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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3923811 No.3923811 [Reply] [Original]


Some interesting shit is going to go down. Obama ratings are so low I can't imagine him getting a 2nd term.

This Herman Cain is the bigggest troll of all time. Dude quotes POKEMON theme song


and his 9-9-9 plan is out of SIM CITY

this real life? everything getting more bizzare day by day

>> No.3923836

i don't think you'd ever become president if you're such an awkward speaker. sure, bush wasn't a great speaker, but he came of as a bro.

>> No.3923845

Umeruka #1!

>A poet once said
Lost there.

>> No.3923847

> Obama ratings are so low I can't imagine him getting a 2nd term.

Say what? You seriously believe all those fags and /\/iggers and feminazis and liberal shitheads are going to vote for the rightwing candidate instead?

About half of the voters are going to vote for Obama. PERIOD. They don't have another option, since they are dumb by definition. The election results will be within 8% of each other, mostly from enough of the losing partisan population simply STAYING HOME on election day due to being demoralized.

>> No.3923854

In all honesty, Obama will win. Once the campaign season actually begins for both parties people will realize how far right the GOP has swung this election and be frightened off to Obama who at least shows willingness to compromise. Hopefully the dems regain control of the House and get some actual work done without being sabotaged by the GOP

>> No.3923867

>and urban middle class

You forgot a key demographic in your nonsensical list of parroted generalizations there bud.

>liberal shitheads
go and look up what that word means. Just because ignorant people use it as a slur does not mean that its meaning has changed. If you adhere to the tenets of democratic western civilization and/or capitalism, you are a liberal.

Or are you some kind of communist?

Just kidding. We both know that you dont put enough effort into informing yourself to actually be anything at all.

>> No.3923869

Just give up on trying to defend that word IMHO. I'm not sure what to call myself anymore though. An enlightenment person perhaps?

>> No.3923880

>the rightwing candidate

to be fair, socially, he's liberal as fuck.

>> No.3923883
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Obama wins second term!
Republican party is disbanded.


>> No.3923903

You realize Ron Paul will never win right?
Even if his ideas are useful and worth acting upon, they will never come to fruition.

Notice the lack of media attention. He is a non entity.

>> No.3923911
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>> No.3923921

Non-American here. What is the deal with this Ronald Paul fellow?

>> No.3923925

Pretty much the most logical, reasonable (using this term a bit loosely, he has a few ideas that are a bit out there) person among the current GOP candidates for president and he's being severely overlooked by the media

>> No.3923928 [DELETED] 

A vocal minority of batshit insane kiddies that want to do away with taxes and the department of education.

>> No.3923932

He is a person the media actively ingores despite winning polls and some debates. They will not speak his name. I am dead serious. even though he has great support with the people, major news channels REFUSE to talk about him at all.

>> No.3923944 [DELETED] 

A vocal minority of retarded kiddies that want to do away with taxes and the department of education.

>> No.3923951 [DELETED] 

Ron Paul is a man who is very consistent in his ideologies. He is a strict constitutionalist. He has a lot of support among common people of all backgrounds. He was a Dr and delivered babies to low income people almost at no charge. He is pro legalization of drugs, (including heroin cocaine) , pro gun, adn small government. He voted against the war in Iraq and he is not afraid to call out other politicians for doing so. Many people want him for president and like his ideas but realize it will never get done because no one in the congress would have the balls to pass his ideas into law.

But the main part about ron paul is how the media BLATANTLY ingores him. Major news corporations go out of their way to not mention his name.


Here is a prime example of how news outlets ignore him.

>> No.3923966

Ron Paul is a man who is very consistent in his ideologies. He is a strict constitutionalist. He has a lot of support among common people of all backgrounds. He was a Dr and delivered babies to low income people almost at no charge. He is pro legalization of drugs, (including heroin cocaine) , pro gun, adn small government. He voted against the war in Iraq and he is not afraid to call out other politicians for doing so. Many people want him for president and like his ideas but realize it will never get done because no one in the congress would have the balls to pass his ideas into law.

>> No.3923978

>pro drugs
>pro guns
hooraah vote for ron paul hoorah muhrikah freedom!

