equivalent.

>> No.3962958 [DELETED] 
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mfw the only boards i lurk are /fit/ and /sci/...........and sometimes /x/ for dat creepy pasta, hence the shitty reaction face. I assure you it looks sad underneath.

>> No.3962963

PROOF that MITfags exist here

all of you faggots who think people are actually autistic enough to fake it - THERE'S PROOF

>> No.3962969

Undergrad, /yawn.

>> No.3962970
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>> No.3962973

dat goalpost.

>> No.3962974

implying we thought there wasn't anyone bored to death in great unis or schools, including myself.

>> No.3962986

exception that proves the rule

Most people here are high schoolers that haven't even gotten to calculus yet and are "legion" so they spout the same crap over and over again: throwing rocks at other majors/lifestyles.

Take out the college degree bashing threads and the religion threads and actual math and science is rarely talked about on here. Not to mention that the pic could always be fake.

>> No.3962994



where do you work, or are you in grad school?

>> No.3962998

You seem butthurt and insecure about your easy major.

>> No.3963001

are you a feynman

>> No.3963003

>You seem butthurt and insecure

>> No.3963004
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Yes that clearly must be the case.

>> No.3963007

>Take out the college degree bashing threads and the religion threads and actual math and science is rarely talked about on here.
I'm not the guy that you're talking to, but I come to /sci/ and have no idea what to talk about. I hate conjecture so that leaves regular undergrad material which I don't need /sci/ for. Feels emtpy, man.

>> No.3963017


>> No.3963021

Do you understand the word most?

>> No.3963028
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MIT master race reporting in!

>> No.3963031


>> No.3963042
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The lack of a proper time stamp makes me suspicious

>> No.3963047

Here's my story (Environmental Engineering)

High school, I didn't study much at all. I studied before exams, did all my homework, but spent most of my time doing various activities like wrestling on our team, and several outdoor sports. I maybe devoted 1-2 hours a day to homework and studying. I took some honors courses, and 2 AP classes senior year. Graduated #33 out of 220 students.

University Undergrad: School ranked top 30-50 chosen because it had a high girl to guy ratio, looked nice, and had a decent program less important at the time). Still finish all my homework assignments, but because they take longer I study more. Tests cover more material, so I also spend more time studying. I party every weekend, but do some work during the day. Freshman year I treat like high school, sophomore year with chemical engineering thermodynamics (a weed out class) I begin to work much harder. I develop good study skills in my Junior and Senior year. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior years I had a GPA of 3.1, 3.3, 3.7, and 3.9 GPA each year, respectively. Graduate in top 30%

Graduate (Masters):
Work my ass off. Study very hard, not much time for fun. Put insane hours into lab. All A's, 3.9 GPA when graduating.

Graduate (PhD)
At one of the top 3 programs in the country. Students are so talented it makes me sick. Grading is more difficult. Struggling to make grades and need to put in extra effort just to maintain an average grade. Still working hard but a little tired of classes. Luckily, only 6 classes to go if I can stay in the program.

>> No.3963049

Post with timestamp and I will be a bit jelly

>> No.3963054
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I second this

Not gonna believe >>3963028 and >>3962944 until I see some time stamps

>> No.3963056

how did you get in?

what is the trick?

>> No.3963071

Sounds a lot like me actually, high school pretty easy, although I did put in the little bit of work that was necessary. Freshman year pretty much the same, spend more time partying than studying. Sophomore year is a bit of a wake up call as I can't simply coast and get easy A's. When real classes come junior/senior yeah have to really work, and learn how to study and work effectively. Now PhD work is pretty brutal at times, but I know how to manage my time, and its more rewarding in the end as well.

>> No.3963101

>Grade school

Coast, Average marks

>High School

Get depression from most of my family dying in a car crash and drop out.


This is bullshit

>High School again, can't remember shit so study all day erry day

Manage to get enough points to get into a Nanoscience course that absolutely breaks my balls


Studying 12 hours a day erry day and still most of the stuff flies over my head, but continue to get good grades regardless. I don't understand shit, I just spew facts.

>> No.3963110

Did you go straight from undergrad to PhD?

>> No.3963152

I love being the old man in school. Top of the class because I study the most and don't worry about the bullshit 18yo's do.

>> No.3963161

Graduated high school with a 3.87 GPA

Went to uni.

Because I had absolutely no study habits or discipline, I skipped classes. the piling workload stressed me out so I stayed in my dorm room the entire time. This led to depression, which led to me failing out.

