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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 325 KB, 1678x1835, ununoctium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3930501 No.3930501 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite periodic table element and why? Mines ununoctium because its just a fucking super heavy badass

>> No.3930518


>> No.3930515

Fluorine, because it has the highest electron affinity.

>> No.3930523


mine is mercury, because fucking woah

>> No.3930521

Mine is element 115 because the aliens use it for energy in space travel. I like aliens.

>> No.3930525

mercury is probably second for me
Just another plain badass of the universe

>> No.3930527

Hydrogen, it's the only one I can solve analytically.

>> No.3930531
File: 364 KB, 1500x1129, BismuthCrystal_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bismuth, yesterday, today, and forever.

>> No.3930536


This, nothing can top bismuth oxide crystals for sheer beauty.

Not even red gold.

>> No.3930538

because you're Bi?

>> No.3930544


because it's the simplest, and the purest

>> No.3930546

one proton's all you need

>> No.3930554

tungsten, melting point

>> No.3930567

Another badass element is lead
The half life is longer than the existance of the universe
Pb for lyfe

>> No.3930568

Fucking bismuth got isotopes like no other.

>> No.3930571

Technetium is number 43 and has no stable isotopes, dude whaaaaat

>> No.3930581

thorium of course.

>> No.3930586
File: 975 KB, 2000x1500, Cesium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caesium, because of its vehement reactions.

>> No.3930590

Sup Bohr.

Noble Gases were here, bonding peasant elements are fags.

>> No.3930600

Oxygen, it burns shit, yo.

>> No.3930614

I've always had a love/hate relationship with Francium...

it reminds me of my ex-gf... unstable

>> No.3930636

She decayed into atoms of radon and radium?

>> No.3930640

Is this going to be the new burst into treats?

>> No.3930673
File: 16 KB, 360x190, ununoctium1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with ununoctium

>> No.3930680


>> No.3930684

My favorite element is fire cause its like soooooooooo powerful and awesome^__^!!!!!!!!11!!

>> No.3930685

Polonium benders kick the shit out of fire benders

>> No.3930688

Argon, the proof that not everything will give you cancer.

>> No.3930692

carbon, not even diamonds are forever

>> No.3930702

Mercury, fucking liquid metal.

>> No.3930712

every metal can be liquid, but mercury is cool, it was in my favorite computer game, HoMaM

>> No.3930714

Polonium benders need bismuth accelerators.

Palladium, makes a great co-catalyst in salt form. Just endlessly useful that precious, pretty stuff.

>> No.3930743


The at room temperature was implied.

>> No.3930745

Nickel. I just happen to like the number 28.

I also like Mercury.

>> No.3930746


It has generally awesome properties, it's used in all sorts of crazy stuff like hip replacements, plastic colouring and spectacle frames. And you can make it pretty much any colour through some sort of oxidation process or something.

>> No.3930747

Liquid tungsten
try to melt that shit

>> No.3930761

>Go to Thoriumstop because I want some Thorium to build my own reactor
>Almost trip over my lab coat as I enter the shop
>8/10 Cashier giggles
>Sweat a little because I don't usually see females (I spend most of the time in my lab)
>Pick up the first box of thorium I see and run to the check out
>Cashier tries to make some small talk with me
>Mumble something about neutrinos under my breath
>She looks awkwardly at me and tells me that'll be $599
>Open my fanny pack to grab my money
>Electrical wires fall out
>Other people in the store start to look at me
>Panic while trying to pick up all my wires
>Lab coat gets stuck
>Drop all my electrical wires
>Decay into protactinium 233

>> No.3930771


I lol'd

>> No.3930773

made my day

>> No.3930777


Having a thousand different forms based on density like a boss.

Also being the basis of the mechanics of life.

>> No.3930786

>having a thousand different forms based on density

>> No.3930795


Okay it's much less than that and it's more based around molecular structure but

>> No.3930808

yeah, carbon gets around
pimp of the elements

>> No.3930816

Bismuth like a boss

>> No.3930826

Shitload of people are Bi in this thread

>> No.3930846


>> No.3930865

bump for periodic justice

>> No.3930983

Is it possible to make a suit of armor out of tungsten?

>> No.3931081

lol'd hard

>> No.3931760

It will break very easily.

>> No.3931765

not as easily as the shitty condom i used last night. fucking trojan... now i've probably got herpes

>> No.3931773

intelligent calcium

>> No.3931791

Feynmanium owns all y'all.

>> No.3931804


>> No.3931808

Needs more love for Pd.
Catalyzing shit all day.

>> No.3931823

Dat hydrogenation.

>> No.3931831

You got ripped off.

>> No.3931833
File: 315 KB, 1678x1835, dubnium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Dubsnium.

>> No.3931837
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1305039386241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thorium all the way.

>> No.3931840
File: 33 KB, 400x400, drmanhattenisdisappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out.

Also, Thorium is the only right answer.

>> No.3931845
File: 58 KB, 166x195, 1314590801435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clever girl.

>> No.3931849

helium, because good luck cooling things to ultra low temps without it.

also only superfluid we've made i think

>> No.3931854

We've actually made at least 2 distinct superfluids from it (He3 and He4 behave differently; one's a boson and the other a fermion).

>> No.3931858

ones a femanon? not suprised it acts differently

>> No.3931861

Correction: outside of a magnetic field, He3 has two superfluid phases on its own. He4 (I believe) only has one.

>> No.3931875

Weed coz like the long term effects are beneficial to brain power and stuff

>> No.3932038

Enjoy it while you can. Helium is running out. The US has the largest reserves I think, and is trying to exhaust it within the next 20 years or so.

>> No.3932051

Nice links for rare metals and such



>> No.3932066


>Thinks Helium is running out

>> No.3932080

Iron, because I am not a huge fucking faggot.

>> No.3932358


interesting ,could be a cheap lotto ticket to store a couple tanks for a couple years lol

>> No.3932373

Seaborgium because it has the best name.

>> No.3932378

Gold because it is soft, heavy & addictive.