>> No.3923984

not quite, he also wants to baisically get rid of our millitary too. He wants to deactivate almost all foriegn military bases downsize the navy, airfore, army, and marine core. He just wants enough military to portect America and America only. No more wars that did not directly affect american safety. He would not get involved in border dissputes in foreign countries or revfolutions that happen abroad.

>> No.3923987

he also wants to get rid of all government institutions. The department of educatoin, department of agriculture, irs, fbi, cia, everything. He wants us to stop using the fed to print money and have congress print money interest free.

>> No.3923989

democrats have 1 candidate

conservatives have multiple candidates, and a fucking minority party
>implying cutting your demographic in two will help you get a majority

it's gonna be obama 2012

>> No.3923991

Are there people living in america that support military invasions of countries?

>> No.3923992

There's one big thing that counter-balances all of the good stuff you've listed - he wants to "fix" our economic system with a bulldozer. Ending the Fed and going to any kind of commodity-backed currency is a completely terrible idea.

>> No.3924004

Yes. Lots of republicans think that we have a responsibility to use military force to make the rest of the world live like we do. We're the shining hill on the city, everyone should have the privilege of sharing our values.

captcha: richs wasp

>> No.3924005

That's Marine CORPS. Spelled like corpse, pronounced like core.

>> No.3924009

It would cause rioting in the streets. CEOs would literally run into the streets with pitchforks. Financial institutions would be stockpiling ammunition. Lone day traders would line up to get to the roof of the Smithsonian with sniper rifles. Congress would be scrambling to kick him out, because they'd get shot, too. Seriously, seriously, a bad idea.

>> No.3924014

>American "democracy"

>> No.3924015

If that's not democracy, I don't know what is.

We're still never gonna do it.

>> No.3924021

>X gets majority vote
>Y disagrees
>man the guns!
why vote at all? just man the guns every election

>> No.3924031

actually he doesnt want to go to a commodity based economy. He just wants to stop using the completely corrupt fed. Im guessing all of you know how our monetary system works. Our government doesnt produce any of its own money. A seperate corparation called the federal reserve loan it to our government at interest. So technically there isnt enough money to pay it back.

The thing that Ron Paul wants to do is stop using the fed. Congress has all the means and rights built into the constitution to make and print money without having to use the fed. That is what ron paul wants to do. Not go back to the gold standard.

>> No.3924042


>> No.3924046

The problem with that is then Congress will get it into their heads that they really ought to print more money to cover their debt, and they will, and THAT will be a disaster.

>> No.3924055

As someone who doesn't give a fuck about American politics,


This alone would make me vote for Herman Cain. He is a fucking legend.

>> No.3924068

Oh my god, are you serious? I might have to start paying attention to policy. I may vote for this guy.

>> No.3924072

What are the racists going to do if Herman Cain wins the Republican primaries? Both the parties are going to have black candidates... they're going to be so confused.

>> No.3924074

Yes, there are seriously fucking retards that believe in using military force to enforce our "way of life", and to impose it on others.

The MAJORITY do not feel this way. Academia/intelligencia do not feel this way. But yes, there is a significant proportion of the US thinks these are not only justified, but our duty.

Like all stereotypes, there is some basis in truth, they're mostly fat ignorant christian southerners.

>> No.3924076

Is this something that carried over from the manifest destiny or is it just people going full retard for.. no particular reason?

>> No.3924080

9-9-9 plan is shit, though. Sales taxes disproportionately affect the poor.

>> No.3924084

well my vote has just been decided

>> No.3924086

essentially every aspect of western society stems from the same basic idea as white man's burden

>> No.3924089

Obviously they'd just not vote.

>> No.3924092

yes but most have evolved past that

>> No.3924100

Time to start finding visas to Kyoto Japan if your a biomed major. I hear Kyoto is the top 3 universities this year, and medical research, physics and chem is its strong points.

I predict a US brain drain if things get any worse for US.

>> No.3924182

It's negative side is that they aren't in english., which is, y'know, lingua franca.

>> No.3924206

Still anti-fed conspiracy nuts running around, I see. Don't you guys have pamphlets to make somewhere or something? Street corners to use as bully pulpits?

>> No.3924215

It's not a conspiracy that the federal government really is a big failure.

