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File: 24 KB, 461x403, aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3916092 No.3916092 [Reply] [Original]

ITT stupid shit you've seen on Discovery/National Geographic

>> No.3916099
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>> No.3916128

Ice Road Truckers
Axe Men
Swamp Loggers
American Pickers
Pitch Men
Pawn Stars
Ancient Aliens
Monster Quest
Mystery Quest
Ghost Adventures (might not be on discovery/affiliate stations)
Ghost Lab
UFO Hunters
Swamp People
American Chopper
American Loggers
Man vs. Wild
Sons of Guns
Smash Lab

Off the top of my head... probably way more.
Some of these are from the History Channel, some from Discovery. National Geographic overall is a lot better but I could probably think of a few shitty ones.

>> No.3916160

everything with kaku

>> No.3916331

I liked this show called Fight Science on Spike. Sure not the most respectable forum for scientific discussion, but the data and how they collected it about various martial arts was very interesting.
I stopped watching halfway through an episode about defensive arts. One of the martial practices they covered was Tai Chi. We were told that the tai chi practitioners use meditation to focus a physical body energy called chi in order to make it super-humanly durable. Normally every demonstration is surrounded by scientists and measuring devices, but when they came to measuring "chi" the announcer said "But because chi is beyond science..." going on to explain they had some aging fu man chus as experts instead of any sort of scientist.
I'm instantly turned off. For their demonstration they take a "steel" spear which is comrpised of a blunt steel spear head and a flimsy bamboo shaft. The Tai chi guy then gently places the safety scissor blade up against his neck and presses down until the bamboo shaft bends to the point of breaking.
I'd like to see that guy try the same trick with a metal shaft, or have the spear thrown at him.
for some perspective here's a video of some elderly people with 0 training doing the exact same trick

>> No.3916353

While Kaku comes across as a bit of an asshole, I have yet to hear him say anything untrue. He makes a lot of "handwaving assumptions" when he speculates about the future, but I like a scientifically literate asshole better than an ignorant saint.

>> No.3916358


explain whats stupid about that show.

they do present a pretty good case, its just your intellect ego that wants to be socially accepted by this group we call /sci/

>> No.3916413

bump for arguments against ancient aliens

>> No.3916415


Pawn stars and american pickers are at least fitting for the history channel. Even though, I fucking absolutely hate everyone on american pickers.

>> No.3916417

Every time he puts "theory" next to "wormholes" or "super-strings" he is untrue.

>> No.3916419

Arguments ancient aliens?

Archaeology. The entire discipline.

>> No.3916424

Every "Nostradamus"-anything, ever.

>> No.3916429

Forgot the "against" in there. My bad.

>> No.3916432

Not that guy but god damn do they make stupid leaps of logic. They undermine both the intelligence and determination of people from the past. They constantly say bullshit like "even with modern technology that would take years!" Might I remind you that the Taj Mahal was built 350+ years ago and is not only better looking but more precise than the shit they display on that show, and was built in a span of 20 years. In the past there was not a whole lot for craftsmen to be distracted by either, and if they were enslaved then they did nothing but build, plan, and get around obstacles.

God damn, eaglehead(guy in OP's pic) is just the worst though, he has zero credentials and makes the more absolute assumptions.

>> No.3916433

Here's whats stupid about that show. They've all fallen into the same trap of imagining human beings of the past as ignorant cavemen. That there was no way they could build something like a pyramid.
I heard a good quote in response to questioning ancient people's ability to build: "They had the same brains we do, and they thought about this stuff a lot."

And I'll do it. I'll point out the elephant in the room. The pyramids are not architectural marvels. They're big, that's it. you know how they came up with the pyramid? the only structure they could have used to make a building that size? Poor a bunch of dirt into a pile. It'll crumble until it organizes into the most efficient shape. Whattaya know it's a pyramid. Which is all one is, a pile a bricks.

>> No.3916437

Protip (literally): NONE of them have credentials.

>> No.3916438
File: 31 KB, 510x450, 1317450531716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you can't disprove ancient aliens

>> No.3916446

Ancient Aliens does NOT rely on the assumption that ancient people were ignorant cavemen. It relies on the assumption that all pre-modern non-whites were ignorant cavemen. It's just as false, but it throws in massive amounts of racism for free.

>> No.3916454

then explain why the two shafts in the pyramid of Khufu were tunnels for gasses to enter and then to be combined into releasing hydrogen which is the most powerful substance in the universe in order to produce microwaves which were most likely beamed into space onto the alien mothership which then used that energy to what they needed to do idiot.