Now I'm attending community college, taking baby steps right now (12 hours this first semester). I need to get some study habits. Though I've been doing my homework thanks to my adderall/vyvanse prescriptions, I still haven't gotten into a routine.

I've been up for 54 hours straight.

My calculus I (fuck off, taking it as a refresher for Calc II) tests grades are thus far: 90 (algebra review I completely neglected to study for), 101, 100, 97 (it turns out that there is a critical value when the derivative is undefined and I didn't know that)

>> No.3963174

Read your grades before the rest of your post.

> 101

must be in a community college.

>Now I'm attending community college


>> No.3963177

>Grade School
No studying, get As
>Middle School
No studying, get As
>High School
Progressively more studying until senior year to maintain As
Are you all telling me you didn't take any advanced classes or foreign language classes, or was your high school just easy level (aka dumbed down).

>> No.3963185

>implying getting a bachelor's at MIT is even a remotely good idea
Say hello to debt. (unless you're a minority or something)

>> No.3963190

I'd actually be studying more if University wasn't so easy right now. The fact that mid terms are basically 25 multiple choice questions for the most part (some having some small written part) makes it easy to get an A just by studying the solutions of previous mid terms.

1st year is basically a repeat of what I did in high school with some new insight. Maybe 2nd term.

>> No.3963193


>implying I would go back to university before acquiring good academic discipline only to acquire another $20,000 in debt

>> No.3963196


>any Ivy school I want
>full ride starting

>> No.3963204 [DELETED] 

i went to a ghetto public school and out of ~2000 in my class only 15 got over 90% average. hs was a joke for me and did not adequately prep me for uni, got a 2.6 in my first year, wised up in the 2nd and got 3.7, now in 3rd year aiming for a 4.0

go hard nigger

>> No.3963203

I hate you. Being a middle class white male sucks. I have to work hard in other areas while you do not.

>> No.3963306

>implying that using amphetamines is the same as acquiring good academic discipline

>> No.3963375

Are you me?
It pisses me off so much when I hear about faggots in my CS classes who talk about how they took Java programming in high school. If they had any classes like that in high school, i would've been all over that shit.

>> No.3963386

Shit, I'm Hispanic and I still don't know how to get in on these so called full rides. It's an illusion or something.

>> No.3963396

Your grades aren't good enough and you aren't poor enough

>> No.3963405

>implying implications which I did not imply

The amphetamines are a great tool, but I have to learn the discipline and work ethic on my own.

That's what's killing me right now. Any tips? Is it really just "man the fuck up and get your shit done"?

>> No.3963411

I'm not sure about the grades but my 3.0 didn't net me anything extra AFAIK. I'm plenty poor though (lol $15 biweekly for food).

>> No.3963429

holy shit are you me?
Except I don't take meds, and I don't stay up for 54 hours straight (anymore, that's part of the reason I fucked up big time at uni)

I'm heading back to my real uni next semester, after this last semester at my community college. Even though I've lost my full ride scholarship, I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.3963456

>I don't stay up for 54 hours straight (anymore, that's part of the reason I fucked up big time at uni)
The only reason I seem to have to stay up is to write essays for various gen eds. I have downs when it comes to writing; like today I've been trying to do this four page analysis/comparison essay for 10 hours now with little to show for it.

>> No.3963461

Not the guy you were responding to, btw.

>> No.3963465

i have no concentration power. generally if i need to study for something, it's a day long event. i can't switch subjects the entire day. i'll go to the library and then study for 10 to 15 minutes, then have to get up and walk around campus for about 15 minutes. then i'll find a different library and study for another 10-15 minutes. that is my method.

>> No.3963469

>4 pages
>10 hours

Get off 4chan?
I can write a 15-page paper in that amount of time

>> No.3963476

i also disable my internet when writing essays, and get the fuck off 4chan.

>> No.3963481

i know that feel, fucking general ed bullshit

fuck you niggardly pie man, if the paper isn't remotely science-related it's nearly impossible to write it

>> No.3963489

All but one of the sources are e-books. ^^ But yeah, the Internet is seriously distracting, and if I weren't crazy sick I might've gone up to one of the university's libraries. I suppose that it's one of those "deal with it" moments.

>> No.3963494

You are just retarded. What is the topic?

>> No.3963503

>You are just retarded
And you, Sir, are a niggard.