>> No.3924226

oh man you got me there, time to buy some guns, oh wait, dollars are worthless

time to trade in my stockpiled gold bullion for guns and canned vegetables

>> No.3924237

It's improbable to know just how many conspiracies were involved over the course of history. Just because people get use to there being thousands of greedy fucks fighting for their own personal political representation doesn't mean there isn't any conspiracies.

It's a norm through history that there's either oppression or conspiracy.

>> No.3924246

no, you just need to by cybernetic parts makes you immune to all legislative, executive and judicial corruption.

>> No.3924247

Obama's approval ratings according to Gallup are around 40%:

Which is about 5% lower than Bush's approval rating from early and mid 2004:

That's not a big difference, and the republican field doesn't appear very strong, with options ranging from completely crazy AND stupid, to crazy, to sane but insufficiently extreme in their christianity. And the ONLY republican candidate to accept evolution has basically 0 chance of getting the nomination.

He certainly hasn't won yet, but it doesn't look like Obama will be facing very strong competition. Plus, the republican party

>> No.3924261

agree, we live in a simulation or at least things aren't as physical as we still believe.

>> No.3924268
File: 3 KB, 199x176, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two parties
>50% turnot

>> No.3924279

I see your brain-in-a-vat conjecture and raise you a many-worlds theory where only 'parts' of me are in a simulation.

>> No.3924301

> And the ONLY republican candidate to accept evolution has basically 0 chance of getting the nomination.

Which one is that, anyway?

>> No.3924307

the one you haven't heard of

>> No.3924310

So it would seem.

>> No.3924314

and so it is

remember everyone, if you haven't heard of someone in the media, it's because they are nonexistent or irrelevant

>> No.3924319

So I guess that also includes you then.


>> No.3924329

>implying the one other person on 4chan other than yourself doesn't exist

>> No.3924331

Hello /sci/.

I am the speechwriter for Herman Cain. He is not a troll, I guarantee you. He is not a troll, just an idiot. I thought it would be hilarious to make him bark references that most only teenagers would catch. Wait till' you guys see what I have in store if he actually gets elected.

>> No.3924335


Protip: Herman Cain is more black than Obama.

Also, Obama is pissing off alot of people on the far left, and some of them might just not vote for him out of spite. Obama, in trying to play the middle of the field has gone and made big enemies on both sides with some of the shit he has pushed.

>> No.3924342

>in the media

>> No.3924343

>the far left won't vote out of spite
I don't think that's going to happen next year, or in fact any year. The people in America who do vote (all 53% of them) need to vote or else The Other Guy might win.
That's just the way the two-party system rolls.

>> No.3924352

I don't support Obama or any of his policies, but the republican party is so backwards that I am afraid I might have to vote for him.

Ii would vote for Paul or Huntsman, or Chris Christie if he were to run, but that's about it.

>> No.3924459

Fuck libertarianism. People are neither born free nor equal. It's not the useless and harmful liberties which matter, but the quality of life and the survival of our species.

>> No.3925975

Wow, even if I don't agree with his ideas that's just underhanded.

>> No.3926023


This guy is fucking crazy.

>> No.3926028

I think you're confused as to the current understanding of reality..

The silent majority still controls the polls.

>> No.3926032
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>A seperate corparation called the federal reserve loan it to our government at interest

>> No.3926044

So what happens to all the military men and women that come home unemployed?

>> No.3926050


They find jobs, or better yet, take yours away from you.

>> No.3926052

I actually have started to appreciate Cain more. He's kind of nuts but he doesn't seem nearly as fake as the others.

I tried to force myself to like Romney for the longest time but he just seems so gutless, like he really can't have a strong position on a single issue. Now he's trying to play fake right-winger and it's just painful to watch.

>> No.3926055

Why is Obama so disliked?

>> No.3926059

They should open fire on the NY wall street rioters right now. No one would miss those idiots

>> No.3926062

A variety of reasons, most of them stupid. A lot of it really is based on race, don't let the Republican propaganda fool you.

But there are legitimate criticisms of his handling of the economy, especially the stimulus. I really have no idea who i'm going to wind up voting for at this point.

>> No.3926075

> mfw about 20 percent of the u.s. population actually votes the president into office.

>> No.3926076


because the shitskin caused the economy to fall apart. We have had 20% unemployment in the U.S. for three years and it's because he over-regulates everything. He needs to let business do what they need to without the government looking over their shoulder every second of the day.

