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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 256x256, NASAcutoff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3960485 No.3960485 [Reply] [Original]


NASA isn't just losing its manned program. It's shutting down permanently. Curiosity will be launched, but every other mission is canceled, including all orbital observatories, even if they aren't finished.

The empire falls from gluttony and hedonism.

>> No.3960517

Don't worry, bro. We'll just turn all that government "waste" into corporate "profit" and the world will be infinitely better. Well, better for the CEOs and bankers, but they're the people that move the economy, right? Right?

>> No.3960577


>> No.3960587

This. OP clearly isn't thinking outside the box.

>> No.3960597

You do realize that the private sector will not do anything risky aka science. Governments have always funded scientific research which is a lot of getting things wrong and testing.

Corporations are not interested in making mistakes because it leads to LOSS OF PROFITS.

The private sector will not fund anything that is cutting edge or has no immediate profit capabilities.

>> No.3960600

Rome is burning, yet the flames are silent. Rampant poverty, the eviction of the middle class, and financial behavior bordering on criminal. Rome is burning, lets move to Canada, eh?

>> No.3960601

this doesn't make any sense, for a number of reasons, not the least of which is political. I don't know if you've noticed, but there's a big election coming up. Doing this would be massively unpopular, especially in florida, which is an important swing state that the president needs to win.

The author, who is also the only source for this story, is a pretty fanatical guy who's been wrong about things in the past, and is pretty right wing. This seems like a pretty baseless partisan attack to me.

I wouldn't believe it until we get independent confirmation from an unbiased news source.

>> No.3960603
File: 7 KB, 216x274, chaitin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize you are incapable of understanding sarcasm, right?

>> No.3960623

you have fallen victim to the pyramid scheme we are all getting fucked with, what's the point in handing over cutting edge technology so that it can turn a private profit... If we're in a deficit, we should socialize revenues, hell, fund medical marijuana testing...

>> No.3960625

You do realize the comment wasn't just aimed at you personally it was aimed at the people you satire.

>> No.3960632

I don't realize that, no.

>> No.3960637

Holy shitstix, that image is getting better and better.

>> No.3960642

I literally sobbed OP
My dream is to work for NASA, and it's slowly becoming less and less likely

>> No.3960648

I know that feel.

>> No.3960649

Thanks for this post.
Things are becoming clear after reading.

>> No.3960656
File: 23 KB, 403x361, zimbabwe-money-bread-boy-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never say never. Are you good at pleasing muslims? You might still have a chance.

>> No.3960659

Zubrin is conservative?

>> No.3960672
File: 61 KB, 600x410, 1303317433416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like mild right libertarian. He still believes government has a big necessary role in space exploration.

Awwwh thanks, I'm the OP of the 2nd and this thread and I've been editing the image.

>> No.3960680

> The empire falls from gluttony and hedonism.

What have I been telling you guys?

The empire is gearing up to do pretty much one thing: Fight the Resource Wars. There are no Muzzies sitting on top of oil deposits in space, so space will be abandoned.

> I literally sobbed OP

Squirt more tears, punk. Why didn't you know this was coming? There were two major indications:

1. IT HAPPENED BEFORE. Apollo was shut down and torn down and forgotten, just to feed the "imperial entanglement" of the Viet Nam War and the Oil Crisis.

2. There was a general retreat from manned spaceflight happening in the West. I call it the Robot Fetish. NASA fucks became to believe more and more that robots could perform missions, not people. That's the most fucked up thing imaginable, since explorations serve no purpose whatsoever if YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO SEND PEOPLE. And people themselves are the most adaptable explorers.

Instead of sitting there sobbing like some usual feminized male, why not start changing your life so that you can do something about this? Don't vote for that Kenyan /\/igger again, for starters!

>> No.3960681

There's always the RSA or the ESA

>> No.3960685

he writes for pajamas media pretty regularly, and national review and other conservative political outlets occasionally too.

>> No.3960686
File: 45 KB, 600x179, 1308571430545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bigots, only white nerds give one shit about space

>> No.3960693

Fuck off, don't make this about immigration or race because it isn't. It's about retarded financial policies and the rich in power making decisions that benefit them rather than their nation.

