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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 500x542, fairytail_0118_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3929889 No.3929889 [Reply] [Original]

First off, lemme start by saying that this is not trolling and I expect to get flamed for this.
However vaguely related it is to post about this here, a better place does not come to mind. I go to a tech school in a major U.S. city and I am in need of a friend who has common interests to spend some time with. For whatever reason, I haven't really been approached by anyone who I could get along with decently enough and thus resort to the internet. Also, opportunities haven't presented themselves so that it's been rough trying to meet new people. If interested, please talk to me here first!
Facts about me:
- early twenties
- majoring in mechanical engineering
- interested in philosophy, astronomy, research work
- likes Pokemon and tactics games for DS
- likes anime and furries (yiff!)
- musical tastes include classical and random alternative stuff
- haz glasses
- not socially inept though a registered aspie
- female, if that matters...

>> No.3929912

>Pokemon, furry
>likes any music at all

How about a nice hot cup of NO

>> No.3929922


>> No.3929953

>First off, lemme start by saying that this is not trolling
obvious troll, but
>- majoring in mechanical engineering

>> No.3929969

No, I am seriously not trolling.
::/b/rofist accepted::

>> No.3929975 [DELETED] 

Which US city?

>> No.3929982


This u faggot

You have to tell us the damn city

>> No.3929986

- haz glasses

get out

>> No.3929988


>> No.3929992

So much no.

>> No.3929991 [DELETED] 

What is wrong with having glasses?

>> No.3929994

hazing glasses*

>> No.3930000
File: 36 KB, 500x341, 284630_131122530310979_100002396988725_205621_3430329_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3930001


I can't haz glass-perger's?

>> No.3930006

>implying that makes it okay

>> No.3930005
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1313886568541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that you admitted to being furry that bothers me (although your sexual leanings should have no place in a FRIENDSHIP, you fucking dolt). It's that you self described as an "aspie". Fuck you forever.

>> No.3930003 [DELETED] 

It is texting language, and is commonly understood.

>> No.3930014 [DELETED] 

It is understood - it is okay.

>> No.3930025

Please leave /sci/.

>> No.3930028

7/10 for range of content and subtlety.

This has potential as pasta for trolling the living hell out of /sci/.

If you're for real, fuck off/kill yourself.

>> No.3930027 [DELETED] 


>> No.3930032

Huh? I wasn't aware that liking furries makes it a sexual thing. I mean, can't someone just think furries are adorable platonically?

>> No.3930033


You forgot
> - fat

Otherwise guys would talk to you regardless of how annoying you are.

>> No.3930036


>> No.3930037

you remind me of a penny , beacuse ur two faced and worthless (:

>> No.3930042

>implying that "yiffing" isn't purely sexual and disgusting.

>> No.3930046

>in need of a friend

>> No.3930048

No, I'm most definitely average in terms of weight. Guys do talk to me sometimes but no one that I could see establishing any basis for a friendship with. That was pretty much the point of my introduction.

>> No.3930058

Do you have sand in your vagina?

>> No.3930066

Because I only have a few friends to begin with but I don't have a close friend that I can regularly spend time with and that shares most of my interests.

>> No.3930075

I thought that yiff was the noise a fox makes when it's excited. If it does have any sexual connotation, then I didn't know.

>> No.3930079

Whoever Tonia is, I am not her.

>> No.3930080

Picture. You may not be aware of this because you have autism, but men judge women by their looks.

>> No.3930081

He's obviously faking, man. No one is this retarded. Don't waste your time.

>> No.3930084


>> No.3930086 [DELETED] 

They do not just judge by looks.

>> No.3930095

I live in Boston. ^_^

>> No.3930108

What city OP? I'm always willing to make a new friend

>> No.3930118

Ok now you really are blowing my mind. Do you know a Tonia? Because if so, she'd be good to know for you.

>> No.3930122

But we do. The very fact that you thing we don't is evidence of our masterful skills in trickery.