>> No.3926080
File: 2 KB, 87x91, yeswecan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we derp anymore then this?

Yes we can!

>> No.3926085

for any non-americans wondering what is going on,
lol I'm just watching the republican circus carry and hoping that none of these clowns from the special olympics can actually beat me.
I may be inherently evil, but atleast I'm not completely insane
I've been on the daily show with jon stewart three times.
>Newt Gingrich
I cheated on my wife with cancer

>> No.3926087


Terrible policies.

>> No.3926089


>> No.3926090

Holy shit. I came here to post a Ron Paul troll thread and BAM, first thread at the top. Nice one OP.

>> No.3926120

I hope that was a general parody of the right wing

>> No.3926136

> Why is Obama so disliked?

Because he told nothing but lies during his campaign. I have a lot of fun daring Democrats to tell me anything that he's done that was done in accordance to a campaign promise. They can't even produce ONE example.

In addition, he did every move possible to keep the previous administration's economy-killing policies in place. The "stimulus" was just Bailout 2.0.

In further addition, he's doing every move possible to make sure Wall Street and corporations feel no pain from the bad results of all their absurd gambling. Necessarily, that's made up by taxing the FUCK out of the middle class.

As another example, he made damned sure that the middle class will pay the highest possible costs for the already hugely-overfunded health-care system. Note that the U.S. system is #1 in the world by a large distance over #2, per capita. If France can achieve the world's best care system ever, at 55% of what the U.S. pays per capita, then there's something to learn from France for the U.S., and what's to learn there is a TRUE PUBLIC OPTION. Note that Obama let his Obamacare result in no public option. In fact, Obamacare really only forces all Americans to pay insurance companies. And by 2014, they will be raping us bloody.

Shall I continue? Really, the only people who believe he's not a bad President are those in PARTISAN DENIAL.

>> No.3926142
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>Because he told nothing but lies during his campaign

And this is different from other politicians because....

>> No.3926143

I hope you know lack of regulation caused this problem in the first place.


>> No.3926146
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>> No.3926153

Yeah, vote for Ron Paul guys. So that we can see the US become a failed ideological experiment like the former soviet union.


>> No.3926157
File: 33 KB, 176x157, anonympuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh trollszy.


Just because you associate yourself with idiots to make yourself feell better, does not make them bellweathers for reality.

Indeed, choosing idiots to be friends means mostly that you're uneducated and slightly neurotic.

>> No.3926164

What about this site?


>> No.3926201

>Cain wins election
>Reveals his "666" plan
>Mayan 2012 doomsday prophesy comes true
>Cain is the anti christ
>Jesus Christ returns
>/sci/ goes to hell for their unbelief

Calling it.

>> No.3926212
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Brofist moment?

>> No.3928673
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I don't understand all the Obama voters here living in denial.

I voted for McCain in 2008 (reluctantly, I assure you), but I never had any illusions about the fact that he was going to lose to Obama.

And it's the same for Obama now. If the election were held today, polls show he'd get beaten by Cain or Romney, SOME show Perry and a couple others beating him.

Do you guys just like to create your own reality or what? Or is it because you're young and this is your first presidential election to vote in or something (not trying to be demeaning by saying that either). This is my fifth to vote in, so, yeah...

>> No.3928715

[citation needed]

>> No.3928729
File: 97 KB, 642x603, omgigetit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, no thanks, I'm not gonna spoonfeed you. If you haven't paid enough attention to the news to know that Obama's approval rating is in the shitter and a few of the Republican candidates have outpolled him and won't believe me even if I do give you those polls, I'll just go ahead and patronizingly say:

Nevermind, you're absolutely right, Obama is totally going to fucking win big time.

>> No.3928733

>This is my fifth to vote in, so, yeah...
seriously, do you feel special because you have some sort of experience when it comes to voting?

>> No.3928741
File: 244 KB, 358x410, 1316707551714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If France can achieve the world's best care system ever, at 55% of what the U.S. pays per capita, then there's something to learn from France for the U.S., and what's to learn there is a TRUE PUBLIC OPTION

Except the French system is going straight to bankrupt too. The only reason it didn't yet is because the average joe is taken away 50% of his salary and because we're "only" 65 millions.