>> No.3916455

The pyramids have a very specific relationship with certain astrology. I very much doubt that Egyptians had the knowledge to build them that way. They are also build DIRECTLY above the center of mass of the entire planet. We are talking about less than ~1cm deviation.

>> No.3916460

hah you know. I never thought about that. no one talks about how medieval Cathedrals were built by aliens, and that type of construction really is legitimately hard to do.
Makes me wonder why, if these aliens could build star ships, that they didn't build the Egyptians sky scrapers or central cooling.

>> No.3916469
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Any chance you've got a halfway credible source?

>> No.3916472

>They are also build DIRECTLY above the center of mass of the entire planet. We are talking about less than ~1cm deviation.

What the fuck are you talking about? The earth is a sphere.

>> No.3916486
File: 45 KB, 159x219, 1317325850950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its not you stupid nigger

>> No.3916490

ehem. The center of mass of the planet is also the source of the strongest gravity. Pyramids are built over them because they used pendulums as levels.

Ancient people didn't have light pollution so they had completely unobstructed view of the stars, even more so in cloudless egyptian deserts. Additionally they had no TV, video games, books, paint drying, or grass growing so all they had to do was look at stars. which explains not just an obsession with stellar events all ancient peoples seem to share, but also their expertise.

>They had the same brains we do and they though about this stuff a lot.

>> No.3916493

Even if it was that wouldn't mean it doesn't have a center of mass. Composition of Earth is not uniform throughout.

>> No.3916496


>> No.3916497


>hurr durr the earth is flat

>> No.3916498

>implying every point on earth isn't directly over the center of mass, by definition

>> No.3916504

Nice speculation you have there but that doesn't really make sense when you consider they had shitty technology. The pyramids were not built by the Egyptians. They were just discovered by the Egyptians.

>> No.3916508

God vs Satan: The Final Battle.

>> No.3916514
File: 44 KB, 500x477, 1317855090517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its goddamn football shaped you fucking aspie faggot

>> No.3916518

>Implying the composition of Earth is uniform at every point.

>Implying things don't weight more at the equator as opposed to the poles.

The Earth is not a sphere but it is an elliptoid. A square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn't always a square.

>> No.3916519
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>football shape

>> No.3916522
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>> No.3916525

ur not trolling me nigger.

im not monitoring this thread anymore.

>> No.3916533

>egyptians didn't have the required technology to tie a rock to a string
Probably because they were brown.

>> No.3916538


I think you mean Negro-lite.

>> No.3916540
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>A square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn't always a square.

>> No.3916544

>Middle school geometry

>> No.3916551

>IRRELEVANT middle school geometry

>> No.3916563

So are all the arguments FOR aliens piling bricks to house dead rich people that the native egyptians couldn't have?

>> No.3916565

Terabytes of recorded footage of aircraft that moves unlike any human made aircraft

Crop patterns made over nights for unknown reasons

ancient structures with insanely heavy building blocks that are also cut in such an accuracy that only laser technology could have done it

enormous statues with perfect symmetry

stonehenge, pyramids that are of separate areas of the world that have the exact same width*length and the other one is exactly half as short as the other

puma punku

ancient art of objects that look like flying saucers

we are constantly finding new planets that have high odds in supporting life, and we find them just recently after acquiring the technology to do so

It all points to to the direction which so many of you refuse to believe is correct for reasons i have no fucking clue about.

maybe its because you just hate being wrong? yea probably..

>> No.3916566

>unnecessary faggotry

>> No.3916575

/x/ is so funny.

>> No.3916578

Take your ignorant faggotry back to /x/

>> No.3916585

Wow man. You need to stop watching so much TV.

>> No.3916586

OH! you're answering the OP. I thought this was a list of evidence for ancient alien pyramid builders. I was going to question how many terrabytes of video the ancient egyptians had.

>> No.3916587

>Generic shitty fishing program

>> No.3916588
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nice arguments, you completely refuted my point with your flawless logic, i am impressed.

>> No.3916592

oops shoulda read your whole post. never mind.

anyways! so how about all those ancient Egyptian videos of UFOs?

On another point. You cut one block using levels and measure all future blocks from this master block and you make many identical blocks. The only "lasers" involved in this process are the random freak light waves amongst all the normal ones the masons used to see with.

>> No.3916596


Nope, he really wants to believe:


>> No.3916598

what points? you just rattled off a list of things like they were some sort of universal meaningful pronouns.
And whether or not you prove aliens are here now, or exist period does not prove the separate assertion that they built the pyramids.

