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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3936570 No.3936570 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3936578

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.3936582


Except for the ability to filter tripfag's posts.

>> No.3936587
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let us now start the ballad of fake ek

>> No.3936586

Is it true? Is the war finally over?

>> No.3936598
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Moot, you magnificent bastard.

>> No.3936602

>lol hay guise queen of /sci/
>u mad?
>y u mad tho?
>y u still mad?
>20 years later u still mad
>I'm such a pro troll guys

>> No.3936611


>> No.3936616 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3936630

Rofl I am a dumb stupid whore. I crave attention and have no friends. I am also emotionally rampant and ugly.

I like to pretend that I am only acting retarded.

>> No.3936650

I don't believe you.
But if it's true then thank you based moot!

>> No.3936654


>> No.3936658
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No more tripcancers?

>> No.3936659

well i'll be damned
oh well, tripless isn't much of a loss anyway, mad scientist probably doesn't care either that crazy coot

>> No.3936663

I also enjoy posting my own half-baked guesses in physics problems threads, but in an authoritative way as if I knew shit. I mean, I spend all of my free time on this fucking board so I would have to be a complete retard to get everything wrong all the time, right?

But my favourite thing of all is watching all of you faggots make threads about me even after tripcodes have been disabled. It shows that you're even more pathetic than I am.

>> No.3936661

Fuck you guys, everyone knows i'm a dumb slut anyway

>> No.3936672



>implying you're EK

>> No.3936677

oh lawdy

>> No.3936679


>> No.3936683


counter sage fuck you, enjoy your false sense of power.

>> No.3936688


>> No.3936698
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>> No.3936703


>> No.3936707

AHAHAHA you sure are fucked, buddy.

>> No.3936717
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Well holy shit. Though it's possible it's related to the hardware upgrades.

>> No.3936714


Stop stealing my name!

>> No.3936708


get out with that gay shit

>> No.3936709
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>> No.3936718
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>> No.3936722


My god that is a fucking horrendous excuse for a trollface. Please leave or I will report.

>> No.3936723

I can finally pretend to be EK and nobody can find out I'm not! My dream has finally come true!

>> No.3936727
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And so begins the long string of impersonator. !v1sPhobos. here, I'm off.

>> No.3936732
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>> No.3936738

!v1sPhobos, here. I'm back.

I got the sudden urge to tell everyone the story about this one time when I sucked a massive cock. Anyone interested?

>> No.3936746

do tell

>> No.3936751



>> No.3936756
File: 25 KB, 231x249, 1319254584174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ has a dildo:

What do we do? I'll start:

I would put it up my ass at once.

>> No.3936760

Oh snap, we're all doomed!

>> No.3936761

Josef here. I don't really have anything bad to say about myself. I'm pretty much an awesome guy.

>> No.3936762


Well, it was a saturday afternoon, and I had just got done sucking a massive cock when, all of the sudden, I open my bedroom door and about a dozen black men are standing there with lustful grins. One of them grabs me and tears of my clothes that I got from hot topic. He had a twenty inch penis, and I sucked it dry.

The end.

>> No.3936772

Oh yes and after that I ground up some thorium and fired it into my ass with a fifty gigawatt mass driver to propel me straight to Mars where I could party with my faggot fairy transhumanist friends all night long.

>> No.3936776
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>> No.3936779

Violent-simians guy here. I never used a tripcode. I never will. You'll never get rid of me.

>> No.3936782

╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong Anonymous ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no tripcodes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

>> No.3936785

Oh yes, fuck me in the ass harder with your cock which can only be temporarily powered with Cheap Oil before the megadeaths from my cumexplosion engulf us all

>> No.3936786



>> No.3936794
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>You'll never get rid of me.

And you, my small minded misanthopic chum, will never be rid of me.

>> No.3936804
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>> No.3936812
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>> No.3936819

> And you, my small minded misanthopic chum, will never be rid of me.

I never wanted to, since I need morons like you to put your faces in the path of my slapping hand.