>> No.3928744

Err, he probably should. More experience in anything is usually better

>> No.3928746

Polls seem to show Obama slightly in the lead against individual Republicans, slightly behind if they don't specify who he's running against:

I'd say it's completely up in the air at this point.

>> No.3928754

Everyone keeps saying cain's plan comes from sim city, but in what way? Reducing taxes? Will wright doesn't exactly own that concept.

Someone explain this

>> No.3928756

okay this is just retarded.
>onset of GOP debates to point out oboma's flaws
>herpderp obama's not gonna be president his approval rating's so low
do you even know how these things work? do you seriously believe that these "polls"that you so vehemently defend actually mean shit?

on a side note: does any /sci/fag feel some obligation to reject any anti-intellectual candidate who denies evolution/believes in creationism (or do you just care about the policies)?

>> No.3928758

Any president will have 2 problems he might solve: a bloated trillion dollar army (bloated everywhere except in soldier pay that is...) and the rising tide of automation unseen since the 1900's replacing the middle-class jobs first, and then the low paying jobs. (building bank machines before robot maids basically)

Caring for an aging population, healtcare and envirromental problems will, to be a tad ominous here, solve themselves whether we like it or not. How he would deal with the first two determines the ressources he has to solve the rest.

I mean, a bridge needing repairs gets fixed. The only question is if it's before or after it falls down and kills a bro.

>> No.3928765

voting experience? are you fucking shitting me? i guess it's hard for some americas to stand up but you can seriously just mail in an absentee form. what experience does it take? paying attention to the news and researcch do't count

>> No.3928779

>seriously, do you feel special because you have some sort of experience when it comes to voting?

Way to miss the point, faggot. Seriously, you didn't even come close.

Nothing to do with experience in voting. But after seeing four presidential elections as an adult, I feel like I can pretty well tell by the polls and the media and ability to sift it all which way the wind is blowing.

And right now, Obama's chances are bad. Election's a year away, anything could happen, but if it were held today he would lose to probably the top 3 or 4 Republican candidates.

Deal with it.

>> No.3928784

Guys, why isn't Ron Paul president yet? ;____;

Everyone loves the guy. Even my dad who voted for Bush twice is starting to agree with Ron Paul.

Is it because he pretty much wants complete fairness and lack of subsidies or government involvement in anything? Thus no corporation has an incentive to support him.

>> No.3928788
File: 63 KB, 475x459, thisismebush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you even know how these things work? do you seriously believe that these "polls"that you so vehemently defend actually mean shit?

One poll? Nope.

All the polls, weighing what they're saying together? Absolutely.

They said McCain was going to lose big time, and he lost big time.

Now they're saying that Obama's in trouble.

I'm sorry this causes you asspain, but yes, Virginia, there is some truth to the polling data and approval ratings.

>> No.3928790

>conflating classical Liberalism with modern American liberalism.
I seriously, honestly hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3928814

Libeals hate him since he's against subsidies for green energy.

Never underestimate the power of stupid liberals in large groups. Conservatives ar dumb too, but they don't quote shitty articles over and over again as their only source, they just repeat what fox news said.

Liberal are in the intellectual uncanney valley

>> No.3928818

You're telling me, back in the Clinton days I never imagined someone as stupid as Bush would get voted into office or we'd have a black president in any meaningful time scale.

>> No.3928824
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>Is it because he pretty much wants complete fairness and lack of subsidies or government involvement in anything? Thus no corporation has an incentive to support him.

You want the pure, crooked, unvarnished truth?

There's a few reasons. Here's what they are:

1. His followers have made a laughingstock out of him with their batshit insane antics. From rigging online polls, to their protests, to throwing snowballs at television anchors, etc. People now actively associate "Ron Paul follower" with "lunatic."

2. He's fairly socially liberal, and, unfortunately, that doesn't sit well with the primarily conservative Republican voters. They like his economic stances, but no Republican that wants to legalize heroin is ever going to get chosen in the primary--EVER.

3. Most of you are too young to remember this, but Ron Paul ran as a Libertarian for president in 1988. Those voters are still alive and vote more than your age bracket, and they remember that circus, too.

