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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3913740 No.3913740 [Reply] [Original]

I'm more into /lit/ and /mu/ but tommorrow I have a mid-term and need /sci/'s help badly

I'm scientifically retarded and need a few short explanations...

So my questions are:

What are the 3 types of electromagnetic waves radiating from the sun?

What is the relationship between energy and wavelengths?

What type of electromagnetic wave radiates from the earth?
If someone could answer any or all of these questions, it would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.3913749

Also: How does energy convert from one form to another?

>> No.3913750

as wave length gets smaller energy increases

>> No.3913748

Maybe you should have studied and paid attention in class instead of shitting all your time away on /mu/.

>> No.3913757

It's all magic, my friend.

>> No.3913759

infared, visible and ultraviolet

wavelength and energy are inversely proportional


>> No.3913761

Three types of wavelengths are x-rays, visible light, and gamma rays.

as energy gets bigger so does the wavelength (duh)

and what comes out of the earth is radioactive radiation. like plutonium and shit.

your welcome

>> No.3913770
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>> No.3913775


You have different answers

Whose do I choose

>> No.3913778

you take about 5 dozen energies
start puttin' em in a bowl
react the FUCK out of them

and whadda get?

>> No.3913786

use your head. do you really think radio comes out of the earth?

>> No.3913787

there are no "types" of electromagnetic waves... something is an EM wave, or it isn't. If you mean which parts of the spectrum...
the sun radiates UV light, visible light, x rays, radio waves, and microwaves... so I have no idea what your question is really asking.

energy is inversely proportional to the wavelength. gamma rays have smallest wavelength highest energy. radio is opposite.

what type of EM wave from earth? visible light is reflected, but im not sure if thats what you mean. The earth produces infrared.

could you rephrase the first question? it makes no sense.

>> No.3913796

the sun produces everything from radiowave up to xrays, but does not produce gamma rays.

>> No.3913827

No. It emits long-wavelength gamma too. Just not very much.w

>> No.3913836

Oh hey there. Pretty sweet of you to come and ask us Instead of opening your book, even though you're Such a lit buff. After much consideration, I believe the answers to your question can be given by a Fairly useful resource. All you have to do is figure out what that resource will Give you and how to interpret it.

What are the 3 types of electromagnetic waves radiating from the sUn?
See, this is a pretty straightforward question that you should be able to find by yourself without our help. It's not too complicated.

What is the relationship between Energy and wavelengths?
Gee, this is getting into slightly harder waters, but not impossible to find. i've Only had a chemistry class where this came up, but I think it should be pretty easy to figure Out.

What type of electromaGnetic wave radiates from the earth?

now, LEt's take a look at this question and compare it to question one. do you see any connections? one you figure out how to answer number one, you should be able to answer number 3. i hope this helps!

>> No.3913841

Is there a portion of the spectrum that isn't irradiated by any body in the universe?

>> No.3913848
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>long-wavelength gamma

>> No.3913854

you seriously this stupid?

>> No.3913861

no, there isn't. I mean maybe there is... but since nothing radiates it, how would it be detected? Radio theoretically goes to infinitely long wavelengths, and gamma to infinitely (or maybe planck length) short wavelengths.

>> No.3913871

>What are the 3 types of electromagnetic waves radiating from the sun?

Halpoemer Waves - The yellow light you see
Heat Waves - Composed of heat molecules. They make things hot.
Gravity Waves - They are invisible and keep everything in place in the solar system.
>What is the relationship between energy and wavelengths?

E^c = fv/h
f = frequency
v = speed of the wave
h = Planck's constant
E = energy
c = speed of light

>What type of electromagnetic wave radiates from the earth?

Magnetic Waves - keeps the sun's flares out

>> No.3913882

>electromagnetic in nature
I think your trolling, good sir.

>> No.3913888

this man is mostly retarded, don't listen to him

>> No.3913905


>heat molecules

I loled