>> No.3960699

obama is going to lose horribly regardless, worst president since nixon.

>> No.3960703

>because it isn't

You're quite naive, aren't you? You think the billions we waste on pointless welfare mean nothing? Sure, corruption is garbage, but if you honestly think "gangstas" care about science, you should go shoot yourself.

Only ones I ever see caring about this stuff is white and asian guys.

>> No.3960710
File: 25 KB, 539x422, BSCMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How interesting, tell me more.

>> No.3960714


How interesting, one mulatto who has never made any actual scientific publications other than POP sci? Tell me more.

>> No.3960716
File: 144 KB, 680x955, mariomypic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.3960718


Surely you understand how numbers work? One guy isn't an exception to everything.

>> No.3960732

>One guy isn't an exception to everything.

I knew this really smart black guy once, hence they're all smart. You're just a bigot.

>> No.3960737

> lol bigots, only white nerds give one shit about space

There's some truth in that. As Whites drop from the majority to the leading minority, a lot of things that mattered to Whites before just won't happen anymore. Of course, a lot of things were part of an expanding technological civilization, which is how we've created a lot of the wealth that we have. So much of THAT will stop too.

>> No.3960739


But don't you see, even if the West is gone, scientific progress will MAGICALLY continue. You're just a bigot. Simply disregard that the West were the first ones to care about science or space exploration, and it makes sense.

>> No.3960742

SpaceX, Asia, and Europe will pick up where NASA left off, right? Right?

>> No.3960745

Yeah, about that one...

Europe isn't doing too good right now.

>> No.3960746


Maybe, though probably not. Those agencies aren't doing anything important at all, just sitting around really. They're also very unfunded.

>> No.3960748


Europe is doing worse than us, actually. I wouldn't be surprised to see some civil wars soon.

>> No.3960750
File: 398 KB, 1000x768, 1309273175272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China has an ambitious road map. Maybe.

>> No.3960752

Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.3960753

But 'tychonaut' sounds crap.

>> No.3960755


China's space potential is grossly overrated. They're just doing it for show(exactly how they build entire ghost cities with no one living in them), in actuality they're doing less than the ESA is.

>> No.3960758

They also get a shitload less money than ESA.
In fact, in all aspects, ESA is 2nd behind NASA. And they're about to take over 1st place on the exploration aspect.

>> No.3960760
File: 63 KB, 610x610, 1260654063395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god, if I have my glorious magic sci-fi bullshit future ruined by corporate fat cats and sleazy, sociopathic politicians I am going to flip my shit.

>> No.3960761

If you're referring to chinese astronauts, the term is taikonaut.

>> No.3960763


That's not exactly a good thing. the ESA is doing fuckall. If they're first, that's fucking depressing.

>> No.3960764
File: 194 KB, 400x350, Africa_gurren_lagann_glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right. This guy is a young, white bigot who doesn't give a damn about poverty. All he wants to do is build a FUCKING SPACE SHIP IN HIS BACKYARD!

That guy is awesome.

>> No.3960766


I also tried to build a spaceship in my backyard once... it didn't work

>> No.3960771

> But 'tychonaut' sounds crap.

Chinkonaut? Astrochink?

I agree with the other poster about their "space program" just being for show. After all, what space program is otherwise? A space program is a nation showing the length of its tech penis to other nations that would care. It's not for actually DOING anything useful, for fuck's sake! This is what violent simians call a "culture".

Anyway, back to the bawwwwwwling. I wanna hear more of you punks squirt some tears. Tell me MOAR about how unfair it all is. Really throw a tantrum for me. I was right all along about what's going to happen, so it's making my own mental penis TURGID.

>> No.3960780


JPN's JAXA still got astronomy observation probes getting launched out every year.

Cancelling even observational programs seems very retarded.

>> No.3960785


>> No.3960793

Fuck off kid.

You wouldn't have a computer if it weren't for governments investing into space exploration.