>> No.3963523

Not that guy again, but my topic (without being too specific) is comparing and contrasting two fictional british detectives from the latter half of the 19th century and how the changes in society affected the transformation those detectives.

>> No.3963532

undergrad required writing course

last paper was personal descriptive, min of 6 pages

completely inane

>> No.3963738

I know I'm responding hours later, but yeah went straight into a PhD program. No reason to waste any time after undergrad.

>> No.3963745

how obnoxious. what was the question's wording?

>> No.3963770

amphetamine-addicted math/physics double major here.


I know next to nothing about academia. Correct me if I'm wrong but as I understand it it goes like this: the most common graduate degree is a Master's, but one is not required to participate in a Doctorate program. If you do a Doctorate, you'll receive that degree along with what is essentially the equivalent of a Master's.


>> No.3963779

It's fine, I just finished something else and literally got on here 5 minutes ago. I simply wouldn't have made it into a good PhD program from undergrad. Had a 3.42 GPA, 3.52 major GPA. The minimum is about 3.5 for decent PhD programs and I simply didn't have it then.

>> No.3963784

That sounds about right. But I'm sure some universities have exceptions to that.

>> No.3963796
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>3.5 minimum gpa for doc program
Well shit.

>> No.3963797

I was writing 10 page research papers and doing calculus in middle school, yet now I'm a college dropout.

>> No.3963799

I had about the same GPA, but 2 years of undergrad research with a thesis, some killer letters of recommendation, and good GRE scores, so I still managed to get into a really good program. Research just matters so much more to grad schools than grades or test scores since they want to know that you'll actually be able to finish a thesis project. And I really knew I wanted to do this, and would have hated wasting time working on a masters first.

>> No.3963814

I definitely wouldn't say 3.5 min. I'd say 3.0 is the bare minimum to be at all considered and not immediately have your application thrown out. You better have some other qualifications that stand out to balance out the gpa if its in the 3.0-3.5 range but it can definitely be done

>> No.3963822

can you rehabilitate a bad undergrad gpa with a good masters program GPA?

>> No.3963830

heh, I chose a slightly longer route and did a masters degree with research, and got a very high GPA. It all leads to the same end so it's all good. I couldn't imagine myself doing research when I was an undergrad, so I never had worked in a lab before.

Please read above. There are options like the ones I chose.

>> No.3963840

That's exactly what I did. I had a 3.42 GPA undergrad, and a 3.9 GPA grad in a masters program before moving onto my PhD.

Keep in mind, I also did absolutely everything in my power to gain an advantage over other applicants. For example, I flew myself across the country and Skyped with professors at foreign institutions to meet each potential adviser before I began applications.

>> No.3963848

Yeah I was really lucky to get exposed to research as an undergrad, and really liked it, had a great adviser who made it seem like a great path to keep following. So it ended up being and easy choice for me to go right on with the PhD.

>> No.3963856

one problem seems to be that you only have 1 year under your belt before you begin applications. is that even enough time to prove anything, or did you wait to finish first?

>> No.3963882

I finished my masters degree in 2 years. I also have 2 papers in review now that will hopefully turn into publications, and that certainly helps on an application. But you bring up a good point about a 1 year master's program. In engineering at least no one I know did it in a year. The quickest was 1.5 years, and the average was 2.

>> No.3963906

no; I understand a 2 year program is standard, but don't you usually have to apply to PhD programs well in advance? You complete year one, then apply in October of year 2, to finish up and have the following year start your phd track.

otherwise, if you apply after you get your masters, you're sitting on your ass for a year.

>> No.3963952

You'd be surprised by how much you can do in a year. Take 3 courses a semester if you can, and warm up to your adviser to receive very personal recommendations. Try to go to a conference or symposium and present a paper. Send potential advisers a powerpoint of some of your research results and a short description of your current research project. Explain how their interests line up with what you're doing or how what you're currently doing will at least prepare you for work on their projects...etc. These things can help initiate a meeting with a potential adviser before the application process, or give you an overall impressive application.

>> No.3963973

Hey guys, sophomore in high school here (yeah, yeah underageb& whatever), All of my classes are preap, except for one, which is AP. Really, by junior or senior year all of my classes are slated to be AP. My weighted GPA is something like 3.9 I think, putting me at 2.9 for unweighted. How fucked am I, exactly?

Really just looking for some guidance here.

>> No.3964007


>putting me at 2.9 for unweighted

really fucked

>> No.3964106

Colleges look for improvement and trends, too. If you take a bunch of APs and do really well in your junior year, colleges will acknowledge that.