>> No.3916600


>anyways! so how about all those ancient Egyptian videos of UFOs?

what the hell are you talking about son, im talking about modern day footage.

> You cut one block using levels and measure all future blocks from this master block and you make many identical blocks. The only "lasers" involved in this process are the random freak light waves amongst all the normal ones the masons used to see with.

maybe you should actually watch ancient aliens

although it may sound to big for your imagination, theres actually great odds of there having been ancient aliens because its impossible to do some of the things we see here on earth from the ancient days, with the tools they could have had back then.

And im not only talking about the great pyramid of giza. Although i find it really unlikely that they could have built it using the technology they supposedly used, using the motivation to simply bury a human pharaoh in there.

>> No.3916609

Don't forget wormholes and time-travel into the past.

>> No.3916610


It has already being tested by historians and engineers, and it was perfectly possible for the Egyptians to have built the pyramids. It took decades for them to finish and they had to employ both small groups of "professional" sometimes and masses of peons at others, but they did.

It was easy as fuck to send the rocks in barges through the nile. And as for building the pyramids themselves, there is a reason why they were pyramids in the first place: It's easy as FUCK to build a pyramid with a system of ramps. Pyramids are ideal for using ramp systems, that's why civilizations in several different locations built pyramids, it's EASY to do so.

There is even a guy that built his own Stonehenge in his backyard. He didn't know much physics at all and did not use any special tools, just ingenuity, observational physics and sometimes sheer strenght.

>> No.3916613
File: 21 KB, 580x296, steppyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did watch ancient aliens actually. What they don't talk about is why, if aliens with advanced technology built the pyramids, is there this progression of inferior precusor pyramids leading up to the more impressive ones?

And as for the "other" stuff. Are you talking about the supposed ancient egyptian lightbulb they so furiously jerked off over?

>> No.3916619

>using the motivation to simply bury a human pharaoh in there.
they weren't burying a human pharaoh there, as far as they believed. they were burying the human manifestation of Rah so he could ascend into heaven and merge with Osiris allowing the next in line to transform into Rah and assume control of the throne.

>> No.3916623


no youre just not smart enough to see the connection between all the things that lead to the ultimate conclusion that aliens might very well exist, and that they have been here and are here.

Why don´t you just tell me the reasons you have against the possibility of that, when you have so much fucking evidence right in front of your eyes?

i can understand when people refute the possibility of the abrahamic god, but possible existence of a smart technological aliens race that could have been here and helped with the beginning of human civilization to watch us advance on our own; given all the evidence that you need to believe that when even we ourselves now have the capability of travelling into space, i see no reason for you preclude that option.

And to be honest, i don´t often try to convince others that already made up their mind, but i´m making a simple exception today just to verify that there is actually no way of turning peoples minds once its made up.

>> No.3916637


if egyptians were so fucking smart as to have built the pyramids, they wouldnt have built those giant ass things to worship a god they had no evidence that existed, unless that rah god was actually something they saw and interacted with?

>> No.3916642


>> No.3916645

You going to make the same argument about every other large structure built for religious purposes?

>> No.3916646



>> No.3916655


nothing is comparable to the great pyramid of giza.

>> No.3916659

I lol'd so goddamn hard.

Ever heard of the Vatican?


>> No.3916660

Where did this come from? I'm not disputing the existence of aliens. I'm disputing the idea that ancient people couldn't have built the pyramids.

As we can see there are many failed pyramids. Evidence of refinement to a precise science. Are you going to tell me that aliens built space ships traveled all the way to our little planet and never got the hang of the pyramid? Maybe they came here to practice in secret so they wouldn't embarrass themselves in front of the other advanced aliens.

>> No.3916668

What is different about the Great Pyramid?

>> No.3916669

Vatican city is bigger

>> No.3916670
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Is this nigga for real?

>> No.3916672

The Sun

>> No.3916679
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all egyptian pyramids draw their basic function from the self organizing properties of a pile of dirt. Stop confusing big for complex.

Those fucking idiot aliens. They can travel the stars but can't get a fucking pyramid right?

>> No.3916683

It was either brown people or aliens.

The choice is obvious.

>> No.3916685


>other failed pyramids

If you see a chess grandmaster playing

does that mean that you become as good as him after watching him play?

care to show me the source to support your statement?

>> No.3916696
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>> No.3916697


...The shitty ones date back to BEFORE the good ones.

