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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3940170 No.3940170 [Reply] [Original]

How smart is the collective reasoning of this board? Up for a logic puzzle, /sci/?

>An intelligent, coin-operated robot responds truthfully whenever a coin made of steel or nickel is inserted.
>This same robot lies whenever a titanium coin is inserted.
>One day, a traveler on his way to a major city comes to a fork in a road.
>Not knowing which road to take, he decides to ask a robot placed nearby.
>The traveler has one coin, but does not know what material it is made of.
>Using only the coin, the robot, and his wits, how can the traveler determine with absolute certainty which road to take to the city?

>> No.3940209

>asks how smart we are
>gives us impossible problem

>> No.3940217

He should walk in the opposite direction to the robot.

>> No.3940219

>Traveller pulls out his Android phone
>Continues on his merry way

>> No.3940230


you all are the cancer killing this board.

seems like a reasonable question, op. out of my depth, though.

>> No.3940234

Ask what the coin is made of and which route he should take.

It just says he responds truthfully, not that there is a limited number of questions per coin

>> No.3940246

>Ask what the coin is made of

But he can lie about that.

>> No.3940254

>implying its not implied

>> No.3940263

Ask what fork he would advise you NOT to take if you had inserted a coin made of a metal from the other category.

>> No.3940266

Ask if he is a robot, THEN ask which direction to go.

Wait, if the robot can just lie and say "I don't know" to anything, we're fucked.

>> No.3940269

What is the robot made of? Any magnets? (srs question)

>> No.3940270

What if you were to ask a hypothetical question within a question?

>If I were to ask ..., what would you say?

>> No.3940271

he only has one coin

>> No.3940280

I assume it means polar opposite lie, as opposed to feigning ignorance--in which case, it would be impossible.

>> No.3940281

"if you are lying, which rout should i NOT take?"

i remember a problem along those lines with three gods that only said yei or nei.

>> No.3940284

Titanium is non-magnetic. Break the fucking robot and acquire the magnets.

>> No.3940286


this feels like its on the right track...

>> No.3940290

Steel and nickel are ferromagnetic. If the traveler has a magnet he can determine the coin and anticipate the robot's answer.

>> No.3940294

I cant believe /sci/ cant do this

>> No.3940300

Or he could tell the robot that if he lies he'll kill him with the magnet

>> No.3940301

has it. other variations solve as well.

>> No.3940297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3940306


I'm not getting it. Explain?

>> No.3940308

Ask if the robot is a robot, and then ask what direction to take. You know which direction to take based on the brobot's first answer.

>> No.3940314

shit just got real

>> No.3940318

implying you may ask 2 questions.

>> No.3940320

1 coin = 1 answer

>> No.3940322

i don't think you necessarily need to ask specifically if he's a robot though. anything that you know to be fact (is the grass green? what is 1 +1?) can be used

>> No.3940324

/sci/...i am disappoint.

>> No.3940334

OP here.

This guy:
is close. You need a multi-layered approach in your question.

>> No.3940335

The traveller busts the robot open with a rock and takes all the coins inside of it and then just picks a path like everybody else on every non-robot path made ever would have done

>> No.3940338

"if i inserted a titanium coin, is the left way the right one?"
no matter the answer, youll know where to go.

>> No.3940352

"if i inserted a titanium coin, would you be lying if you told me to go right?"

>> No.3940346

Step 1: Find magnet
Step 2: Test magnet on coin
Step 3: Ask the robot which way to the city. If the coin attracted, take the robot's advice. If not, take the opposite advice.

>> No.3940357


Guys... shut the fuck up about magnets.

>> No.3940360

He could say Yes or No, dictating either Left or Right. So it would be useless.

>> No.3940361


...did you just suggest making threats at a fucking CPU as a valid answer?

"If I asked you which way it was to the city, what would your answer be if this coin was made of the other possible material?"
if the coin is titanium, he lies about what the nickel coin answer would be, and tells you the incorrect way to the city. If the coin is nickel/copper, he tells you what his lie would have been, and tells you the incorrect way.

>Insert coin
>ask this question
>walk opposite way

>> No.3940362

everybody's repeating answers now
This guys was the best

>> No.3940372


>> No.3940371 [DELETED] 

>Coin operated robots
>Not solar powered


>> No.3940376

Gotta love Jim Henson
david bowie was so great in the movie you fucking stole that answer from

>> No.3940377


if he wasn't lying he wouldn't answer your question and you are out of coins

>> No.3940379

Rape the robot

>> No.3940392

It's the only frigging answer to the question, somebody was going to say it eventually, and basically already did right here

>> No.3940393

hi /b/

>> No.3940396

Ask the robot where he would tell you to go if he was the liar robot.

Go the opposite way.

>> No.3940398

Frame the question is such a way that you're asking him what he would say IF you asked him which road to take. That way his potential lying cancels out.

Hmm let me think.

"If I asked you which road leads to the city, what would you say?"

>> No.3940399

why the fuck would he have a titanium coin on him

>> No.3940404


Euros are made of titanium. U jelly butt-grumpy amerifat?

>> No.3940409


>> No.3940424

>live in america
>use american coins
>never worry about random robots lying to me

>> No.3940430

Looks like your trips got hungry and ate some dubs.

>> No.3940431

why does he tell you he's lying? He would just tell you the incorrect way to the city, since he is telling the truth by telling you the lie based on your question.

>> No.3940446

"Had I inserted a coin from the other category, what would you say if I asked you which way I should take?"

See, if you put in a nickel, then he'd tell you the wrong way. If you put in a titanium, he should tell you the right way, but since titanium makes him lie, he'll still tell you the wrong way. Either way, whatever path he says, take the other one. Come on, this is an old riddle, but with a robot.

>> No.3940458

"If I asked you the way to the city, what road would you tell me to take?"

Truth) He tells you the answer fair and square

Lie) He lies about his own potential lie, and his bullshit cancels itself out, leaving you with the truth again

>> No.3940474

so wait, we can only ever travel on 1 road? i mean how fucking far away is this city? i'm pretty sure i'd figure out before too long if i was going the right way or not. fuck the robot, i need that cash for snacks.

>> No.3940478

Wait, how does it cancel out?

>> No.3940492


Lie) Oh fuck this guy is asking me what i'd say if he asked me which way to go. Well the true path is left, so IF he asked me which way I'd tell him right. Now I need to lie about what I WOULD tell him, so that means I have to tell him I'd answer left. Haha that'll fix him. I love my job.

>> No.3940500

This better be how robots think in the future.

>> No.3940529
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>implying i won't just say the first thing i think off and keep the money.

>> No.3940530


Use the road sign and tell the robot to go fuck himself.

>> No.3940872

Dammit, this is what I said right back here: >>3940263

>> No.3940895


we try, we try. gotta be worth somethin

>> No.3940939

You can take ferromagnetic or non-ferromagnetic coins, telling the truth or lying respectively. I have put one of these into you. If I had put in the other kind, which way would you tell me to go if I asked which road leads to the city?

Alternatively just stand on top of the robot to reach a better vantage point.

>> No.3940970

And if you don't get it, this means he must tell me to go the wrong way, so I just go the opposite way to whichever he states.