>> No.3930147 [DELETED] 

Nonsense. Nobody enjoys the company of a bitch.

>> No.3930160
File: 136 KB, 1023x767, PIC_0042-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I hate pictures being taken of me so I don't have that many off hand. Uhm, the most recent one I have was taken roughly 3 years ago, though I don't look much differently now. I'm aware that it's edited to look more cartoonish, but it's really the closest one I have. Oh, and I'm only posting it to prove that this isn't bullshit.

>> No.3930166

I have never, to my knowledge, met a Tonia before.

>> No.3930172

>Nonsense. Nobody enjoys the company of a bitch.
Who said we had to enjoy their company. We just want something nice to look at.

>> No.3930187

Okay, now I'm starting to believe you actually do have autism. For the record, I was being a chauvinist.

>> No.3930206

It's understandable for modern times, imho.

>> No.3930207
File: 114 KB, 559x720, 196602_108062815943356_100002189136505_80864_4349245_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3930214
File: 135 KB, 600x450, lolnerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"opportunities haven't presented themselves"

That's what you get for leaving the kitchen...

>> No.3930219

are all mechanical engineers aspies or trolls?

>> No.3930222

Lol, I've seen that picture before!
I would consider myself to be an agnostic-atheist, though.

>> No.3930232

Well keep an eye out for one.

>> No.3930234

You can learn.

>> No.3930231

Pfff, I can't cook worth a damn so you wouldn't want me in the kitchen to begin with.

>> No.3930247

Nooo, cooking is too difficult for me!

>> No.3930287

::sigh:: I promise this isn't trolling!

>> No.3930289

You live in Boston and you can't find people with your same interests?

Also, you could stop looking for people with the same interests, and just look for interesting/friendly people. A lot of my friends don't really share an interest beyond the one domain in which we've met, but we've come to develop common interests.

>> No.3930292 [DELETED] 

fuck off troll, you arn't fooling anyone

>> No.3930298

>- likes Pokemon and tactics games for DS
>- likes anime and furries (yiff!)
I love how because he studies mechanical engineering, he is exempt from human extermination.

>> No.3930310

If I was interested enough in any of the people I've met then I wouldn't be on here, silly.

>> No.3930316

It's she, not he.

>> No.3930323


You're a fatty mcfatlus, or a skinny mcskelly, other wise guys would have at least hit on you.

>> No.3930329

Oh you just know the seat of her chair smells like rancid tuna and shitstains.

>> No.3930333

Already covered that bit in the introduction...

>> No.3930340

Nope, I definitely am good at keeping my living quarters clean.

>> No.3930342
File: 17 KB, 300x274, 1311613237135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like someone is all kinds of jelly

>> No.3930348 [DELETED] 

jelly of what? OP is friendless and grovelling for friends on the fucking internet...

>> No.3930351

Why would he be jelly for calling me a troll?

>> No.3930364

Oh c'mon now...
I'm certainly not groveling, just looking to meet new people I can actually get along with.

>> No.3930371

There are hundreds of us in your exact same situation. Stop being so pathetic - we're all here for the same reason and none of us feel the need to make "be my friend" posts on /sci/ of all boards, this would still be pretty bad on /soc/.

We appreciate that you have no friends, hell most of us have no friends, so we come here to talk to other people to fill our social meter, but we do it anonymously because we understand that being a social outcast does not make you a kindred spirit with other social outcasts.

Do not confuse our desire for relationships with a desire to be your friend - it's not the same thing. We don't care about you and you shouldn't care about us. Do what the rest of us do and struggle on with your life, drink alone sometimes and make stupid posts on facebook.

Making artificial friends on 4chan won't make your life better, and anyway we're not here to make friends. We're here because we're dicks, every single one of us, dicks to a man. We can't maintain normal relationships so we resort to anonymous posts. In that one post we are a self contained beacon of good and light and for a second we can be normal, accepted and even revered - it doesn't matter that the next thing we say is pants on head retarded - that one post was good. People liked it. People laughed. We were accepted.

