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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3953266 No.3953266 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/
i recently consumed (and am still under the influence of) DMT
and i have come to tell you that the consciousness is a supertemporal thing and our concepts of it as being bound by our time constraints are foolish
consciousness exists as a single unbroken entity, yes it needs a mind to be able to exist, its essentially a computer program running that needs a physical computer to run in or will cease to exist (although i do not know if computer programs are true consciousness-like programs or simply mechanical representations of conceptual functions, like extremely complex electronic clockwork)
however the consciousness, the "self", the observer, is produced by the physical mind, but is distinct from it, because it is not a physical but a conceptual entity (like a program)

The /sci/ implication of this is in debate about transhumanism. Uploading one's brain to a computer, the philosophy behind it of whether the computer is truly yourself, or whether yourself dies because your body dies and the computer program is a different thing. It is the same self, because "self" as a conceptual thing; it is not bound by time, and so as long as it is continuous through spacetime (with the information flow into the computer from the brain), the self can travel from one physical executor to another; and the human body dies, so obviously the experience of that self is limited; but the computer self survives on and experiences more for longer, and thus that self, is the more significant self, than the one that has died; so for all effective points of view, once the other one dies it stops being better, so the computer takes on the self, as an effective supertemporal being, that is one solid and continuous entity, that at all points is following the laws of spacetime
its not that there necessarily is anything beyond spacetime but as far as objects within spacetime, the self is valid, even if perhaps just as an emergent property of complex electrochemical systems

>> No.3953275
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Drugs are making you stupid.
Not reading all your incoherent bullshit.
GTFO junkie.

>> No.3953284

ITT: "I am on mind altering substances. This has allowed me to strip back the veneer of reality and view it's crunchy centre. No this is not a Matrix reference."

>> No.3953290
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Thought requires time so consciousness requires time. No shit sherlock.

Anything else?

>> No.3953301

Let's say instead of transfering your thought processes to the computer, they are just replicated, such that the same thing happens the only difference is your brain isn't switched off.

You are now staring at a computer copy of yourself. Is it really you? If you then shoot yourself and die, are you it?

>> No.3953308

thats why the solution is to replace small parts of your brain at once until your brain is entirely electronic. Then, you also put in an electronic chip that makes you not give a shit.

>> No.3953324
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it takes a minute to load

>> No.3953354

did you read my fucking post
if you do that and then your human body dies but the computer representation of you is your "self" for all relevant purposes, because the effects of all past experiences are on the computer; thus the consciousness stretching from your birth to the computers existence is longer than the consciousness that dies with your body

>> No.3953369

yes consciousness requires time
it has to require time for it to effectively exist within spacetime
however it is not a physical object, it is not a physical part of the body, but a product of the body's thought processes; thus it can effectively be transferred (well under the laws of physics not necessarily by any feasible technology) from one thinking object to another, ie a computer
it still requires time to exist, but it doesnt require physical space, just a physical executor