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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 438x533, 130IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3940188 No.3940188 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3940199

smart people don't sitting in front of a computer?

>> No.3940203

>iq of 130




>> No.3940208



>> No.3940249

this will be new copypasta for this troll image:

>sit in front of computer
almost everyone, almost EVERYONE in modern society does this.
>programming random useless shit
HAHA, take this to /g/ or /prog/
>performing redundant tasks in a lab
>modding video games

this shit only works on boards full of useless shut ins. the 1% of /sci/ that matters is out doing research, thinking on the fly, and contributing to knowledge/humanity in small ways (yet big when taken together with the rest of the science community).

>socialize, exercise, practical degree, genuinely care about people
the scientists that pop into people's minds when they think of 'good scientist' do all of these things, except maybe exercise (due to lack of time)

>> No.3940312

I don't have the attention span to finish an IQ test.

>> No.3940332 [DELETED] 

>mfw i have iq of 130 and im not smart like others

>> No.3940400

me neith

>> No.3941808

Right, so I'm stupid because I don't engage in activities that put me at high risk for injuries or disease and choose to do something fun like programming instead?
That's some pretty stupid logic there OP. Sounds to me like you might just be a little jealous. How much time did you spend being angry at others living a different lifestyle than you before you felt you had to make this post? Smart or stupid, I can tell you that's pretty sad.

>> No.3941813

OP is ignoring actual IQ and focusing on the specialization of mainstream activities. OP should be talking about a persons ability in his lifestyle, be it chillin wit beerz or programming. OP's scope isn't broad enough either. There is more to life than the two. Lets not forget that OP is from

>> No.3941818

>implying IQ makes you smart

OP... I am disappoint

>> No.3941905


Thank god I'm learning software engineering combined with math, physics and various languages.

Not a virgin either. You just made me feel a little better about myself OP, thanks.

Not very social though, working on that!

>> No.3941913

>IQ of 126. Though, I still think measuring one's IQ is redundant.
>Degree in Engineering and Computer Science.
>Fucking bitches.
>Currently /fit/.
>Can fight, kickboxing and MMA.

Dumbfuck says what?

>> No.3941916


>> No.3941919


>Overcompensating to hide true sexuality
>Faggot bum fighting

Bet you love those hot oily man torsos you get to fondle(fight)

>> No.3941922

>iq of 130




>> No.3941934 [DELETED] 

>mfw OP's pic was clearly written by someone with vastly inferior intelligence.

No, seriously; it's fucking retarded.

>> No.3941943

ITT OP posts an image made by someone incredibly insecure about their low intelligence/IQ that they convince themselves getting drunk on the weekends makes them smart

>> No.3941949

once again /sci/ falls for a repost of a repost of an old and lame troll image

>> No.3941952
File: 2 KB, 126x125, 1295639912133s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3941955

I may or may not speak for a large group of high IQ'ers, but the problem with that pic lies in the assumption of the things categorized under "What smart people really do" as intrinsically good, where as my priorities may or may not include those things so not having them isn't a negative experience.

>> No.3941982
File: 13 KB, 251x207, 1317042759319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3941988
File: 14 KB, 252x295, youratroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's probably meant to be on the image, seeing as it's a troll in the chair.
kinda like this

>> No.3941994

notice the gap in the text, someone actually modified it to make it purposefully spelled wrong.

>> No.3942012

EK pix plz. I wanna draw.

>> No.3942014

this is stupid and doesn't deserve a response in the least, but because the words IQ are in OP's post everyone HAS TO RESPOND.

>> No.3942025

...including you

>> No.3942031

>implying bricklayers are smarter than math majors
>implying virgin is an insult

>> No.3942034

>implying virgin is an insult
kinda is...
well, depending on age

>> No.3942035

>implying brick layers aren't math majors

>> No.3942037


EK confirmed for cockhungering slutwhore

>> No.3942038
File: 88 KB, 500x700, 2319051776565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elizabeth Kagome Hime Adams
>Elizabeth Kagome Hime
>Elizabeth Kagome
oh god

>> No.3942041

OP isn't a faggot for once. Chris Langdon is supposed to have an IQ of 200 and that guy is a fucking idiot. He's a bouncer who thinks he can prove the existence of God with maths for shit's sake.

>> No.3942042
File: 21 KB, 249x278, 1309854042650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that not being a virgin + being female = 'cockhungering slutwhore'

>> No.3942044
File: 113 KB, 1600x1200, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... hory shit

>> No.3942045

Yep. Once a girl loses it, she is ruined forever and should kill herself.

>> No.3942047

isn't me. EK is my middle and last initials, not first and second.
>famous on /b/, /a/ and /v/
>boards i hardly ever go on
>no mention of /sci/

..also she's an ugly bitch.

>> No.3942048


Seems like he hit a nerve there.

