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3939436 No.3939436 [Reply] [Original]

What would you pick as the mandatory courses for undergraduates and how many electives would you require of them?

>> No.3939577

A CS major should be a Mathematics major and Electronic Engineering major combined in a good school

>> No.3939658

1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
Algorithms and complexity theory

>> No.3940870

Why are you asking this?

>> No.3940888

>Electronic Engineering
Computer science has nothing to do with electronic engineering.

>> No.3940896


>> No.3940922
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>1st year

>> No.3940929

Implying you need to know any sort of language to write in matlab

>> No.3940931
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>matlab at all

>> No.3940958

I am content with the way my university handles it.
U of T

>> No.3940976

>Has never performed any operations on matrices

>> No.3940975

B.S. in computer sciences should look like this:

<span class="math">Freshman~Year[/spoiler]
Intro to programming in C++ or C 101
Data Structures and OOP 102
Digital Logic and Elementary E-E 103
Calculus I 101
Calculus II 102
Linear Algebra 103
University Physics I 111
University Physics II 112
Gen Chemistry 100
English Writing 101
SS/Humanities Elective

<span class="math">Sophomore~Year[/spoiler]
Computer Architecture 201
Assembly Language 203
Multivariate/Vector Calculus 211
Ordinary Partial Differential Equations 212
Software Engineering 202
Introduction to Mathematical Proofs/Logic/Graph theory/Number theory/Combinatorics/Algebra survey course 222
Probability & Statistics 223
Programming Languages 256
SS/Humanity Electives
SS/Humanity Electives

<span class="math">Junior~Year[/spoiler]
Operating Systems Design 401
Computer Algorithms 301
Numerical Methods, Analysis, and Computing 302
Internet technology, Networking and Programming 333
Parallel and Distributed Programming 311
Upper level SS/Humanities Elective
Upper level SS/Humanities Elective
Mathematics Elective
Science Elective
Computer Elective

<span class="math">Senor~Year[/spoiler]
Basics of Computer Security 400
Mathematical basis of Computer Science: Computability theory, Formal Languages, and Automata 474
Capstone (Team) Development Project (Must be pass with a B or higher to graduate)
Economics or Finance Course
Computer Elective
Computer Elective
Computer Elective

If your school doesn't then congratulation for getting into devry university/ITT tech type school. See you in the unemployment line for life...

>> No.3940974

University of Texas?
University of Tennessee?
University of Toronto?
University of Tampa?
University of Toledo?
University of Tulsa?
University of Turabo?
University of Tartu?
University of Tehran?
University of Tirana?
University of Tokyo?
Universiteit Twente?
Universitas Terbuka?

god damn fucking be specific

>> No.3940990

How does this CS program look guys

>> No.3941012

>probability only in the final semester
the fuck

>> No.3941031

fucking god damn just tell me what you think of the program

I could just take probability and stats earlier if I wanted to anyways, how does the rest of it look

>> No.3941040

>engineering school


>> No.3941045

No theory and missing 4-6 one-term courses in 3rd and 4th year. If you get through it you will have some competence in programming, but you won't have much depth.
What may be more important is who teaches it. This looks like a program that is taught by a very small department with people that don't keep up with research. You may or may not get assignments that really challenge you and get you to explore the subject in more depth.

>> No.3941053
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pretty solid course

>> No.3941066


Lol, business students

>> No.3941090

yes but it means there aren't many if any courses that build upon it like more advance programing, networking, and security courses...


>> No.3941107

Jesus, I can feel the double digit IQ of the person who wrote that.

>> No.3941145

>not Mathematica or Reason
confirmed engineer faggots

>> No.3941151

what is wrong with matlab?

it's just as capable as mathematica, if not more project-oriented for solving as most higher-level mathematics is.

>> No.3941152

Could you look at this one too, please?


>> No.3941165

written by a genius Ph.D. mathematician who published papers on particle physics before he was 18, for use by mathematicians and physicists

industry trash for engineers, by engineers

>> No.3941177

that's irrelevant, selling software is a method of obtaining money, not supporting the scientific community.

regardless, mathematica seems to be sold as an end-user product designed for undergrad students for simple symbolic calculations, just my opinion.

>> No.3941187

Well... what I did was navigate to the faculty page:
It is a department of "Electrical Engineering and Computer Science" -- which says right off the bat that they do not concentrate on either of those disciplines as a major part of their program.
What I am seeing is 4 professors that list research interests in Computer Science (Hamer, Tan (sort of), Liu, Min). The rest are either not professors, so they are instructors (which are usually people that spend all their time doing teaching-related duties), or they list no research interests (meaning they probably do not do research), or their research interests are in electrical engineering topics.
Undergrads usually want profs to spend less time on research and more time on teaching. But the fact ls that doing research keeps profs on the leading edge. If they don't keep on the leading edge, they can't publish, so they can't do research.
Profs and instructors who don't do research are likely to want to teach the same thing for 20 years in a row as long as they can pick up their paycheck for it. They tend not to change their curriculum to keep up with new developments unless their Dean or department head shames them into doing it.
So, well, I guess I would say it doesn't look like a good choice as far as the quality of the program goes. It depends what other choices you have and what other considerations you have.

>> No.3941189

mathematica and reason are built from the ground level up for science and math

matlab is shit holdover C code from the 70s

>> No.3941190

1st year)
math, matlab, a class about C, forget teaching java or c++ or some other shit first year.

>> No.3941216

Well what are some good out of state schools that aren't extremely expensive, or give good merit based aid? I can also get reciprocity to the schools on this list


but im not sure how many good schools there are on that list for computer science.
Also, I heard SUNY Stony Brook is a good school for CS out of state, but I haven't taken the SAT and I'm not sure if they require it or not

If you could look at that list or give me some other suggestions, it would be very appreciated, thanks!

>> No.3941219

before anything i'd fix how fucking retarded the Introductory Programming and Data Structures courses are at my school. they're a fucking joke because they're so easy AND theres a generous curve to boot

>> No.3941245

are you me? My data structures class is literally just copying the code from the book and changing a few lines and turning it in.

>> No.3941316

I dunno, having to learn how to create Dynamic Programming algorithms during the class time from a written description alone (no other research allowed) and no examples is pretty tough IMO.

>> No.3941343

lol for the first third of my data structures class the prof just kept going over how to use nested for loops. and the sad thing was, there were people in the class who were having trouble with it. at least your book had examples you could actually compile: our book took some sort of bullshit abstract approach where they gave vague pseudo-code for drawing an image with groups of objects. our professor showed us a basic example of a binary search tree, but that was as far as we got- we didn't learn hash tables or anything more complicated

>> No.3941369

The ones that I have heard of and that I know anything about the CS department in are:
Arizona State
University of Arizona
Colorado State
U. New Mexico
Portland State
U. Oregon

Out of those, I would guess that Arizona State and U. of Oregon have the best programs, judging from looking at their faculty lists.

Are you Native American? Dartmouth College (New Hampshire) is a very old college that has a long tradition of having Native American students, and has a pretty good Computer Science department.

I would still say Arizona State #1 and University of Oregon #2.

>> No.3941438

my nigga are YOU ALL ME?

>take data structures
>first half of the semester is a review of everything I learned in the previous semester
>homework assignments consist of building expression parse trees and maze solvers
>mfw I can't keep awake

>> No.3941518

Mandatory units:

1st year mandatory
Discrete mathematics
Programming methodologies (java or C or C++)

2nd year
Linear Algebra
Algorithms (C++)

Everything else might as well be electives.

>> No.3941529

Programming is a hobby of mine, there are no employers