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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3960394 No.3960394 [Reply] [Original]

>The congressman from Texas and Republican candidate unveiled a budget plan yesterday to reduce the deficit that would eliminate five federal departments: Energy, Commerce, Interior, Education, and Housing and Urban Development. In one fell swoop, such a step would erase, among other programs, the Energy Department's $5-billion Office of Science, the $4.5-billion National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the $750-million National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the $1.1-billion U.S. Geological Survey.

>Paul would also end funding for all research programs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, although the department itself would be preserved at its current budget. And he would pare roughly $7 billion from the current $30-billion budget for the National Institutes of Health within the Department of Health and Human Services. The document, "A Plan to Restore America," is silent on the fate of two independent research agencies: the $7-billion National Science Foundation, and NASA, whose $18.5-billion budget includes $5 billion for space science.

Sauce: http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2011/10/ron-paul-would-erase-billions-in.html

What does /sci/ think a Paul presidency would mean for science research in America? Keep in mind, Obama is gutting NASA, and Paul would be the last person to resurrect it.

>> No.3960403

At least he wants to coherently cut all federal expenses. He wouldn't stick his fingers in state funded programs.

>> No.3960410

Obama is not gutting NASA, dipshit.

>> No.3960411


I'd like to vote for him based on other things, but who the fuck does he think he is? What sort of stupid bullshit is running through his fucking head?

>> No.3960426

It doesn't matter because Paul will never get the nomination ever.

>> No.3960433
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>>3960411 What sort of stupid bullshit is running through his fucking head?

Pic related.

>> No.3960445

>cutting science funding
>not cutting military and drug war costs instead

>> No.3960454

I'm still voting for him if this Obama/NASA thing is true. I don't even give a fuck anymore. This country is such a fucking shithole. The 99% need to bring out the guillotines.

>> No.3960455

I hate libertarians.

>> No.3960459

I'm not voting for Obama is NASA is cut. I'm finding someone else, anyone else, who will bring back space exploration.

>> No.3960462

And use them on themselves.

>> No.3960465

Whatever, bro. You'll see. America is over.

>> No.3960468

Oh no, I agree, it definitely is.

But those retarded faggots at occupy wall street are a significant part of the problem.

>> No.3960471

Ron Paul does not get how space program works. It would be practicaly over without public money.

TEA party space platform is the best space policy around.

>> No.3960495

Hey, guys, wouldn't it be hilarious if all the science being done was in hands of corporations' R&D departments?
No more space/cave/deep sea exploration, no more particle acceleration, no more studies whatsoever, unless it can be used to make new or improved products.

Who cares about curiosity when we can have profit?

>> No.3960508



In the eyes of Linux, everything is a file, every person is a user.

In the eyes of libertarians, everything is a product, every person is a consumer.

>> No.3960525

This still looks better than obama ending NASA.

Srsly... I feel bad for the research because it might have to go to funding from buisness sector and introduce more bias. But theres allready pleanty of government cencorship...

Plus... that debt.

>> No.3960531

Then your a moron.

>> No.3960535

Oh he would cut those things too. It's just that sciencemag.org doesn't care about those other areas of cutbacks.

Paul would pull our military bases out of germany and japan, saving billions of dollars.

>> No.3960543

This. Ron Paul is the only one who actually wants to cut the military. This alone makes him the only reasonable choice.

>> No.3960551

And yet, you could get even more savings by just reducing the military budget by a fraction

>> No.3960563

I've been saying he's a faggot from the start he would allow states the power to control what is taught in their schools, this man is anti science. Are there any and I mean ANY at all politicians who are not anti science in america anymore are there any rational candidates?

>> No.3960581 [DELETED] 
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>mfw technological progress amounts to bigger TV's instead of bigger spaceships

>> No.3960583

Losing 90% of research today, could save 100% of the research 20 years from now. Clean house, save economy, then get back to science.

>> No.3960592

> Clean house, save economy, then get back to science.
Sounds great. Isn't going to happen that way.

>> No.3960593

In the mean time we will tell all the researchers to start new careers and tell every prospective science student to fuck off.


>> No.3960611

>Implying that stopping technological advances will save us money.
>Implying the problem of debt can be solved.

>> No.3960621

Why don't we just push democracy out of control.
And put in the technocracy.

Life's a lot more complex nowadays, the everyman can't keep up with economics, politics and everything behind them anymore, so why still give them power?

>> No.3960641

Nationalize the banks. Problem dissolved.

>> No.3960645

If most people are retarded and don't understand that they are retarded, why would they make the sane decision of giving over their power to something that is designed to make specific decisions.