>> No.3964209

You are my hero. i'm trying to do this.

>>Dropped out at 16,ran away from home, traveled the country, went on adventures, met people, lived life. >>Came back home to start a career, studied Math up to calc I, physics, chemistry, writing, and more.
>>Going to CC and acing everything, Since i've learned it already.
>>Hoping like crazy it will be enough to get into good Uni.

>> No.3964309


let me guess, you're on of those fucking morons who thinks he's better than other people because he dropped out and "learned about life"?

>> No.3964334

no one cares about weighted GPAs

>> No.3964339

>junior school
>high school
engineering slapped me in the face a bit but im clinging in there with a 3.4ish

>> No.3964341

Nobody important cares about GPA's at all.

>> No.3964342

Doesn't matter what kind of genius you are, in med school if you don't study, you don't pass.

Maybe in math/physics you can get by without studying at all if you're some autistic savant.

>> No.3964354


Med school is just memorisation.

>> No.3964360


I prefer calling it application of knowledge.

>> No.3964362


yeah, no.

>> No.3964368


Can't perform operations with equations.

>> No.3964371


what are you talking about

>> No.3964381

Nope. No hubris here. In some ways i regret what i did, simply because it has set me back academically, and now i will have to bust my ass to have a chance at a stable life. In other ways i don't regret it, as it has made me the person i am, and that person is now ready to start a career.

I did learn a lot about life, and people, hardship, struggle. I don't hold anything against people who did the traditional route, as they had the ability to want to avoid these things without needing to experience them. I personally needed the adventure to build my character, and now i am satisfied with who i am: something couldn't have said about myself in the HS days.

I don't think i am better than anyone for doing what they are supposed to, but rather the opposite, that i fear not being able to catch up to them. I have to climb twice as far to make up for my academic shortcomings and prove i can do it, more than a person who graduated from HS with a 4.0 and a bank of AP classes and sat scores.

>> No.3964409 [DELETED] 
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>mfw waiting for a call that will determine whether I can start Uni this year (late by a month already)

>> No.3964427


As a non-American, I wonder, how hard is it to get into MIT?

Is it as hard as getting into Oxbridge for example?

To get into Oxbridge you need A* in everything, and good grades in extension examinations AEA or STEP which are tough problems and also relevant extracurricular activities.

>> No.3964520


> and also relevant extracurricular activities.


>> No.3964559

Are you saying you don't need extracurricular activities?

>> No.3964600

>grade school
>high school

Makes no fucking sense, but who the fuck cares.

>> No.3964607

>Most people here are high schoolers that haven't even gotten to calculus yet and are "legion" so they spout the same crap over and over again: throwing rocks at other majors/lifestyles.
This is /sci/, not /b/.

>> No.3964613


The closest I got to extracurricular activities were foreign languages and weightlifting. Everything else I did was just physics and maths. Oxbridge don't care.

>> No.3964621

>grade school
Who the fuck remembers what they got in grade school?

>high school
Cs and Ds


>grad school

>> No.3964696

UPDATE: 1.5 hours until the essay is due and I'm only at page 3 of 4. I hate how I'm alot more productive as the deadline approaches. Well...I started to write bullshit...so whatever...

>> No.3964708

The greatest problem with writing, beyond the extremely long period of time it takes me to write them, is that they cut into my science studying time; I haven't studied at all this week (classes started on Wednesday due to holiday break). It really sucks and it's putting me way behind on my important classes. I think I'll ignore the rest of my gen eds if possible and just focus on pure science next semester.

>> No.3964713
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Swede here. I've always been horribly average.

>> No.3964856 [DELETED] 

Sigh, I could only reach 3.5 of 4 pages. LOL, fuck.

>> No.3964871

>Grade School
No idea
Never studied but got A's in exams and C's on assignments so B average
Barely study getting A's on exams and C+/B- on assignments

>> No.3964872

>1-6 grade
never got grades

>7-8 grade

>high school
As, consistently got a B+ in language/english despite being a pretty good writer 3.8 GPA

As so far, 3.9 GPA

>> No.3964904

Fucking faggots

All of you are obessed with grades
You go to university to learn, not to show how good you are.

>> No.3964961

Grades reflect how much you have learned

>> No.3964985

Im so jelly, my BA from the middle of the road tech uni isn't looking too good right about now :(

>> No.3965004


Grades reflect how well you can kiss ass and learn what they tell you to learn. It is in no indication of how much you have learned.

