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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 1194x365, UF_Signature1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3949384 No.3949384 [Reply] [Original]

University thread
pic related

>> No.3949396

Graduated last may

>> No.3949399
File: 36 KB, 528x332, michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% of this state's asians

>> No.3949404

UF also.

>> No.3949406
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>> No.3949407
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>> No.3949409
File: 131 KB, 909x296, penn_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% of this states Asians

>> No.3949415

Lets be bffs

>> No.3949422
File: 33 KB, 260x320, banana slug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I'm here studying Computer Engineering.

>> No.3949428

couldn't get into GTech or Emory?

>> No.3949453

dat mascot

>> No.3949466

Because SC is fucking awesome thats why. Have you even tried out the single track mountain bike trails by the campus?

>> No.3949483

because you're a stoner.

>> No.3949502


I absolutely love the campus, but I'm also kicking myself in the face for coming here instead of San Jose State University for Computer/Electrical Engineering.

But then again, I also grew up in San Jose, and I don't really want to have my parents force me to live with them to save money.

>> No.3949515

I honestly don't think it would be that much of a deal between the two. SC is known for their neuro sciences, it is a prime place to get into neural networks and AI. Not to mention all of the activites you can do there (surf, scuba, hike, bike, backpack, chill at the beach) that helps create a positive atmosphere.

>> No.3949520


UCSC definitely is a great place to go to for Neuroscience, Psychology, Genetic and Bio Engineering, and Marine Biology, but it's definitely lackluster in terms of Electrical Engineering. SJSU definitely has a more robust program, where their senior projects are actually backed by Private companies in the Silicon Valley.

>> No.3949522

Yale physics grad

>> No.3949524

Graduated from Purdue in August

>> No.3949527
File: 10 KB, 194x259, UCSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UC bro!

sorry, but mine's better.

>> No.3949559


>> No.3949594
File: 41 KB, 265x85, lu_logo_official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't I just go to RIT for ME? I don't even fucking know.

>> No.3949614
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ChBE here

>> No.3949625
File: 28 KB, 186x185, 164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grad student in a joint program with CMU. Have my office at pitt though.

>> No.3949634

Lipscomb in Nashville, yeah?

IIRC, isn't that the incredibly Church-of-Christ-y one?

>> No.3949642
File: 8 KB, 272x80, UChicago-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busted females everywhere. Not that it matters since I'll never have sex.

>> No.3949752


>> No.3949851
File: 16 KB, 370x370, 5485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3949882
File: 25 KB, 532x326, CalPolylogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EE hur

>> No.3949903

same but ME. done by this qtr. go mustangs

>> No.3949914

Graduating in June 2013 :| Got some time left here, gotta raise my GPA to a 3.0 lol, but I'm certain I'll be able to pull that off within these last 2 years

>> No.3949940
File: 22 KB, 203x191, Carleton-University.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carleton U. 1st year Aerospace Engineer. I moved across the country because I was led to believe this was a great school. Our aero program is pretty good apparently, but I should have gone to UofT or Waterloo. I am disappoint.

>> No.3949948

Wow considering how elitist /sci/ is you would expect there to be better schools? Where are the Harvard , MIT,or Cal Tech students? Why is everyone here in shit-tier schools?

>> No.3949965


>Penn, Michigan, UCSD, Pitt, Ga Tech.
>shit tier
>doesn't know anything about good schools

>> No.3949975
File: 13 KB, 394x599, UT-Tower-in-Orange1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Texas at Austin

>> No.3949978




>> No.3949980

Is University of Wyoming good for engineering/science

>> No.3949986
File: 24 KB, 445x445, cosdex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not studying biochemistry or molecular biology

>> No.3949994
File: 105 KB, 1276x294, mcgilllogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best university in Canada, feels good man. Suck it UofT and UBC!

>> No.3949997

>Includes shit-tier schools like Pitt and UCSD
>Doesn't mention UChicago, which is one of the best universities in the world
>Doesn't know anything about good schools either

>> No.3949999

best in canada for shitbusiness?

hello ubc EE fag here

>> No.3950003


Hey, I go to UF as well.

I'm a 3rd year Mathematics major.

>> No.3950005
File: 85 KB, 1180x749, IowaState.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-shit tier checking in

>> No.3950013
File: 67 KB, 390x390, 390px-Knights_of_the_Lambda_Calculus.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recursing

>> No.3950019

Only if you want to put Iowa State into its own category, below shit-tier. Otherwise, enjoy being in a no-name garbage institution.

