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File: 47 KB, 500x500, jupiterPic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3946821 No.3946821 [Reply] [Original]

Could there be life inside the gas clouds of Jupiter?

>> No.3946826

Could there be life in OP's anus?
(Yes, there is. Look at all the AIDS bacteria.)

>> No.3946828

>AIDS bacteria
>AIDS virus

>> No.3946829

Fuck you nigger.

>> No.3946847

while(>>3946826===a faggot)
>virus is not life
>aids is not a bacteria
>aids is a disease, not a pathogen
>the pathogen is HIV
>HIV is a virus

>> No.3946849

of course, why do you think it has such thick clouds to begin with? Along with Neptune and Uranus as well. Aliens realized the best way to keep us out is to block our view and to think it's nothing

>> No.3946850


WHY is a virus not alive? is there any reason other than arbitrary human made guidelines?

>> No.3946854

Are you that easy to troll?

>> No.3946857

>implying alive/not alive can be abstracted from arbitrary guidelines

>> No.3946863

independent reproduction is a human made guideline, but a good one

>> No.3946864


That's like asking why is a car not a bicycle.

Because we define a car to be something that a bicycle is not.

A virus is not life for the same reason that a program is not a computer.


>> No.3946865

Don't listen to the trolls.
A virus has genes, therefore it is alive.

>> No.3946872

dead people have genes, therefore they are alive

>> No.3946881

Those that are alive have souls, therefore dead people have souls

>> No.3946885

You're a dumb nigger, therefore you're not worth living.

>> No.3946890

>implying he won't be alive after he gets killed

>> No.3946947

let's say we run into sentient alien life that is for the most part indistinguishable from life as we know it; however their only means of reproduction is to inject a separate species with viral DNA, which forces it to become pregnant and give birth to the viral offspring. The alien would be intelligent, sentient, but completely unable to reproduce without a host lifeform.

>> No.3946993

Virusses are dna.
Dna doesn't live.

>> No.3946998

Virusses are not DNA.
There are also some which only have RNA.

>> No.3947001

RNA doesn't live either.
I already saw I made a little mistake the moment I clicked submit.

>> No.3947285

Intelligent parasites?

>> No.3947409

That would have to be one hardy Lifeform to Survial there because of the poles of that planet they will basicly kill you within seconds.

>> No.3947668

>will basicly kill almost any TERRESTRIAL life within seconds
As of now, we still have only one datum, Earth, as to what kind of life can emerge in the universe.

Granted, jovian life seems improbable, but I wouldn't rule it out until we actually know.

>> No.3947729

If it lived on the surface of the solid core it'd be hella strange. Toxic everything, insane pressure, hellish temperature and perpetual storms of abysmal force. If it lived in the clouds it could be similar to aquatic life perhaps. Still, the wind conditions aren't nice.

>> No.3947736

>Could there be life inside the gas clouds of Jupiter?
There's likely no carbon-based life, but other forms of life are possible.

>> No.3947743

>living on the solid core
As best we can determine, there wouldn't be storms. The liquid in those depths would simply be too dense to have anything like wind in it. Slow convection, yes, but no storms.

Storms only happen in the top layer of Jupiter, where the gas is sparse enough for it.

>> No.3947754

>life on solid core

you full retard dude if you mean life as we know it, there is too many pressure and temperature there, so many pressure the hydrogen turns metallic over it

>> No.3947867
File: 2 KB, 126x101, srisly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so many pressure

>> No.3947872


so much cunts like EK

yeah I'm not a english or american cunt and I make mistakes sometimes

you happy bitch?

>> No.3947910
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much cunts...
was that a troll/joke and you flip reversed that shit on purpose, or did you actually fuck up again!??

also, lern-2-punctuation, nigger.

>> No.3947961

> Could there be life inside the gas clouds of Jupiter?

Simple life like bacteria? Yes. Anything more complicated than that? No.

Life arises as a molecular complication. As long as life stays on the molecular level, then gravity isn't much of a force for it. There are layers to Jupiter's atmosphere that function like oceans, at certain densities and pressures. Below such, molecular arrangements become to broken up by the heat.

But as life tries to become heavier, like groups of cells, there is just too much downward force from gravity to allow it to survive long enough to make use of things like gas balloons and wing structures. Simply put, long before the organism can fly, it will be too heavy to stay in the layers of atmosphere that it can survive in. As it gets heavier, it becomes more and more susceptible to gravity pulling it in.

Remember also that Jupiter's gravity at the cloud tops is 3g. Three times the Earth surface standard. So anything in the atmosphere will be pulled down fairly strongly.

If there are indeed bacteria-like structures on Jupiter, downward winds there would be destroying them all the time, as they sink to levels where chemicals and heat destroy them. (At the bacteria size, atmospheric pressure isn't that much of a factor.)

>> No.3947974

show us your cock

>> No.3948010
File: 88 KB, 790x731, cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here he is

>> No.3948018

I don't think the real EK's tripcode starts with "EK."

>> No.3948035
File: 82 KB, 1157x757, EKcombo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does now
'#taxon' was revealed, i had to change it

>> No.3948039

the day you are permanently banned and are intelligent enough not to come back here will be the day this community thrives

>> No.3948053
File: 176 KB, 571x570, 1307922242856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3948062
File: 532 KB, 711x535, ek-brazzers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> faggot engineer detected

>> No.3948068


>> No.3948070

It didn't start with "D9," either.

>> No.3948073

Could it be that Jupiter wasn't always a gas giant and that previous intelligent lifeforms formed methods to live on the surface or high in the clouds without getting raped anally

>> No.3948142

lol wut? how is that possibly samefag? why would i upload that?

>> No.3948145

because you like to camwhore

>> No.3948151

my original trip did. since then, i've posted more with this one.
10,000 posts, and counting =p

even if you're arguing that i'm not 'the real EK' (which i really am)
...i'm still clearly the most common one.

>> No.3948155
File: 2 KB, 126x95, youfool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3948175

why can't you shot us your boobs without you face in the shot? :(

>> No.3948183

I second that motion.

>> No.3948200

just just a big tease, either that or she has shamefully small boobs

>> No.3948221
File: 51 KB, 396x385, 1318460634257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have EK as a facebook friend

also saged, reported, called the FBI, burnt down house, moved to australia