Do you see what I'm getting at? You are not the most popular person here, but you're not the worst either. On 4chan, we don't want relationships, platonic or otherwise because we have tried it and we have fucked them up every single time. Sure there were good bits, but ultimately they failed. What makes you think it'll be any different with you? It won't.

If you really want to make friends online, go to a forum with names and avatars where people clamour for recognition and engage each other like human beings.

That said, post your msn or something and I'll probably talk to you when I'm drunk.

>> No.3930373 [DELETED] 

fucking find people IRL!
if this thread is legit, did you honestly think it would work? that you would magically meet some member of /sci/ who just happens to live very close to you and fucking happens to met all your fucking bullshit criteria?

>> No.3930375

Because he himself is the self-proclaimed king of trolls.

>> No.3930390

"OP is friendless and grovelling for friends on the fucking internet..." - EK

Does anyone find this extremely fucking ironic?

>> No.3930387

saved for copypasta and truth ;_;

>> No.3930385

don't you have any student associations/clubs/whatever its called in US universities? it's a good place to meet people that partially share your interests

>> No.3930386

As said before: if this becomes a copypasta, it'll troll /sci/ relentlessly for six months, resulting in the board's closure.

>> No.3930391

Kind of a downer, but a good read. Nice post. Consider yourself accepted. For the time being.

>> No.3930396

Rofl! I love how the last line totally ignores everything that you said prior to it. Well, not sure I'm okay with leaving my AIM on here, but if you want to offer me yours...

>> No.3930400 [DELETED] 

lol, im not friendless.

>> No.3930402

Then why are you so starved for attention?

>> No.3930407 [DELETED] 

im not

>> No.3930415

Because there's another girl on /sci/!

>> No.3930426


>> No.3930431 [DELETED] 

theres several. harriet, the OP in that other thread, probably several anons.
it isnt just guys here ya know?

>> No.3930440
File: 11 KB, 305x218, tripfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3930448 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 458x358, 0126394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, at first i though they were meteors with flame trails behind them as they fire towards the tripfag.

>> No.3930454

Fuck it, I suppose I'll leave one of my alt s/n's in case anyone is interested.
AIM - Kitsubi Rava

>> No.3930461

This is OP, btw.

>> No.3930466


>implying I'm the one desperate for friends
>implying I asked for your real email
>implying you would ever give your real email to somebody on 4chan
>implying any post after >>3930371 would definitely be the poster of >>3930371
>who am I quoting?

>> No.3930492

I meet it, except for the furry shit. But I don't really want any more friends. I have enough trouble keeping up with the ones I have. Weird that I know someone who would be an excellent fit (except, hopefully, for the furry shit, but maybe...)

Oh well. That's life.

>> No.3930498 [DELETED] 

being a fucking furry is unforgivable though...

>> No.3930510

If by furry you mean someone who has some weird fetish, that's cool, I'm sure I've got one or two buried away, but if by furry you mean someone who insists on putting furry images all over 4chan, uses fucked up euphamisms irl, etc., then I am surely against it.

>> No.3930513


That's an old and tired meme. Nobody actually cares about sexuality except /b/ and to a lesser extent, /v/. Stop being a knob and post some fucking science on /sci/.

>> No.3930535


people who dress up in costumes pretending to be animals are not members of a distinct "sexuality". That is a mental disorder.

>> No.3930566


That's an old and tired meme. Nobody actually cares about personal kinks except /b/ and to a lesser extent, /v/. Stop being a knob and post some fucking science on /sci/.

>> No.3930632


>posts the same thing twice
>criticizes people for pointing out that his habits are shameful
>attempt to justify personal choices masked as trolling
>implying that people regularly post science on this board anyway

why don't you post some science on /sci/?

>> No.3930641


>implying it's not just a fetish

>> No.3930709

are you offline?

>> No.3930715

troll thread

move along