>> No.3950028

How is it? Going there next year.

>> No.3950052


I go to UNI. I am about to transfer here for research in computer science.

>> No.3950053

>George Washington Carver as faculty
>Worked on Manhattan Project
>Invented first digital computer

>shit tier


>> No.3950070 [DELETED] 

Were you out of state or in state?
Im from South Dakota literally a minute away from Iowa, both my parents pay iowa income tax etc, and they don't give me any kind of break or anything at all for it

Iowa is a jew as fuck state, but I want to go to Iowa state, just don't know if its worth the money out of state

>> No.3950076

Enjoy our ITBS bro.

Face it, Iowa is a decent state with many good qualities.

>> No.3950085


>> No.3950108

In state, but don't live on campus anymore

>> No.3950126

is university of wyoming good

>> No.3950135


>> No.3950141


>> No.3950163

U of A>U of T>UBC>McGill

McGill isn't rated the best university in anything. Those three are always above it. From my experience attending universities, U of A has the best undergraduate set up.

>> No.3950175


>> No.3950392

Can people describe their experiences with the physics department in their university? I'm looking to transfer and I'm wondering if I've overlooked any good universities.

>> No.3950429
File: 67 KB, 496x448, 1318476368611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UChicago freshman here

please tell me where you see these busted females

All i see is average at best chicks with average boobage

>> No.3950435

for undergrad or grad?

Cause undergrad apps havent been decided on yet

>> No.3950441


Tucker Max went to your school.

And he said Chicago had the ugliest fucking girls.

And since Tucker Max is a fucking bro, I'm gonna believe him.

>> No.3950446
File: 27 KB, 320x240, 1310666930079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well while I do agree with him, I was trying to be generous, but i would say below average

>> No.3950461

UF physics undergrad, taking first semester quantum

>> No.3950459 [DELETED] 

University of Queensland. Econ/finance.

Any other ausbros on here?

>> No.3950466
File: 7 KB, 225x225, uq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Queensland. Econ/finance.

Any other ausbros on here?

>> No.3950477

Me too bro. What year are you? I'm a freshman. And yeah, so many fucking Asians it's ridiculous.

>> No.3950486
File: 163 KB, 500x333, packard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lehigh, some random pic I had

>> No.3950495

missouri university of science and technology

>> No.3950591

Every university had someone famous, at some point.
Every university made some contribution, at some point.

Enjoy your shit no-name state school, scrub.

>> No.3950625

I'm planning on going there next year. What's it like? Would you recommend it?

>> No.3950786
File: 64 KB, 473x281, ucsb_aerial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just graduated this past summer. I loved it there.

>> No.3950805
File: 7 KB, 144x97, LogoVert..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harvey Mudd engineering master race reporting in.

>> No.3950816

is that school any good? it sounds fucking retarded

>> No.3950827


>> No.3950837

Not the person you're responding to, but please be a troll...

>> No.3950838

uh, i've seriuosly never really heard of it.

>> No.3950840

Harvey Mudd is a purely undergraduate institution for science. Median SAT scores for incoming freshman are in the mid 2200 to 2300. It has the second highest rate of undergraduate students who go onto earn PhD, second only to Caltech, and above MIT.

>> No.3950842

also with the way their engineering program works, if you dont go on to grad school, you're more or less guaranteed a six figure engineering job.

>> No.3950844

In short, the entire Claremont College system in California is god tier. And in some ways, WAY above the Ivy Leagues.

>> No.3950850 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 396x402, 1295403251119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw 4 people from UF in one thread

Gator Nation, mothafuckas. Chemistry major here.

>> No.3950853
File: 18 KB, 224x207, University_of_California_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other UC bros in here?

>> No.3950871


LOL at UCSD. I went there only because I was rejected by UCLA. I would have been happier at CSUN.

San Diego sucks, boring ass place full of rube/hick/redneck military losers.

>> No.3951041
File: 2 KB, 150x79, tum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best in Europe, at least I in my opinion.

>> No.3951052

Berkeley here

our hobbies are:
1) complaining that it's too politically dead with 90% of the undergrads diligently struggling to become the next middle-class
2) complaining about hippy protesters everywhere

>> No.3951054

>American education

lolno Brit master race reporting in.

>> No.3951055
File: 12 KB, 540x459, triple integrals.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you = plebeian

>> No.3951090
File: 2.67 MB, 2448x3264, Kings_Chapel_from_Trinity_Lane_in_snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, the best?