>> No.3936827

true test.

>> No.3936834

tripcodes are still here fuckers.

>> No.3936833


>> No.3936839



>> No.3936838

Interesting, trying with a fake trip first

>> No.3936840

Hurrah, we're back in business.

It appears to have a problem with posting images for me, does anyone else have a similar issue?

>> No.3936841

Come on guys, there's nothing wrong with Moot's decision. I think the end result is good because it makes people use 4chan the way it meant to be use. If people are obsessed with trips, they could always go to forums.

>> No.3936843

it was fun while it lasted

>> No.3936845

Whoops wrong trip again.

>> No.3936852


>I need morons like you to put your faces in the path of my slapping hand.

Your hostility is an outward expression of your private frustration with the fact that you are aging into a future that repudiates your worldview.

So strike me if you please. Break your hand on my face, garbage creature. Your concentrated hatred will die with you, as the world you insisted could never exist arranges for your burial.

>> No.3936857

It might not, if he is forced to undergo longevity treatments, thus prolonging his misery.

>> No.3936881


>It might not, if he is forced to undergo longevity treatments, thus prolonging his misery.

Perhaps if we put him into some kind of misery harvesting chamber, he could provide clean, limitless power.....ironically solving the oil shortage. :O

>> No.3936882 [DELETED] 

sure is stormfront in here

>> No.3936890

We would need to devise some sort of valve system to separate his emotional emissions and avoid cross-contamination. I expect the vitriol tanks to fill quickly, but I doubt their contents would be clean-burning.

I am beginning to doubt that the useful power output of this system would exceed its energy requirements.

>> No.3936894


Why is this guy same-faggin it up?

>> No.3936896


Longevity ethics thread.

So if we can essentially buy our life span, how do we allocated who gets to live forever?

We cant live forever now, but we can keep old people in hospital beds for years.

>> No.3936898

You don't know how to check for samefags, do you?

>> No.3936905


How do you do it?

I have been accused of same fagging so much. Its really frustrating.

>> No.3936906

I'd expect that whoever could pay for it could get the treatments.

I doubt you consider that the ideal allocation system, but what would you favor as an alternative?

>> No.3936911

There is no way. But asking if someone knows the way sometimes gets them to shut up about it.

>> No.3936927


I dont really have an opinion. It just seems like a new moral problem.

Im not going to say anyone being alive is a burden, but its extremely costly to keep people alive for an extra bit of time while they are on their death beds. Its raises the costs of medical care a lot. I am not saying that, we should kill anyone for the sake of lower health care, but we have a current economic problem where people willingly stay alive costing the rest of society a lot of money. I think any decent person would recognize that dying a few months to a year earlier is better than hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical costs for your peers.

But thats just modern longevity problems. This Aubrey De Grey stuff seems to be different, but it revolves around the same kind of problem. We have some people, who can afford to live forever, and that comes at the cost of allowing other people to live forever. The opportunity cost of someone else's life... what is that? Like everything, there can be externalities in this circumstance.

Luddites gonna lude.

>> No.3936942

I wonder if we would see birth rate restrictions, due to the lessening death rate causing relative population growth to increase.

>> No.3936964
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>So if we can essentially buy our life span, how do we allocated who gets to live forever?
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but no one should ever dictate how long someone else may be allowed to live.

>> No.3936976


<bitterness> This assumes that restrictions and regulations are rational responses to problems </bitterness>

With that said, I think it would be a severe moral cost to put restrictions on birth. Not to say I am totally closed to the idea.

Here is an idea worth sharing:

Malthus made an economic model that suggested economic growth was impossible. He died before the incredible economic growth we see today, and before him economic growth really did seem to be a myth. But it was his belief that when technology makes society more efficient, than inevitably the benefit of that technology gets invested into raising the population, and in the long run the quality of life doesnt change.


Yeah okay, but we cant make everyone live forever. At least not immediately after the technology is developed. That means we can only give it to some people. Who gets it?