>> No.3942049


That's clearly not the right formula at all.
>not being a virgin + being female - being a lesbian = 'cockhungering slutwhore'


>> No.3942051

EK emote pix plz. I wanna draw

>> No.3942054
File: 195 KB, 365x330, 1236565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting laid
>jelly of other people getting laid

>> No.3942056


Interestingly, her typical diction seems very similar to your own though...

>> No.3942063

no, she's even more arrogant and even more irritating (yes i am aware of how arrogant and irritating i come across)
there was an entire thread about this before, turns out she's a completely different tripfag, mainly on /v/, but i forget her tripname.

>> No.3942068


Liar. That is not you. Multiple people have verified that is only a chick on youtube you worship. Namely:


>> No.3942069

hey EK, have you too been banned the previous day for the get? :/

>> No.3942070

Hahaha, nope. I get laid a fair amount, not heaps, but enough. Why the hell would I be jealous of a woman getting laid?

>> No.3942071
File: 6 KB, 251x188, 1319310238453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faggotry is strong within this thread.

>> No.3942073

lol, i didnt say it was me.
it isn't

>> No.3942074


FactsVsRelision's actual channel.

>> No.3942076

maybe jelly of whoever was doing her...

>> No.3942077

EK, why do you tripfag? Why don't you just make your points and let them stand on their own merit? Why is your ego so large that you can't just post anonymously like everyone else?

>> No.3942089


The same reason all tripfags tripfag. They desperately want attention.

>> No.3942091
File: 167 KB, 365x330, 1319370639439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my best work,
but you're still beautiful.

>> No.3942094


What? We don't "think on the fly" the way he's talking about. We think deeply too. And "redundant tasks in a lab", he means research. You're being trolled so hard.

>> No.3942098
File: 14 KB, 272x244, 1313865713474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. no i don't

oh hai!

>> No.3942108


And there is even more posts!!


>> No.3942112


The only reason anyone does anything is the desire to be important, or a belief in their own importance. For people that tripfag, march in political events, go into show business, etc., is to feel important to others by getting their attention. "People know me! Look how special I am!"

>> No.3942119
File: 40 KB, 450x300, dealwithit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down, cunt
the thread's moved on, chill the fuck out

>> No.3942123

I can't believe you can shit post this much, and be a tripfag at the same time. That's truly idiotic. EK I hope you get run over and die soon. I sincerely hope this, you are such a horrible person. You require attention in such an enormous quantitative, that your personality disorder really shines through. I wish I knew were you lived, I would hire a hitman or just go after you myself. I would burn your house down.

>> No.3942127
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3942125

Well, if you don't want attention, why do you tripfag? Is someone forcing you at gunpoint to use a tripcode when you post?

>> No.3942130


>> No.3942133

ooo you kept it!
I like that one too.
I would dump, but I'm on my friend's mac downtown.
I'm derping hotkeys everywhere.

>> No.3942135
File: 109 KB, 468x354, 1313865499520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kept them all ;)

>> No.3942137

Ok talk shit, and don't give a real answer because you know that we are right. You only do it for attention. It would be semi-ok apart from the fact that you keep denying that you do it for attention. I had some respect for you before, I have none now.

>> No.3942140


Post your address, please!!


You're avoiding the question.

>> No.3942144

>ask stupid question
>get stupid answer
fucking retard

>> No.3942146


Please note that I, the anon that posted
Am not also the anon making death threats/wishing you ill. I do think you need attention, but no worse that most of the other attention whores on the internet, and certainly not as badly as most porn stars.

>> No.3942154


It was not a stupid question you moronic whore.

>> No.3942157

If you want your post to be associated with your person, then why don't you tripfag?


>> No.3942161

I hope that just a tiny bit of what anons write, gets through to you EK.

If just a tiny bit goes through you should be able to see that you're a gigantic fucking whore.

>> No.3942164


I don't want them to be ordinarily. I have just seen too many threads turn into incomprehensible arguments because people don't know who said what.

Please note: This is not a reason to tripf­ag. It's a reason to be a rational person on the internet (ie- don't argue with every fucking thing you read).

>> No.3942167



don't you see that you're hurting the community?

You constantly derail threads, just to talk about yourself. And people are making hate threads about you. You're the downfall of this board, you're actually hurting the quality a lot.

How can you not come to the conclusion that you need to stop tripfagging, at least for a while. Or leave entirely. Please.

>> No.3942168

Why the fuck do you even post?

>rational person
>on the internet

choose one

>> No.3942172

@all the anons hating on EK:

Keep your fucking emotions out.
This board is for science and math.

>> No.3942186

much buttmad was put in OP's pic

>> No.3942197

I don't think it was a stupid question. It's the only rational reason I can see for you tripfagging if it's apparently 'not for attention'. If there is another reason, then please, share it with us.

>> No.3942280

who is she?

>> No.3942382


I approve of this thread