>> No.3960823


>Anti Science

Everything seems to be in order here. The smart Americans all are retired or dead. America offers little hope.

>> No.3960831

>implying we can't do both


>> No.3960839

This akin to cutting tomato ketchup from your household budget when you're paying to heat a house that's 10x larger than you require.

>> No.3960842

> You wouldn't have a computer if it weren't for governments investing into space exploration.

False. Computers are too useful for business, hence they would have arrived at them in due time. And computing itself came out of the military, in calculating trajectories. You just earned the world's best retard award.

>> No.3960844


>> No.3960847

It's a not a shame story. It states that it is just a leak, not much more than a rumor, but a distressing rumor nonetheless.

>> No.3960852

> This akin to cutting tomato ketchup from your household budget when you're paying to heat a house that's 10x larger than you require.

Well, what do you expect out of violent simians? Logic? Art? Science? Get fucking real.

Americans have long been one of the world's worst people, culturally; wealth and technology covered all that up for a time. But that period is over, and the world is going to see more and more what we really are: Apes, who ook and fling poo at each other. We don't deserve to survive. So squirt some more tears, punks.

>> No.3960863

You've said 'quirt some tears punk.s' like a dozen times already. Get a new line.

>> No.3960866
File: 158 KB, 319x480, 0_01328000_1311538631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem to have about 10 favorite phrases and structure everything you say around them.

You're dumb and a bad troll.


>> No.3960873


>> No.3960991


>> No.3961003

Someone PLEASE prove this article wrong.

>> No.3961012
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1318766205338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also love this. I would prefer for Zubrin's credibility to diminish than for this to come to pass.

>> No.3961056

> You've said 'quirt some tears punk.s' like a dozen times already. Get a new line.

Not until you cry. Now squirt 'em! Tell me MOAR how that Kenyan /\/igger took all your toys away. I want to hear big sobbing gasps out of you.

>> No.3961070

I wouldn't hold it against the man. I know he has become very pissed off over the years because he was promised the future but never received it. I wouldn't find it out of character if he heard such a distressing rumor and began running through the hills telling everybody about the sky falling. If politicians are really thinking about cutting NASA's funding then getting the news out early and inciting public outrage might just put out the fire before it starts.

>> No.3961075

The US need to focus on fixing their own mess of a country.

Once they manage that, they will restart the space program.

>> No.3961080

Horrible, horrible idea.

>> No.3961082

> Someone PLEASE prove this article wrong.

Keep hoping. Current events more than suggest the article is true. You KNEW that the ruling classes have nothing on their minds (other than making even more money by stealing public funds) than the gearing up to fight the Resource Wars.

Let's hear you morons cry some more about how "they" are taking away your dream of somehow escaping this insane planetary cage filled with violent simians.

>> No.3961089

The brief moment in history in which China wasn't the leading world power is about to end.

Time to learn Mandarin folks.

>> No.3961103

> The US need to focus on fixing their own mess of a country.

That's not going to happen. The more violent of the simian pack known as the United States have total power over the national model. The ones who don't want it to happen, are just Trevors and Miltons sitting in basements in intense frustration from never getting any sex. Those basement dwellers are totally delusional people who keep their acne-infested noses (from eating too many Cheetos) in scifi books, which themselves are creations of other sexually-frustrated nerds who need to jizz into the heads of their own kind.

>> No.3961154
File: 624 KB, 570x559, 1310852670424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a small kid back in the 1990's.

One day, i turned on the television. I zapped through the channels. I stopped at the Discovery Channel (Which was actualy about science instead of being yet another reality TV channel back in the days).

What i saw was something that you only could explain as magic when you are a small kid. I saw a documentary about space and saw a space shuttle being docked to the MIR. It was magic seeing that. It was a mircale, seeing Astronauts and Cosmonauts being so high above the Earth, floating through the air.

All made possible by science and technology.

Now, the dreams of kids today will be smashed harder down to earth then the fatefull asteroid that smashed into the Earth, ~65 million years ago.

I am beyond mad at this point.

>> No.3961159

Man, forget the banks robbing us. I want to start a revolution due to just THIS shit.


