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File: 12 KB, 531x206, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3914509 No.3914509 [Reply] [Original]

What would you introduce to the human race to force it to evolve?

How would it evolve?

How long did it take?

>> No.3914514


>> No.3914515


its called natural selection.

>> No.3914519

Does anyone else find it absurd that in 2011 there are still faggots like OP who have the quaintest conception of evolution?

>> No.3914527


...and what about those in the fields of epigenetics and evolutionary biology that look at you and think the same? Sure... maybe this guy knows some undergrad taught material on evolution, but the guy wouldn't be able to identify it, even if it came and smacked him in the face.

Your both on the same ladder, you just happen to be a bit higher.

>> No.3914537



Not in the slightest. There is a world of difference between understanding the basics of a theory without knowing the details, and mixing up the concept altogether with an eponymous counterpart in Pokémon.

>> No.3914554


Glad you picked up on my spelling error, priorities.

You might enjoy sitting on that pedestal, but it isn't so high. Superficial skimmers that bastardize others for their ignorance is.... annoying. It's the reason why we have so much pop-sci bullshit. People read a bit into something, assume they understand it, and then go on to make idiotic statements that might logically fit with the small material knowledge they have of the subject, but which doesn't fit to the actual knowledge the experts have of the subject.

...and I know me bastardizing you for doing this is being hypocritical, but I figure I could step outside for a moment. Do as I say, not as I do.

>> No.3914578



You keep using that word.

My pedestal is high enough. It prevents me from asking a chemist how to transmute lead into gold or a physicist as to why the lack of air doesn't put out the sun.

No one can be an expert in everything, but it is quite reasonable to expect rudimentary scientific understanding from everyone that graduated from high school.

>> No.3914588

evolution isn't some crazy biology term that describes some bizarre outlandish phenomenon. evolution is just what happens over time. when do things change? how do things change? this just means understanding what is going on around you. if you have a box of stuff and you shake it up and then watch to see what happens, it's the same thing as if you pour water on the ground, or throw 100 one dollar bills into a crowd of crack addicts. eventually some equilibrium state is established. forces balance out over time. thats evolution.

>> No.3914641

Guiding evolution sounds cute when it's written on the Internet, but in reality it's different.

The Nazis tried, didn't they? Non-ethnic Germans and handicapped people were killed and German women were more or less forced to stay at home and have many many children.

>> No.3914647

eugenics is not evolution.
evolution is not guided selection or natural selection.
evolution by definition necessitates mutation, not simply selection.

>> No.3914654

indiscriminately killing jews, africans, slavs, chinese, and handicapped people isn't evolution.
it was more a desire to maintain a racially and culturally homogenous nation that drove them to do it.

>> No.3914682

I think OP is talking about a mass extinction event that only leaves individuals with certain traits alive.

So if we wanted to drive the evolution of humans to be taller, we could introduce a predator that only eats small humans.
(Assuming of course that the tall adults can protect their children)

>> No.3914693

Eugenics is evolution because evolution is just change in a gene pool.

>> No.3914703

I don't understand people who say that the human race isn't still evolving. We're just using technology instead of biology. We're adapting our enviroment, so that we're perfectly adapted to our enviroment. That's evolution at it's most basic.

>> No.3914715

No evolution isn't about adapting. Natural selection is. Evolution at the basic level is a change in allele frequencies in a population.

>> No.3914726

>adapting environment

nope. That's not evolution.

>> No.3914736
File: 8 KB, 104x146, Aspergers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would kill everyone who doesn't have assburgers in the hopes of turning humanity into a vulcanesque race motivated by logic and reason, in the search for knowledge and understanding of our universe.

>> No.3914754


>but it is quite reasonable to expect rudimentary scientific understanding from everyone that graduated from high school.

Even an American public high school?

>> No.3914764

for non-biologist i would use the layman-term "certain treats" instead of "alleles"

>> No.3914774

>motivated by logic and reason

>> No.3914785
File: 15 KB, 313x313, 1311471430001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think so do you? Maybe you'll find the gas chamber more entertaining! Guards, take him away!

>> No.3914798


Are your guards also motivated by logic and reason?

>> No.3914827


I really wish natural selection was a myth.

>> No.3914829

What? That won't be necessary.
ASpies are the only people int he world who would willingly agree to entering into a eugenics progam explicitly for this purpose. Killing everyone else off would be silly and inefficient; a completely unaspie ideal.

>> No.3914910

Teach it to play Scrabble.

>> No.3914921

>Eugenics is evolution because evolution is just change in a gene pool.

evolution necessitates mutation and natural selection.
changes in allele frequencies due to environmental pressure is natural selection but not evolution.

>> No.3915045

introduce humans to space for long periods of time. the cosmic rays would do all types of wonderful things. it would take hundreds of years.

>> No.3915058



Do you know what that word even means?

You went full on retard, bro.

>> No.3915069
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pic related