For example, a person with a 2.5 gpa may have done poorly on tests, but he has been using his time to apply that knowledge to the real world, while also learning things that were not being tested.

In the long run, Person B has learned more and helped society more than Person A who just selfishly, and lonesomely stayed in his hut reading books that the professor told him to in order to get a 4.0

>> No.3965011

High school
straight As

1st university - Computer Science, master degree
As (interesting courses), Bs (easy but uninteresting), Cs (hard and uninteresting), Ds + Es (memorization of uninteresting facts)

2nd university - management, bachelor degree
As and Bs, occasionally Ds and Es (uninteresting mandatory courses)

>> No.3965016

I went to university to have fun. Is it wrong?

>> No.3965096

You want to feel bad? Go onto the forums at collegeconfidential.com, specifically to "what are my chances". Everyone on that site is way above average and they're all worried about admissions. Here are some typical posts as application deadlines approach:



>> No.3965102

>1st year
>Straight A's, thinking you're the smartest thing in the world
>2nd year
>Half class has dropped out, "it will never happen to me!", A's and B's
>Third year
>Straight C's with ocassional A, terribly uncoordinated research project and me contemplating if I really want to do many more years of this shit

Didn't even apply to honours, fuck it.

>> No.3965125

Poorly at best, and often not at all.

>> No.3965146

grades are the necessary product of education. it's the only way to justify institutionalising it. if you're smart you'll go to college to learn, not for grades and not for a job.

>> No.3965157

Fucking second year was the hardest year in university. When you just start the shit is easy enough to pass without having to study, so you do good, and as you get near the end, you're at the point where you've gotten your shit together, and you're actually putting in the time and effort, hence you're also getting good grades. 2nd-3rd year is shithouse because it's the transition between those 2 states. I failed a fucking paper.

>> No.3965161

Dropped my superiority complex a couple of years ago. Feels okay, man.

>> No.3965170

good job, you've reached maturity level 2

99.9% of the people on the internet have failed at this.

>> No.3965183 [DELETED] 
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>i'm not even mad

>> No.3965241

>Primary School
No idea.
>High School
Mixture of A's, B's and C's depending on the class.
>Year 12
Whole lot of fuck happened. D in one class, Three C's and a B in science
>University - First year
Managed to scrape into an Arts degree, proceeded to fail 6 out of the 7 classes I attempted that year.
>University - Second year
Got a second chance. Got help from uni disability services. One Distinction, 5 credits and a pass.

>> No.3965248

I don't study, and I have a 3.95. My major is Statistics with a minor in math.

>> No.3965262

>don't study
>almost 4.0 GPA
Why? How?
>major in statistics
Oh that's why.

>> No.3965286
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wow. you must be terribly stupid.

>> No.3965309

How must I be terribly stupid?

>> No.3965326

>Managed to scrape into an Arts degree

>> No.3965330

Yes at a university, not a community college or shit.

And that barely reflects on my intelligence. The arts degree is a stepping stone while I am recovering from the fuck that was my year 12.

>> No.3965333


Art isn't necessarily easy, you know. Like, drawing/sketching. You should try to hang out around /ic/ sometime.


Stats/probability is my bane. I love mathematics, but dat statistics. Fucking hard.

>> No.3965342

Im not even focusing on Visual Arts. I have done a few of the classes, but whenever you mention Arts, people assume that. Not the history, business, theology, philosophy, psychology, economics, languages, communications etc you can do within an Arts degree.

Frustrating really.

>> No.3965344

Yeah, man. Reading is so hard. Why don't people get that?

>> No.3965347

I don't deny it isn't the same as a science degree or such, but you assume all I am able to do is an Art degree.

>> No.3965372

I often wonder how you retards are still allowed to go to university while I autodidactically research philosophy of science and theoretical physics in my spare time but haven't been accepted into university because I had a nervous breakdown at the age of 16 and flunked college.

>> No.3965383

Go back? Most unis have tests for people who flunked. If you are as smart as you say you are, you should have no trouble

>> No.3965384


'autodidactically', now there's a $50 word if I ever saw one...

>> No.3965405
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I am envious, bro.