>> No.3961169
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 1293936208875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how I wish.

>> No.3961181 [DELETED] 


>yfw when Canada is making a Space program
>yfw when we will get to Mars first because our robotics teams are awesome.
>yfw when you have no face

>> No.3961186
File: 86 KB, 500x314, 1302455014792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone smart from the Anglosphere/Europe that's fed up with their country should move to Canada, Y/N?

>> No.3961187

Oh no, more 'we gotta explore space' faggots. If you can't get laid on YOUR HOME PLANET, what makes you think you'll hook up with some space bitches?

And second, for all of those that are desperate to actually go to space, why the fuck would they need to? Explore your fucking home planet. It's beautiful, explore it.

As for exploring it for other (important means), this totally sucks and they are retarded for shafting NASA in favor of useless shit.

>> No.3961198
File: 2 KB, 126x91, 1305292050148s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no, more 'we gotta explore space' faggots. If you can't get laid on YOUR HOME PLANET, what makes you think you'll hook up with some space bitches?
Because all of us humans are always looking at ways to get raped by alien tentacles. Really.

>And second, for all of those that are desperate to actually go to space, why the fuck would they need to? Explore your fucking home planet. It's beautiful, explore it.
To continue the human race, to harvest almost infinite mineral and energy resources, to develop more technology, to evolve your civilization as you become a multi-planet species.
Also, our beautiful planet won't look that beautiful anymore if we just keep exploiting resources carelessly without massively efficient recycling and plentiful cheap energy.

>> No.3961203

> I am beyond mad at this point.

And all you're gonna do about it is stuff your face with more Cheetos. Why do you think your so-called leaders get away with this shit? They know for a fact that you're not going to be doing anything about it.

I need one of now to post a pic of yourself crying, sobbing at the camera. C'mon, I'm gonna be here for hours, gimme dat pic!

I just love it when people who make themselves powerless and keep themselves powerless, just sit there and bawl like babies about... BEING POWERLESS.

>> No.3961205


Dude, I agree with exploring for practical purposes. But I've seen so many threads here where the main reason becomes "OH GOD I WANNA SEE THE COSMOS UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL" as if the pictures they see represent the (mostly empty) space that really exists.

And yes, considering this is 4chan, I think lots of these people would love to get raped by tentacles.

>> No.3961209
File: 3 KB, 126x92, 1305293288964s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more people angry before a violent overthrow can be staged. Personally, I think it's a few years off.

>> No.3961216
File: 3 KB, 126x125, 1305293110446s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I've seen so many threads here where the main reason becomes "OH GOD I WANNA SEE THE COSMOS UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL"
That's my main reason. But people are interested in the practical pluses that just come with the turf, so I tend to focus on that.

What's wrong about exploration for exploration's sake?

>> No.3961218

> To continue the human race, to harvest almost infinite mineral and energy resources, to develop more technology, to evolve your civilization as you become a multi-planet species.

Ha haa, you suck cocks. Your Jewbankers will never let you do that, since once you get into a long-range spacecraft, you can just put in a little delta-v and LEAVE. They can't tax you when you leave, and they can't collect any owed loan payments when you leave.

The terrible Jew will never let us go. They'd rather have Humanity crash down to 1% (70 million) of peak population, as long as the 99% that died are THE GOYIM.

>> No.3961221

>starts ranting about jews

>> No.3961226

> What's wrong about exploration for exploration's sake?

Because there's no point. If you have no intention of every going there to work and live, then why explore it? To make more picture books of places that we'll never go? That's absurd. That's what a basement-dwelling moron would want, since he never leaves his momma's basement (except to his server-babysitting job) and never gets laid.

>> No.3961231

>state-funded research
pick one

>> No.3961234


Because it's a religious delusion to think that the cosmos will 'welcome you' and be awesome and awe inspiring when you're there. If you've learned ANYTHING about space, you'd know that it's empty, cold, and pretty much retarded to go on some giant space mission just for 'fun'. Or at least anywhere extremely far.