>> No.3951095

It would be hard to tell.
Cambridge is a serious brain drain because it attracts academics from all over the world, so the fellows and staff in its departments might well be stronger than anywhere else in Europe, in terms of amount of leading research published. But that doesn't necessarily equate to better teaching, particularly at undergraduate level.

I'm under the impression that mainland European universities are more rigorous in many ways with their teaching. Like people who nominally studied "engineering" at a European university often come go to britain or america for post gradaute study and do a PhD in maths or physics.

>> No.3951163


>> No.3951168
File: 333 KB, 1114x746, F4.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General principle: If it resembles Hogwarts or Gormenghast, it's god tier.

>> No.3951213

In California, only Oxford/Cambridge have any name value, as far as Euro schools. I do not even know any Canadian schools.

UCLA Bruin here, too bad our football team sucks so bad.

>> No.3951221

anyone here know anything about SUNY Stony Brook

>> No.3951222

florida international university

>> No.3951242

In Europe I guess it would be the same with California univesities. I know only CalTech, Stanford and Berkeley.

>> No.3951252

Anyone here do the undergrad Computing courses at Imperial, London? Was thinking of going there.

>> No.3951258

How hard is it to get into MIT with good grades/SAT?

I mean, what kind of extracurricular shit do they expect me to do in order to deem me 'interesting' or 'diverse' and accept me?

>> No.3951260

Mah nigga. Mech eng here.

>> No.3951269

Ohh fuck, I thought I was the only one that went to it on 4chan.

Econ major here

>> No.3951281

philosophy/engrish major. what's your name? i know an economics major

>> No.3951293


I had all my SAT scores between 760 and 800 on individual sections. low ish grades 88 - but in my school grades are a little deflated and mit knew it.

I was a decent rower. I was a national gold metal athlete. I visited the school, a Prof there wrote me a reference letter, the rowing coach wanted me...

I tutored some hurpa-derp-derps in high school math.

fuck I'm sure had some other shit going for me.


...I'm no longer bitter about it because I learned that MIT for undergrad is not where it's at. go to a decent school. rape shit up and then go to caltech or mit for grad. they're much better grad schools than undergrad.

>> No.3951302

you guys should meet for coffee. wear V masks to recognise each other

>> No.3951305

Most likely its not me since I don't talk to anybody. I would rather not reveal my identity.

>> No.3951307

Well that's just shit man. Sorry to hear that. I probably don't stand a chance, I'm not a sportsman and I don't play any instrument. I guess being a decent chess player and winning a few minor math competitions doesn't count compared to that.

It's a shitty situation, because I need to get into a need-blind uni which are all Ivy Leagues + MIT, and if I can't get into MIT, I sure as hell can't get into Harvard or Yale, not with all the elitism around. Shit.

>> No.3951315


stay here. I gotta walk to class but we'll keep chatting once I'm there. I might be able to give you advice

>> No.3951324

> go to a decent school. rape shit up and then go to caltech or mit for grad. they're much better grad schools than undergrad.


Go to a decent school for undergrad, but not a top-tier school (unless you have ridiculous amounts of cash). Then go to grad school at a better institution, it makes more a difference on that level.

>> No.3951325

ok. well i don't talk to anyone either really. his name is james

>> No.3951329

Sure, I'll stick around.
You didn't mention, what uni did you go after that?

As I said, I have a huge choice of 7 unis that offer need-blind schooling. MIT actually seems the easiest to get into.

>> No.3951339

ETH Zürich

>> No.3951347


sorry class is busy.

email me if you want: oxnahxn@tznvy.pbz

rot13 cypher

>> No.3951963


>> No.3952041
File: 3 KB, 100x89, SL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saint-louis in Paris
Behold people amongst the smartest ever.

>> No.3952058
File: 24 KB, 274x278, university_edinburgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scotfag studying physics at Edinburgh University here.
The only US uni's I've heard of are Berkeley, Caltech, MIT and Princeton...

>> No.3952077

Physics student at amsterdam university here. i plan on going to the states for a semester, though i havent really thought about which uni to go to. Are good unis hard to get in to? Here most unis are happy to accept foreigners all day long

>> No.3952090
File: 79 KB, 960x700, computerengineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer Engineering
last semester of undergrad
start grad school in a few months

>> No.3952126
File: 6 KB, 160x113, West of Scotland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forensic Science here

>> No.3952170

Im here too.
Bioengineering with concentration in Bioelectronics.
minor in EE. OAAAAAKEESS!!!!