>> No.3928834

>1. His followers have made a laughingstock out of him with their batshit insane antics. From rigging online polls, to their protests, to throwing snowballs at television anchors, etc. People now actively associate "Ron Paul follower" with "lunatic."

>translation: people (especially libtards) are impressionable and stupid and will start giggling at someone if someone else does on TV

the rest is just reason the two party system is a joke. We're all fucked.

>> No.3928840

That's an awfully short-sighted view.

Deregulation did not cause the financial collapse. The federally mandated monopolies and socialization of risk created the situation where banks could make bad decisions without fear of repercussions.

>> No.3928841



Just start supporting Rand Paul instead. He's almost the same as his father, except his supporters haven't (yet) tarnished his image, he's a senator which is easier to become president from, and Rand Paul has more sense about not putting his foot in his mouth than his father does.

>> No.3928855

maybe...But there's a reason Ron Paul is worshiped, because he's godlike.

And it sounds that Rand is more like a typical republican when it comes to military spending, idk

>> No.3928860

>>translation: people (especially libtards) are impressionable and stupid and will start giggling at someone if someone else does on TV

No. No, no. You're not going to play that off.

I'm not a Ron Paul basher. I would vote for the guy in a heartbeat if he got the nomination (or even had a chance of getting it).

His followers--plain and SIMPLE--acted like retards. They did one stupid, embarrassing thing after another, and their bad behavior is the primary reason that Ron Paul is now unelectable.

So don't give me some cute snark trying to downplay that. His followers acted like morons and wrecked his chances (and almost wrecked his congressional re-election as well).

>> No.3928862

He's also a racist and a fucking nutjob.

>> No.3928869
File: 56 KB, 750x600, hetalia__germany_is_spider_man_by_stargirl806-d341j77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get how anybody who isn't utterly ruthless can support that Ron Paul dude. He doesn't want an income tax, prefers small government and thinks redistribution and socialism are the devil. Srsly? Guys? Srsly?

>> No.3928870

Indeed, our two party system is slowly becoming like third world countries. Where each party is totally mutually exclusive and anyone who has opinions outside their own party is fucking hung for it.

Aboloshing the two party system wouldn't be too difficult, as we transition into the digital age more readily, a true democracy where everyone votes on everything is becoming more likely. With all the blogs flying around, people can easily read up on an issue and form an opinion on an individual bases.

Of course that that point, the media actually starts to control the nation, depending on how wll they can surpress individual news sources

>> No.3928872

You're missing the point.....it only seems that way because the media reports it that way. There are millions of fucking insane supporters of other people. Like that girl who carved a B for Obama in her own face and blamed it on niggers. I think she supported McCain...

>> No.3928877

I don't know if he's a racist, but I refused to vote for him after he was informed that he received a $500 donation from Stormwatch publisher Don Black and then refused to give it back. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who doesn't have the spin to give back money from someone like that isn't any better himself.

>> No.3928880

burden of proof.i don't want the generalizations, i want to look at the hard data(found the ap-gfk, quinnipac ones, but i don't know whichones you're looking at specifically)
but i get it, your goal isn't to have meaningful discussion or give people insights into another political perspective, it's to be a dick. congratulations.

>> No.3928881

Sounds good to me....He's more reasonable than you make him sound. He said he's against the 999 plan because it's too regressive.

>> No.3928884
File: 74 KB, 403x395, notthisshitagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indeed, our two party system is slowly becoming like third world countries.

We've basically had only two viable parties since the country was formed, you stupid fuck. You could not have less of an idea of what you're talking about.

>> No.3928886

durr enjoy your fucking slimy politicians then. Praise Ron Paul for having principles and accepting people's political choices in donations instead of doing the obvious.

god I hate you

>> No.3928892

and it has been slowly becoming like....

>> No.3928896
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>999 plan

I have no idea what that is. Not an american here.

>Sounds good to me

So why do you hate poor people so much?

>> No.3928897
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>You're missing the point.....it only seems that way because the media reports it that way.

Nope. NOPE. That's total bullshit.

His follows really were in a whole new level of mass retarded behavior. I'll even concede you that it was because there was MUCH more passion for Ron Paul than almost any other candidate, but that passion led his (mostly young and stupid) followers to do lots and lots and lots of retarded shit that reflected badly on him. Hell, to this day, no media outlet can have an online poll without Ron Paul followers organizing their forums to flood the poll and rig it in their misguided attempt to get attention for Ron Paul. They've pulled shit like this OVER and OVER and FUCKING OVER.