>> No.3936983

IF it is economically feasible, then I dont see why longevity treatment should not be provided to every citizen in need of one. It would be a basic part of healthcare.

>> No.3936986


>With that said, I think it would be a severe moral cost to put restrictions on birth

I dont really see any moral cost in such case. In fact, not regulating it and thus contributing to problems caused by overpopulation would be immoral, IMHO.

>> No.3936989

Well, China's OCP hasn't worked out so well...

Still, the current projected maximum population of the Earth (9-10bil) does not take into account the possibility of massive longevity extensions. It couldn't, anyway. But the sudden availability of lifespan-increasing drugs or even clinical immortality would throw a lot more problems into the works.

What should we do if we have to deal with a few more billion people than we thought?

>> No.3936993


Lots of things are economically feasible. Like enough twinkies to make every human on earth obese, and certainly economically feasible to make sure no one gets malnourished.

We could spend 100% of GDP on race cars. And we would all be wandering around starving to death in the rain clinging to our race cars...

...If there is a way humanity ends I want it to be because we allocate a recklessly high amount of output to race cars.

>> No.3936997
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>Yeah okay, but we cant make everyone live forever.
There was never any argument about that from me. Such is the curse of heat death.

>That means we can only give it to some people. Who gets it?
Why can't we give to everyone within 10 years of life extension treatments? It's not a matter of lack of technology, it's the investment and economics that holds it back for those first crucial years. It's not going to be made out of 24 carat gold.

>> No.3937007


Economically feasible meaning it wont bankrupt the economy. Basically no different than any other healthcare payed from taxes. If it is not, then tough luck, wait until it is.

>> No.3937015


>Why can't we give to everyone within 10 years of life extension treatments?

I dont know. Actually this is tricky because this is fictional technology here. If it was just a single act that would change things. Like Aubrey De Grey's qualifications for immortality are kind of impossible to attain. Like he says we need to get rid of telomeres. I think the moral character of this depends on whether or not buying longevity resembles buying gasoline for your car, or buying the car itself.

Maybe there is no moral problem here. Maybe its no different from people who willingly choose to eat right and exercise.

In phoenix where I live, there is a place where you can get your body frozen in liquid nitrogen after you die, so that hopefully in the future they can revive you. What if those people never get revived, however the people today live forever. We will have their icy corpses with us for a long time. Maybe if they ever do get revived they will be with the same people

>> No.3937024
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>Like he says we need to get rid of telomeres
The fuck? Source?
>In phoenix where I live, there is a place where you can get your body frozen in liquid nitrogen after you die, so that hopefully in the future they can revive you.
If I have the money and Earth has been conquered by religious Republicans i'll try and get myself frozen at Alcor.

>> No.3937047


>> No.3937050


I dont really have a source. I just looked up "Aubrey De Grey getting rid of telomeres" on good and the first link suggested somehow replenishing telomeres regularly. That seems like a comparably awesome feat.

Anyway, I got the impression thats what Aubrey De Grey thought from my bio friend who studies telomeres who once met Aubrey De Grey. The idea is that without Telomeres cells wont divide and cancer doesnt develop.

>> No.3937057

Cells not dividing would be quite a problem though?

>> No.3937062


Probably, nothing about Aubrey De Grey's criteria is realistic.

Does cancer more likely arise in parts of the body with high rates of cell division? Like the balls and the skin?

>> No.3937069

Or the intestines. Inflammation seems like a contender, but I don't know how common it is otherwise. Perhaps the body has extra safeguards for those cells.

>> No.3938386

4chan sucks

>> No.3938408


>> No.3938414


I can't entirely recall, but I read something about Naked Mole Rats not developing tumors, and being "cancer free"

I am doubtful, however. This would require quite the immune system.

>> No.3938417

If EK decided to leave, /sci/ would become a boring place.

>> No.3938426

No, this is only on /b/. Plus I know you guys would miss me.

>> No.3938436

how do i tripcode anyway?

>> No.3938503


>> No.3938519


>> No.3938524