>> No.3965420

Early secondary school: Didn't study, got mediocre grades
Late secondary school: Studied a bit more, got decent grades. Regretted not doing anything whatsoever earlier on (didn't even pass cum-laude, because I only actually did something for the last 6 months of high school)
First year university: Had to take several courses that I just didn't care about at all, so that reduced my GPA. Good grades for the courses I was interested in. Even though my mathematical background was practically non-existent (no knowledge of calculus, and barely any algebra), I managed to ace all my calculus and econometrics courses.
Second year university: Courses were more interesting, and more challenging. My grades went up a bit, because I studied more (and enjoyed doing so).
Third year: First half of this year was tough as hell, but I got through it and even got an 8.5/10 as my lowest grade, and I even got two 10/10. Second half of this year was a complete joke, because I studied in Singapore, and their university is hilariously easy/shitty when it comes to Economics. Graduated Cum Laude, but unsatisfied with my GPA, because I shouldn't have been such a lazy bum in my first year.
First course-block Research Master: Holy hell, I don't know what's going on. Studies have suddenly turned into mathematics (real analysis, topology, etc). No free time whatsoever, and I'm expecting my grades to fall a bit. Hope it's still above 7/10, so that I can raise my average later on and graduate Cum Laude.

In other words, studied more as the material got harder and more interesting, and my grades generally went up at the same time. Right now, I'm expecting to see a dip in my grades, due to the unexpected great increase in the level of difficulty.

>> No.3965475

Yeah, I dropped my superiority complex after I got into university. I used to brag to my classmates how smart and talented I was, which didn't make me many friends. But after high school, I got into one of the best programs in the world where other students are nearly as smart as I am. I got 3 highly competitive scholarships that only the very top students receive and although I didn't check, I'm sure in the top 10% of my class right now. I don't feel the need to brag about myself anymore, because I already made it to the top of the top based on natural talent. It's a relief to finally drop that pretentious attitude.

>> No.3965482

Is this sarcasm I see before me?

>> No.3965485
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>business management

>> No.3965491

You still have a superiority complex. A huge one, at that. Very, very huge.

>> No.3965501
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>Business Management

I didn't study until upper division courses.

I went to class.

>> No.3965507


He has to define himself by these fluffy achievements because he sucks at everything else, most notably social relationships (probably because he's insufferable in person...).

>> No.3965514

I would say he is a troll.

>> No.3965516

>college this college that blah blah blah

You college kids look to me like high-schoolers look to you. Fucking childish. Get your master's, spend 5 years working and you'll understand.

>> No.3965521

You dropped the superiority complex IRL and took it online.

>> No.3965523


If I wanted to work, I wouldn't be in university.

>> No.3965525

I'm a bad troll. I already feel guilty for some light-hearted trolling.


>> No.3965544
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Will we be in danger when Betelgeuse goes supernova?

>> No.3965781

This was a very informative thread. Thanks /sci/

>> No.3966313
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I never studied up through and including college

>Primary School
No idea except for the vivid memories of get 99% in mathematics but the fucking teacher REFUSED to move up up to upper level mathematics because 99% isn't a perfect 100%. (I was multiplying numbers in kindergarten, 4 years before they tried to teach me it and intuitively discovered, on my own, complement (10's) subtraction by addition..)[/jaded]

>Middle school 1st year
Didn't give much shit
A's in Math and Science
F's in Music (teacher was out to get me)
B-A's everywhere else

>Middle school 2nd year
A's in honor Algebra I
Getting in fights and general school trolling got me expelled so I never got any other grades

>High School Years 1 & 2
Still expelled
A'AA+++'s in Playing Video Game all day long and doing whatever the fuck I want all night long.

>HS Junior and Senior Years
Fucking freed of the asshole psychologist that kept rallying that my expulsion remain in effect
Trigonometry A
Honors Calculus A
Chem and AP Chem A
Honors Physics A
Everything else A

>University - First year
Didn't know what to do, took default courses
English 101 W
American Politics B+
Everything else A

>University - Second year
Still can't decide what to major in so overload and all take 2nd year chem/physics/math/CompE courses
B+ in Honors Organic Chem and EE lab
A's in everything else

>University - 3rd/4th years
Fuck decided; major in Physics, Math, CompE
A's everywhere with 23~ credit course load every semester

>> No.3966334

>Fuck decided;
should be
>Fuck deciding;

>> No.3966330

Didn't study and got A's
Didn't study and got A's and B's
Study for like 2 hours and get A's

>> No.3966339

Pic is incorrect. I didn't start wearing propeller caps until high school.

>> No.3966353

I'm second year EE and this is happening to me now. Unimaginable amount of bullshit.

>> No.3966355
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>He thinks anyone on here gives a shit about his life story