And it's exactly this kind of whitewashing why reasonable people were never able to convince Ron Paul supporters that their insane behavior was hurting the candidate. You just stick your fingers in your ears and deny it.

>> No.3928903

Voting for someone you like in a poll is not rigging it

Ron Paul wins polls because his base is politically active because they are upset with their options. The reason mainstream candidates lose to him is that your average republican or democrat has no interest in actually learning about policy; they just vote along their erroneous belief that one party is in any way different from the other.

>> No.3928904


>> No.3928915

>Voting for someone you like in a poll is not rigging it

Direction multiple internet forums to bombard and spam an online news network poll in favor of Ron Paul so that the poll is meaningless and doesn't affect even close to the actual percentage of that networks viewers that are willing to vote for him and most certainly goddamn is RIGGING IT, you stupid fuck.

Just remember, when you wonder why Ron Paul can't win: Go look in a mirror, faggot.

>> No.3928916

I really don't understand the cult of Ron Paul. Can someone explain to me why people like him? He's a poor speaker, a creationist who denies evolution (yet refers to himself as a "scientist and physician"), he has a laughable stance on economics, he's a fucking hypocrite ("I'm a champion of the constitution yet I don't support separation of church and state, lol are you guys trolled yet?"), he wants to legalize cocaine and heroine, and there are probably some other things I've forgotten.

What is it about this man that attracts so many followers? It's definitely not due to his charisma. The only sensible stance he has ever endorsed is his attitude of ending the multiple wars in the middle east that are bankrupting our country. But is that the only reason his cult follows him?

By the way, here's a link to an article he wrote himself where he explains that he doesn't support separation of church and state, for those who don't believe me;


So someone, please explain to me why people like Ron Paul at all?

>> No.3928923

It's a 9% flat tax...I'm pretty sure Ron Paul is oK with progressive taxes.

>implying poor people don't pay income tax

oh wait they don't....

I mean
>implying people who aren't retarded and can handle a 50k+ job don't give up like 30% of their income in taxes

Personally I'm for redistribution in general but most government spending is a fucking waste and does it in the worst way possible.

>His follows really were in a whole new level of mass retarded behavior.

Oh the ironing...

Face it. There aren't all that many people involved in the media. If Keith Olbermann decides he doesn't like what Ron Paul said, he can spend 10 minutes playing different clips and giggling and there will be hundreds of thousands of people who suddenly think Ron Paul is dumber than before. Even Jon Stewart has done a segment about how Ron Paul gets shit on by the media.

I haven't seen any crazy Ron Paul shit personally. I see Ron Paul 2008 stickers still around my campus and know tons of people love him. That's all, because he's the only politician worth loving, even if you don't agree with him.

>> No.3928930

>yet I don't support separation of church and state

what is this based on?

>> No.3928935

>a creationist who denies evolution
Whether or not this is the case, he isn't going to support a federal mandate to put creationism in science education.

>laughable stance on economics

>"I'm a champion of the constitution yet I don't support separation of church and state, lol are you guys trolled yet?"
Blatantly false. He would never support religious involvement in federal government. He just belieives that states should be able to decide for themselves.

>> No.3928937

oh sorry didn't read the whole thing yet...

anyway he's right. Americans were always religious as fuck and dipshit atheists think they're being persecuted by allowing someone to read a Bible in school or because there's a 200 year old statue of something religious somewhere. Get the fuck over it. Atheist here.

>> No.3928941

So while corporatists swindle trillions of taxpayer dollars you're more worried about some christmas decorations in a court house?

This is why we let them get away with it.

>> No.3928950

Oh, that link also demonstrates Paul's complete ignorance as to the document he so claims to be the champion of. He states that the constitution and declaration of independence are "replete" with the mention of God and a creator. However, God is never mentioned in the constitution ever, except to denote the date ("the year of our lord XXXX" etc.), but obviously this was just a tradition of the time and carries no significance or meaning.