Unless the hairbrained "aliens buit the pyrimads herp derp" theory also includes some kind of time travel?

>> No.3916707


You know, its not all about the size of the pyramids.

There are many other ancient buildings that required the accuracy of programmed machinery to make any sense.

I wont go deeper into that subject though, you´d probably find some ridiculous way of explaining that as well.

>> No.3916719


>> No.3916721

I'm not talking about size. I'm talking about geometry and technological improvement.

>> No.3916722

the lesser pyramids predating the better ones?
Here is a wonderful little website with a section on the evolution of the pyramid which also includes a full bibliography I am no doubt certain you'll be able to reject with a one line response.


>> No.3916745


Have you guys even watched ancient aliens?

The pyramids could have been made by Egyptians, but theres so much more than the pyramids in this world thats very hard to make sense of without going paranormal on that shit.

You would have to make up more ridiculous theories than the ancient aliens one, to make sense of some of the things they talk about in that show.

>> No.3916754

Could you give us two or three examples of things other than the pyramids that are hard to explain?

>> No.3916758
File: 92 KB, 679x516, howtoargue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change the topic of conversation from pyramids to "so much more". Sweet argument bro.

>> No.3916773

The Mayans created a series of 12 cups that acted as a computer based off tidal forces pulling water out of those cups and then depositing them in another cup.

A fucking cup computer that runs off gravity all up in my ancient civilizations? How?

>> No.3916775


Y'know, as a longtime denizen of /x/, you really disappoint me. Studying the paranormal is about finding out the truth, not clinging to some dumbass cult centered around an insane and disgustingly unlikely explanation for shit that has already been very well explained without invoking the supernatural. Where is your skepticism? Where is your sense of wonder? I can't believe you don't...


Oh, shit. 8/10 for getting me to respond.

>> No.3916776

All computers do is build mathematical and graphical models faster than a normal human. Are you saying that If you took say 12 people, gave them their entire lives to figure it out, that they absolutely could not do it without Auto CAD? Notre Dame was built with a pendulum, a measuring square, and a compass. Were these things too advanced for the ancient Egyptians? Did a society obsessed with building monuments just not have the time to figure it out?

>> No.3916786


1. The perfect Symmetry and cutting of some giant ass statues in egypt
2. The building blocks in Puma Punku are made out of Granite and Diorite COMBINED, also cut with insane accuracy, you would need pretty fucking strong tools to melt and cut diorite in the first place.
3. modern day evidence - crop circles appearing spontaniously overnight with weird patterns.


And of course, flying objects which movement can not be compared to any human aircraft recorded daily and sent to the internet from all over the world.

>> No.3916787
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> The Mayans created a series of 12 cups that acted as a computer based off tidal forces pulling water out of those cups and then depositing them in another cup.

Please explain.

>> No.3916790

First, source. Second, what do you think of the Antikythera Mechanism?

>> No.3916792

> cites wikipedia as a source

>> No.3916803

How did this "act as a computer"?

>> No.3916807
File: 106 KB, 465x493, antikythera_mechanism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayans build computer, must be aliens.
Ancient greeks build computer, pioneers of intellect

>> No.3916812

ok i let it go the first time, but you ousted yourself as a crack pot by saying it twice.

>> No.3916813
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>disgustingly unlikely explanation

Thats just your shortsighted opinion my little friend, you simply don´t have the capacity to see the likely option of aliens having been here and or are here.

Its most likely the cause of all the movies you saw.

>because its a movie, then its extremely unlikely
>because its called paranormal, then its stupid

I´m sorry to tell you this but, youre just fucking retarded..

>> No.3916814


>You would have to make up more ridiculous theories than the ancient aliens one, to make sense of some of the things they talk about in that show.

I'd like to see you get every single reputable Historian and Engineer in the world and tell them that what they currently know about past technology is actually "ridiculous theories".

A lot of the shit that is claimed to be impossible to have been done by ancient people already has an explanation that is accepted by pretty much everyone, and a lot of the things people talk about on "Ancient aliens"-type programs is actually made up.

I bet you believe the whole "Crystal Skulls" thing (that are proven fakes), too.

>> No.3916820
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>crop circles
lol, protip: All the cool kids were out making crop circles and drinking richie's dad's beer all night while your pale pimply ass was inside rotting away computer/television.

>> No.3916828

See? Ancient Astronaut theory="brown peepul r stoopid"

>> No.3916839


>Only acknowledges the option thats easiest to be debunked

Yea, i realize that its humanly possible, but why the fuck would anyone spend so much time doing all this randomness for nothing, and how the fuck do they do it over a night?