Sorry, Sagan was a genius, but he didn't take into account the fact that little douches would pretty much replace their need for a 'higher power' with OMG COSMOS SO BEYOOTIFUL OMG.

>> No.3961236

state funded research please

>> No.3961244


And I'm going out on a limb to say this, but most people who want to 'explore space' (I said most, not all) haven't even seen a little bit of the world!

This is the world that all of your ancestors came from. It's literally designed for you! Explore this world, fuck space! When it comes to resources, we should fund NASA since it's more important than the majority of things the US is spending it's budget on, but when it comes to 'EXPLORATION!1", actually see what is in this world man. It literally is all these neckbeards dreaming about space that barely go out except to pick up pizza or something.

>> No.3961246
File: 289 KB, 512x384, 1307030443488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I very much agree with this.

Inu, I didn't know you wanted to go to space just to go there and smoke weed while looking at stars... Where is the SELF-SACRIFICE and the SUFFERING THE ENNOBLES?

>> No.3961249
File: 96 KB, 627x278, abstract_knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fucks sake!
Are people really so stupid that they don't understand that there's NO useless information.

There's information that is useful now, and there's information that isn't useful just yet.

Textpic related.

>> No.3961261
File: 4 KB, 126x125, 1305293171700s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you have every intention on going back there, but there will always be this exploratory part as people colonize further out and more exotic worlds. And they don't have million-strong colonies spring up overnight. If talking about Mars, even with 10 million people it would still be pretty sparsely inhabited for its land size. And all of it combined is about as much as all the land space on Earth is.

>> No.3961264

Inurdaderps, can you please stop posting?

>> No.3961273

I hope the collapse of the United States won't take long for the world to recover from.

>> No.3961274

>Vacuum for the vacuum industries

"Extra Extra! Vacuum tubes efficiency increases 50% upon completion of orbiting fabrication plant."

>The year 2000 we never had.

>> No.3961279
File: 31 KB, 369x369, 1272488205544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3961286

I'm amazed by the amount of luddism masked as economy in this thread. Way to go /sci/!

Curiosity is useless for science anyway, right?

>> No.3961297

>literally shitposting

okay, I lol'd

>> No.3961307

if people loose interest in space programs, it is the fault of the scientific community..
cosmos 2013.. anyone?

>> No.3961333

The American public isn't interested in optimism. What we need is a show that will convince people about how fucked we'll be if this trend continues.

>> No.3961342

underestimating humanity.. a classic staple of /sci/, is it not?

>> No.3961358

Nice of you to tell us how ignorant you are about manufacturing.

>> No.3961364

People have been saying peace and love will solve all the worlds problems for quite some time. And in all the time between now and the point when messages like that started being taken seriously everything has just gotten worse.

Not against goodwill for all mankind, but the public is. The only way people see technology and science as good is if they think it protects them from bad guys. Just look at the difference between military and science spending of the US.

>> No.3961387

by "quite some time" you mean the last decades, right? if you take a larger historical period, however, you will agree that "peace and love" is a quite new and radical idea

>> No.3961388


The statement made was "exploration for exploration's sake", shitsprayer. That implies no need to travel or settle to the area.

> Curiosity is useless for science anyway, right?

Curiosity is best expressed by people, on site, with tools and equipment. NASA's Robot Fetish totally destroyed that.

So it's time to totally destroy NASA as the useless thing that it really is.

>> No.3961389

Really, you believe you are living through the worst time in human history? Every generation has also believed its hardships are the most frightening. Honestly I think the people who had to live under constant threat of nuclear holocaust had the most frightening prospects, we at least seem to be over that. I don't see rich nihilists as some insurmountable obstacle.

>> No.3961426

The public has been mostly been alive for the last few decades, you can't say the same for the rest of history.

>> No.3961486
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>> No.3961535


Which would be great if there was any other viable option.

Because Ron Paul is sure not gonna win.

>> No.3961562

So this is the end.

>> No.3961581


The rich nihilist aren't the real problem, it's the apathetic populace.