>> No.3952196
File: 35 KB, 220x220, 220px-UMU_LOGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3952218

>Here most unis are happy to accept foreigners all day long

What do they base their grad admissions on? I haven't seen them want a high GPA, they just want a degree and some sort of entrance test (gre, gmat, etc)

is this correct?

>> No.3952255

That's like six people at UF now, who knew /Sci/ was all Gators

>> No.3952276


Tog en distanskurs i filosofi där. Riktigt bra universitet.

>> No.3952278
File: 26 KB, 591x337, ltu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3952293
File: 74 KB, 1181x272, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mid-shit tier uni reporting in

>> No.3952326

Harvard is also a US university.

>> No.3952357

Yeah, I forgot about Yale and Harvard in my post.

>> No.3952381
File: 24 KB, 640x265, University_of_Bath_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maths at bath uni reporting in

>> No.3952388

I've applied there for Physics and Maths.
I've already emailed them my results and was told they'd have a place for me.
Coincidentally, my captcha is 'deflag Bath'.

>> No.3952391
File: 40 KB, 170x174, 170px-Northeastern-seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels bad bro...

>> No.3952393
File: 19 KB, 640x488, wm_logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinity plus one cookies to whoever recognizes this one.

>> No.3952405


>implying you're not attending one of the top 40 unis in the UK
>implying you're not attending a Russell group uni
>implying liverpool isn't one of the best cities in the world

Shit tier student detected.

>> No.3952406

my flatmate does physics and maths and is loving it :)

>> No.3952409
File: 55 KB, 250x250, WPI_250x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The neighborhood is terrible.
The student body is terrible.
The instructors are terrible.
The price is terrible.

>> No.3952411

Charles University in Prague

>> No.3952412



tough shit for foreigners to find housing though, atleast in amsterdam. they come here for cheap education and end up getting shit flipped by 650+ eu/month pay for a crappy 10m² room.

>> No.3952415

Without cheating? Neat

>> No.3952419
File: 31 KB, 1069x620, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested in what people would consider to be the God, top, mid and shit tier schools in their states/countries. California here, this seems to be the case in our state.

>> No.3952422

Damn, my alma mater. Now I am scared that I studied with 4channer.

>> No.3952425

The guys that I emailed were really friendly and encouraging. The course looks fun and your accommodation looks great.
I'm considering going for Bath even if Cambridge make me an offer.

>> No.3952429

Yup, my flatmate went there.

>> No.3952433

good luck with cambridge! i applied to oxford but didnt make it past interviews :( yeah bath is amazing, insane sports facilities too if thats your thing

>> No.3952437

Is your flatmate czech? Or was he taking classes in english?

>> No.3952445

I'm impressed, gentlemen. I won't bother stating my school. By the looks of it I don't even deserve to be on this board. But hey! I just missed three weeks of Multivar calculus and was shouting out all the damn answers in class today anyway.

>> No.3952448

I really want to get into MIT, and if accepted I would get a full ride due to a financial aid organization I'm using. My SAT scores are 2270 in the regular one, and an 800 in physics sat II and 760 in math level 2. I am also salutatorian of a class of 450. Ignoring extra-curriculars (I have plenty), are these grades/ranks something MIT would most likely take?

>> No.3952444

God/shit by what criteria? Social status and prestige, salary...? And in which field (natural science, business, humanities)?

>> No.3952453


Ugh, it can be so god damn confusing. Here in the Netherlands we had a system which offered the title of university only to the highest level of education (places like university of amsterdam, delft, and some other major city's had one). But then the butthurt lower level schools started to whine and now they're also allowed to be named a university. A bit like in the states I believe, arent almost all degrees after highschool being tough at 'universitys'?
isn't there a HUGE gap between ivy leagues and the lowest tier that gets to be called uni?

The level differences between uni's in europe is pretty low, aka they're all high. Before those cuntnuggets got to call themselves university atleast, but that has only been the case for a few years now

>> No.3952454

Czech, he studied Philosophy or something..

>> No.3952455

>2270 SAT

sorry bro. Unless you are black or Hispanic, you're not getting in with those.

>> No.3952457

What's your race?

>> No.3952459

>attend rotterdam university of applied sciences
>train in from vlaardingen
>2 bedroom 700 euro

>> No.3952460

Prestige and by natural science fields.

>> No.3952467

Nice. Only rarely I run into other Czech people when abroad.