Also he says that the declaration of independence is abundant with mentions of god. The declaration of independence evokes a poetic sense of a creator who makes all men with certain rights. However, there is nothing in the declaration that suggests support for a joining of church and state. I don't see how he can draw on this document in his stance to end separation of church and state.

However, it doesn't even fucking matter what the declaration of independence says anyway because it's not a legally-binding document in any way. It literally means absolutely nothing and carries no power whatsoever at any level of government. He may as well draw on the legal power of his recipe book because it's equally as powerful as the declaration of independence, legally speaking.

>> No.3928960

It's based on the fucking article I linked you that Ron Paul wrote himself you fucking dolt.

>> No.3928961

>If Keith Olbermann decides he doesn't like what Ron Paul said, he can spend 10 minutes playing different clips and giggling and there will be hundreds of thousands of people who suddenly think Ron Paul is dumber than before.

You're right. I totally remember all those Obama and McCain crowds standing outside the glass windows of live news network broadcasts and screaming their lungs out. NO--WAIT--that was just Ron Paul voters.

Okay, well what about that time an entire mob of Obama and McCain supporters began chucking snowballs at various Fox News personalities, including Sean Hannity, live on camera? NO--WAIT--that was just Ron Paul supporters, too.

Or, wait, what about all those online polls that network shows do and all the Romney and Clinton voters that organized online to flood the polls, making the network shows have to explain that the results for THAT CANDIDATE were not accurate because of their followers rigging the poll? OH NOES--WAIT--that was just Ron Paul's followers all those times, too.

Want more examples, faggots?

Yes, Virginia, Ron Paul's followers made an ass out of him in a way that other candidates could only dream of. Deal with it.

>> No.3928969

in after you ignore my actual reply because you're wrong as fuck and think this makes you sound smart

>> No.3928975

>people supporting a candidate
>crazy mobs or something

yeah I don't understand your point.....oh no they violated the sanctity of online polls. lol fucking kill yourself

>> No.3928983

and btw, the reason supporters try so hard to get attention is because he doesn't get the attention he deserves.


>> No.3928988

>oh no they violated the sanctity of online polls

See? Your inability to be reasoned with shows you as EXACTLY the type of Ron Paul supporter I'm talking about who's keeping him from ever getting elected.

It has NOTHING to do with "sanctity of online polls," you stupid fuck.

But when network news anchors have to go on the air and say TEN THOUSAND TIMES, "Here's the results of our online poll, while Ron Paul is the overwhelming majority winner, it should be noted that his followers are notorious for organizing to overwhelm these polls." When they have to do that EVERY GODDAMN TIME they run an online poll, and all the other retarded shit his followers have done, people start to remember that Ron Paul's followers are a bunch of jackasses and that shit unfortunately sticks to the candidate.

>> No.3929002

>the reason supporters try so hard to get attention is because he doesn't get the attention he deserves.

No. The reason he doesn't get attention (other than when his followers do something stupid) is because he's not electable for the reasons I already listed above.

Why would they talk about him? He has no chance of ever winning the Republican primary. They could talk about him all day, every day, and he still wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the primary.

>> No.3929011

What "actual reply"? You asked what I based this fact on and I linked you to an article in which Ron Paul complains about separation of church and state and implies that religious scenery should be endorsed by the state and that this is perfectly okay and justifiable by the constitution. This is just plain wrong.

Even disregarding this, notice here >>3928950 that Ron Paul doesn't even understand the document he claims to endorse above everything else.

>> No.3929060
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I'm not an american, this is what I gathered up to now on this RP
1) he's a racist
2) he doesn't believe in state/church separation
3) he's a creationist

What about taxes, sanity, foreign policy, civil rights etc?

>> No.3929077
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I meant heath care, but I guess sanity applies.

>> No.3929100

You're the one who doesn't understand the constitution or American history....and obviously dumb if you can't find my reply.

>> No.3929107

So you're saying...Ron Paul wins network polls.....but it's somehow not valid because they're Ron Paul supporters?

>> No.3929268

You are fucking retarded. Just get out.

>> No.3929274


You must be brainwashed or something to think anyone liking Ron Paul is crazy even though he's insanely popular and only states the obvious most of the time.

>> No.3929693

No, our parties have been decenty fluid up until now. I'm not saying ther wasnt animosity, im saying that the middle ground is becoming much wider and les populated