>> No.3961594

>people who had to live under constant threat of nuclear holocaust
For we who grew up tall and proud
In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder and louder

I remember some vivid nightmares when I was a kid.
Too bad I was a smart kid, and knew that there was no way that hiding under my bed would shield me from the fireball if it ever came.

It became kind of an obsession to always have my bedroom underground.

>> No.3961638


>> No.3961648

Healthcare expenditures: $900 billion
Social security: $750 billion
Defense: $700 billion
Estimated investment in medicare required to keep pace with skyrocketing growth: $90 trillion (9x10^13 dollars)
NASA budget: $18 billion

>> No.3961656

I hate when people misuse the word hedonism

>> No.3961657

you guys are retarded. This is far from actually happening, it's just a rumor.

this article that keeps being posted is the only one that talks about it, and the article's source is "work has leaked out". yeah really reliable right there.

do a google news search for "NASA" or "NASA cuts" and nothing comes up except maybe this article.

idiots. did we really go through 3 threads over this? It would be terrible for Obama's re-election campaign. The guy is smart, he wouldn't do something so dumb like this.

now stfu and call me when you get an official press conference from Obama about this

>> No.3961661

this. how stupid are you really /sci/? can you read nothing analytically?

>> No.3961680

Of course it's just a rumor, but that doesn't mean we should ignore it. Robert Zubrin wouldn't just make this shit up. He has some reason to believe it and if Zubrin is concerned then I'm concerned. The mere possibility is a concern.

>> No.3961703


Zubrin (who I respect in many ways) makes bullshit up all the time. He's done the pants-on-fire routine before. I'm holding out for the actual budget.

That said, Obama is a fucking fool if he guts planetary exploration. He'll lose Florida, maybe Cali and this is almost as naive as Ron Paul's proposals to gut all our research agencies.

>> No.3961710

The 2020 missions to the moons of Saturn and Jupiter, cancelled? But there's fucking oceans there. We have to go.

>> No.3961730
File: 62 KB, 357x660, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if future of space means russians and euros and chinks but no americans then its not that bad after all.

>> No.3961743

I completely agree that this could be nothing more than a rumor that Zubrin heard about from some in NASA or other government position and that it could be completely wrong, but Zubrin wouldn't simply get out of bed one day and decide to make this stuff up. I have no doubt that there is some reason Zubrin believes the gutting of NASA is a possibility and that he means something other than "maybe" when he says "word has been leaked that".

If Zubrin is up in arms more than usual because of this then I'm up in arms no matter how weak the evidence is. We can't risk ignoring it.

>> No.3961765
File: 138 KB, 487x370, rise_against_your_oppressors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raise a glass for the rise of Red Space!
Chtob vse byli zdorovy!


>> No.3961762

Eh, the idea of california actually voting republican just because of cuts to one of many, many industries is absurd. But he could be using this to say "Hey guys, look we're fixing the budget guys see guys" as a political move as well.

But yeah, it does sound like a pretty stupid move, hopefully it's not for real, but it's not like its the Daily Mail or something, it's a fairly recognizable source and extreme concern at the very least is warranted.

>> No.3961830

The US mission died months ago but that had nothing to do with obama, it was killed in the decadal survey which heavily criticised flagship mission and hence all of them were cancelled. International X-ray Observatory, Europa Jupiter Systems Mission and the best upcoming mission LISA a gravitational wave detector. all projects are being continued in a scaled back way by ESA but only one will be launched, which will be decided next year.

and people say ESA does nothing.

>> No.3961851
File: 2.96 MB, 277x208, arsenic_and_old_lace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3963781


>> No.3963793

>The empire falls from gluttony and hedonism.
>gluttony and hedonism

Shit. Where the hell was I when the entire country was gluttony-ing and hedonism-ing??? NOT FAIR.

>> No.3963798


In my case, I wasn't around in the 80s.

>> No.3963842

Most of the fault lies in the acceptance of the barbarians into the populace. Instead of fighting against them, we are letting in, and we are treating them as equals. They are pestilence, a blight to our proud scientific civilization. Soon, everything that we hold dear will be destroyed by them.

>> No.3964336
