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File: 63 KB, 1278x722, physics, why wont it work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3923676 No.3923676 [Reply] [Original]

We break the speed of light (unconfirmed)
Printable cars
Computer that can read your mind
Freddie Mercury reborn
And now this!?
Holy fucking shit! This is the best year ever!

>> No.3923685

Superconductors aren't new.

>> No.3923690

Wait, how is this different from normal superconductivity?

Isn't this how maglev trains work?

>> No.3923692

I think the difference is that the superconductor is being "trapped" in position

>> No.3923699

But it's nothing new?

>> No.3923700

Holy crap I want to become a quantum scientist just so I can do this by myself!

>> No.3923705

>Computer that can read your mind
>Freddie Mercury reborn

What? Where? When?

>> No.3923706

no idea, is it new? I don't follow this sort of news.

>> No.3923717
File: 37 KB, 490x301, 1316654386575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Printable cars
> Computer that can read your mind
> Freddie Mercury reborn
[citations needed]

>> No.3923723

>Computer that can read your mind
Is this what you meant, OP?


>> No.3923725


Nope. Freddy Mercury is reborn just not in the literal sense...there was a Canadian guy from a Christian Rock band who can sing his voice near pitch-perfect.

>> No.3923729


For the Freddie Thing

>> No.3923733

That's the one!

>> No.3923754

Don't forget this, OP.


>> No.3923763


They're actually making video games based on the mind reading thing.

It's extremely rudimentary though, it obviously doesn't read human readable sentences from your brain but it allows you to pick up stuff with your mind in the game. You can basically throw stuff with just your brain and that's cool in my book.

Something about parts of your brain being activated while thinking of something very specific like moving stuff in a direction. Meaning you have to wear this fuckugly contraption to detect brain activity.

It's a step in an awesome direction regardless of practicality.

>> No.3923771

Probably, like every technology advancement, ever, so will the attachment become smaller in time, probably just a headset looking...thing

>> No.3923795


Well the problem with measuring brain activity is that you need to have direct skin contact with the place where you want to measure activity.

Talk about a bad hair day huh.

I'm guessing we'll be seeing implants before a headset-like solution because there's just no way to measure activity accurately otherwise.

>> No.3923799


>> No.3923805

quantum locking is

>> No.3923807

The "I'm so nerdy xD xD XD" Internet confirmed for being retarded and easily impressionable.

>> No.3923877

Question: When he demonstrates the track it almost seems like the disk is keeping a steady velocity for quite some time.
Would it be possible to extract energy from this?

>> No.3923882

whatever energy you extract from it would slow it's spinning.

>> No.3923902


Here's another person that sounds like Freddy mercury.

Im not seeing whats so special, they aren't him.

>> No.3924003

Just found this
from this list

it's another demonstration with a link to some English explanation.
>Though it is often explained that this is the Meissner effect, this statement is not correct.
>Meissener effect is the phenomenon that the magnetic field lines are excluded from a superconductivity object

I don't sprechen the mooninite but after watching the video it appears that this effects is caused by the superconductor only allowing magnet lines of force through of the particular vector to which is was chilled with.

>> No.3924040

>implying this shit hasnt been around for donkeys years

>> No.3924124

deal with it hipster trash

>> No.3924158

It is irritating enough to see this fucking video posted ten times a day, but even more irritating that people don't realize there have been videos of this for years.

confirmed for science fans

>> No.3924171

The breaking the speed of light shit was just an error in the measurements. Apparently the CERN researchers didn't properly account for relatively in their measurements, and it done fucked everything up.

Get with the times, son.

>> No.3924188

oh yeah, what's the effect called?
protip: not the Meissner effect

>> No.3924195

>[citation needed]

As far as I'm aware, your assertion about relativity has not been confirmed. There have been a number of suggestions as to why the neutrino velocity appeared to exceed c, but none have yet been confirmed, I believe...

>> No.3924202

no, that criticism was debunked

>> No.3924211


[citation needed] on both sides

>> No.3924213

Yes, but then the object would slow down.

Or, if you prefer, no, you dumb fuck, it's only decelerating slowly because the only friction is air resistance.

>> No.3924220

I wouldn't worry about it, there's millions more hyper-reflexive skeptics to go.

>> No.3924225


Skepticism should be the default position before shown definite evidence

>> No.3924229

> skepticism should be the default position
I'm not sure about that...

>> No.3924230
File: 236 KB, 800x800, 1296908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, but intelligence begets cynicism. Blind acceptance is a trait of the ignorant.

>> No.3924236
File: 171 KB, 585x395, Where Is My Fucking Iron Man Suit..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3924266

hypothetically speaking, yes, but most people are only skeptics when it's convenient for them.

>> No.3924271

I think that joke came at you faster than you can comprehend.

>> No.3924278


>> No.3924280
File: 701 KB, 1050x900, 1264387052775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah yes, I see the wit when I step back and look at it.

It is sometimes difficult to convey in text.

>> No.3924300

That guy sounds nothing like Freddie.

>> No.3924323

I don't believe you.

>> No.3924328

And I don't believe either of you.

>> No.3924402

what is man without faith, if not machine