Plus, theres anecdotal evidence of a man who actually witnessed a flying object hovering over a crop circle and creating it in matter of seconds.

>the man is lying

yea of course hes lying, hes just a massive troll in a huge conspiracy to try to make us think that theres actually aliens.

>> No.3916846

>anecdotal evidence
confirm for troll

>> No.3916848


There are lots of groups of pranksters that are known to make crop circles, and it's pretty easy to do it overnight. And also, why the fuck would any intelligent alien being waste his time making crop circles? They have less reason to do that than human pranksters.

>Plus, theres anecdotal

Stopped reading there.

>> No.3916850

No, he's lying for attention.

You don't get to use that line about the implausibility of massive conspiracies; that's OUR line faggot. Jesus.

>> No.3916853
File: 65 KB, 473x578, LAVOSAKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crop circles? Didn't the kids making those come out and admit it?

Also, I'd love to believe in ancient aliens. The whole "manna machine" thing and the Jews wandering the desert almost convinced me. But honestly it's all just too farfetched.

>> No.3916861
File: 183 KB, 374x578, 6a00d8341c858253ef00e554e8f3cc8833-640wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit guys you have to watch this.

Homeopathy AND crop circles! but that's not all! lol, god no!

>> No.3916867
File: 46 KB, 600x600, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yea, i realize that its humanly possible, but why the fuck would anyone spend so much time doing all this randomness for nothing, and how the fuck do they do it over a night?
pic related

>> No.3916872
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Thats not the point you fucking retard.

Your mind is inferior to mine. One day, i´ll be laughing into your sorry miserable face when the aliens actually come.

You have taken this stand for one reason only. Because you dislike the thought of being looked at as the nutcase stereotype aliens believer.

And that reason only determines your attitude against no matter how fucking convincing the evidence is..

Silly little simple minded humans these days, all days.

>> No.3916880

>Your mind is inferior to mine. One day, i´ll be laughing into your sorry miserable face when the aliens actually come.

>And that reason only determines your attitude against no matter how fucking convincing the evidence is..
No sir. Evidence convinces me. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and well... you have no good evidence.

Sorry. You're just a nutcase.

>> No.3916883

yeah bro, you sound REAL rational.
Keep it up.

>> No.3916886
File: 39 KB, 458x425, LAUGHING ROCK MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>water memory
>>filtering into the aquifer
>>contaminating the oceans
>>transforming the human body via homeopathic magic in our water supply

Oh my fucking god I can't stop laughing.

>> No.3916892

HAHA. he's so embarrassed that he's devolving his rhetoric to convince people he was actually trolling this whole time.

>> No.3916903

>you idiots anliens did these things because insane accuracy overnight crop circles blurba blah blurb

>> No.3916912
File: 49 KB, 279x291, 1318450853445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying i give a fuck what anyone thinks about my beliefs
>implying i give a fuck what your beliefs are
>implying that you arent the real nutcases

>> No.3916917
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>> No.3916923
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Made me cringe, but not really rage.

>> No.3916936

Anatomy fag here,
Do you even know how soft the Trachea is?? What that guy did was fucking crazy. I will give him the kudos he deserves.
Blunt or not it would've ripped through his throat like no other with all of the lbs forced on it.
Yeah the chi thing was a little far fetched. but c'mon, really?

>> No.3916945

Did you watch that video?

>> No.3916950


nah, i wasnt trolling

I just kinda gave up on being serious about it because i knew that no one took me seriously in the first place

Also, i´m Anonymous so theres really nothing to be ashamed of. I´m pretty certain about my beliefs and im as puzzled as you fucks are about my beliefs as i am to yours.

So fuck everyone, i´m out.

>> No.3916955

... I don't even know why I am responding to you.

>> No.3916960

Wait, what?

>> No.3917045

Every point on Earth's surface is directly above the Earth's center of mass, faggot

>> No.3917586
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...I dunno. I'm not sure if aliums built ancient monuments and stuff, but I can guarantee you people that Earth has been visited by alien explorers at least once in it's long-ass history. Maybe not in the time of human beings, maybe it was. But if we, a primitive gaggle of apes by universal standards, can spot a planet with the potential for life from light years away, who's to say a much more advanced race didn't see our planet and check it out? Hell, maybe we're a fucking "wildlife preserve" in their eyes. I'm not sure about all of this ancient aliens building the pyramids stuff, but I believe 100 percent earth has been visited at least once by extraterrestrials.