Try convincing them to give up their vote.

>> No.3960647


>cut almost all federal research
>tons of scientists/engineers flood the private market
>cut taxes(he will, undoubtedly)
>economy recovers
>try to start programs back
>federal jobs struggle to attract top scientists due to lack of funds
>"Don't tax the job creators!"

>> No.3960658

hey slaves during ancient times have paid out their right to themselves...doesn't make this at all not impossible

>> No.3960690

was their debt somewhere in the region of $14 - 15 trillion

>> No.3960747

I might as well start learning Mandarin ;___;

>> No.3960773

I know that all too well, my fellow human.
Maybe they're malleable enough to change their opinion? You don't call it a technocracy, you don't tell them they're giving up their vote, you just do everything in a roundabout way that comes down to it, but you don't tell them.

And they will still have some form of "voting". Except the uneducated masses will only be able to express their happiness and moral view on certain subjects. Subjective stuff that makes a culture and keeps a people together, you see?
If they want to influence economics or politics, they should study for it. They could get a base vote if they passed economics in high school, and a more powerful vote as they progress through ever higher degrees.

So we tell them their votes would remain (but actually they are a lot weaker) and can even be upgraded (through hard work and knowing your shit). Of course, this requires a decent education system that doesn't favor the rich over the poor, but the smart over the dumb.

>> No.3960865


Doesnt sound too horrible. Many good things come from private research.

Take the wii for example. Or cats.

>> No.3960896

how about he cuts our 600+ BILLION dollar defense budget???

cut it by 75 billion and he is achieving more than by cutting nearly all research

>> No.3960963
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>>3960410 Obama is not gutting NASA, dipshit.

>> No.3960980

It's easy to cut defense spending without limiting our defense.

Osama is dead. Mission Accomplished. Come home from Afghanistan. Now.
Hussein is dead. Mission Accomplished. Come home from Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Now.
Hitler, Stalin and Khrushchev are dead. Mission Accomplished. Come home from Germany and England. Now.
Mussolini is dead. Mission Accomplished. Come home from Italy. Now.
Tojo is dead...

>> No.3960994

We have obligations to the japanese, though.

>> No.3961005



>> No.3961015

>>3960994 obligations
Not really. The war ended 60 years ago. Time to let it go. They have the technology, they can easily stand on their own. All it takes is for the Senate to ratify a new document, thus allowing us to withdraw our troops from Japan.

>> No.3961026

>>396077I see what your saying but many people have lots of knowledge in an area without a degree or formal certificate.
but when brain chips arrive information will most likely be free to all and voting will be truly unbiased and free from manipulation (well hopefully).

>> No.3961166

Federal Government is ALWAYS bad.
Private business is ALWAYS good.

>> No.3961367


When was the last time the US completely withdrew, military base included, from a country?

>> No.3961372

And how long do you suppose we should give Japan to get a military together?

>> No.3961383

Probably a lot if he would remove some of the regulations

Don't really care about the funding, there are other ways to get it

>> No.3961396

None of the candidates is pro-science including Obama.

This is why we need revolution. Our political class is against all progress: scientific, social, economic.

We're like the Ottoman empire or the austrian empire, slowly decaying under our own weight. We need revitalization and revolution to give ourselves new life.

>> No.3961398


Japan already has a powerful military in all but name. They'll be fine.

>> No.3961522

Private institutions would spend little to none on basic science.

Many companies, ESPECIALLY Apple, are starting to spend more on patent enforcement and lawsuits than research and development. That trend means less room for scientists, and even more fucking attorneys.

>> No.3963293


>> No.3963318

How fucking retarded.

That's really all there is to say.

The department of agriculture is responsible for keeping the bread belt from turning into a giant, zero-diversity petri dish of crop diseases and research is a big part of that, so, yeah, Ron Paul is an idiot.

Example, in case you want one:

>> No.3963324

This plan would essentially cement the current NGO power structure.

Nice one paul.

>> No.3963325

Fuck this shit.
Now, where's my Mandarin textbook?

>> No.3963332


>> No.3963339
File: 8 KB, 210x170, 1e0d49b8edd7a2d5c5f6559335b940c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutting NOAA entirely would mean no more Aquarius reef base. (._. )

>> No.3963347
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It would mean no more Alvin. No more research submersibles capable of reaching the abyssal plain, period. No ability to study hydrothermal vents.

>> No.3963356


>if we let them cut science today, they'll give it all back later


Call me when your social security check comes in.

>> No.3963362


>> No.3963366
File: 60 KB, 450x600, divingbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only aquanauts left would be the ones who service and inspect oil rigs. They would be gradually replaced by robots. The largest undersea habitats will be hybrid diving chambers the size of closets used to ferry them between the work site and surface.