>> No.3952471
File: 30 KB, 1069x620, 1319572753351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Swedish tiers

>> No.3952472

I was fairly sure I had a channer in my soft engineering group. Turns out he just used canv.as

>> No.3952473
File: 7 KB, 316x202, sad_frog[1].jpg_127557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


White, but poor.

>> No.3952477


of applied siences? that sounds like one of those scrubby institutions that got the title of university a few years ago.

>> No.3952483

If you're poor, then your circumstances might be enough. It sucks, but universities consider too much other crap instead of looking purely at your academic achievements. Affirmative Action sucks, coming from an Asian American, probably the only group hit harder than white Americans by it.

>> No.3952484


well, thanks for making me feel better. :)

it's ok really, some lecturers are very good, others not so..

>> No.3952487

Heh. Cute.

>> No.3952491


I was under the assumption they could only call themselves universities in english, but remainef hogescool in dutch.

>> No.3952495

Polytechnic University of Madrid

>> No.3952502
File: 57 KB, 432x230, ucsbLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High-mid tier school here, although our physical and engineering sciences are amazing.

>> No.3952537


hogeschool have only been allowed to carry the title of university since a few years. there's a huge difference between the 'old' universities and those applied sience institutions.
university of amsterdam is an entirely different story than university of applied sience amsterdam.
well, apart from the shitty courses tought at the uni of amsterdam like psychology

>> No.3953009


>> No.3953079
File: 55 KB, 334x211, baruch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real nigga college

>> No.3953113
File: 581 KB, 2000x2000, svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went for the name, not enjoying it.

>> No.3953134
File: 38 KB, 400x400, p-18541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Best University In Canada

Well, my city is basically build around a core of universities, so....

>> No.3953294

ETH Zürich.

>> No.3953864


im jelly, Really fucking jelly.

>> No.3953899
File: 8 KB, 250x250, UW-logo-20011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never any UW bro's in these threads ;_;

>> No.3953912

Accepted into their PhD program in biogeochemistry but turned it down because I would have had to wait a year or more to enter (likely 1.5 years). I chose UIUC for engineering. ETH would have been a great experience. I'll probably give a talk there some day.

>> No.3953921

They're too busy working hard and/or enjoying real-time social lives to be spending time on 4chan...

>> No.3953923

Holy shit OP, I might be going to UF if I don't get into MIT. We should totally bro it up. That is if you're into math and physics or anything, that'd be cool.

>> No.3953931

You people always make me feel so guilty...grad student here but I just came back from a long day. Got to class at 8 am, returned home at 8 pm with no breaks in between. I just want to relax for a few hours.

>> No.3953940
File: 37 KB, 607x395, problem badgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering a transfer to UW-Seattle, though for financial purposes I'll probably end up staying.

>> No.3953945

Mission Accomplished! (Also I'm a massive hypocrite. i use this site to decompress as well)

>> No.3953958

OP: Are you in state? I heard it's tough to get into if you're out of state.

>> No.3953961

I just read the shit from people who said they were rejected from MIT. Safe bet to say that without a perfect SAT I'm not getting in.

Not even sure if I should apply, fuck their "holistic take" on their application, they care about asians and hispanics and blacks and not middle-class whites.
(yes I'm butthurt and venting on the internet)

>> No.3953972

How hard is it to get into the engineering department at University of Minnesota?
Possible with a 28 ACT and 3.6 GPA?

>> No.3954027


>> No.3954770


>> No.3957130

"Busted" does not mean what you think it means.

>> No.3957324

What do you think about Missouri Science and Technology? How's the cost and campus?

>> No.3957404


>> No.3957421

>care about asians
Asians are the most discriminated against group. The SAT and GPA cutoffs for Asians are notoriously high, even higher than that for whites. Quite possibly the only group more discriminated against are Jewish students.

>> No.3957581
File: 29 KB, 145x145, UULogo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My university is more than a century older than your country, ameri-proles.

>> No.3957625

The US is a relatively new country, but holds the majority of the powerhouse universities in the world. Not a mark against other countries mind you. Many of our best researchers and scientists are foreign-born.

>> No.3958168


>> No.3958190
File: 6 KB, 300x255, sig_vert_300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels really fucking mediocre, bro.

>> No.3958218


>> No.3960182


>> No.3961727


>> No.3961799

applying early decision for accounting.
Going accounting finance double major
see you there

>> No.3963419


>> No.3963835
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Going for the prestige too. I dislike the social life enormously, but the classes are fascinating.