For fuck's sake, don't vote for someone who would do this.

>> No.3963368

Fuck budget cutting to the military, kill off social security/medicaid or something.

>> No.3963379


>Fuck budget cutting to the military, kill off social security/medicaid or something.

There is no credible threat to this country right now. We don't need an enormous military. If we stop invading and occupying nations and switch to a purely defensive strategy we need only dominate the sea and air/space. We could do away with infantry and ground vehicles entirely.

>> No.3963393

Fucking idiots, privatization will improve science. We don't need NASA bullshit.

Just look at those guys working on the LHC. They're fucking rich now because of that shit.

>> No.3963394

IDGAF, the military is awesome but the welfare programs do little to nothing for us.

>> No.3963404

>Just look at those guys working on the LHC. They're fucking rich now because of that shit.
Pretty sure that CERN is a multigovernmental agency.

>> No.3963407

Ron Paul is a moron, and so are the libertardians.

>> No.3963427

remind me again why the government should be funding such risky ventures?

since when was the role of government to wager a vast portion of tax payer's money on something that does nothing for them?

>> No.3963437
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Bailing out on this country is a no-brainer no matter who get's elected.

>> No.3963448

Since the military stopped being a militia of farmers who brought their own guns.

>> No.3963463

>militia of farmers who brought their own guns
American Jihad

>> No.3963473


It will help profitable science. Your assumption is that all science is profitable. Of course there are people who believe that if it isn't profitable, then it isn't worth it anyway. An issue arises when you put your trust in stockholders to make a decision about what scientific endeavor is "worth it" and which is not. These are people who don't have the qualifications to tell the difference, they're just looking at the business side of it.

I have no problem with free enterprise, privatized science or making money off of it. There should be a non-profit yet publicly owned organization(s) that do science for the good of scientific progress, not economic progress.

>> No.3963488

Modern science, at least the field i'm familiar with, is filled to the brim with irrational hacks. The system needs to be purged and funding needs to be given to people who deserve it.

>> No.3963496

I do agree that the defense spending is a tad bit high, and I'm a fucking soldier!

We need more scientists on alt fuels pronto. Once we stop being so reliant on oil, it won't be $4/Gal and people will be more willing to travel and spend money, healing the economy.

And fucking space programs! Stop looking at the past and think about the goddamn future!

>> No.3963514

>Implying Paul wouldn't see the opportunity to rebuild National pride as well as fixing the economy,.

He'll tell NASA to get on the moon

>> No.3963528
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>since when was the role of government to wager a vast portion of tax payer's money on something that does nothing for them?


>> No.3963547

Kind of like Bush, and he give them no money to do it, kind of like Bush.

>> No.3963551

Rosetta Stone: Mandarin, on sale now at the torrent store.

>> No.3963553 [DELETED] 
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>voting for Rabbi Paulberg


>> No.3963557

I don't see the appeal in Rosetta Stone. I tried it and it was complete garbage IMO. Traditional education or GTFO.

>> No.3963583
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Obama isn't trying to gut NASA you dumbass.

The only thing he scrapped was the Constellation program, and thank fuck for that! Tens of billions of dollars wasted with nothing to show for it but a half finished capsule and a dolled up SRB with the words 'Ares' painted on the side that couldn't even clear 50km.

Meanwhile, Obama expanded COTS and CCDev, tried to shift NASA's focus from running a LEO taxi service to R&D and developing a deep space vehicle, and of course calling for the largest long term increase in NASA's funding in decades.

Nearly all of this was voted down by Congress in favor of slapping a new label on Constellation, but hey, at least he's trying.

>> No.3963584

I see how it could make it more fun for languages that are very similar to your native language, but for an english speaker learning mandarin it would indeed be useless

>> No.3963605

Ron Paul said in the 1980's that he would have NASA shut down. I thought he raised some appropriate points on the subject of NASA, but this whole shut down plan is a bit over the top.

>> No.3963631
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Listen people, we need to get rid of our debt before even thinking of exploring space. Once we liquidate our debt and get back to economic growth, then we can begin to re-invest in science and once again be the scientific superpower of the world. But for now, it's not gonna happen. We need to clean up house and start over again. Ron Paul can lead the way for this to happen.

Sage for dumb-fuckery and trying to distort Ron Paul's votes.

>> No.3963674


>> No.3963675

How would you self learn it?

>> No.3963677


pick two

>> No.3963689 [DELETED] 


>mfw you think just because something is mentioned that is tangentially related it is now apart of that category

If this were about the rockets themselves and the materials and experiments that nasa were conducting, that would be /sci/ related. This is explicitly about the policies.


One of these is not like the others.

>> No.3963709


You're right, two of them are boards on a website

>> No.3963715
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>> No.3963743

>If this were about the rockets themselves and the materials and experiments that nasa were conducting, that would be /sci/ related. This is explicitly about the policies.
>I have an ASD and anything involving human behaviour that can't be absolutely quantified, structured, and predicted is abhorrent to me. My insecurity about neurotypicals makes me utterly myopic to the social context that allows my beloved science to actually unfold. Please kill me, I am a miserable sperging shell of a human being.

>> No.3963998

No NOAA and NIST? No way I'm voting for Ron Paul!

Ever hear of Polymerase Chain Reaction? Wouldn't be possible without Taq polymerase! An enzyme derived from a bacterium that was found by ecologist studying the thermal limits of photosynthesis in Yellowstone National Park!
Read "The Value of Basic Research: Discovery of Thermus aquaticus and Other Extreme Thermophiles"


>> No.3964182

Oh, fuck off /pol/. Go back to your shithole.

>> No.3964383

1. This is defintely /sci/ material. These policies will definitely impact the future of science research and education if Paul is elected.

2. /pol/ accepts no criticism of Paul's policies as legit. Imply he's anything less than mankind's last hope and /pol/ thinks you're a Zionist overlord.

>> No.3964436


Ron Paul is pants on head retarded if he actually wants to gut the research and regulatory agencies. This has 100% to do with science as most basic and much applied research is Federal funded.

>> No.3964470


There is no way Ron Paul is going to be elected.

How do I know?

Nobody important is giving him weight.

Obama is going for a second term by implementing shit he promised to implement four years ago.

>> No.3964491

Fuck all these retarded fucks trying to represent us. Lets start a dictatorship with SCIENCE!

>> No.3964493

I really don't think Obama will be doing a second term.

>> No.3964547


Even with declining popularity, there is no one to stop him.

>> No.3964585

America is fucked. I love repeating this to you Faggot americans.

your leaders don't give a fuck biggoted hateful religious Faggots.

>> No.3964586

>I'd like to vote for him based on other things

What other things?

In my experience, people like Ron Paul because he correctly and succinctly points out many of the problems we have today - the troubling influence corporations have on government policy, the abuse of power resulting from poorly thought out anti-drug and anti-terrorism laws and so on... People hear that, and they think "he sounds so reasonable! he should be president!".

Problem is, while he's good at pointing out problems, his solutions are bugfuck-insane Ayn Rand-worshipping bullshit that would make everything ten million times worse than it already is. If you actually look at the legislation he's put forward as a congressman, you see some truly crazy shit - the We the People Act, for example, would remove the constitutionally enshrined separation of church and state and allow states to discriminate on religious grounds.

>> No.3964596

>I really don't think Obama will be doing a second term.

Who do you see beating him?

He'd lose to a generic Republican, but the current contenders are the weakest field in decades. Maybe Huntsman could have given him trouble, but he's polling at what, 2%?

All the others are too far-right to survive the general election (other than maybe Romney).

>> No.3964604

>Obama is going for a second term by implementing shit he promised to implement four years ago.
actually, he's not even talking about implementing the stuff he promised four years ago. he's just spewing the same vague bullshit that turned me toward mccain before that pathetic wreck accepted sarah palin as his running mate.

there are some 'liberal' agencies making noise about things they'd like to get done -but of course none of those agencies have any legislative or political power. it is no accident that this populist noise is being released during the run up to election.

obama is a corporate trojan horse and you would have to be fucking retarded to vote for him again. one clear example of his treachery is how he mangled healthcare reform: he had a simple majority (51 votes, including one republican) and a bully pulpit to create a public option for healthcare and malpractice insurance but instead opted to make private health insurance a mandatory purchase for every american.

obama had tremendous opportunities to get things right and instead his administration spat in our eyes and stabbed us in the back. fuck him.

>> No.3964619

>he mangled healthcare reform: he had a simple majority (51 votes, including one republican)

Not fillibuster-proof, which is what he'd need to get anything better passed.

>> No.3964637

then you let the repubs filibuster and get thrown out. 'universal healthcare' and 'obamacare' tended to poll poorly but the specifics of a 'public option' tended to poll very favorably. i still maintain that obama should have stuck to his guns instead of stepping on the necks of the more liberal democrats.

>> No.3964799

It'd be good

>> No.3966336

Say goodbye to cutting edge research, say hello to more shitty consumer electronics...

>> No.3968477
